* TODO: Add support for power-off via button and possibility disable power-off button * TODO: create RTTY / FSK encoder for Si5351 * TODO: create RTTY / FSK encoder for Si4032 * TODO: create CW / OOK encoder -- the same one should work for both Si5351 and Si4032 * TODO: Add relevant information about RS41 hardware * TODO: Add relevant links to other sources of information, e.g.: * http://happysat.nl/RS-41/RS41.html * https://github.com/darksidelemm/RS41HUP - 4FSK + 2FSK * https://github.com/darksidelemm/RS41FOX - RS41-FOX - RS41 Amateur Radio Direction Finding (Foxhunting) Beacon * https://github.com/bazjo/RS41_Hardware * https://github.com/bazjo/RS41_Decoding * https://destevez.net/2018/06/flashing-a-vaisala-rs41-radiosonde/ * https://destevez.net/2017/11/tracking-an-rs41-sgp-radiosonde-and-reporting-to-aprs/ * http://www.om3bc.com/docs/rs41/rs41_en.html