
828 wiersze
22 KiB

* radiosondes RS41-SG(P)
* author: zilog80
* usage:
* gcc rs41test.c -lm -o rs41test
* ./rs41test [options] audio.wav
* options:
* -v, --verbose
* -r, --raw
* ./rs41test audio.wav
* ./rs41test -r audio.wav | less -S
* ./rs41test -v audio.wav 1> /dev/null
* ./rs41test -v audio.wav 1> pos.txt
* ./rs41test -v audio.wav 2> cal.txt
* ./rs41test -v audio.wav 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep 0x00
* ./rs41test < audio.wav
* sox -t oss /dev/dsp -t wav - 2>/dev/null | ./rs41test
* sox -t oss /dev/dsp -t wav - lowpass 3000 2>/dev/null | ./rs41test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef CYGWIN
#include <fcntl.h> // cygwin: _setmode()
#include <io.h>
typedef unsigned char ui8_t;
typedef struct {
int frnr;
char id[9];
int week; int gpssec;
int jahr; int monat; int tag;
int wday;
int std; int min; int sek;
double lat; double lon; double h;
double vN; double vE; double vU;
double vH; double vD; double vD2;
} gpx_t;
gpx_t gpx;
int option_verbose = 0, // ausfuehrliche Anzeige
option_raw = 0, // rohe Frames
option_inv = 0, // invertiert Signal
option_res = 0, // genauere Bitmessung
option_auto = 0,
wavloaded = 0;
#define HEADOFS 16 // HEADOFS+HEADLEN <= 64
#define HEADLEN 48 // HEADOFS+HEADLEN mod 8 = 0
/* 10 B6 CA 11 22 96 12 F8 */
char header[] = "0000100001101101010100111000100001000100011010010100100000011111";
char buf[HEADLEN+1] = "x";
int bufpos = -1;
#define AUX_LEN (260)
#define FRAME_LEN (320+AUX_LEN)
ui8_t frame[FRAME_LEN] = { 0x10, 0xB6, 0xCA, 0x11, 0x22, 0x96, 0x12, 0xF8};
#define MASK_LEN 64
ui8_t mask[MASK_LEN] = { 0x96, 0x83, 0x3E, 0x51, 0xB1, 0x49, 0x08, 0x98,
0x32, 0x05, 0x59, 0x0E, 0xF9, 0x44, 0xC6, 0x26,
0x21, 0x60, 0xC2, 0xEA, 0x79, 0x5D, 0x6D, 0xA1,
0x54, 0x69, 0x47, 0x0C, 0xDC, 0xE8, 0x5C, 0xF1,
0xF7, 0x76, 0x82, 0x7F, 0x07, 0x99, 0xA2, 0x2C,
0x93, 0x7C, 0x30, 0x63, 0xF5, 0x10, 0x2E, 0x61,
0xD0, 0xBC, 0xB4, 0xB6, 0x06, 0xAA, 0xF4, 0x23,
0x78, 0x6E, 0x3B, 0xAE, 0xBF, 0x7B, 0x4C, 0xC1};
/* LFSR: ab i=8 (mod 64):
* m[16+i] = m[i] ^ m[i+2] ^ m[i+4] ^ m[i+6]
* ________________3205590EF944C6262160C2EA795D6DA15469470CDCE85CF1
* F776827F0799A22C937C3063F5102E61D0BCB4B606AAF423786E3BAEBF7B4CC196833E51B1490898
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define BAUD_RATE 4800
int sample_rate = 0, bits_sample = 0, channels = 0;
float samples_per_bit = 0;
int findstr(char *buff, char *str, int pos) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (buff[(pos+i)%4] != str[i]) break;
return i;
int read_wav_header(FILE *fp) {
char txt[4+1] = "\0\0\0\0";
unsigned char dat[4];
int byte, p=0;
if (fread(txt, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1;
if (strncmp(txt, "RIFF", 4)) return -1;
if (fread(txt, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1;
// pos_WAVE = 8L
if (fread(txt, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1;
if (strncmp(txt, "WAVE", 4)) return -1;
// pos_fmt = 12L
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( (byte=fgetc(fp)) == EOF ) return -1;
txt[p % 4] = byte;
p++; if (p==4) p=0;
if (findstr(txt, "fmt ", p) == 4) break;
if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1;
if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1;
if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1;
channels = dat[0] + (dat[1] << 8);
if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1;
memcpy(&sample_rate, dat, 4); //sample_rate = dat[0]|(dat[1]<<8)|(dat[2]<<16)|(dat[3]<<24);
if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1;
if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1;
//byte = dat[0] + (dat[1] << 8);
if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1;
bits_sample = dat[0] + (dat[1] << 8);
// pos_dat = 36L + info
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( (byte=fgetc(fp)) == EOF ) return -1;
txt[p % 4] = byte;
p++; if (p==4) p=0;
if (findstr(txt, "data", p) == 4) break;
if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1;
fprintf(stderr, "sample_rate: %d\n", sample_rate);
fprintf(stderr, "bits : %d\n", bits_sample);
fprintf(stderr, "channels : %d\n", channels);
if ((bits_sample != 8) && (bits_sample != 16)) return -1;
samples_per_bit = sample_rate/(float)BAUD_RATE;
fprintf(stderr, "samples/bit: %.2f\n", samples_per_bit);
return 0;
#define EOF_INT 0x1000000
int read_signed_sample(FILE *fp) { // int = i32_t
int byte, i, ret; // EOF -> 0x1000000
for (i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
// i = 0: links bzw. mono
byte = fgetc(fp);
if (byte == EOF) return EOF_INT;
if (i == 0) ret = byte;
if (bits_sample == 16) {
byte = fgetc(fp);
if (byte == EOF) return EOF_INT;
if (i == 0) ret += byte << 8;
if (bits_sample == 8) return ret-128; // 8bit: 00..FF, centerpoint 0x80=128
if (bits_sample == 16) return (short)ret;
return ret;
int par=1, par_alt=1;
unsigned long sample_count = 0;
int read_bits_fsk(FILE *fp, int *bit, int *len) {
static int sample;
int n, y0;
float l, x1;
static float x0;
n = 0;
y0 = sample;
sample = read_signed_sample(fp);
if (sample == EOF_INT) return EOF;
par_alt = par;
par = (sample >= 0) ? 1 : -1; // 8bit: 0..127,128..255 (-128..-1,0..127)
} while (par*par_alt > 0);
if (!option_res) l = (float)n / samples_per_bit;
else { // genauere Bitlaengen-Messung
x1 = sample/(float)(sample-y0); // hilft bei niedriger sample rate
l = (n+x0-x1) / samples_per_bit; // meist mehr frames (nicht immer)
x0 = x1;
*len = (int)(l+0.5);
if (!option_inv) *bit = (1+par_alt)/2; // oben 1, unten -1
else *bit = (1-par_alt)/2; // sdr#<rev1381?, invers: unten 1, oben -1
/* Y-offset ? */
return 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int bits2byte(char bits[]) {
int i, byteval=0, d=1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // little endian
/* for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { // big endian */
if (bits[i] == 1) byteval += d;
else if (bits[i] == 0) byteval += 0;
else return 0x100;
d <<= 1;
return byteval;
void inc_bufpos() {
bufpos = (bufpos+1) % HEADLEN;
char cb_inv(char c) {
if (c == '0') return '1';
if (c == '1') return '0';
return c;
int compare2() {
int i, j;
i = 0;
j = bufpos;
while (i < HEADLEN) {
if (j < 0) j = HEADLEN-1;
if (buf[j] != header[HEADOFS+HEADLEN-1-i]) break;
if (i == HEADLEN) return 1;
if (option_auto) {
i = 0;
j = bufpos;
while (i < HEADLEN) {
if (j < 0) j = HEADLEN-1;
if (buf[j] != cb_inv(header[HEADOFS+HEADLEN-1-i])) break;
if (i == HEADLEN) return -1;
return 0;
ui8_t xorbyte(int pos) {
return frame[pos] ^ mask[pos % MASK_LEN];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Convert GPS Week and Seconds to Modified Julian Day.
* - Adapted from sci.astro FAQ.
* - Ignores UTC leap seconds.
void Gps2Date(long GpsWeek, long GpsSeconds, int *Year, int *Month, int *Day) {
long GpsDays, Mjd;
long J, C, Y, M;
GpsDays = GpsWeek * 7 + (GpsSeconds / 86400);
Mjd = 44244 + GpsDays;
J = Mjd + 2468570;
C = 4 * J / 146097;
J = J - (146097 * C + 3) / 4;
Y = 4000 * (J + 1) / 1461001;
J = J - 1461 * Y / 4 + 31;
M = 80 * J / 2447;
*Day = J - 2447 * M / 80;
J = M / 11;
*Month = M + 2 - (12 * J);
*Year = 100 * (C - 49) + Y + J;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SubHeader, 2byte
0x039: 7928 FrameNumber+SondeID
0x050: 0732 CalFrames 0x00..0x32
0x093: 7C1E GPS Week + TOW
0x112: 7B15 ECEF (X,Y,Z) Coordinates
#define pos_FrameNb 0x03B // 2 byte
#define pos_SondeID 0x03D // 8 byte
#define pos_CalData 0x052 // 1 byte, counter 0x00..0x32
#define pos_Calfreq 0x055 // 2 byte, calfr 0x00
#define pos_Calburst 0x05E // 1 byte, calfr 0x02
// ? #define pos_Caltimer 0x05A // 2 byte, calfr 0x02 ?
#define pos_CalRSTyp 0x05B // 8 byte, calfr 0x21 (+2 byte in 0x22?)
// weitere chars in calfr 0x22/0x23; weitere ID
#define pos_GPSweek 0x095 // 2 byte
#define pos_GPSTOW 0x097 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefX 0x114 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefY 0x118 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefZ 0x11C // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefV 0x120 // 3*2 byte
#define pos_Hframe 0x039
#define HEAD_frame 0x1713 // ^0x6E3B=0x7928
#define pos_Htow 0x093
#define HEAD_tow 0x9667 // ^0xEA79=0x7C1E
#define pos_Hkoord 0x112
#define HEAD_koord 0xB9FF // ^0xC2EA=0x7B15
unsigned shiftLeft(int pos) {
unsigned tmp;
tmp = (frame[pos+1]<<8) + frame[pos];
tmp = (tmp >> 1) & 0xFF;
return tmp;
int shiftRight(int pos) {
unsigned tmp;
tmp = (frame[pos]<<8) + frame[pos-1];
tmp = (tmp >> 7) & 0xFF;
return tmp;
void shiftFrame(int pos, int shift) {
unsigned byte, byte1, byte2;
if (shift > 0) {
while (pos < FRAME_LEN) {
byte = shiftLeft(pos);
frame[pos] = byte;
if (shift < 0) {
byte1 = shiftRight(pos);
while (pos < FRAME_LEN) {
byte2 = shiftRight(pos);
frame[pos-1] = byte1;
byte1 = byte2;
int getShift(int pos, unsigned head) {
unsigned byte;
int shift = 0;
byte = (frame[pos]<<8) + frame[pos+1];
// fprintf(stdout, "0x%04X ", byte ); // HEAD_frame ^ 0x6E38 == 0x7928 ?
if (byte != head) {
byte = (shiftLeft(pos)<<8) + shiftLeft(pos+1);
//fprintf(stdout, " %04X", byte);
if (byte == HEAD_frame) shift = 1;
else {
byte = (shiftRight(pos)<<8) + shiftRight(pos+1);
if (byte == head) shift = -1;
if (!shift) return 0x100;
//printf("shift:%2d ", shift);
return shift;
int get_FrameNb() {
int i;
unsigned byte;
ui8_t frnr_bytes[2];
int frnr;
/* int shift = 0;
shift = getShift(pos_Hframe, HEAD_frame);
if (shift == 0x100) return 0x100;
//printf("shift:%2d ", shift);
shiftFrame(pos_Hframe, shift);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_FrameNb + i);
frnr_bytes[i] = byte;
frnr = frnr_bytes[0] + (frnr_bytes[1] << 8);
gpx.frnr = frnr;
return 0;
int get_SondeID() {
int i;
unsigned byte;
ui8_t sondeid_bytes[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_SondeID + i);
if ((byte < 0x20) || (byte > 0x7E)) return -1;
sondeid_bytes[i] = byte;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {[i] = sondeid_bytes[i];
}[9] = '\0';
return 0;
int get_GPSweek() {
int i;
unsigned byte;
ui8_t gpsweek_bytes[2];
int gpsweek;
/* int shift = 0;
shift = getShift(pos_Htow, HEAD_tow);
if (shift == 0x100) return 0x100;
//printf("shift:%2d ", shift);
shiftFrame(pos_Htow, shift);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_GPSweek + i);
gpsweek_bytes[i] = byte;
gpsweek = gpsweek_bytes[0] + (gpsweek_bytes[1] << 8);
if (gpsweek < 0) { gpx.week = -1; return -1; }
gpx.week = gpsweek;
return 0;
char weekday[7][3] = { "So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"};
int get_GPStime() {
int i;
unsigned byte;
ui8_t gpstime_bytes[4];
int gpstime = 0, // 32bit
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_GPSTOW + i);
gpstime_bytes[i] = byte;
memcpy(&gpstime, gpstime_bytes, 4);
//ms = gpstime % 1000;
gpstime /= 1000;
gpx.gpssec = gpstime;
day = gpstime / (24 * 3600);
gpstime %= (24*3600);
if ((day < 0) || (day > 6)) return -1;
gpx.wday = day;
gpx.std = gpstime / 3600;
gpx.min = (gpstime % 3600) / 60;
gpx.sek = gpstime % 60;
return 0;
#define EARTH_a 6378137.0
#define EARTH_b 6356752.31424518
#define EARTH_a2_b2 (EARTH_a*EARTH_a - EARTH_b*EARTH_b)
double a = EARTH_a,
b = EARTH_b,
a_b = EARTH_a2_b2,
e2 = EARTH_a2_b2 / (EARTH_a*EARTH_a),
ee2 = EARTH_a2_b2 / (EARTH_b*EARTH_b);
void ecef2elli(double X[], double *lat, double *lon, double *h) {
double phi, lam, R, p, t;
lam = atan2( X[1] , X[0] );
p = sqrt( X[0]*X[0] + X[1]*X[1] );
t = atan2( X[2]*a , p*b );
phi = atan2( X[2] + ee2 * b * sin(t)*sin(t)*sin(t) ,
p - e2 * a * cos(t)*cos(t)*cos(t) );
R = a / sqrt( 1 - e2*sin(phi)*sin(phi) );
*h = p / cos(phi) - R;
*lat = phi*180/M_PI;
*lon = lam*180/M_PI;
int get_GPSkoord() {
int i, k;
unsigned byte;
ui8_t XYZ_bytes[4];
int XYZ; // 32bit
double X[3], lat, lon, h;
int shift = 0;
byte = (frame[pos_Hkoord]<<8) + frame[pos_Hkoord+1];
/* fprintf(stdout, "0x%04X ", byte ); // ^ 0xC2EA == 0x7B15 ? */
if (byte != HEAD_koord) {
byte = (shiftLeft(pos_Hkoord)<<8) + shiftLeft(pos_Hkoord+1);
if (byte == HEAD_koord) shift = 1;
else {
byte = (shiftRight(pos_Hkoord)<<8) + shiftRight(pos_Hkoord+1);
if (byte == HEAD_koord) shift = -1;
if (!shift) return 0x100;
//printf("shift:%2d ", shift);
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (shift > 0) byte = shiftLeft(pos_GPSecefX + 4*k + i);
else if (shift < 0) byte = shiftRight(pos_GPSecefX + 4*k + i);
else byte = frame[pos_GPSecefX + 4*k + i];
byte = byte ^ mask[(pos_GPSecefX + 4*k + i) % MASK_LEN];
XYZ_bytes[i] = byte;
memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4);
X[k] = XYZ / 100.0;
ecef2elli(X, &lat, &lon, &h); = lat;
gpx.lon = lon;
gpx.h = h;
if ((h < -1000) || (h > 80000)) return -1;
return 0;
int get_GPSvel() {
int i, k;
unsigned byte;
ui8_t gpsVel_bytes[2];
short vel16;
short V[3];
double vx, vy, vz;
double phi, lam, alpha, dir;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
byte = frame[pos_GPSecefV + 2*k + i] ^ mask[(pos_GPSecefV + 2*k + i) % MASK_LEN];
gpsVel_bytes[i] = byte & 0xFF;
vel16 = gpsVel_bytes[0] | gpsVel_bytes[1] << 8;
V[k] = vel16;
// ECEF-Velocities
vx = V[0] / 1e2;
vy = V[1] / 1e2;
vz = V[2] / 1e2;
// ECEF-Vel -> NorthEastUp
phi =*M_PI/180.0;
lam = gpx.lon*M_PI/180.0;
gpx.vN = -vx*sin(phi)*cos(lam) - vy*sin(phi)*sin(lam) + vz*cos(phi);
gpx.vE = -vx*sin(lam) + vy*cos(lam);
gpx.vU = vx*cos(phi)*cos(lam) + vy*cos(phi)*sin(lam) + vz*sin(phi);
// NEU -> HorDirVer
gpx.vH = sqrt(gpx.vN*gpx.vN+gpx.vE*gpx.vE);
alpha = atan2(gpx.vN, gpx.vE)*180/M_PI; // ComplexPlane (von x-Achse nach links) - GeoMeteo (von y-Achse nach rechts)
dir = 90-alpha; // z=x+iy= -> i*conj(z)=y+ix=re(i(pi/2-t)), Achsen und Drehsinn vertauscht
if (dir < 0) dir += 360; // atan2(y,x)=atan(y/x)=pi/2-atan(x/y) , atan(1/t) = pi/2 - atan(t)
gpx.vD2 = dir;
dir = atan2(gpx.vE, gpx.vN) * 180 / M_PI;
if (dir < 0) dir += 360;
gpx.vD = dir;
return 0;
int get_Cal() {
int i;
unsigned byte;
ui8_t calfr = 0;
ui8_t burst = 0;
int freq = 0, f0 = 0, f1 = 0;
char sondetyp[9];
byte = xorbyte(pos_CalData);
calfr = byte;
fprintf(stderr, " 0x%02x: ", calfr);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_CalData+1+i);
fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", byte);
if (option_verbose == 2) {
if (calfr == 0x02) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_Calburst);
burst = byte;
fprintf(stderr, ": BK %02X ", burst);
if (calfr == 0x00) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_Calfreq) & 0xC0; // erstmal nur oberste beiden bits
f0 = (byte * 10) / 64; // 0x80 -> 1/2, 0x40 -> 1/4 ; dann mal 40
byte = xorbyte(pos_Calfreq+1);
f1 = 40 * byte;
freq = 400000 + f1+f0; // kHz;
fprintf(stderr, ": fq %d ", freq);
if (calfr == 0x21) { // eventuell noch zwei bytes in 0x22
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) sondetyp[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
byte = xorbyte(pos_CalRSTyp + i);
if ((byte >= 0x20) && (byte < 0x7F)) sondetyp[i] = byte;
else if (byte == 0x00) sondetyp[i] = '\0';
fprintf(stderr, ": %s ", sondetyp);
return 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int print_position() {
int err1, err2, err3;
err1 = err2 = err3 = 0;
err1 |= get_FrameNb();
err1 |= get_SondeID();
err2 |= get_GPSweek();
err2 |= get_GPStime();
err3 |= get_GPSkoord();
if (!err1) {
if (!err2) Gps2Date(gpx.week, gpx.gpssec, &gpx.jahr, &gpx.monat, &gpx.tag);
fprintf(stdout, "[%5d] ", gpx.frnr);
fprintf(stdout, "(%s) ",;
if (!err2) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s ", weekday[gpx.wday]);
fprintf(stdout, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
gpx.jahr, gpx.monat, gpx.tag, gpx.std, gpx.min, gpx.sek);
if (option_verbose) fprintf(stdout, " (W %d)", gpx.week);
if (!err3) {
fprintf(stdout, " ");
fprintf(stdout, " lat: %.5f ",;
fprintf(stdout, " lon: %.5f ", gpx.lon);
fprintf(stdout, " h: %.2f ", gpx.h);
if (option_verbose) {
//fprintf(stdout, " (%.1f %.1f %.1f) ", gpx.vN, gpx.vE, gpx.vU);
fprintf(stdout," vH: %.1f D: %.1f° vV: %.1f ", gpx.vH, gpx.vD, gpx.vU);
fprintf(stdout, "\n"); // fflush(stdout);
if (option_verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%5d] ", gpx.frnr);
if (option_auto) fprintf(stderr, "[%c] ", option_inv?'-':'+');
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return err1 | err2 | err3;
void print_frame(int len) {
int i;
ui8_t byte;
if (option_raw) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
//byte = frame[i];
byte = xorbyte(i);
fprintf(stdout, "%02x", byte);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
else print_position();
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp;
char *fpname;
char bitbuf[8];
int bit_count = 0,
byte_count = FRAMESTART,
header_found = 0,
byte, i;
int bit, len;
#ifdef CYGWIN
_setmode(fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); // _fileno(stdin)
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
fpname = argv[0];
while ((*argv) && (!wavloaded)) {
if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s [options] audio.wav\n", fpname);
fprintf(stderr, " options:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -v, --verbose\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -r, --raw\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -i, --invert\n");
return 0;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--verbose") == 0) ) {
option_verbose = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-vv") == 0) { option_verbose = 2; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--res") == 0) { option_res = 1; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--raw") == 0) ) {
option_raw = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--invert") == 0) ) {
option_inv = 0x1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--auto") == 0) ) {
option_auto = 1;
else {
fp = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s konnte nicht geoeffnet werden\n", *argv);
return -1;
wavloaded = 1;
if (!wavloaded) fp = stdin;
i = read_wav_header(fp);
if (i) {
return -1;
while (!read_bits_fsk(fp, &bit, &len)) {
if (len == 0) { // reset_frame();
if (byte_count > FRAME_LEN-AUX_LEN-20) {
bit_count = 0;
byte_count = FRAMESTART;
header_found = 0;
//buf[bufpos] = 'x';
continue; // ...
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buf[bufpos] = 0x30 + bit; // Ascii
if (!header_found) {
header_found = compare2();
if (header_found < 0) option_inv ^= 0x1;
else {
bitbuf[bit_count] = bit;
if (bit_count == 8) {
bit_count = 0;
byte = bits2byte(bitbuf);
frame[byte_count] = byte;
if (byte_count == FRAME_LEN) {
byte_count = FRAMESTART;
header_found = 0;
return 0;