
838 wiersze
30 KiB

#include <string.h>
#include "hal/system.h"
#include "hal/usart_gps.h"
#include "hal/usart_ext.h"
#include "hal/delay.h"
#include "ubxg6010.h"
#include "log.h"
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
uint8_t sc1; // 0xB5
uint8_t sc2; // 0x62
uint8_t messageClass;
uint8_t messageId;
uint16_t payloadSize;
} uBloxHeader;
typedef struct {
uint8_t ck_a;
uint8_t ck_b;
} uBloxChecksum;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iTOW; //GPS time of week of the navigation epoch. [- ms]
uint16_t year; //Year (UTC) [- y]
uint8_t month; //Month, range 1..12 (UTC) [- month]
uint8_t day; //Day of month, range 1..31 (UTC) [- d]
uint8_t hour; //Hour of day, range 0..23 (UTC) [- h]
uint8_t min; //Minute of hour, range 0..59 (UTC) [- min]
uint8_t sec; //Seconds of minute, range 0..60 (UTC) [- s]
uint8_t valid; //Validity flags (see graphic below) [- -]
uint32_t tAcc; //Time accuracy estimate (UTC) [- ns]
int32_t nano; //Fraction of second, range -1e9 .. 1e9 (UTC) [- ns]
uint8_t fixType; //GNSSfix Type: [- -]
uint8_t flags; //Fix status flags (see graphic below) [- -]
uint8_t flags2; //Additional flags (see graphic below) [- -]
uint8_t numSV; //Number of satellites used in Nav Solution [- -]
int32_t lon; //Longitude [1e-7 deg]
int32_t lat; //Latitude [1e-7 deg]
int32_t height; //Height above ellipsoid [- mm]
int32_t hMSL; //Height above mean sea level [- mm]
uint32_t hAcc; //Horizontal accuracy estimate [- mm]
uint32_t vAcc; //Vertical accuracy estimate [- mm]
int32_t velN; //NED north velocity [- mm/s]
int32_t velE; //NED east velocity [- mm/s]
int32_t velD; //NED down velocity [- mm/s]
int32_t gSpeed; //Ground Speed (2-D) [- mm/s]
int32_t headMot; //Heading of motion (2-D) [1e-5 deg]
uint32_t sAcc; //Speed accuracy estimate [- mm/s]
uint32_t headAcc; //Heading accuracy estimate (both motion and vehicle) [1e-5 deg]
uint16_t pDOP; //Position DOP [0.01 -]
uint8_t reserved1[6]; //Reserved [- -]
int32_t headVeh; //Heading of vehicle (2-D) [1e-5 deg]
uint8_t reserved2[4]; //Reserved [- -]
} uBloxNAVPVTPayload;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iTOW; //GPS Millisecond Time of Week [- ms]
int32_t lon; //Longitude [1e-7 deg]
int32_t lat; //Latitude [1e-7 deg]
int32_t height; //Height above Ellipsoid [- mm]
int32_t hMSL; //Height above mean sea level [- mm]
uint32_t hAcc; //Horizontal Accuracy Estimate [- mm]
uint32_t vAcc; //Vertical Accuracy Estimate [- mm]
} uBloxNAVPOSLLHPayload;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iTOW; //GPS Millisecond Time of Week [- ms]
int32_t fTOW; //Fractional Nanoseconds remainder of rounded ms above, range -500000 .. 500000 [- ns]
int16_t week; //GPS week (GPS time) [- -]
uint8_t gpsFix; //GPSfix Type, range 0..5 0x00 = No Fix 0x01 = Dead Reckoning only 0x02 = 2D-Fix 0x03 = 3D-Fix 0x04 = GPS + dead reckoning combined 0x05 = Time only fix 0x06..0xff: reserved [- -]
uint8_t flags; //Fix Status Flags (see graphic below) [- -]
int32_t ecefX; //ECEF X coordinate [- cm]
int32_t ecefY; //ECEF Y coordinate [- cm]
int32_t ecefZ; //ECEF Z coordinate [- cm]
uint32_t pAcc; //3D Position Accuracy Estimate [- cm]
int32_t ecefVX; //ECEF X velocity [- cm/s]
int32_t ecefVY; //ECEF Y velocity [- cm/s]
int32_t ecefVZ; //ECEF Z velocity [- cm/s]
uint32_t sAcc; //Speed Accuracy Estimate [- cm/s]
uint16_t pDOP; //Position DOP [0.01 -]
uint8_t reserved1; //Reserved [- -]
uint8_t numSV; //Number of SVs used in Nav Solution [- -]
uint32_t reserved2; //Reserved [- -]
} uBloxNAVSOLPayload;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iTOW; //GPS Millisecond Time of Week [- ms]
uint32_t fTOW; //Fractional Nanoseconds remainder of rounded ms above, range -500000 .. 500000 [- ns]
int16_t week; //GPS week (GPS time) [- -]
int8_t leapS; //Leap Seconds (GPS-UTC) [- s]
uint8_t valid; //Validity Flags (see graphic below) [- -]
uint32_t tAcc; //Time Accuracy Estimate [- ns]
} uBloxNAVTIMEGPSPayload;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iTOW; //GPS Millisecond Time of Week [- ms]
uint32_t tAcc; //Time Accuracy Estimate [- ns]
int32_t nano; //Nanoseconds of second, range -1e9 .. 1e9 (UTC) [- ns]
uint16_t year; //Year, range 1999..2099 (UTC) [- y]
uint8_t month; //Month, range 1..12 (UTC) [- month]
uint8_t day; //Day of Month, range 1..31 (UTC) [- d]
uint8_t hour; //Hour of Day, range 0..23 (UTC) [- h]
uint8_t min; //Minute of Hour, range 0..59 (UTC) [- min]
uint8_t sec; //Seconds of Minute, range 0..59 (UTC) [- s]
uint8_t valid; //Validity Flags (see graphic below) [- -]
} uBloxNAVTIMEUTCPayload;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iTOW; //GPS Millisecond Time of Week [- ms]
int32_t velN; //NED north velocity [- cm/s]
int32_t velE; //NED east velocity [- cm/s]
int32_t velD; //NED down velocity [- cm/s]
uint32_t speed; //Speed (3-D) [- cm/s]
uint32_t gSpeed; //Ground Speed (2-D) [- cm/s]
int32_t headMot; //Heading of motion (2-D) [1e-5 deg]
uint32_t sAcc; //Speed accuracy estimate [- cm/s]
uint32_t headAcc; //Heading accuracy estimate (both motion and vehicle) [1e-5 deg]
} uBloxNAVVELNEDPayload;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iTOW; //GPS Millisecond Time of Week [- ms]
uint8_t gpsFix; //GPS Fix State
uint8_t flags; // LSB = gpsFixOK - the only valid way of determining if a fix is actually OK.
uint8_t fixStat;
uint8_t flags2; // Power Save Mode State
uint32_t ttff;
uint32_t msss;
} uBloxNAVSTATUSPayload;
typedef struct {
uint8_t portID; //Port Identifier Number (see Serial [- -]
uint8_t reserved1; //Reserved [- -]
uint16_t txReady; //TX ready PIN configuration [- -]
uint32_t mode; //A bit mask describing the UART mode [- -]
uint32_t baudRate; //Baud rate in bits/second [- Bits/s]
uint16_t inProtoMask; //A mask describing which input protocols are active. [- -]
uint16_t outProtoMask; //A mask describing which output protocols are active. [- -]
uint16_t flags; //Flags bit mask (see graphic below) [- -]
uint8_t reserved2[2]; //Reserved [- -]
} uBloxCFGPRTPayload;
typedef struct {
uint8_t clsID; //Message Class [- -]
uint8_t msgID; //Message Identifier [- -]
uint8_t ck_a;
uint8_t ck_b;
} uBloxACKACKayload;
typedef struct {
uint8_t msgClass; //Message Class [- -]
uint8_t msgID; //Message Identifier [- -]
} uBloxCFGMSGPOLLPayload;
typedef struct {
uint8_t msgClass; //Message Class [- -]
uint8_t msgID; //Message Identifier [- -]
uint8_t rate; //Send rate on current Port [- -]
} uBloxCFGMSGPayload;
typedef struct {
uint16_t navBbrMask; //BBR Sections to clear. The following Special Sets apply:
// 0x0000 Hotstart
// 0x0001 Warmstart
// 0xFFFF Coldstart [- -]
uint8_t resetMode; //Reset Type
// - 0x00 - Hardware reset (Watchdog) immediately
// - 0x01 - Controlled Software reset
// - 0x02 - Controlled Software reset (GPS only)
// - 0x04 - Hardware reset (Watchdog) after shutdown (>=FW6.0)
// - 0x08 - Controlled GPS stop
// - 0x09 - Controlled GPS start [- -]
// - 0x09 - Controlled GPS start [- -]
uint8_t reserved1; //Reserved [- -]
} uBloxCFGRSTPayload;
typedef struct {
uint16_t mask; //Parameters Bitmask. Only the masked parameters will be applied. (see graphic below) [- -]
uint8_t dynModel; //Dynamic Platform model: - 0 􀀀 Portable - 2 􀀀 Stationary - 3 􀀀 Pedestrian - 4 􀀀 Automotive - 5 􀀀 Sea - 6 􀀀 Airborne with <1g Acceleration - 7 􀀀 Airborne with <2g Acceleration - 8 􀀀 Airborne with <4g Acceleration [- -]
uint8_t fixMode; //Position Fixing Mode. - 1: 2D only - 2: 3D only - 3: Auto 2D/3D [- -]
int32_t fixedAlt; //Fixed altitude (mean sea level) for 2D fix mode. [0.01 m]
uint32_t fixedAltVar; //Fixed altitude variance for 2D mode. [0.0001 m^2]
int8_t minElev; //Minimum Elevation for a GNSS satellite to be used in NAV [- deg]
uint8_t drLimit; //Maximum time to perform dead reckoning (linear extrapolation) in case of GPS signal loss [- s]
uint16_t pDop; //Position DOP Mask to use [0.1 -]
uint16_t tDop; //Time DOP Mask to use [0.1 -]
uint16_t pAcc; //Position Accuracy Mask [- m]
uint16_t tAcc; //Time Accuracy Mask [- m]
uint8_t staticHoldThresh; //Static hold threshold [- cm/s]
uint8_t dgpsTimeOut; //DGPS timeout, firmware 7 and newer only [- s]
uint32_t reserved2; //Always set to zero [- -]
uint32_t reserved3; //Always set to zero [- -]
uint32_t reserved4; //Always set to zero [- -]
} uBloxCFGNAV5Payload;
typedef struct {
uint8_t reserved1; //Always set to 8 [- -]
uint8_t lpMode; //Low Power Mode 0: Max. performance mode 1: Power Save Mode (>= FW 6.00 only) 2-3: reserved 4: Eco mode 5-255: reserved [- -]
} uBloxCFGRXMPayload;
typedef struct {
uint16_t measRate; //Measurement Rate, GPS measurements are taken every measRate milliseconds [- ms]
uint16_t navRate; //Navigation Rate, in number of measurement cycles. On u-blox 5 and u-blox 6, this parameter cannot be changed, and is always equals 1. [- cycles]
uint16_t timeRef; //Alignment to reference time: 0 = UTC time, 1 = GPS time [- -]
} uBloxCFGRATEPayload;
typedef struct {
uint8_t filter; // Filter flags
uint8_t version; // 0x23 = NMEA version 2.3, 0x21 = NMEA version 2.1
uint8_t numSV; // Maximum Number of SVs to report in NMEA protocol.
uint8_t flags; // Flags: 0x01 = enable compatibility mode, 0x02 = enable considering mode
typedef union {
uBloxNAVPVTPayload navpvt;
uBloxCFGPRTPayload cfgprt;
uBloxCFGMSGPOLLPayload cfgmsgpoll;
uBloxCFGMSGPayload cfgmsg;
uBloxCFGNAV5Payload cfgnav5;
uBloxNAVPOSLLHPayload navposllh;
uBloxNAVSOLPayload navsol;
uBloxNAVTIMEGPSPayload navtimegps;
uBloxNAVTIMEUTCPayload navtimeutc;
uBloxNAVVELNEDPayload navvelned;
uBloxNAVSTATUSPayload navstatus;
uBloxACKACKayload ackack;
uBloxCFGRSTPayload cfgrst;
uBloxCFGRXMPayload cfgrxm;
uBloxCFGRATEPayload cfgrate;
uBloxCFGNMEA cfgnmea;
} ubloxPacketData;
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
uBloxHeader header;
ubloxPacketData data;
} uBloxPacket;
gps_data ubxg6010_current_gps_data;
volatile bool gps_initialized = false;
volatile bool ack_received = false;
volatile bool nack_received = false;
volatile static uint8_t sync_ubx = 0;
volatile static uint8_t sync_nmea = 0;
static uBloxChecksum
ubxg6010_calculate_checksum(const uint8_t msgClass, const uint8_t msgId, const uint8_t *message, uint16_t size)
uBloxChecksum ck = {0, 0};
ck.ck_a += msgClass;
ck.ck_b += ck.ck_a;
ck.ck_a += msgId;
ck.ck_b += ck.ck_a;
ck.ck_a += size & 0xffU;
ck.ck_b += ck.ck_a;
ck.ck_a += size >> 8U;
ck.ck_b += ck.ck_a;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ck.ck_a += message[i];
ck.ck_b += ck.ck_a;
return ck;
static void ubxg6010_clear_ack()
ack_received = false;
nack_received = false;
static bool ubxg6010_wait_for_ack()
uint16_t timeout = 1500;
while (!ack_received && !nack_received && timeout-- > 0) {
return ack_received;
void ubxg6010_send_command(uint8_t msgClass, uint8_t msgId, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payloadSize)
uBloxChecksum chksum = ubxg6010_calculate_checksum(msgClass, msgId, payload, payloadSize);
usart_gps_send_byte((uint8_t) (payloadSize & 0xFFU));
usart_gps_send_byte((uint8_t) (payloadSize >> 8U));
uint16_t i;
for (i = 0; i < payloadSize; ++i) {
void ubxg6010_send_packet(uBloxPacket *packet)
ubxg6010_send_command(packet->header.messageClass, packet->header.messageId, (uint8_t *) &packet->data,
bool ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(uBloxPacket *packet)
int retries = 3;
bool success;
do {
success = ubxg6010_wait_for_ack();
} while (!success && retries-- > 0);
return success;
bool ubxg6010_get_current_gps_data(gps_data *data)
memcpy(data, &ubxg6010_current_gps_data, sizeof(gps_data));
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = false;
return data->updated;
uBloxPacket msgcfgrst = {
.header = {
.data.cfgrst = {
.navBbrMask=0xffff, // Coldstart
.resetMode=1, // Controlled Software reset
uBloxPacket msgcfgprt = {
.header = {
.data.cfgprt = {
.mode=0b0000100011000000, // 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
.inProtoMask=1, // UBX protocol for input
.outProtoMask=1, // UBX protocol for output
.reserved2={0, 0}
* Low Power Mode
* 0: Max. performance mode
* 1: Power Save Mode (>= FW 6.00 only)
* 2-3: reserved
* 4: Eco mode
* 5-255: reserved
uBloxPacket msgcfgrxm = {
.header = {
.data.cfgrxm = {
.reserved1=8, // Always set to 8
.lpMode=0 // Enable max performance mode at start-up time to acquire GPS fix quickly
// Configure rate of 1 for message: 0x01 0x02 Geodetic Position Solution
uBloxPacket msgcfgmsg = {
.header = {
.data.cfgmsg = {
uBloxPacket msgcfgrate = {
.header = {
.data.cfgrate = {
* Dynamic Platform model:
* - 0 Portable
* - 2 Stationary
* - 3 Pedestrian
* - 4 Automotive
* - 5 Sea
* - 6 Airborne with <1g Acceleration
* - 7 Airborne with <2g Acceleration
* - 8 Airborne with <4g Acceleration
* Position Fixing Mode.
* - 1: 2D only
* - 2: 3D only
* - 3: Auto 2D/3D
uBloxPacket msgcfgnav5 = {
.header = {
// NOTE: Dynamic model needs to be set to one of the Airborne modes to support high altitudes!
// Notes from darksidelemm RS41HUP fork: Tweaked the PDOP limits a bit, to make it a bit more likely to report a position.
.mask=0b0000001111111111, // Configure all settings
.dynModel=6, // Dynamic model: Airborne with <1g Acceleration
.fixMode=2, // Fix mode: 3D only
.fixedAlt=0, // Fixed altitude (mean sea level) for 2D fix mode.
.fixedAltVar=10000, // Fixed altitude variance for 2D mode.
.minElev=5, // Minimum Elevation for a GNSS satellite to be used in NAV (degrees)
.drLimit=0, // Maximum time to perform dead reckoning (linear extrapolation) in case of GPS signal loss (seconds)
.pDop=100, // Position DOP Mask to use (was 25)
.tDop=100, // Time DOP Mask to use (was 25)
.pAcc=100, // Position Accuracy Mask (m)
.tAcc=300, // Time Accuracy Mask (m)
.staticHoldThresh=0, // Static hold threshold (cm/s)
.dgpsTimeOut=2, // DGPS timeout, firmware 7 and newer only
// Configure NMEA protocol version 2.3
uBloxPacket msgcfgnmea = {
.header = {
.data.cfgnmea = {
.filter = 0x00,
.version = 0x23,
.numSV = 24,
.flags = 0x00,
bool ubxg6010_enable_power_save_mode()
bool success;
uBloxPacket packet;
// Copy the packet header
memcpy(&packet, &msgcfgrxm, sizeof(uBloxPacket));
// The default power-save settings should be OK (1 second cyclic)
// Enable power-saving mode = 1;
log_info("GPS: Entering power-saving mode\n");
success = ubxg6010_wait_for_ack();
if (!success) {
log_error("GPS: Entering power-saving mode failed\n");
return success;
bool ubxg6010_init()
bool success;
memset(&ubxg6010_current_gps_data, 0, sizeof(gps_data));
gps_initialized = false;
log_info("GPS: Initializing USART with baud rate %d\n", GPS_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD_RATE);
usart_gps_init(GPS_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD_RATE, true);
log_info("GPS: Resetting GPS chip\n");
log_info("GPS: Initializing USART with baud rate %d\n", GPS_INITIAL_BAUD_RATE);
usart_gps_init(GPS_INITIAL_BAUD_RATE, true);
log_info("GPS: Resetting GPS chip\n");
if (gps_nmea_output_enabled) {
log_info("GPS: Configuring GPS NMEA output settings\n");
log_info("GPS: Configuring GPS chip I/O port settings\n");
if (gps_nmea_output_enabled) {
// Enable both UBX and NMEA protocols = 0x03;
log_info("GPS: Initializing USART with baud rate %d\n", GPS_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD_RATE);
usart_gps_init(GPS_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD_RATE, true);
log_info("GPS: Setting GPS chip power mode\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgrxm);
if (!success) {
return false;
// Rate of 1 for message: 0x01 0x02 Geodetic Position Solution = 0x02; = 1;
log_info("GPS: Requesting update messages from GPS chip\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgmsg);
if (!success) {
return false;
log_info("GPS: Setting Navigation/Measurement rate settings in GPS chip\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgrate);
if (!success) {
return false;
// Rate of 1 for message: 0x01 0x06 Navigation Solution Information = 0x06; = 1;
log_info("GPS: Requesting update messages from GPS chip\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgmsg);
if (!success) {
return false;
// Configure rate of 1 for message: 0x01 0x20 GPS Time Solution
/* = 0x20; = 1;
log_info("GPS: Requesting update messages from GPS chip\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgmsg);
if (!success) {
return false;
// Configure rate of 1 for message: 0x01 0x21 UTC Time Solution = 0x21; = 1;
log_info("GPS: Requesting update messages from GPS chip\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgmsg);
if (!success) {
return false;
// Configure rate of 2 for message: 0x01 0x12 Velocity Solution in NED = 0x12; = 2;
log_info("GPS: Requesting update messages from GPS chip\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgmsg);
if (!success) {
return false;
// Configure rate of 2 for message: 0x01 0x03 Receiver Navigation Status = 0x03; = 1;
log_info("GPS: Requesting update messages from GPS chip\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgmsg);
if (!success) {
return false;
// TODO: Is this message supported: Configure rate of 1 for message: 0x01 0x07 Position Velocity Time Solution
/* = 0x07;
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgmsg);
if (!success) {
return false;
log_info("GPS: Configuring navigation engine settings\n");
success = ubxg6010_send_packet_and_wait_for_ack(&msgcfgnav5);
if (!success) {
return false;
gps_initialized = true;
return true;
// Poll request for message: 0x01 0x20 GPS Time Solution
uBloxPacket msgnavgpstime = {
.header = {
uBloxPacket msgcfgmsgpoll = {
.header = {
.data.cfgmsgpoll = {
void ubxg6010_request_gpstime()
static void ubxg6010_handle_packet(uBloxPacket *pkt)
uBloxChecksum cksum = ubxg6010_calculate_checksum(pkt->header.messageClass, pkt->header.messageId,
(const uint8_t *) &pkt->data, pkt->header.payloadSize);
uBloxChecksum *checksum = (uBloxChecksum *) (((uint8_t *) &pkt->data) + pkt->header.payloadSize);
if (cksum.ck_a != checksum->ck_a || cksum.ck_b != checksum->ck_b) {
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.bad_packets += 1;
log_debug("GPS message: class=0x%02X id=0x%02X\n", pkt->header.messageClass, pkt->header.messageId);
if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x01 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x07) {
// TODO: It seems NAV PVT message is not supported by UBXG6010, confirm this
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.ok_packets += 1;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.time_of_week_millis = pkt->data.navpvt.iTOW;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.year = pkt->data.navpvt.year;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.month = pkt->data.navpvt.month; = pkt->;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.hours = pkt->data.navpvt.hour;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.minutes = pkt->data.navpvt.min;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.seconds = pkt->data.navpvt.sec;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.fix = pkt->data.navpvt.fixType;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.latitude_degrees_1000000 = pkt->;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.longitude_degrees_1000000 = pkt->data.navpvt.lon;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.altitude_mm = pkt->data.navpvt.hMSL;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.satellites_visible = pkt->data.navpvt.numSV;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.ground_speed_cm_per_second = pkt->data.navpvt.gSpeed;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.heading_degrees_100000 = pkt->data.navpvt.headMot;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.climb_cm_per_second = -pkt->data.navpvt.velD;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x01 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x12) {
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.ok_packets += 1;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.time_of_week_millis = pkt->data.navvelned.iTOW;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.ground_speed_cm_per_second = pkt->data.navvelned.gSpeed;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.heading_degrees_100000 = pkt->data.navvelned.headMot;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.climb_cm_per_second = -pkt->data.navvelned.velD;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x01 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x02) {
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.ok_packets += 1;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.time_of_week_millis = pkt->data.navposllh.iTOW;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.latitude_degrees_1000000 = pkt->;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.longitude_degrees_1000000 = pkt->data.navposllh.lon;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.altitude_mm = pkt->data.navposllh.hMSL;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x01 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x03) {
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.ok_packets += 1;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.fix_ok = pkt->data.navstatus.flags & 0x01;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.power_safe_mode_state = pkt->data.navstatus.flags2 & 0x03;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x01 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x06) {
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.time_of_week_millis = pkt->data.navsol.iTOW;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.week = pkt->data.navsol.week;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.fix = pkt->data.navsol.gpsFix;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.satellites_visible = pkt->data.navsol.numSV;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.position_dilution_of_precision = pkt->data.navsol.pDOP;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x01 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x20) {
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.time_of_week_millis = pkt->data.navtimegps.iTOW;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.week = pkt->data.navtimegps.week;
if (pkt->data.navtimegps.valid & 0x04) {
// Flag set if leap seconds are valid
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.leap_seconds = pkt->data.navtimegps.leapS;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x01 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x21) {
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.year = pkt->data.navtimeutc.year;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.month = pkt->data.navtimeutc.month; = pkt->;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.hours = pkt->data.navtimeutc.hour;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.minutes = pkt->data.navtimeutc.min;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.seconds = pkt->data.navtimeutc.sec;
ubxg6010_current_gps_data.updated = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x05 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x01) {
ack_received = true;
} else if (pkt->header.messageClass == 0x05 && pkt->header.messageId == 0x00) {
nack_received = true;
void ubxg6010_reset_parser()
sync_ubx = 0;
sync_nmea = 0;
static void ubxg6010_handle_nmea_sentence_start(uint8_t data)
if (sync_nmea == 0 && data == '$') {
sync_nmea = 1;
} else if (sync_nmea == 1) {
if (data == 'G') {
sync_nmea = 2;
} else {
sync_nmea = 0;
} else if (sync_nmea == 2) {
if (data >= 'A' && data <= 'Z') {
sync_nmea = 3;
} else {
sync_nmea = 0;
static void ubxg6010_handle_nmea_output(uint8_t data)
if (data == '\r') {
sync_nmea = 3;
} else if (sync_nmea == 3 && data == '\n') {
sync_nmea = 0;
void ubxg6010_handle_incoming_byte(uint8_t data)
static uint8_t buffer_pos = 0;
static uint8_t incoming_packet_buffer[sizeof(uBloxPacket) + sizeof(uBloxChecksum)];
static uBloxPacket *incoming_packet = (uBloxPacket *) incoming_packet_buffer;
if (!sync_ubx && (sync_nmea < 3)) {
if (!buffer_pos && data == 0xB5) {
buffer_pos = 1;
incoming_packet->header.sc1 = data;
} else if (buffer_pos == 1 && data == 0x62) {
sync_ubx = 1;
buffer_pos = 2;
incoming_packet->header.sc2 = data;
} else {
if (gps_nmea_output_enabled) {
buffer_pos = 0;
} else if (gps_nmea_output_enabled && sync_nmea >= 3) {
} else {
((uint8_t *) incoming_packet)[buffer_pos] = data;
if ((buffer_pos >= sizeof(uBloxHeader) - 1) &&
(buffer_pos - 1 == (incoming_packet->header.payloadSize + sizeof(uBloxHeader) + sizeof(uBloxChecksum)))) {
ubxg6010_handle_packet((uBloxPacket *) incoming_packet);
buffer_pos = 0;
sync_ubx = 0;
} else {
if (buffer_pos >= sizeof(uBloxPacket) + sizeof(uBloxChecksum)) {
buffer_pos = 0;
sync_ubx = 0;