#ifndef __CONFIG_H #define __CONFIG_H // Experimental support for Graw DFM-17 radiosondes added! Please test and report any issues! // WARNING: Using a DFM-17 as a primary flight tracker is NOT recommended yet! // NOTE: DFM-17 radiosondes require a GPS lock (and clear visibility to the sky) to calibrate its internal oscillator. // DFM-17 transmissions, especially APRS, may not decode correctly because of incorrect timing before the internal oscillator has been calibrated. // Define radiosonde type. Remove the "//" comment to select either RS41 or DFM17. //#define RS41 //#define DFM17 #if !defined(RS41) && !defined(DFM17) #error "No hardware type specified. Please define RS41 or DFM17." #endif #if defined(RS41) && defined(DFM17) #error "Please define either RS41 or DFM17." #endif // Enable semihosting to receive debug logs during development // See the README for details on how to set up debugging and debug logs with GDB // NOTE: Semihosting has to be disabled when the radiosonde is not connected to an STM32 programmer dongle, otherwise the firmware will not run. //#define SEMIHOSTING_ENABLE //#define LOGGING_ENABLE /** * Global configuration */ // Set the tracker amateur radio call sign here #define CALLSIGN "MYCALL" // Disabling LEDs will save power // Red LED: Lit during initialization and transmit. // Green LED: Blinking fast when there is no GPS fix. Blinking slowly when the GPS has a fix. #define LEDS_ENABLE true // Disable LEDs above the specified altitude (in meters) to save power. Set to zero to disable this behavior. #define LEDS_DISABLE_ALTITUDE_METERS 1000 // Allow powering off the sonde by pressing the button for over a second (when the sonde is not transmitting) #define ALLOW_POWER_OFF false // Number of character pairs to include in locator #define LOCATOR_PAIR_COUNT_FULL 6 // max. 6 (12 characters WWL) // Delay after transmission for modes that do not use time synchronization. Zero delay allows continuous transmit mode for Horus V1 and V2. #define RADIO_POST_TRANSMIT_DELAY_MS 1000 // Threshold for time-synchronized modes regarding how far from scheduled transmission time the transmission is still allowed #define RADIO_TIME_SYNC_THRESHOLD_MS 2000 // Number of leap seconds to add to the raw GPS time reported by the GPS chip (see https://timetoolsltd.com/gps/what-is-gps-time/ for more info) // This value is used by default, but if the received GPS data contains indication about leap seconds, that one is used instead. #define GPS_TIME_LEAP_SECONDS 18 // Enable this setting to require 3D fix (altitude required, enable for airborne use), otherwise 2D fix is enough #define GPS_REQUIRE_3D_FIX true // Enable power-saving features of the GPS chip to save power. // This option should be safe to enable, as it enters a selective power saving mode. // If the GPS chip loses fix, it will enter a higher power state automatically. // Note that power saving mode is only enabled after the GPS chip has acquired good GPS fix for the first time. // It is not necessary to use power saving on short flights (e.g. less than 6 hours). // Based on measurements Mark VK5QI, enabling this reduces power consumption by about 30-40 mA (~50%) to around 30-50 mA, // where the consumption is 70-90 mA when power saving is not enabled and any radio transmitters are idle. // See the README for details about power consumption. #define GPS_POWER_SAVING_ENABLE false // Enable NMEA output from GPS via external serial port. This disables use of I²C bus (Si5351 and sensors) because the pins are shared. #define GPS_NMEA_OUTPUT_VIA_SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE false #if (GPS_NMEA_OUTPUT_VIA_SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE) && ((RADIO_SI5351_ENABLE) || (SENSOR_BMP280_ENABLE)) #error GPS NMEA output via serial port cannot be enabled simultaneously with the I2C bus. #endif /** * RS41 only: Global configuration (there is no I²C bus exposed in DFM-17) */ // Define the I²C bus clock speed in Hz. // The default of 100000 (= 100 kHz) should be used with the Si5351 clock generator to allow fast frequency changes. // Note that some BMP280 sensors may require decreasing the clock speed to 10000 (= 10 kHz) #define I2C_BUS_CLOCK_SPEED 100000 // Enable use of an externally connected I²C BMP280/BME280 atmospheric sensor // NOTE: Only BME280 sensors will report humidity. For BMP280 humidity readings will be zero. #define SENSOR_BMP280_ENABLE false // BMP280/BME280 I²C device address is usually 0x76 or 0x77. #define SENSOR_BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS 0x77 // Enable use of an externally connected I²C RadSens radiation sensor #define SENSOR_RADSENS_ENABLE false // Expected RadSens chip ID to verify initialization of the sensor, default is 0x7D. #define SENSOR_RADSENS_CHIP_ID 0x7D // RadSens I²C device address, default is 0x66. #define SENSOR_RADSENS_I2C_ADDRESS 0x66 // Uncomment to set RadSens sensor sensitivity (imp/MKR). The default value is 105 imp/MKR. // The value is stored in the non-volatile memory of the microcontroller. #define SENSOR_RADSENS_SENSITIVITY 105 // Enable use of an externally connected I²C Si5351 clock generator chip for HF radio transmissions #define RADIO_SI5351_ENABLE false // Enable pulse counter via expansion header pin for use with devices like Geiger counters. // This disables the external I²C bus and the serial port as the expansion header pin 2 (I2C2_SDA (PB11) / UART3 RX) is used for pulse input. // Also changes the Horus 4FSK V2 data format and adds a custom data field for pulse count. // The pulse count will wrap to zero at 65535 as it is stored as a 16-bit unsigned integer value. #define PULSE_COUNTER_ENABLE false // Pulse counter pin modes #define PULSE_COUNTER_PIN_MODE_FLOATING 0 #define PULSE_COUNTER_PIN_MODE_INTERNAL_PULL_UP 1 #define PULSE_COUNTER_PIN_MODE_INTERNAL_PULL_DOWN 2 // Enable the internal pull-up or pull-down resistor on expansion header pin 2 (I2C2_SDA (PB11) / UART3 RX) // This is necessary if the pulse counter needs to count pulses where the pin is pulled low (ground) or high (VCC) during the pulse. // Set to "floating" if the circuit that generates the pulses already has a pull-up or a pull-down resistor. #define PULSE_COUNTER_PIN_MODE PULSE_COUNTER_PIN_MODE_INTERNAL_PULL_UP // Pulse counter interrupt edges #define PULSE_COUNTER_INTERRUPT_EDGE_FALLING 1 #define PULSE_COUNTER_INTERRUPT_EDGE_RISING 2 // Set the edge of the pulse where the interrupt is triggered: falling or rising. #define PULSE_COUNTER_INTERRUPT_EDGE PULSE_COUNTER_INTERRUPT_EDGE_FALLING #if (PULSE_COUNTER_ENABLE) && ((GPS_NMEA_OUTPUT_VIA_SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE) || (RADIO_SI5351_ENABLE) || (SENSOR_BMP280_ENABLE)) #error Pulse counter cannot be enabled simultaneously with GPS NMEA output or I2C bus sensors. #endif /** * RS41 only: Built-in Si4032 radio chip transmission configuration */ // Si4032 transmit power: 0..7 // 0 = -1dBm, 1 = 2dBm, 2 = 5dBm (~3 mW), 3 = 8dBm (~6 mW), 4 = 11dBm (~12 mW), 5 = 14dBm (25 mW), 6 = 17dBm (50 mW), 7 = 20dBm (100 mW) // This defaults to 5 (14 dBm, 25 mW), which is a good setting for Horus 4FSK transmissions and it saves power. // For APRS usage, you might want to use maximum power setting of 7 (20 dBm, 100 mW). Note that this setting reduces battery life. // See the README for details about power consumption. #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_POWER 5 // Which modes to transmit using the built-in Si4032 transmitter chip // The COUNT settings define the number of times that each type of transmission is repeated #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_CW false #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_CW_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_PIP false #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_PIP_COUNT 6 #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_APRS true #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_APRS_COUNT 2 #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_HORUS_V1 false #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_HORUS_V1_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_HORUS_V2 true #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_HORUS_V2_COUNT 6 // Continuous transmit mode can be enabled for *either* Horus V1 or V2, but not both. This disables all other transmission modes. // The continuous mode transmits Horus 4FSK preamble between transmissions // to allow Horus receivers to keep frequency synchronization at all times, which improves reception. #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_HORUS_V1_CONTINUOUS false #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_HORUS_V2_CONTINUOUS false // Transmit frequencies for the Si4032 transmitter modes #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_FREQUENCY_CW 432500000 #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_FREQUENCY_PIP 432500000 #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_FREQUENCY_APRS_1200 432500000 // Use a frequency offset to place FSK tones slightly above the defined frequency for SSB reception #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_FREQUENCY_HORUS_V1 432501000 #define RADIO_SI4032_TX_FREQUENCY_HORUS_V2 432501000 /** * DFM-17 only: Built-in Si4063 radio chip transmission configuration */ // Si4063 transmit power: 0..127 // TODO: Document Si4063 transmit power levels #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_POWER 127 // Which modes to transmit using the built-in Si4063 transmitter chip // The COUNT settings define the number of times that each type of transmission is repeated #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_CW false #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_CW_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_PIP false #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_PIP_COUNT 6 #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_APRS true #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_APRS_COUNT 2 #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_HORUS_V1 false #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_HORUS_V1_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_HORUS_V2 true #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_HORUS_V2_COUNT 6 // Continuous transmit mode can be enabled for *either* Horus V1 or V2, but not both. This disables all other transmission modes. // The continuous mode transmits Horus 4FSK preamble between transmissions // to allow Horus receivers to keep frequency synchronization at all times, which improves reception. #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_HORUS_V1_CONTINUOUS false #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_HORUS_V2_CONTINUOUS false // Transmit frequencies for the Si4063 transmitter modes #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_FREQUENCY_CW 432500000 #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_FREQUENCY_PIP 432500000 #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_FREQUENCY_APRS_1200 432500000 // Use a frequency offset to place FSK tones slightly above the defined frequency for SSB reception #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_FREQUENCY_HORUS_V1 432501000 #define RADIO_SI4063_TX_FREQUENCY_HORUS_V2 432501000 /** * RS41 only: External Si5351 radio chip transmission configuration */ // Si5351 transmit power: 0..3 // Si5351 drive strength: 0 = 2mA, 1 = 4mA, 2 = 6mA, 3 = 8mA #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_POWER 3 // Which modes to transmit using an externally connected Si5351 chip in the I²C bus // The COUNT settings define the number of times that each type of transmission is repeated #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_CW true #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_CW_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_PIP false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_PIP_COUNT 6 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_HORUS_V1 false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_HORUS_V1_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_HORUS_V2 true #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_HORUS_V2_COUNT 4 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_JT9 false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_JT9_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_JT65 false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_JT65_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_JT4 false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_JT4_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_WSPR false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_WSPR_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FSQ false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FSQ_COUNT 1 #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FT8 false #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FT8_COUNT 1 // Transmit frequencies for the Si5351 transmitter modes #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_CW 3595000UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_PIP 3595000UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_HORUS_V1 3608000UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_HORUS_V2 3608000UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_JT9 14085000UL // Was: 14078700UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_JT65 14085000UL // Was: 14078300UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_JT4 14085000UL // Was: 14078500UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_WSPR 14085000UL // Was: 14097200UL #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_FSQ 3608350UL // Was: 7105350UL // Base freq is 1350 Hz higher than dial freq in USB #define RADIO_SI5351_TX_FREQUENCY_FT8 14085000UL // Was: 14075000UL /** * APRS mode settings * * APRS SSID: * * '0' = (-0) Your primary station usually fixed and message capable * '1' = (-1) generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc * '2' = (-2) generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc * '3' = (-3) generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc * '4' = (-4) generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc * '5' = (-5) Other networks (Dstar, Iphones, Androids, Blackberry's etc) * '6' = (-6) Special activity, Satellite ops, camping or 6 meters, etc * '7' = (-7) walkie talkies, HT's or other human portable * '8' = (-8) boats, sailboats, RV's or second main mobile * '9' = (-9) Primary Mobile (usually message capable) * 'A' = (-10) internet, Igates, echolink, winlink, AVRS, APRN, etc * 'B' = (-11) balloons, aircraft, spacecraft, etc * 'C' = (-12) APRStt, DTMF, RFID, devices, one-way trackers*, etc * 'D' = (-13) Weather stations * 'E' = (-14) Truckers or generally full time drivers * 'F' = (-15) generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc */ #define APRS_CALLSIGN CALLSIGN #define APRS_SSID 'B' // See APRS symbol table documentation in: http://www.aprs.org/symbols/symbolsX.txt #define APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE '/' // '/' denotes primary and '\\' denotes alternate APRS symbol table #define APRS_SYMBOL 'O' #define APRS_COMMENT "RS41ng radiosonde firmware test" #define APRS_RELAYS "WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1" //Do not include any spaces in the APRS_RELAYS #define APRS_DESTINATION "APZ41N" #define APRS_DESTINATION_SSID '0' // Generate an APRS weather report instead of a position report. This will override the APRS symbol with the weather station symbol. #define APRS_WEATHER_REPORT_ENABLE false // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define APRS_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 0 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define APRS_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 0 /** * Common Horus 4FSK mode settings */ #define HORUS_FREQUENCY_OFFSET_SI4032 0 #define HORUS_FREQUENCY_OFFSET_SI4063 0 /** * Horus V1 4FSK mode settings (deprecated, please use Horus V2 mode) */ // NOTE: Horus 4FSK V1 mode is deprecated in favor of Horus 4FSK V2 mode. All new Horus 4FSK payload IDs are allocated for V2 mode. // NOTE: Payload ID 0 (4FSKTEST) is for testing purposes only, and should not be used on an actual flight. // Please request a new payload ID in GitHub according to the instructions at: https://github.com/projecthorus/horusdemodlib/wiki#how-do-i-transmit-it #define HORUS_V1_PAYLOAD_ID 0 #define HORUS_V1_BAUD_RATE_SI4032 100 #define HORUS_V1_BAUD_RATE_SI4063 100 #define HORUS_V1_BAUD_RATE_SI5351 50 #define HORUS_V1_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 16 #define HORUS_V1_IDLE_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 32 #define HORUS_V1_TONE_SPACING_HZ_SI5351 270 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define HORUS_V1_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 0 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define HORUS_V1_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 0 /** * Horus V2 4FSK mode settings */ // NOTE: Payload ID 256 (4FSKTEST-V2) is for testing purposes only, and should not be used on an actual flight. // Please request a new payload ID in GitHub according to the instructions at: https://github.com/projecthorus/horusdemodlib/wiki#how-do-i-transmit-it #define HORUS_V2_PAYLOAD_ID 256 #define HORUS_V2_BAUD_RATE_SI4032 100 #define HORUS_V2_BAUD_RATE_SI4063 100 #define HORUS_V2_BAUD_RATE_SI5351 50 #define HORUS_V2_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 16 #define HORUS_V2_IDLE_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 32 #define HORUS_V2_TONE_SPACING_HZ_SI5351 270 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define HORUS_V2_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 0 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define HORUS_V2_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 0 /** * CW settings */ // CW speed in WPM, range 5 - 40 #define CW_SPEED_WPM 20 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define CW_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 0 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define CW_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 0 /** * Pip settings (short beep generated using CW to indicate presence of the transmitter) */ // Pip speed is defined as CW WPM, range 5 - 40 #define PIP_SPEED_WPM 18 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define PIP_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 0 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define PIP_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 0 /** * WSPR settings */ #define WSPR_CALLSIGN CALLSIGN #define WSPR_LOCATOR_FIXED_ENABLED false #define WSPR_LOCATOR_FIXED "AA00" #define WSPR_DBM 10 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define WSPR_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 120 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define WSPR_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 1 /** * FSQ settings */ #define FSQ_CALLSIGN_FROM CALLSIGN #define FSQ_SUBMODE RADIO_DATA_MODE_FSQ_3 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define FSQ_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 0 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define FSQ_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 0 /** * FT/JT mode settings */ // Schedule transmission every 15 seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. #define FT8_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 15 // Delay transmission for 1 second after the scheduled time. #define FT8_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 1 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define JT9_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 60 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define JT9_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 1 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define JT4_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 60 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define JT4_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 1 // Schedule transmission every N seconds, counting from beginning of an hour (based on GPS time). Set to zero to disable time sync. // See the README file for more detailed documentation about time sync and its offset setting #define JT65_TIME_SYNC_SECONDS 60 // Delay transmission for an N second offset, counting from the scheduled time set with TIME_SYNC_SECONDS. #define JT65_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_SECONDS 1 #include "config_internal.h" #endif