#include "Module.h" // the following is probably only needed on non-Arduino builds #include #include #include #if RADIOLIB_DEBUG // needed for debug print #include #endif #if defined(RADIOLIB_BUILD_ARDUINO) #include "ArduinoHal.h" Module::Module(uint32_t cs, uint32_t irq, uint32_t rst, uint32_t gpio) : csPin(cs), irqPin(irq), rstPin(rst), gpioPin(gpio) { this->hal = new ArduinoHal(); } Module::Module(uint32_t cs, uint32_t irq, uint32_t rst, uint32_t gpio, SPIClass& spi, SPISettings spiSettings) : csPin(cs), irqPin(irq), rstPin(rst), gpioPin(gpio) { this->hal = new ArduinoHal(spi, spiSettings); } #endif Module::Module(RadioLibHal *hal, uint32_t cs, uint32_t irq, uint32_t rst, uint32_t gpio) : csPin(cs), irqPin(irq), rstPin(rst), gpioPin(gpio) { this->hal = hal; } Module::Module(const Module& mod) { *this = mod; } Module& Module::operator=(const Module& mod) { this->SPIreadCommand = mod.SPIreadCommand; this->SPIwriteCommand = mod.SPIwriteCommand; this->csPin = mod.csPin; this->irqPin = mod.irqPin; this->rstPin = mod.rstPin; this->gpioPin = mod.gpioPin; return(*this); } void Module::init() { this->hal->init(); this->hal->pinMode(csPin, this->hal->GpioModeOutput); this->hal->digitalWrite(csPin, this->hal->GpioLevelHigh); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("\nRadioLib Debug Info"); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("Version: %d.%d.%d.%d", RADIOLIB_VERSION_MAJOR, RADIOLIB_VERSION_MINOR, RADIOLIB_VERSION_PATCH, RADIOLIB_VERSION_EXTRA); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("Platform: " RADIOLIB_PLATFORM); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("Compiled: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n"); } void Module::term() { // stop hardware interfaces (if they were initialized by the library) this->hal->term(); } int16_t Module::SPIgetRegValue(uint16_t reg, uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb) { if((msb > 7) || (lsb > 7) || (lsb > msb)) { return(RADIOLIB_ERR_INVALID_BIT_RANGE); } uint8_t rawValue = SPIreadRegister(reg); uint8_t maskedValue = rawValue & ((0b11111111 << lsb) & (0b11111111 >> (7 - msb))); return(maskedValue); } int16_t Module::SPIsetRegValue(uint16_t reg, uint8_t value, uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb, uint8_t checkInterval, uint8_t checkMask) { if((msb > 7) || (lsb > 7) || (lsb > msb)) { return(RADIOLIB_ERR_INVALID_BIT_RANGE); } uint8_t currentValue = SPIreadRegister(reg); uint8_t mask = ~((0b11111111 << (msb + 1)) | (0b11111111 >> (8 - lsb))); uint8_t newValue = (currentValue & ~mask) | (value & mask); SPIwriteRegister(reg, newValue); #if RADIOLIB_SPI_PARANOID // check register value each millisecond until check interval is reached // some registers need a bit of time to process the change (e.g. SX127X_REG_OP_MODE) uint32_t start = this->hal->micros(); uint8_t readValue = 0x00; while(this->hal->micros() - start < (checkInterval * 1000)) { readValue = SPIreadRegister(reg); if((readValue & checkMask) == (newValue & checkMask)) { // check passed, we can stop the loop return(RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE); } } // check failed, print debug info RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN(); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("address:\t0x%X", reg); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("bits:\t\t%d %d", msb, lsb); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("value:\t\t0x%X", value); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("current:\t0x%X", currentValue); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("mask:\t\t0x%X", mask); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("new:\t\t0x%X", newValue); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("read:\t\t0x%X", readValue); return(RADIOLIB_ERR_SPI_WRITE_FAILED); #else return(RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE); #endif } void Module::SPIreadRegisterBurst(uint16_t reg, size_t numBytes, uint8_t* inBytes) { if(!SPIstreamType) { SPItransfer(SPIreadCommand, reg, NULL, inBytes, numBytes); } else { uint8_t cmd[] = { SPIreadCommand, (uint8_t)((reg >> 8) & 0xFF), (uint8_t)(reg & 0xFF) }; SPItransferStream(cmd, 3, false, NULL, inBytes, numBytes, true, RADIOLIB_MODULE_SPI_TIMEOUT); } } uint8_t Module::SPIreadRegister(uint16_t reg) { uint8_t resp = 0; if(!SPIstreamType) { SPItransfer(SPIreadCommand, reg, NULL, &resp, 1); } else { uint8_t cmd[] = { SPIreadCommand, (uint8_t)((reg >> 8) & 0xFF), (uint8_t)(reg & 0xFF) }; SPItransferStream(cmd, 3, false, NULL, &resp, 1, true, RADIOLIB_MODULE_SPI_TIMEOUT); } return(resp); } void Module::SPIwriteRegisterBurst(uint16_t reg, uint8_t* data, size_t numBytes) { if(!SPIstreamType) { SPItransfer(SPIwriteCommand, reg, data, NULL, numBytes); } else { uint8_t cmd[] = { SPIwriteCommand, (uint8_t)((reg >> 8) & 0xFF), (uint8_t)(reg & 0xFF) }; SPItransferStream(cmd, 3, true, data, NULL, numBytes, true, RADIOLIB_MODULE_SPI_TIMEOUT); } } void Module::SPIwriteRegister(uint16_t reg, uint8_t data) { if(!SPIstreamType) { SPItransfer(SPIwriteCommand, reg, &data, NULL, 1); } else { uint8_t cmd[] = { SPIwriteCommand, (uint8_t)((reg >> 8) & 0xFF), (uint8_t)(reg & 0xFF) }; SPItransferStream(cmd, 3, true, &data, NULL, 1, true, RADIOLIB_MODULE_SPI_TIMEOUT); } } void Module::SPItransfer(uint8_t cmd, uint16_t reg, uint8_t* dataOut, uint8_t* dataIn, size_t numBytes) { // prepare the buffers size_t buffLen = this->SPIaddrWidth/8 + numBytes; #if RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY uint8_t buffOut[RADIOLIB_STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE]; uint8_t buffIn[RADIOLIB_STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE]; #else uint8_t* buffOut = new uint8_t[buffLen]; uint8_t* buffIn = new uint8_t[buffLen]; #endif uint8_t* buffOutPtr = buffOut; // copy the command if(this->SPIaddrWidth <= 8) { *(buffOutPtr++) = reg | cmd; } else { *(buffOutPtr++) = (reg >> 8) | cmd; *(buffOutPtr++) = reg & 0xFF; } // copy the data if(cmd == SPIwriteCommand) { memcpy(buffOutPtr, dataOut, numBytes); } else { memset(buffOutPtr, this->SPInopCommand, numBytes); } // do the transfer this->hal->spiBeginTransaction(); this->hal->digitalWrite(this->csPin, this->hal->GpioLevelLow); this->hal->spiTransfer(buffOut, buffLen, buffIn); this->hal->digitalWrite(this->csPin, this->hal->GpioLevelHigh); this->hal->spiEndTransaction(); // copy the data if(cmd == SPIreadCommand) { memcpy(dataIn, &buffIn[this->SPIaddrWidth/8], numBytes); } // print debug information #if RADIOLIB_VERBOSE uint8_t* debugBuffPtr = NULL; if(cmd == SPIwriteCommand) { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("W\t%X\t", reg); debugBuffPtr = &buffOut[this->SPIaddrWidth/8]; } else if(cmd == SPIreadCommand) { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("R\t%X\t", reg); debugBuffPtr = &buffIn[this->SPIaddrWidth/8]; } for(size_t n = 0; n < numBytes; n++) { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("%X\t", debugBuffPtr[n]); } RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINTLN(); #endif #if !RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY delete[] buffOut; delete[] buffIn; #endif } int16_t Module::SPIreadStream(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* data, size_t numBytes, bool waitForGpio, bool verify) { return(this->SPIreadStream(&cmd, 1, data, numBytes, waitForGpio, verify)); } int16_t Module::SPIreadStream(uint8_t* cmd, uint8_t cmdLen, uint8_t* data, size_t numBytes, bool waitForGpio, bool verify) { // send the command int16_t state = this->SPItransferStream(cmd, cmdLen, false, NULL, data, numBytes, waitForGpio, RADIOLIB_MODULE_SPI_TIMEOUT); RADIOLIB_ASSERT(state); // check the status if(verify) { state = this->SPIcheckStream(); } return(state); } int16_t Module::SPIwriteStream(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* data, size_t numBytes, bool waitForGpio, bool verify) { return(this->SPIwriteStream(&cmd, 1, data, numBytes, waitForGpio, verify)); } int16_t Module::SPIwriteStream(uint8_t* cmd, uint8_t cmdLen, uint8_t* data, size_t numBytes, bool waitForGpio, bool verify) { // send the command int16_t state = this->SPItransferStream(cmd, cmdLen, true, data, NULL, numBytes, waitForGpio, RADIOLIB_MODULE_SPI_TIMEOUT); RADIOLIB_ASSERT(state); // check the status if(verify) { state = this->SPIcheckStream(); } return(state); } int16_t Module::SPIcheckStream() { int16_t state = RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE; #if RADIOLIB_SPI_PARANOID // get the status uint8_t spiStatus = 0; uint8_t cmd = this->SPIstatusCommand; state = this->SPItransferStream(&cmd, 1, false, NULL, &spiStatus, 0, true, RADIOLIB_MODULE_SPI_TIMEOUT); RADIOLIB_ASSERT(state); // translate to RadioLib status code if(this->SPIparseStatusCb != nullptr) { this->SPIstreamError = this->SPIparseStatusCb(spiStatus); } #endif return(state); } int16_t Module::SPItransferStream(uint8_t* cmd, uint8_t cmdLen, bool write, uint8_t* dataOut, uint8_t* dataIn, size_t numBytes, bool waitForGpio, uint32_t timeout) { // prepare the buffers size_t buffLen = cmdLen + numBytes; if(!write) { buffLen++; } #if RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY uint8_t buffOut[RADIOLIB_STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE]; uint8_t buffIn[RADIOLIB_STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE]; #else uint8_t* buffOut = new uint8_t[buffLen]; uint8_t* buffIn = new uint8_t[buffLen]; #endif uint8_t* buffOutPtr = buffOut; // copy the command for(uint8_t n = 0; n < cmdLen; n++) { *(buffOutPtr++) = cmd[n]; } // copy the data if(write) { memcpy(buffOutPtr, dataOut, numBytes); } else { memset(buffOutPtr, this->SPInopCommand, numBytes + 1); } // ensure GPIO is low if(this->gpioPin == RADIOLIB_NC) { this->hal->delay(1); } else { uint32_t start = this->hal->millis(); while(this->hal->digitalRead(this->gpioPin)) { this->hal->yield(); if(this->hal->millis() - start >= timeout) { RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("GPIO pre-transfer timeout, is it connected?"); #if !RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY delete[] buffOut; delete[] buffIn; #endif return(RADIOLIB_ERR_SPI_CMD_TIMEOUT); } } } // do the transfer this->hal->spiBeginTransaction(); this->hal->digitalWrite(this->csPin, this->hal->GpioLevelLow); this->hal->spiTransfer(buffOut, buffLen, buffIn); this->hal->digitalWrite(this->csPin, this->hal->GpioLevelHigh); this->hal->spiEndTransaction(); // wait for GPIO to go high and then low if(waitForGpio) { if(this->gpioPin == RADIOLIB_NC) { this->hal->delay(1); } else { this->hal->delayMicroseconds(1); uint32_t start = this->hal->millis(); while(this->hal->digitalRead(this->gpioPin)) { this->hal->yield(); if(this->hal->millis() - start >= timeout) { RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN("GPIO post-transfer timeout, is it connected?"); #if !RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY delete[] buffOut; delete[] buffIn; #endif return(RADIOLIB_ERR_SPI_CMD_TIMEOUT); } } } } // parse status int16_t state = RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE; if((this->SPIparseStatusCb != nullptr) && (numBytes > 0)) { state = this->SPIparseStatusCb(buffIn[cmdLen]); } // copy the data if(!write) { // skip the first byte for read-type commands (status-only) memcpy(dataIn, &buffIn[cmdLen + 1], numBytes); } // print debug information #if RADIOLIB_VERBOSE // print command byte(s) RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("CMD"); if(write) { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("W\t"); } else { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("R\t"); } size_t n = 0; for(; n < cmdLen; n++) { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("%X\t", cmd[n]); } RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINTLN(); // print data bytes RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("SI\t"); for(; n < buffLen; n++) { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("%X\t", buffOut[n]); } RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINTLN(); RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("SO\t"); for(n = cmdLen; n < buffLen; n++) { RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINT("%X\t", buffIn[n]); } RADIOLIB_VERBOSE_PRINTLN(); #endif #if !RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY delete[] buffOut; delete[] buffIn; #endif return(state); } void Module::waitForMicroseconds(uint32_t start, uint32_t len) { #if RADIOLIB_INTERRUPT_TIMING (void)start; if((this->TimerSetupCb != nullptr) && (len != this->prevTimingLen)) { prevTimingLen = len; this->TimerSetupCb(len); } this->TimerFlag = false; while(!this->TimerFlag) { this->hal->yield(); } #else while(this->hal->micros() - start < len) { this->hal->yield(); } #endif } uint32_t Module::reflect(uint32_t in, uint8_t bits) { uint32_t res = 0; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < bits; i++) { res |= (((in & ((uint32_t)1 << i)) >> i) << (bits - i - 1)); } return(res); } #if RADIOLIB_DEBUG void Module::hexdump(uint8_t* data, size_t len, uint32_t offset, uint8_t width, bool be) { size_t rem_len = len; for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i+=16) { char str[80]; sprintf(str, "%07" PRIx32 " ", i+offset); size_t line_len = 16; if(rem_len < line_len) { line_len = rem_len; } for(size_t j = 0; j < line_len; j+=width) { if(width > 1) { int m = 0; int step = width/2; if(be) { step *= -1; } for(int32_t k = width - 1; k >= -width + 1; k+=step) { sprintf(&str[8 + (j+m)*3], "%02x ", data[i+j+k+m]); m++; } } else { sprintf(&str[8 + (j)*3], "%02x ", data[i+j]); } } for(size_t j = line_len; j < 16; j++) { sprintf(&str[8 + j*3], " "); } str[56] = '|'; str[57] = ' '; for(size_t j = 0; j < line_len; j++) { char c = data[i+j]; if((c < ' ') || (c > '~')) { c = '.'; } sprintf(&str[58 + j], "%c", c); } for(size_t j = line_len; j < 16; j++) { sprintf(&str[58 + j], " "); } RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINT(str); RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PRINTLN(); rem_len -= 16; } } void Module::regdump(uint16_t start, size_t len) { #if RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY uint8_t buff[RADIOLIB_STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE]; #else uint8_t* buff = new uint8_t[len]; #endif SPIreadRegisterBurst(start, len, buff); hexdump(buff, len, start); #if !RADIOLIB_STATIC_ONLY delete[] buff; #endif } #endif #if RADIOLIB_DEBUG && defined(RADIOLIB_BUILD_ARDUINO) // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/65579d29081cb8501e4d7f786747bf12e7b37da2/cores/esp8266/Print.cpp#L50 size_t Module::serialPrintf(const char* format, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, format); char temp[64]; char* buffer = temp; size_t len = vsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), format, arg); va_end(arg); if (len > sizeof(temp) - 1) { buffer = new char[len + 1]; if (!buffer) { return 0; } va_start(arg, format); vsnprintf(buffer, len + 1, format, arg); va_end(arg); } len = RADIOLIB_DEBUG_PORT.write((const uint8_t*)buffer, len); if (buffer != temp) { delete[] buffer; } return len; } #endif void Module::setRfSwitchPins(uint32_t rxEn, uint32_t txEn) { // This can be on the stack, setRfSwitchTable copies the contents const uint32_t pins[] = { rxEn, txEn, RADIOLIB_NC, }; // This must be static, since setRfSwitchTable stores a reference. static const RfSwitchMode_t table[] = { { MODE_IDLE, {this->hal->GpioLevelLow, this->hal->GpioLevelLow} }, { MODE_RX, {this->hal->GpioLevelHigh, this->hal->GpioLevelLow} }, { MODE_TX, {this->hal->GpioLevelLow, this->hal->GpioLevelHigh} }, END_OF_MODE_TABLE, }; setRfSwitchTable(pins, table); } void Module::setRfSwitchTable(const uint32_t (&pins)[3], const RfSwitchMode_t table[]) { memcpy(this->rfSwitchPins, pins, sizeof(this->rfSwitchPins)); this->rfSwitchTable = table; for(size_t i = 0; i < RFSWITCH_MAX_PINS; i++) this->hal->pinMode(pins[i], this->hal->GpioModeOutput); } const Module::RfSwitchMode_t *Module::findRfSwitchMode(uint8_t mode) const { const RfSwitchMode_t *row = this->rfSwitchTable; while (row && row->mode != MODE_END_OF_TABLE) { if (row->mode == mode) return row; ++row; } return nullptr; } void Module::setRfSwitchState(uint8_t mode) { const RfSwitchMode_t *row = findRfSwitchMode(mode); if(!row) { // RF switch control is disabled or does not have this mode return; } // set pins const uint32_t *value = &row->values[0]; for(size_t i = 0; i < RFSWITCH_MAX_PINS; i++) { uint32_t pin = this->rfSwitchPins[i]; if (pin != RADIOLIB_NC) this->hal->digitalWrite(pin, *value); ++value; } }