#!/usr/bin/env python # Application to post RSS updates to Friendika import sys import urllib import urllib2 import urlparse import cPickle as pickle import hashlib import StringIO import ConfigParser import copy import time # External libraries import feedparser import mako.template as mako import lxml.etree as etree conf_path = 'RSStoFriendika.conf' def tweet(server, message): url = server + '/api/statuses/update' urllib2.urlopen(url, urllib.urlencode({'status': message})) htmltobbcode = etree.parse('htmltobbcode/HTMLtoBBCode.xslt') htmlparser = etree.HTMLParser() def makebbcode(html): return unicode(etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(html), htmlparser).xslt(htmltobbcode)) config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.read(conf_path) config_changed = False def getconfig(config, option, valid=''): """Interactively read config values""" global config_changed # Ugly! try: return config.get('main',option) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): config.set('main',option,raw_input('%s%s: '%(option.replace('_',' '), valid))) config_changed = True return config.get('main',option) # Read config old_config = copy.copy(config) server = getconfig(config,'server').rstrip('/') username = getconfig(config,'username') password = getconfig(config,'password') feeds_path = getconfig(config,'feeds_file') # A bit of trickery to store a bool. ConfigParser.readboolean is no good because it doesn't accept "y" and "n". store_guids = config.set('main','always_store_guid', str(getconfig(config,'always_store_guid', ' (y/N)').lower().startswith('y'))) # Handle defaults like this or a DEFAULT section is written to output config file try: guids_path = config.get('main','guids_file') except: guids_path = 'processed.dat' try: feeds_updated = config.getfloat('main','updated') except: feeds_updated = 0 if config_changed: reply = raw_input('Save config? (y/N): ') if reply.lower().startswith('y'): with open(conf_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) else: config = old_config # Set up basic authentication passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() passman.add_password(None, server, username, password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman) opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) # Try to open "database" containing already processed GUIDs # TODO: Something more efficient and robust try: with open(guids_path, 'r') as guids_file: processed = pickle.load(guids_file) except: processed = set() # Iterate over feed list for line in open(feeds_path): if line.startswith('#'): # Skip comments continue feed_url, template_path = line.strip().split() feed = feedparser.parse(feed_url) for entry in feed['entries']: try: guid = entry['guid'] except: guid = hashlib.sha256(repr(entry)).hexdigest() try: updated = time.mktime(entry['updated_parsed']) except KeyError: updated = None updated = False # Too many feeds lie to actually make this useful, so turn off date checking :-( if (updated and updated < feeds_updated) or guid in processed: continue # See above about lying feeds #if updated == None or config.getboolean('main','always_store_guid'): processed.add(guid) # Remember that we've processed this one # Convert from HTML to BBCode which Friendika understands # Title is also processed to get rid of HTML entities for key in ['title', 'summary']: try: entry[key] = makebbcode('%s'%entry[key]) except KeyError: pass try: for i, content in enumerate(entry.content): content.value = makebbcode('%s'%content.value) except AttributeError: pass # TODO: Also check link rel="icon" etc. try: favicon = '://'.join(urlparse.urlparse(entry['link'])[0:2])+'/favicon.ico' except KeyError: favicon = '' try: linked_title = '[url=%s][img=16x16]%s[/img]%s[/url]'%(entry['link'],favicon, entry['title']) except KeyError: linked_title = entry['title'] message = mako.Template(filename=template_path).render_unicode(entry=entry, favicon=favicon, linked_title=linked_title).encode('utf-8') tweet(server, message) config.set('main','updated',str(time.time())) with open(conf_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) with open(guids_path, 'w') as guids_file: pickle.dump(processed, guids_file)