
1350 wiersze
43 KiB

* dfm09 (dfm06)
* sync header: correlation/matched filter
* files: dfm09mod.c demod_mod.h demod_mod.c
* compile:
* gcc -c demod_mod.c
* gcc dfm09mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -o dfm09mod
* author: zilog80
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef CYGWIN
#include <fcntl.h> // cygwin: _setmode()
#include <io.h>
#include "demod_mod.h"
typedef struct {
i8_t vbs; // verbose output
i8_t raw; // raw frames
i8_t crc; // CRC check output
i8_t ecc; // Reed-Solomon ECC
i8_t sat; // GPS sat data
i8_t ptu; // PTU: temperature
i8_t inv;
i8_t aut;
i8_t jsn; // JSON output (auto_rx)
i8_t dst; // continuous pcks 0..8
i8_t dbg;
} option_t;
typedef struct {
int ec;
float ts;
} pcksts_t;
typedef struct {
ui8_t max_ch;
ui8_t nul_ch;
ui8_t sn_ch;
ui8_t chXbit;
ui32_t SN_X;
ui32_t chX[2];
} sn_t;
typedef struct {
ui32_t prn; // SVs used (PRN)
float dMSL; // Alt_MSL - Alt_ellipsoid = -N = - geoid_height = ellipsoid - geoid
ui8_t nSV; // numSVs used
} gpsdat_t;
#define BITFRAME_LEN 280
typedef struct {
int frnr;
int sonde_typ;
ui32_t SN6;
ui32_t SN;
int week; int gpssec;
int jahr; int monat; int tag;
int std; int min; float sek;
double lat; double lon; double alt;
double dir; double horiV; double vertV;
float meas24[5+2];
float status[2];
float _frmcnt;
char sonde_id[16]; // "ID__:xxxxxxxx\0\0"
hsbit_t frame[BITFRAME_LEN+4]; // char frame_bits[BITFRAME_LEN+4];
char dat_str[9][13+1];
sn_t snc;
pcksts_t pck[9];
option_t option;
int ptu_out;
int jsn_freq; // freq/kHz (SDR)
gpsdat_t gps;
} gpx_t;
//#define HEADLEN 32
// DFM09: Manchester2: 01->1,10->0
static char dfm_rawheader[] = "10011010100110010101101001010101"; //->"0100010111001111"; // 0x45CF (big endian)
static char dfm_header[] = "0100010111001111";
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define BAUD_RATE 2500
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static int datetime2GPSweek(int yy, int mm, int dd,
int hr, int min, int sec,
int *week, int *tow) {
int ww = 0;
int tt = 0;
int gpsDays = 0;
if ( mm < 3 ) { yy -= 1; mm += 12; }
gpsDays = (int)(365.25*yy) + (int)(30.6001*(mm+1.0)) + dd - 723263; // 1980-01-06
ww = gpsDays / 7;
tt = gpsDays % 7;
tt = tt*86400 + hr*3600 + min*60 + sec;
*week = ww;
*tow = tt;
return 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define B 8 // codeword: 8 bit
#define S 4 // davon 4 bit data
#define HEAD 0 // 16 bit
#define CONF (16+0) // 56 bit
#define DAT1 (16+56) // 104 bit
#define DAT2 (16+160) // 104 bit
// frame: 280 bit
static ui8_t G[8][4] = // Generator
{{ 1, 0, 0, 0},
{ 0, 1, 0, 0},
{ 0, 0, 1, 0},
{ 0, 0, 0, 1},
{ 0, 1, 1, 1},
{ 1, 0, 1, 1},
{ 1, 1, 0, 1},
{ 1, 1, 1, 0}};
static ui8_t H[4][8] = // Parity-Check
{{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0},
{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0},
{ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}};
static ui8_t He[8] = { 0x7, 0xB, 0xD, 0xE, 0x8, 0x4, 0x2, 0x1}; // Spalten von H:
// 1-bit-error-Syndrome
static ui8_t codewords[16][8]; // (valid) Hamming codewords
static int nib4bits(ui8_t nib, ui8_t *bits) { // big endian
int j;
nib &= 0xF;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
bits[j] = (nib>>(3-j)) & 0x1;
return 0;
static int gencode(ui8_t msg[4], ui8_t code[8]) {
int i, j; // Gm=c
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
code[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
code[i] ^= G[i][j] & msg[j];
return 0;
static ui32_t bits2val(ui8_t *bits, int len) { // big endian
int j;
ui32_t val;
if ((len < 0) || (len > 32)) return -1; // = 0xFFFF
val = 0;
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
val |= (bits[j] << (len-1-j));
return val;
static void deinterleave(hsbit_t *str, int L, hsbit_t *block) {
int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < B; j++) { // L = 7, 13
for (i = 0; i < L; i++) {
block[B*i+j] = str[L*j+i];
static int check(int opt_ecc, hsbit_t code[8]) {
int i, j; // Bei Demodulierung durch Nulldurchgaenge, wenn durch Fehler ausser Takt,
ui32_t synval = 0; // verschieben sich die bits. Fuer Hamming-Decode waere es besser,
ui8_t syndrom[4]; // sync zu Beginn mit Header und dann Takt beibehalten fuer decision.
int ret=0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // S = 4
syndrom[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { // B = 8
syndrom[i] ^= H[i][j] & code[j].hb;
synval = bits2val(syndrom, 4);
if (synval) {
ret = -1;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { // 1-bit-error
if (synval == He[j]) { // reicht auf databits zu pruefen, d.h.
ret = j+1; // (systematischer Code) He[0..3]
else ret = 0;
if (ret > 0) code[ret-1].hb ^= 0x1; // d=1: 1-bit-error
else if (ret < 0 && opt_ecc == 2) { // d=2: 2-bit-error: soft decision
// Hamming(8,4)
// 256 words:
// 16 codewords
// 16*8=128 1-error words (dist=1)
// 16*7=112 2-error words (dist=2)
// each 2-error word has 4 codewords w/ dist=2,
// choose best match/correlation
int n;
int maxn = -1;
int d = 0;
float sum = 0.0;
float maxsum = 0.0;
sum = 0.0; // s<0: h=0 , s>0: h=1
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // h\in{0,1} -> 2h-1\in{-1,+1}
sum += (2*code[i].hb-1)*code[i].sb; // i.e. sum_i |s_i|
} // original score
for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) {
d = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // d(a,b) = sum_i a[i]^b[i]
if (code[i].hb != codewords[n][i]) d++;
if (d == 2) { // check dist=2 codewords - in principle, all codewords could be tested
// softbits correlation:
// - interleaving
// + no pulse-shaping -> sum
sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
sum += (2*codewords[n][i]-1) * code[i].sb;
if (sum >= maxsum) { // best match
maxsum = sum;
maxn = n;
if (maxn >= 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (code[i].hb = codewords[maxn][i]);
return ret;
static int hamming(int opt_ecc, hsbit_t *ham, int L, ui8_t *sym) {
int i, j;
int ecc = 0, ret = 0; // L = 7, 13
for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { // L * 2 nibble (data+parity)
if (opt_ecc) {
ecc = check(opt_ecc, ham+B*i);
if (ecc > 0) ret |= (1<<i);
if (ecc < 0) ret |= ecc; // -1
for (j = 0; j < S; j++) { // systematic: bits 0..S-1 data
sym[S*i+j] = ham[B*i+j].hb;
return ret;
static char nib2chr(ui8_t nib) {
char c = '_';
if (nib < 0x10) {
if (nib < 0xA) c = 0x30 + nib;
else c = 0x41 + nib-0xA;
return c;
static int cnt_biterr(int ec) {
int i;
ui8_t ecn = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
if ( (ec>>i)&1 ) ecn++;
return ecn;
static int dat_out(gpx_t *gpx, ui8_t *dat_bits, int ec) {
int i, ret = 0;
int fr_id;
// int jahr = 0, monat = 0, tag = 0, std = 0, min = 0;
int frnr = 0;
int msek = 0;
int lat = 0, lon = 0, alt = 0;
int nib;
int dvv; // signed/unsigned 16bit
fr_id = bits2val(dat_bits+48, 4);
if (fr_id >= 0 && fr_id <= 8) {
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
nib = bits2val(dat_bits+4*i, 4);
gpx->dat_str[fr_id][i] = nib2chr(nib);
gpx->dat_str[fr_id][13] = '\0';
gpx->pck[fr_id].ts = gpx->_frmcnt; // time_stamp,frame_count,...
if (gpx->option.ecc) {
gpx->pck[fr_id].ec = ec; // option_ecc laesst -1 garnicht durch
if (ec > 0) {
ui8_t ecn = cnt_biterr(ec);
gpx->pck[fr_id].ec = ecn;
if ((gpx->option.dst || gpx->option.jsn) && ecn > 4) gpx->pck[fr_id].ec = -2; // threshold: #errors > 4
// GPS data
// SiRF msg ID 41: Geodetic Navigation Data
if (fr_id == 0) {
//start = 0x1000;
frnr = bits2val(dat_bits+24, 8);
gpx->frnr = frnr;
if (fr_id == 1) {
// 00..31: GPS-Sats in solution (bitmap)
gpx->gps.prn = bits2val(dat_bits, 32); // SV/PRN used
msek = bits2val(dat_bits+32, 16); // UTC (= GPS - 18sec ab 1.1.2017)
gpx->sek = msek/1000.0;
if (fr_id == 2) {
lat = bits2val(dat_bits, 32);
gpx->lat = lat/1e7;
dvv = (short)bits2val(dat_bits+32, 16); // (short)? zusammen mit dir sollte unsigned sein
gpx->horiV = dvv/1e2;
if (fr_id == 3) {
lon = bits2val(dat_bits, 32);
gpx->lon = lon/1e7;
dvv = bits2val(dat_bits+32, 16) & 0xFFFF; // unsigned
gpx->dir = dvv/1e2;
if (fr_id == 4) {
alt = bits2val(dat_bits, 32);
gpx->alt = alt/1e2;
dvv = (short)bits2val(dat_bits+32, 16); // signed
gpx->vertV = dvv/1e2;
if (fr_id == 5) {
short dMSL = bits2val(dat_bits, 16);
gpx->gps.dMSL = dMSL/1e2;
if (fr_id == 6) { // sat data
if (fr_id == 7) { // sat data
if (fr_id == 8) {
gpx->jahr = bits2val(dat_bits, 12);
gpx->monat = bits2val(dat_bits+12, 4);
gpx->tag = bits2val(dat_bits+16, 5);
gpx->std = bits2val(dat_bits+21, 5);
gpx->min = bits2val(dat_bits+26, 6);
gpx->gps.nSV = bits2val(dat_bits+32, 8);
ret = fr_id;
return ret;
// DFM-06 (NXP8)
static float fl20(int d) { // float20
int val, p;
float f;
p = (d>>16) & 0xF;
val = d & 0xFFFF;
f = val/(float)(1<<p);
return f;
static float flo20(int d) {
int m, e;
float f1, f;
m = d & 0xFFFF;
e = (d >> 16) & 0xF;
f = m / pow(2,e);
return f;
// DFM-09 (STM32)
static float fl24(int d) { // float24
int val, p;
float f;
p = (d>>20) & 0xF;
val = d & 0xFFFFF;
f = val/(float)(1<<p);
return f;
// temperature approximation
static float get_Temp(gpx_t *gpx) { // meas[0..4]
// NTC-Thermistor EPCOS B57540G0502
// R/T No 8402, R25=Ro=5k
// B0/100=3450
// 1/T = 1/To + 1/B log(r) , r=R/Ro
// GRAW calibration data -80C..+40C on EEPROM ?
// meas0 = g*(R + Rs)
// meas3 = g*Rs , Rs: dfm6:10k, dfm9:20k
// meas4 = g*Rf , Rf=220k
float f = gpx->meas24[0],
f1 = gpx->meas24[3],
f2 = gpx->meas24[4];
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xC) {
f = gpx->meas24[0+1];
f1 = gpx->meas24[3+2];
f2 = gpx->meas24[4+2];
//float *meas = gpx->meas24;
float B0 = 3260.0; // B/Kelvin, fit -55C..+40C
float T0 = 25 + 273.15; // t0=25C
float R0 = 5.0e3; // R0=R25=5k
float Rf = 220e3; // Rf = 220k
float g = f2/Rf;
float R = (f-f1) / g; // meas[0,3,4] > 0 ?
float T = 0; // T/Kelvin
if (f*f1*f2 == 0) R = 0;
if (R > 0) T = 1/(1/T0 + 1/B0 * log(R/R0));
return T - 273.15; // Celsius
// DFM-06: meas20 * 16 = meas24
// -> (meas24[0]-meas24[3])/meas24[4]=(meas20[0]-meas20[3])/meas20[4]
static float get_Temp2(gpx_t *gpx) { // meas[0..4]
// NTC-Thermistor EPCOS B57540G0502
// R/T No 8402, R25=Ro=5k
// B0/100=3450
// 1/T = 1/To + 1/B log(r) , r=R/Ro
// GRAW calibration data -80C..+40C on EEPROM ?
// meas0 = g*(R+Rs)+ofs
// meas3 = g*Rs+ofs , Rs: dfm6:10k, dfm9:20k
// meas4 = g*Rf+ofs , Rf=220k
float f = gpx->meas24[0],
f1 = gpx->meas24[3],
f2 = gpx->meas24[4];
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xC) {
f = gpx->meas24[0+1];
f1 = gpx->meas24[3+2];
f2 = gpx->meas24[4+2];
float B0 = 3260.0; // B/Kelvin, fit -55C..+40C
float T0 = 25 + 273.15; // t0=25C
float R0 = 5.0e3; // R0=R25=5k
float Rf2 = 220e3; // Rf2 = Rf = 220k
float g_o = f2/Rf2; // approx gain
float Rs_o = f1/g_o; // = Rf2 * f1/f2;
float Rf1 = Rs_o; // Rf1 = Rs: dfm6:10k, dfm9:20k
float g = g_o; // gain
float Rb = 0.0; // offset
float R = 0; // thermistor
float T = 0; // T/Kelvin
// ptu_out=0xD: Rs_o=13.6, Rf2=?
if ( 8e3 < Rs_o && Rs_o < 12e3) Rf1 = 10e3; // dfm6
else if (18e3 < Rs_o && Rs_o < 22e3) Rf1 = 20e3; // dfm9
g = (f2 - f1) / (Rf2 - Rf1);
Rb = (f1*Rf2-f2*Rf1)/(f2-f1); // ofs/g
R = (f-f1)/g; // meas[0,3,4] > 0 ?
if (R > 0) T = 1/(1/T0 + 1/B0 * log(R/R0));
if (gpx->option.ptu && gpx->ptu_out && gpx->option.dbg) {
printf(" (Rso: %.1f , Rb: %.1f)", Rs_o/1e3, Rb/1e3);
return T - 273.15;
// DFM-06: meas20 * 16 = meas24
static float get_Temp4(gpx_t *gpx) { // meas[0..4]
// NTC-Thermistor EPCOS B57540G0502
// [ T/C , R/R25 , alpha ] :
// [ -55.0 , 51.991 , 6.4 ]
// [ -50.0 , 37.989 , 6.2 ]
// [ -45.0 , 28.07 , 5.9 ]
// [ -40.0 , 20.96 , 5.7 ]
// [ -35.0 , 15.809 , 5.5 ]
// [ -30.0 , 12.037 , 5.4 ]
// [ -25.0 , 9.2484 , 5.2 ]
// [ -20.0 , 7.1668 , 5.0 ]
// [ -15.0 , 5.5993 , 4.9 ]
// [ -10.0 , 4.4087 , 4.7 ]
// [ -5.0 , 3.4971 , 4.6 ]
// [ 0.0 , 2.7936 , 4.4 ]
// [ 5.0 , 2.2468 , 4.3 ]
// [ 10.0 , 1.8187 , 4.2 ]
// [ 15.0 , 1.4813 , 4.0 ]
// [ 20.0 , 1.2136 , 3.9 ]
// [ 25.0 , 1.0000 , 3.8 ]
// [ 30.0 , 0.82845 , 3.7 ]
// [ 35.0 , 0.68991 , 3.6 ]
// [ 40.0 , 0.57742 , 3.5 ]
// -> Steinhart–Hart coefficients (polyfit):
float p0 = 1.09698417e-03,
p1 = 2.39564629e-04,
p2 = 2.48821437e-06,
p3 = 5.84354921e-08;
// T/K = 1/( p0 + p1*ln(R) + p2*ln(R)^2 + p3*ln(R)^3 )
float f = gpx->meas24[0],
f1 = gpx->meas24[3],
f2 = gpx->meas24[4];
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xC) {
f = gpx->meas24[0+1];
f1 = gpx->meas24[3+2];
f2 = gpx->meas24[4+2];
//float *meas = gpx->meas24;
float Rf = 220e3; // Rf = 220k
float g = f2/Rf;
float R = (f-f1) / g; // f,f1,f2 > 0 ?
float T = 0; // T/Kelvin
if (R > 0) T = 1/( p0 + p1*log(R) + p2*log(R)*log(R) + p3*log(R)*log(R)*log(R) );
return T - 273.15; // Celsius
// DFM-06: meas20 * 16 = meas24
// -> (meas24[0]-meas24[3])/meas24[4]=(meas20[0]-meas20[3])/meas20[4]
#define SNbit 0x0100
static int conf_out(gpx_t *gpx, ui8_t *conf_bits, int ec) {
int ret = 0;
int val;
ui8_t conf_id;
ui8_t hl;
ui32_t SN6, SN;
ui8_t dfm6typ;
ui8_t sn2_ch, sn_ch;
conf_id = bits2val(conf_bits, 4);
if (conf_id > 4 && bits2val(conf_bits+8, 4*5) == 0) gpx->snc.nul_ch = bits2val(conf_bits, 8);
dfm6typ = ((gpx->snc.nul_ch & 0xF0)==0x50) && (gpx->snc.nul_ch & 0x0F);
if (dfm6typ) gpx->ptu_out = 6;
if (dfm6typ && (gpx->sonde_typ & 0xF) > 6)
{ // reset if 0x5A, 0x5B (DFM-06)
gpx->sonde_typ = 0;
gpx->snc.max_ch = conf_id;
if (conf_id > 5 && conf_id > gpx->snc.max_ch && ec == 0) { // mind. 6 Kanaele
if (bits2val(conf_bits+4, 4) == 0xC) { // 0xsCaaaab
gpx->snc.max_ch = conf_id; // reset?
if (bits2val(conf_bits, 8) == 0x70) { // 0x70aaaab
gpx->snc.max_ch = conf_id; // reset?
// SN: mind. 6 Kanaele
if (conf_id > 5 && (conf_id == (gpx->snc.nul_ch>>4)+1 || conf_id == gpx->snc.max_ch))
sn2_ch = bits2val(conf_bits, 8);
sn_ch = ((sn2_ch>>4) & 0xF); // sn_ch == config_id
if ( (gpx->snc.nul_ch & 0x58) == 0x58 ) { // 0x5A, 0x5B
SN6 = bits2val(conf_bits+4, 4*6); // DFM-06: Kanal 6
if (SN6 == gpx->SN6 && SN6 != 0) { // nur Nibble-Werte 0..9
gpx->sonde_typ = SNbit | 6;
gpx->ptu_out = 6; // <-> DFM-06
sprintf(gpx->sonde_id, "ID06:%6X", gpx->SN6);
else { // reset
gpx->sonde_typ = 0;
gpx->SN6 = SN6;
} // SN in last pck/channel, #{pcks} depends on (sensor) config; observed:
else if ( (sn2_ch & 0xF) == 0xC // 0xsCaaaab, s==sn_ch , s: 0xA=DFM-09 , 0xC=DFM-09P , 0xB=DFM-17 , 0xD=DFM-17P?
|| (sn2_ch & 0xF) == 0x0 ) // 0xs0aaaab, s==sn_ch , s: 0x7,0x8: pilotsonde PS-15?
val = bits2val(conf_bits+8, 4*5);
hl = (val & 0xF);
if (hl < 2)
if ( gpx->snc.sn_ch != sn_ch ) { // -> sn_ch > 0
// reset
gpx->snc.chXbit = 0;
gpx->snc.chX[0] = 0;
gpx->snc.chX[1] = 0;
gpx->snc.sn_ch = sn_ch;
gpx->snc.chX[hl] = (val >> 4) & 0xFFFF;
gpx->snc.chXbit |= 1 << hl;
if (gpx->snc.chXbit == 3) {
SN = (gpx->snc.chX[0] << 16) | gpx->snc.chX[1];
if ( SN == gpx->snc.SN_X || gpx->snc.SN_X == 0 ) {
gpx->sonde_typ = SNbit | sn_ch;
gpx->SN = SN;
gpx->ptu_out = 0;
if (sn_ch == 0xA /*&& (sn2_ch & 0xF) == 0xC*/) gpx->ptu_out = sn_ch; // <+> DFM-09
if (sn_ch == 0xB /*&& (sn2_ch & 0xF) == 0xC*/) gpx->ptu_out = sn_ch; // <-> DFM-17
if (sn_ch == 0xC) gpx->ptu_out = sn_ch; // <+> DFM-09P(?)
if (sn_ch == 0xD) gpx->ptu_out = sn_ch; // <-> DFM-17P?
// PS-15 ? (sn2_ch & 0xF) == 0x0 : gpx->ptu_out = 0 // <-> PS-15
if ( (gpx->sonde_typ & 0xF) == 0xA) {
sprintf(gpx->sonde_id, "ID09:%6u", gpx->SN);
else {
sprintf(gpx->sonde_id, "ID-%1X:%6u", gpx->sonde_typ & 0xF, gpx->SN);
else { // reset
gpx->sonde_typ = 0;
gpx->snc.SN_X = SN;
gpx->snc.chXbit = 0;
ret = (gpx->sonde_typ & 0xF);
if (conf_id >= 0 && conf_id <= 4) {
val = bits2val(conf_bits+4, 4*6);
gpx->meas24[conf_id] = fl24(val);
// DFM-09 (STM32): 24bit 0exxxxx
// DFM-06 (NXP8): 20bit 0exxxx0
// fl20(bits2val(conf_bits+4, 4*5))
// = fl20(exxxx)
// = fl24(exxxx0)/2^4
// meas20 * 16 = meas24
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xC) { // DFM>=09(P)
if (conf_id >= 5 && conf_id <= 6) {
val = bits2val(conf_bits+4, 4*6);
gpx->meas24[conf_id] = fl24(val);
// STM32-status: Bat, MCU-Temp
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xA) { // DFM>=09(P) (STM32)
ui8_t ofs = 0;
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xC) ofs = 2;
if (conf_id == 0x5+ofs) { // voltage
val = bits2val(conf_bits+8, 4*4);
gpx->status[0] = val/1000.0;
if (conf_id == 0x6+ofs) { // T-intern (STM32)
val = bits2val(conf_bits+8, 4*4);
gpx->status[1] = val/100.0;
else {
gpx->status[0] = 0;
gpx->status[1] = 0;
return ret;
static void print_gpx(gpx_t *gpx) {
int i, j;
int contgps = 0;
int output = 0;
int jsonout = 0;
int start = 0;
if (gpx->frnr > 0) start = 0x1000;
output |= start;
for (i = 0; i < 9/*8*/; i++) { // trigger: pck8
if ( !( (gpx->option.dst || gpx->option.jsn) && gpx->pck[i].ec < 0) )
if (gpx->pck[8].ts - gpx->pck[i].ts < 6.0) { output |= (1<<i); }
//if (gpx->option.dst && gpx->pck[i].ec < 0) { output &= ~(1<<i); }
jsonout = output;
contgps = ((output & 0x11F) == 0x11F); // 0,1,2,3,8
if (gpx->option.dst && !contgps) {
output = 0;
if (gpx->option.jsn && !contgps) {
jsonout = 0;
if (output & 0xF000) {
if (gpx->option.raw == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
printf(" %s", gpx->dat_str[i]);
if (gpx->option.ecc) printf(" (%1X) ", gpx->pck[i].ec&0xF);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 13; j++) gpx->dat_str[i][j] = ' ';
else {
if (gpx->option.aut && gpx->option.vbs >= 2) printf("<%c> ", gpx->option.inv?'-':'+');
printf("[%3d] ", gpx->frnr);
printf("%4d-%02d-%02d ", gpx->jahr, gpx->monat, gpx->tag);
printf("%02d:%02d:%04.1f ", gpx->std, gpx->min, gpx->sek);
if (gpx->option.vbs >= 2 && gpx->option.ecc) printf("(%1X,%1X,%1X) ", gpx->pck[0].ec&0xF, gpx->pck[8].ec&0xF, gpx->pck[1].ec&0xF);
printf(" ");
printf(" lat: %.5f ", gpx->lat); if (gpx->option.vbs >= 2 && gpx->option.ecc) printf("(%1X) ", gpx->pck[2].ec&0xF);
printf(" lon: %.5f ", gpx->lon); if (gpx->option.vbs >= 2 && gpx->option.ecc) printf("(%1X) ", gpx->pck[3].ec&0xF);
printf(" alt: %.1f ", gpx->alt); if (gpx->option.vbs >= 2 && gpx->option.ecc) printf("(%1X) ", gpx->pck[4].ec&0xF);
printf(" vH: %5.2f ", gpx->horiV);
printf(" D: %5.1f ", gpx->dir);
printf(" vV: %5.2f ", gpx->vertV);
if (gpx->option.ptu && gpx->ptu_out) {
float t = get_Temp(gpx);
if (t > -270.0) printf(" T=%.1fC ", t);
if (gpx->option.dbg) {
float t2 = get_Temp2(gpx);
float t4 = get_Temp4(gpx);
if (t2 > -270.0) printf(" T2=%.1fC ", t2);
if (t4 > -270.0) printf(" T4=%.1fC ", t4);
printf(" f0: %.2f ", gpx->meas24[0]);
printf(" f1: %.2f ", gpx->meas24[1]);
printf(" f2: %.2f ", gpx->meas24[2]);
printf(" f3: %.2f ", gpx->meas24[3]);
printf(" f4: %.2f ", gpx->meas24[4]);
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xC) {
printf(" f5: %.2f ", gpx->meas24[5]);
printf(" f6: %.2f ", gpx->meas24[6]);
if (gpx->option.vbs == 3 && gpx->ptu_out >= 0xA) {
printf(" U: %.2fV ", gpx->status[0]);
printf(" Ti: %.1fK ", gpx->status[1]);
if (gpx->option.vbs)
if (gpx->sonde_typ & SNbit) {
printf(" (%s) ", gpx->sonde_id);
gpx->sonde_typ ^= SNbit;
if (gpx->option.sat) {
printf(" ");
printf(" dMSL: %+.2f", gpx->gps.dMSL); // MSL = alt + gps.dMSL
printf(" sats: %d", gpx->gps.nSV);
printf(" (");
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if ((gpx->gps.prn >> j)&1) printf(" %02d", j+1); }
printf(" )");
if (gpx->option.jsn && jsonout && gpx->sek < 60.0)
unsigned long sec_gps = 0;
int week = 0;
int tow = 0;
char json_sonde_id[] = "DFM-xxxxxxxx\0\0";
ui8_t dfm_typ = (gpx->sonde_typ & 0xF);
switch ( dfm_typ ) {
case 0: sprintf(json_sonde_id, "DFM-xxxxxxxx"); break; //json_sonde_id[0] = '\0';
case 6: sprintf(json_sonde_id, "DFM-%6X", gpx->SN6); break; // DFM-06
case 0xA: sprintf(json_sonde_id, "DFM-%6u", gpx->SN); break; // DFM-09
// 0x7:PS-15?, 0xB:DFM-17? 0xC:DFM-09P? 0xD:DFM-17P?
default : sprintf(json_sonde_id, "DFM-%6u", gpx->SN);
// JSON frame counter: seconds since GPS (ignoring leap seconds, DFM=UTC)
datetime2GPSweek(gpx->jahr, gpx->monat, gpx->tag, gpx->std, gpx->min, (int)(gpx->sek+0.5), &week, &tow);
sec_gps = week*604800 + tow; // SECONDS_IN_WEEK=7*86400=604800
// Print JSON blob // valid sonde_ID?
printf("{ \"type\": \"%s\"", "DFM");
printf(", \"frame\": %lu, ", sec_gps); // gpx->frnr
printf("\"id\": \"%s\", \"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%06.3fZ\", \"lat\": %.5f, \"lon\": %.5f, \"alt\": %.5f, \"vel_h\": %.5f, \"heading\": %.5f, \"vel_v\": %.5f, \"sats\": %d",
json_sonde_id, gpx->jahr, gpx->monat, gpx->tag, gpx->std, gpx->min, gpx->sek, gpx->lat, gpx->lon, gpx->alt, gpx->horiV, gpx->dir, gpx->vertV, gpx->gps.nSV);
if (gpx->ptu_out >= 0xA && gpx->status[0] > 0) { // DFM>=09(P): Battery (STM32)
printf(", \"batt\": %.2f", gpx->status[0]);
if (gpx->ptu_out) { // get temperature
float t = get_Temp(gpx); // ecc-valid temperature?
if (t > -270.0) printf(", \"temp\": %.1f", t);
if (dfm_typ > 0) printf(", \"subtype\": \"0x%1X\"", dfm_typ);
if (gpx->jsn_freq > 0) {
printf(", \"freq\": %d", gpx->jsn_freq);
printf(" }\n");
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) gpx->pck[i].ec = -1;
static int print_frame(gpx_t *gpx) {
int i;
int nib = 0;
int frid = -1;
int ret0, ret1, ret2;
int ret = 0;
hsbit_t hamming_conf[ 7*B]; // 7*8=56
hsbit_t hamming_dat1[13*B]; // 13*8=104
hsbit_t hamming_dat2[13*B];
ui8_t block_conf[ 7*S]; // 7*4=28
ui8_t block_dat1[13*S]; // 13*4=52
ui8_t block_dat2[13*S];
deinterleave(gpx->frame+CONF, 7, hamming_conf);
deinterleave(gpx->frame+DAT1, 13, hamming_dat1);
deinterleave(gpx->frame+DAT2, 13, hamming_dat2);
ret0 = hamming(gpx->option.ecc, hamming_conf, 7, block_conf);
ret1 = hamming(gpx->option.ecc, hamming_dat1, 13, block_dat1);
ret2 = hamming(gpx->option.ecc, hamming_dat2, 13, block_dat2);
ret = ret0 | ret1 | ret2;
if (gpx->option.raw == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
nib = bits2val(block_conf+S*i, S);
printf("%01X", nib & 0xFF);
if (gpx->option.ecc) {
if (ret0 == 0) printf(" [OK] ");
else if (ret0 > 0) printf(" [KO] ");
else printf(" [NO] ");
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
nib = bits2val(block_dat1+S*i, S);
printf("%01X", nib & 0xFF);
if (gpx->option.ecc) {
if (ret1 == 0) printf(" [OK] ");
else if (ret1 > 0) printf(" [KO] ");
else printf(" [NO] ");
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
nib = bits2val(block_dat2+S*i, S);
printf("%01X", nib & 0xFF);
if (gpx->option.ecc) {
if (ret2 == 0) printf(" [OK] ");
else if (ret2 > 0) printf(" [KO] ");
else printf(" [NO] ");
if (gpx->option.ecc && gpx->option.vbs) {
if (gpx->option.vbs > 1) printf(" (%1X,%1X,%1X) ", cnt_biterr(ret0), cnt_biterr(ret1), cnt_biterr(ret2));
printf(" (%d) ", cnt_biterr(ret0)+cnt_biterr(ret1)+cnt_biterr(ret2));
else if (gpx->option.ecc) {
if (ret0 == 0 || ret0 > 0 || gpx->option.ecc == 2) {
conf_out(gpx, block_conf, ret0);
if (ret1 == 0 || ret1 > 0 || gpx->option.ecc == 2) {
frid = dat_out(gpx, block_dat1, ret1);
if (frid == 8) print_gpx(gpx);
if (ret2 == 0 || ret2 > 0 || gpx->option.ecc == 2) {
frid = dat_out(gpx, block_dat2, ret2);
if (frid == 8) print_gpx(gpx);
else {
conf_out(gpx, block_conf, ret0);
frid = dat_out(gpx, block_dat1, ret1);
if (frid == 8) print_gpx(gpx);
frid = dat_out(gpx, block_dat2, ret2);
if (frid == 8) print_gpx(gpx);
return ret;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int option_verbose = 0; // ausfuehrliche Anzeige
int option_raw = 0; // rohe Frames
int option_inv = 0; // invertiert Signal
int option_ecc = 0;
int option_ptu = 0;
int option_dist = 0; // continuous pcks 0..8
int option_auto = 0;
int option_min = 0;
int option_iq = 0;
int option_iqdc = 0;
int option_lp = 0;
int option_dc = 0;
int option_bin = 0;
int option_softin = 0;
int option_json = 0; // JSON blob output (for auto_rx)
int option_pcmraw = 0;
int wavloaded = 0;
int sel_wavch = 0; // audio channel: left
int spike = 0;
int cfreq = -1;
FILE *fp = NULL;
char *fpname = NULL;
int ret = 0;
int k;
hsbit_t hsbit;
int bitpos = 0;
int bitQ;
int pos;
int frm = 0, nfrms = 8; // nfrms=1,2,4,8
int headerlen = 0;
int header_found = 0;
float thres = 0.65;
float _mv = 0.0;
float lpIQ_bw = 12e3;
int symlen = 2;
int bitofs = 2; // +1 .. +2
int shift = 0;
pcm_t pcm = {0};
dsp_t dsp = {0};
gpx_t gpx = {0};
hdb_t hdb = {0};
ui32_t hdrcnt = 0;
#ifdef CYGWIN
_setmode(fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); // _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
fpname = argv[0];
while ((*argv) && (!wavloaded)) {
if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s [options] audio.wav\n", fpname);
fprintf(stderr, " options:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -v, -vv\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -r, --raw\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -i, --invert\n");
fprintf(stderr, " --ecc (Hamming ECC)\n");
fprintf(stderr, " --ths <x> (peak threshold; default=%.1f)\n", thres);
fprintf(stderr, " --json (JSON output)\n");
return 0;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--verbose") == 0) ) {
option_verbose = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-vv" ) == 0) ) { option_verbose = 2; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-vvv") == 0) ) { option_verbose = 3; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--raw") == 0) ) {
option_raw = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-R") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--RAW") == 0) ) {
option_raw = 2;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--invert") == 0) ) {
option_inv = 0x1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--ecc" ) == 0) ) { option_ecc = 1; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--ecc2") == 0) ) { option_ecc = 2; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--ptu") == 0) ) {
option_ptu = 1;
//gpx.ptu_out = 1; // force ptu (non PS-15)
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--spike") == 0) ) {
spike = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--auto") == 0) { option_auto = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--bin") == 0) { option_bin = 1; } // bit/byte binary input
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--softin") == 0) { option_softin = 1; } // float32 soft input
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--dist") == 0) { option_dist = 1; option_ecc = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--json") == 0) { option_json = 1; option_ecc = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--jsn_cfq") == 0) {
int frq = -1; // center frequency / Hz
if (*argv) frq = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (frq < 300000000) frq = -1;
cfreq = frq;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ch2") == 0) { sel_wavch = 1; } // right channel (default: 0=left)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ths") == 0) {
if (*argv) {
thres = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-d") == 0) ) {
if (*argv) {
shift = atoi(*argv);
if (shift > 4) shift = 4;
if (shift < -4) shift = -4;
else return -1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq0") == 0) { option_iq = 1; } // differential/FM-demod
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq2") == 0) { option_iq = 2; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq3") == 0) { option_iq = 3; } // iq2==iq3
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iqdc") == 0) { option_iqdc = 1; } // iq-dc removal (iq0,2,3)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--IQ") == 0) { // fq baseband -> IF (rotate from and decimate)
double fq = 0.0; // --IQ <fq> , -0.5 < fq < 0.5
if (*argv) fq = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
if (fq < -0.5) fq = -0.5;
if (fq > 0.5) fq = 0.5;
dsp.xlt_fq = -fq; // S(t) -> S(t)*exp(-f*2pi*I*t)
option_iq = 5;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lp") == 0) { option_lp = 1; } // IQ lowpass
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--dc") == 0) { option_dc = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--min") == 0) {
option_min = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--dbg") == 0) { gpx.option.dbg = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lpbw") == 0) { // IQ lowpass BW / kHz
double bw = 0.0;
if (*argv) bw = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
if (bw > 4.6 && bw < 24.0) lpIQ_bw = bw*1e3;
option_lp = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--sat") == 0) { gpx.option.sat = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0) {
int sample_rate = 0, bits_sample = 0, channels = 0;
if (*argv) sample_rate = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (*argv) bits_sample = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
channels = 2;
if (sample_rate < 1 || (bits_sample != 8 && bits_sample != 16 && bits_sample != 32)) {
fprintf(stderr, "- <sr> <bs>\n");
return -1;
} = sample_rate;
pcm.bps = bits_sample;
pcm.nch = channels;
option_pcmraw = 1;
else {
fp = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: open %s\n", *argv);
return -1;
wavloaded = 1;
if (!wavloaded) fp = stdin;
// ecc2-soft_decision accepts also 2-error words,
// so the probability for 3 errors is high and will
// produce wrong codewords. hence ecc2 is not recommended
// for reliable frame decoding.
if ( option_dist || option_json ) option_ecc = 1;
if (option_ecc)
ui8_t nib, msg[4], code[8];
for (nib = 0; nib < 16; nib++) {
nib4bits(nib, msg);
gencode(msg, code);
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) codewords[nib][k] = code[k];
// init gpx
//strcpy(gpx.frame_bits, dfm_header); //, sizeof(dfm_header);
for (k = 0; k < strlen(dfm_header); k++) {
gpx.frame[k].hb = dfm_header[k] & 1;
gpx.frame[k].sb = 2*gpx.frame[k].hb - 1;
for (k = 0; k < 9; k++) gpx.pck[k].ec = -1; // init ecc-status
gpx.option.inv = option_inv;
gpx.option.vbs = option_verbose;
gpx.option.raw = option_raw;
gpx.option.ptu = option_ptu;
gpx.option.ecc = option_ecc;
gpx.option.aut = option_auto;
gpx.option.dst = option_dist;
gpx.option.jsn = option_json;
if (cfreq > 0) gpx.jsn_freq = (cfreq+500)/1000;
headerlen = strlen(dfm_rawheader);
#ifdef EXT_FSK
if (!option_bin && !option_softin) {
option_softin = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "reading float32 soft symbols\n");
if (!option_bin && !option_softin) {
if (option_iq == 0 && option_pcmraw) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: raw data not IQ\n");
return -1;
if (option_iq) sel_wavch = 0;
pcm.sel_ch = sel_wavch;
if (option_pcmraw == 0) {
k = read_wav_header(&pcm, fp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: wav header\n");
return -1;
if (cfreq > 0) {
int fq_kHz = (cfreq - dsp.xlt_fq* + 500)/1e3;
gpx.jsn_freq = fq_kHz;
// dfm: BT=1?, h=2.4?
symlen = 2;
// init dsp
dsp.fp = fp; =;
dsp.bps = pcm.bps;
dsp.nch = pcm.nch; = pcm.sel_ch; = (float)BAUD_RATE;
dsp.sps = (float);
dsp.symlen = symlen;
dsp.symhd = symlen;
dsp._spb = dsp.sps*symlen;
dsp.hdr = dfm_rawheader;
dsp.hdrlen = strlen(dfm_rawheader);
dsp.BT = 0.5; // bw/time (ISI) // 0.3..0.5
dsp.h = 1.8; // 2.4 modulation index abzgl. BT
dsp.opt_iq = option_iq;
dsp.opt_iqdc = option_iqdc;
dsp.opt_lp = option_lp;
dsp.lpIQ_bw = lpIQ_bw; // 12e3; // IF lowpass bandwidth
dsp.lpFM_bw = 4e3; // FM audio lowpass
dsp.opt_dc = option_dc;
dsp.opt_IFmin = option_min;
if ( dsp.sps < 8 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "note: sample rate low\n");
k = init_buffers(&dsp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: init buffers\n");
return -1;
bitofs += shift;
else {
if (option_bin && option_softin) option_bin = 0;
// init circular header bit buffer
hdb.hdr = dfm_rawheader;
hdb.len = strlen(dfm_rawheader);
hdb.thb = 1.0 - 2.1/(float)hdb.len; // 1.0-max_bit_errors/hdrlen // max 1.1 !!
hdb.bufpos = -1;
hdb.buf = calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(char));
if (hdb.buf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n");
return -1;
hdb.ths = 0.7; // caution/test false positive
hdb.sbuf = calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(float));
if (hdb.sbuf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n");
return -1;
while ( 1 )
if (option_bin) { // aka find_binrawhead()
header_found = find_binhead(fp, &hdb, &_mv); // symbols or bits?
hdrcnt += nfrms;
else if (option_softin) {
header_found = find_softbinhead(fp, &hdb, &_mv);
hdrcnt += nfrms;
else { //2 (false positive) // FM-audio:
header_found = find_header(&dsp, thres, 2, bitofs, dsp.opt_dc); // optional 2nd pass: dc=0
_mv =;
if (header_found == EOF) break;
// mv == correlation score
if (_mv *(0.5-gpx.option.inv) < 0) {
if (gpx.option.aut == 0) header_found = 0;
else gpx.option.inv ^= 0x1;
if (header_found)
bitpos = 0;
pos = headerlen;
pos /= 2;
//if (fabs(mv) > 0.85) nfrms = 8; else nfrms = 4; // test OK/KO/NO count
frm = 0;
while ( frm < nfrms ) { // nfrms=1,2,4,8
if (option_bin || option_softin) {
gpx._frmcnt = hdrcnt + frm;
else {
gpx._frmcnt = dsp.mv_pos/(2.0*dsp.sps*BITFRAME_LEN) + frm;
while ( pos < BITFRAME_LEN )
if (option_bin) {
// symbols or bits?
// manchester1 1->10,0->01: 1.bit (DFM-06)
// manchester2 0->10,1->01: 2.bit (DFM-09)
bitQ = fgetc(fp);
if (bitQ != EOF) {
hsbit.hb = bitQ & 0x1;
bitQ = fgetc(fp); // check: rbit0^rbit1=1 (Manchester)
if (bitQ != EOF) hsbit.hb = bitQ & 0x1; // 2.bit (DFM-09) = 2*hsbit.hb - 1;
else if (option_softin) {
float s1 = 0.0;
float s2 = 0.0;
float s = 0.0;
bitQ = f32soft_read(fp, &s1);
if (bitQ != EOF) {
bitQ = f32soft_read(fp, &s2);
if (bitQ != EOF) {
s = s2-s1; // integrate both symbols // only 2nd Manchester symbol: s2 = s;
hsbit.hb = (s>=0.0);
else {
float bl = -1;
if (option_iq >= 2) spike = 0;
if (option_iq > 2) bl = 4.0;
bitQ = read_softbit(&dsp, &hsbit, 0, bitofs, bitpos, bl, spike); // symlen=2
// optional:
// normalize soft bit s_j by
// /= dsp._spb+1; // all samples in [-1,+1]
if ( bitQ == EOF ) { frm = nfrms; break; } // liest 2x EOF
if (gpx.option.inv) {
hsbit.hb ^= 1; =;
gpx.frame[pos] = hsbit;
bitpos += 1;
ret = print_frame(&gpx);
if (pos < BITFRAME_LEN) break;
pos = 0;
frm += 1;
//if (ret < 0) frms += 1;
header_found = 0;
pos = headerlen;
if (!option_bin && !option_softin) free_buffers(&dsp);
else {
if (hdb.buf) { free(hdb.buf); hdb.buf = NULL; }
return 0;