Add DFM-17 notes to config.h for visibility

Mikael Nousiainen 2023-10-15 13:58:06 +03:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic ff40f468f4
commit 149141fb46
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@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
#ifndef __CONFIG_H
#define __CONFIG_H
// Experimental support for Graw DFM-17 radiosondes added! Please test and report any issues!
// WARNING: Using a DFM-17 as a primary flight tracker is NOT recommended yet!
// NOTE: DFM-17 radiosondes require a GPS lock (and clear visibility to the sky) to calibrate its internal oscillator.
// DFM-17 transmissions, especially APRS, may not decode correctly because of incorrect timing before the internal oscillator has been calibrated.
// Define radiosonde type. Remove the "//" comment to select either RS41 or DFM17.
//#define RS41
//#define DFM17