/* * rs92 * sync header: correlation/matched filter * files: rs92mod.c nav_gps_vel.c bch_ecc_mod.c bch_ecc_mod.h demod_mod.c demod_mod.h * compile: * (a) * gcc -c demod_mod.c * gcc -DINCLUDESTATIC rs92mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -o rs92mod * (b) * gcc -c demod_mod.c * gcc -c bch_ecc_mod.c * gcc rs92mod.c demod_mod.o bch_ecc_mod.o -lm -o rs92mod * * author: zilog80 */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef CYGWIN #include // cygwin: _setmode() #include #endif // optional JSON "version" // (a) set global // gcc -DVERSION_JSN [-I] ... #ifdef VERSION_JSN #include "version_jsn.h" #endif // or // (b) set local compiler option, e.g. // gcc -DVER_JSN_STR=\"0.0.2\" ... //typedef unsigned char ui8_t; //typedef unsigned short ui16_t; //typedef unsigned int ui32_t; #include "demod_mod.h" //#define INCLUDESTATIC 1 #ifdef INCLUDESTATIC #include "bch_ecc_mod.c" #else #include "bch_ecc_mod.h" #endif typedef struct { i8_t vbs; // verbose output i8_t raw; // raw frames i8_t crc; // CRC check output i8_t ecc; // Reed-Solomon ECC i8_t sat; // GPS sat data i8_t ptu; // PTU: temperature i8_t inv; i8_t aut; i8_t aux; // aux/ozone i8_t jsn; // JSON output (auto_rx) i8_t ngp; i8_t dbg; } option_t; typedef struct { int typ; int msglen; int msgpos; int parpos; int hdrlen; int frmlen; } rscfg_t; static rscfg_t cfg_rs92 = { 92, 240-6-24, 6, 240-24, 6, 240}; /* --- RS92-SGP: 8N1 manchester --- */ #define BITS (1+8+1) // 10 //#define HEADLEN 60 #define FRAMESTART 6 //((HEADLEN)/BITS) #define FRAME_LEN 240 /* 2A 10*/ static char rs92_rawheader[] = //"10100110011001101001" //"10100110011001101001" //"10100110011001101001" "10100110011001101001" "1010011001100110100110101010100110101001"; static ui8_t rs92_header_bytes[6] = { 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x10}; #include "nav_gps_vel.c" typedef struct { i8_t opt_vergps; i8_t opt_iter; i8_t opt_vel; float dop_limit; // 9.9 float d_err; // 10000 int almanac; int ephem; int exSat; // -1 ui8_t WEEK1024epoch; // SEM almanac, GPS epoch (1: 1999-2019) ui8_t sat_status[12]; ui8_t prn[12]; // valide PRN 0,..,k-1 ui8_t prn32toggle; // 0x1 ui8_t prn32next; EPHEM_t alm[33]; EPHEM_t *ephs; SAT_t sat[33]; SAT_t sat1s[33]; } GPS_t; typedef struct { int frnr; char id[11]; int week; int gpssec; int jahr; int monat; int tag; int wday; int std; int min; float sek; double lat; double lon; double alt; double vH; double vD; double vU; int sats[4]; double dop; ui16_t conf_kt; // kill timer (sec) int freq; // freq/kHz (RS92) int jsn_freq; // freq/kHz (SDR) ui32_t crc; ui8_t frame[FRAME_LEN]; // { 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x10} // ui8_t cal_state[2]; ui8_t calfrms; ui8_t calibytes[32*16]; ui8_t calfrchk[32]; float cal_f32[256]; float T; float _RH; float RH; float _P; float P; // ui8_t xcal16[16]; ui8_t xptu16[16]; int rs_type; // unsigned short aux[4]; double diter; option_t option; RS_t RS; GPS_t gps; } gpx_t; /* --- RS92-SGP ------------------- */ #define MASK_LEN 64 static ui8_t mask[MASK_LEN] = { 0x96, 0x83, 0x3E, 0x51, 0xB1, 0x49, 0x08, 0x98, 0x32, 0x05, 0x59, 0x0E, 0xF9, 0x44, 0xC6, 0x26, 0x21, 0x60, 0xC2, 0xEA, 0x79, 0x5D, 0x6D, 0xA1, 0x54, 0x69, 0x47, 0x0C, 0xDC, 0xE8, 0x5C, 0xF1, 0xF7, 0x76, 0x82, 0x7F, 0x07, 0x99, 0xA2, 0x2C, 0x93, 0x7C, 0x30, 0x63, 0xF5, 0x10, 0x2E, 0x61, 0xD0, 0xBC, 0xB4, 0xB6, 0x06, 0xAA, 0xF4, 0x23, 0x78, 0x6E, 0x3B, 0xAE, 0xBF, 0x7B, 0x4C, 0xC1}; /* LFSR: ab i=8 (mod 64): * m[16+i] = m[i] ^ m[i+2] ^ m[i+4] ^ m[i+6] * ________________3205590EF944C6262160C2EA795D6DA15469470CDCE85CF1 * F776827F0799A22C937C3063F5102E61D0BCB4B606AAF423786E3BAEBF7B4CC196833E51B1490898 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define BAUD_RATE 4800 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // manchester1 1->10,0->01: 1.bit // manchester2 0->10,1->01: 2.bit // RS92-SGP: 8N1 manchester2 static int bits2byte(char bits[]) { int i, byteval=0, d=1; //if (bits[0] != 0) return 0x100; // erasure? //if (bits[9] != 1) return 0x100; // erasure? for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { // little endian /* for (i = 8; i > 1; i--) { // big endian */ if (bits[i] == 1) byteval += d; else if (bits[i] == 0) byteval += 0; d <<= 1; } return byteval; } /* ui8_t xorbyte(int pos) { return xframe[pos] ^ mask[pos % MASK_LEN]; } */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ //#define GPS_WEEK1024 1 // SEM almanac #define WEEKSEC 604800 /* * Convert GPS Week and Seconds to Modified Julian Day. * - Adapted from sci.astro FAQ. * - Ignores UTC leap seconds. */ // in : week, gpssec // out: jahr, monat, tag static void Gps2Date(gpx_t *gpx) { long GpsDays, Mjd; long J, C, Y, M; GpsDays = gpx->week * 7 + (gpx->gpssec / 86400); Mjd = 44244 + GpsDays; J = Mjd + 2468570; C = 4 * J / 146097; J = J - (146097 * C + 3) / 4; Y = 4000 * (J + 1) / 1461001; J = J - 1461 * Y / 4 + 31; M = 80 * J / 2447; gpx->tag = J - 2447 * M / 80; J = M / 11; gpx->monat = M + 2 - (12 * J); gpx->jahr = 100 * (C - 49) + Y + J; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define RS92SGP 0 #define RS92AGP 1 #define RS92NGP 2 #define crc_FRAME (1<<0) #define pos_FrameNb 0x08 // 2 byte #define pos_SondeID 0x0C // 8 byte // oder: 0x0A, 10 byte? #define pos_CalData 0x17 // 1 byte, counter 0x00..0x1f #define pos_Calfreq 0x1A // 2 byte, calfr 0x00 #define crc_GPS (1<<2) #define posGPS_TOW 0x48 // 4 byte #define posGPS_PRN 0x4E // 12*5 bit in 8 byte #define posGPS_STATUS 0x56 // 12 byte #define posGPS_DATA 0x62 // 12*8 byte #define crc_PTU (1<<1) #define pos_PTU 0x2C // 24 byte #define crc_AUX (1<<3) #define pos_AUX 0xC6 // 10 byte #define pos_AuxData 0xC8 // 8 byte #define BLOCK_CFG 0x6510 // frame[pos_FrameNb-2], frame[pos_FrameNb-1] #define BLOCK_PTU 0x690C #define BLOCK_GPS 0x673D // frame[posGPS_TOW-2], frame[posGPS_TOW-1] #define BLOCK_AUX 0x6805 #define LEN_CFG (2*(BLOCK_CFG & 0xFF)) #define LEN_GPS (2*(BLOCK_GPS & 0xFF)) #define LEN_PTU (2*(BLOCK_PTU & 0xFF)) #define LEN_AUX (2*(BLOCK_AUX & 0xFF)) static int crc16(gpx_t *gpx, int start, int len) { int crc16poly = 0x1021; int rem = 0xFFFF, i, j; int byte; if (start+len >= FRAME_LEN) return -1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[start+i]; rem = rem ^ (byte << 8); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (rem & 0x8000) { rem = (rem << 1) ^ crc16poly; } else { rem = (rem << 1); } rem &= 0xFFFF; } } return rem; } static int get_FrameNb(gpx_t *gpx) { int i; unsigned byte; ui8_t frnr_bytes[2]; int frnr; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[pos_FrameNb + i]; frnr_bytes[i] = byte; } frnr = frnr_bytes[0] + (frnr_bytes[1] << 8); gpx->frnr = frnr; return 0; } // cal block 0x40..0x40+0x14A // calib rows 0x0F,0x10,0x11, 0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17, 0x18(10bytes) constant across rs92 ? static ui8_t rs92cal_14A[66*5] = { 0x0a, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0xb8, 0xc3, 0x0b, 0xd7, 0x9d, 0xf5, 0x41, 0x0c, 0x46, 0xe6, 0xa2, 0x43, 0x0d, 0x3f, 0x07, 0xc6, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x6c, 0x04, 0x90, 0x41, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xde, 0xa5, 0xbf, 0x11, 0x8f, 0xc2, 0x75, 0x3f, 0x14, 0x77, 0x16, 0xf9, 0xc4, 0x15, 0x54, 0x1f, 0x78, 0x45, 0x16, 0xf0, 0xfb, 0x4f, 0xc5, 0x17, 0xcb, 0x75, 0xa9, 0x44, 0x1b, 0x8f, 0xc2, 0x75, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x5b, 0x9b, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x24, 0xaf, 0xd2, 0xbc, 0x3e, 0xae, 0x80, 0x84, 0xbc, 0x3f, 0x2e, 0xd1, 0x51, 0x3b, 0x46, 0x12, 0x6a, 0x90, 0x39, 0x47, 0xbd, 0xdd, 0xab, 0xb9, 0x48, 0x20, 0x4b, 0x6d, 0xb8, 0x49, 0x2f, 0x14, 0xc7, 0x36, 0x50, 0xa2, 0x59, 0x63, 0xb6, 0x51, 0xed, 0xa0, 0x3f, 0x36, 0x52, 0x26, 0xd8, 0x4a, 0xb4, 0x1e, 0x08, 0xdc, 0x37, 0xc3, 0x1f, 0x2f, 0xd9, 0xbf, 0x42, 0x20, 0x03, 0x46, 0x0d, 0xc2, 0x21, 0xa6, 0x72, 0x42, 0x41, 0x22, 0x36, 0xcc, 0xfc, 0xbf, 0x23, 0xf5, 0x80, 0xf9, 0x3d, 0x25, 0xbb, 0x74, 0x57, 0x3f, 0x28, 0x10, 0x08, 0x16, 0xc5, 0x29, 0x0c, 0xe1, 0xb2, 0x45, 0x2a, 0xd7, 0xed, 0x7b, 0xc5, 0x2b, 0x16, 0x3b, 0x5d, 0x44, 0x2f, 0x8f, 0xc2, 0x75, 0x3f, 0x6e, 0xab, 0xcf, 0x05, 0x3f, 0x6f, 0x1e, 0xa7, 0xe8, 0xbc, 0x70, 0x45, 0xf2, 0x95, 0x39, 0x71, 0x5f, // 0x0F0 0xc9, 0x70, 0x35, 0x72, 0x4f, 0x2c, 0xad, 0xb0, 0x78, 0x9e, 0xb1, 0x89, 0x3f, 0x79, 0x60, 0xe5, // 0x100 0x50, 0xbe, 0x7a, 0x7c, 0x9a, 0x13, 0x3c, 0x7b, 0x26, 0x87, 0x74, 0xb8, 0x7c, 0x21, 0x96, 0x8b, // 0x110 0xb5, 0x32, 0xa6, 0xa3, 0x42, 0xc5, 0x33, 0xd9, 0xb6, 0xd7, 0x45, 0x34, 0xe1, 0x7d, 0x92, 0xc5, 0x35, 0x4a, 0x0c, 0x7c, 0x44, 0x39, 0x8f, 0xc2, 0x75, 0x3f, 0x82, 0xab, 0xcf, 0x05, 0x3f, 0x83, 0x1e, 0xa7, 0xe8, 0xbc, 0x84, 0x45, 0xf2, 0x95, 0x39, 0x85, 0x5f, 0xc9, 0x70, 0x35, 0x86, 0x4f, // 0x140 0x2c, 0xad, 0xb0, 0x8c, 0x9e, 0xb1, 0x89, 0x3f, 0x8d, 0x60, 0xe5, 0x50, 0xbe, 0x8e, 0x7c, 0x9a, // 0x150 0x13, 0x3c, 0x8f, 0x26, 0x87, 0x74, 0xb8, 0x90, 0x21, 0x96, 0x8b, 0xb5, 0x97, 0xac, 0x64, 0x9f, // 0x160 0x36, 0x98, 0x92, 0x25, 0x6b, 0xb3, 0x99, 0xe1, 0x57, 0x05, 0x30, 0x9a, 0xfe, 0x51, 0xf4, 0xab, // 0x170 0x9d, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3f, 0xa7, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3f }; static int chk_toggle_type(gpx_t *gpx) { int toggle = 0; int n; // constant rs92-coeffs //gpx->xcal16[ 0] == 0 && gpx->xcal16[ 1] == 0 && //gpx->xcal16[ 5] == 0 && gpx->xcal16[ 6] == 0 && //gpx->xcal16[10] == 0 && gpx->xcal16[11] == 0 if ( memcmp(gpx->calibytes+0x170, rs92cal_14A+(0x170-0x40), 16) == 0 ) { gpx->rs_type = RS92SGP; } else { gpx->rs_type = RS92NGP; } // rs92sgp: conf/calib data after 0x40+0x14A ... zero ? // check ptu-float32 plausibility if (gpx->rs_type == RS92SGP && gpx->option.ngp) toggle = 1; if (gpx->rs_type == RS92NGP && !gpx->option.ngp) toggle = 2; if (toggle) gpx->option.ngp ^= 1; return toggle; } static int xor_ptu(gpx_t *gpx) { int j, k; ui32_t a, c, tmp; ui8_t *pcal = gpx->calibytes+0x24; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { tmp = 0x1d89; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { a = pcal[j+k] & 0xFF; c = tmp; //add(A, C, A); a = a + c; c = a; //shl_add(A, 10, C, A); a = (a << 10) + c; c = a; //shr_xor(A, 6, C, A); a = (a >> 6) ^ c; tmp = a; } a = tmp; c = a; //shl_add(A, 3, C, A); a = (a << 3) + c; c = a; //shr_xor(A, 11, C, A); a = (a >> 11) ^ c; c = a; //shl_add(A, 15, C, A); a = (a << 15) + c; //y = a & 0xFFFF; gpx->xptu16[2*j ] = a & 0xFF; gpx->xptu16[2*j+1] = (a>>8) & 0xFF; } return 0; } static int get_SondeID(gpx_t *gpx) { int i, ret=0; unsigned byte; ui8_t sondeid_bytes[10]; ui8_t calfr; int crc_frame, crc; // BLOCK_CFG == frame[pos_FrameNb-2 .. pos_FrameNb-1] ? crc_frame = gpx->frame[pos_FrameNb+LEN_CFG] | (gpx->frame[pos_FrameNb+LEN_CFG+1] << 8); crc = crc16(gpx, pos_FrameNb, LEN_CFG); if (crc_frame != crc) gpx->crc |= crc_FRAME; ret = 0; if (gpx->option.crc && crc != crc_frame) { ret = -2; // erst wichtig, wenn Cal/Cfg-Data } if (crc == crc_frame) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[pos_SondeID + i]; if ((byte < 0x20) || (byte > 0x7E)) return -1; sondeid_bytes[i] = byte; } sondeid_bytes[8] = '\0'; if ( strncmp(gpx->id, sondeid_bytes, 8) != 0 ) { memset(gpx->calibytes, 0, 32*16); memset(gpx->calfrchk, 0, 32); memset(gpx->cal_f32, 0, 256*4); gpx->calfrms = 0; gpx->T = -275.15f; gpx->_RH = -1.0f; gpx->_P = -1.0f; gpx->RH = -1.0f; gpx->P = -1.0f; // new ID: memcpy(gpx->id, sondeid_bytes, 8); } memcpy(gpx->cal_state, gpx->frame+(pos_FrameNb + 12), 2); calfr = gpx->frame[pos_CalData]; // 0..31 if (calfr < 32) { if (gpx->calfrchk[calfr] == 0) // const? { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { gpx->calibytes[calfr*16 + i] = gpx->frame[pos_CalData+1+i]; } gpx->calfrchk[calfr] = 1; } } if (gpx->calfrms < 32) { gpx->calfrms = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) gpx->calfrms += (gpx->calfrchk[i]>0); } if (gpx->calfrms == 32) { ui8_t xcal[66*5]; ui8_t *xcal16 = gpx->xcal16; ui8_t *p = gpx->calibytes+0x170; ui8_t *q = rs92cal_14A+(0x170-0x40); int cal_chk = 0; gpx->calfrms += 1; xor_ptu(gpx); if (gpx->option.dbg) { printf("XPTU:"); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) printf(" %02X", gpx->xptu16[j]); printf("\n"); } //Xx17: __ 98 __ __ __ __ 99 __ __ __ __ 9a __ __ __ __ // p[0], p[1]=idx, p[2+1], p[3+1], p[4-2], p[5], p[6]=idx, ... for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { xcal16[5*k] = p[5*k]^q[5*k]; xcal16[5*k+1] = p[5*k+1]^q[5*k+1]; xcal16[5*k+2+1] = p[5*k+2+1]^q[5*k+2]; xcal16[5*k+3+1] = p[5*k+3+1]^q[5*k+3]; xcal16[5*k+4-2] = p[5*k+4-2]^q[5*k+4]; } xcal16[5*3] = p[5*3]^q[5*3]; if (gpx->option.dbg) { printf("XCAL:"); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) printf(" %02X", xcal16[j]); printf("\n"); } if (0 && gpx->option.dbg) { ui8_t xcperm[16]; int pos = 0; int sub = 0x10*0x15; // 0x10*(0x0F,0x10,0x11 // 0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17) pos = 0; sub = 0x170; pos = 0; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 1; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 5; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 6; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 10; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 11; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 15; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; sub = 0x150; pos = 2; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 3; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 7; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 8; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 12; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 13; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; sub = 0x140; pos = 4; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 9; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; pos = 14; xcperm[pos] = gpx->calibytes[sub+pos]^rs92cal_14A[sub-0x40+pos]; if (gpx->option.dbg) { printf("\n"); printf("XOR: "); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) printf(" %02X", xcperm[j]); printf("\n"); } ui8_t *p = gpx->calibytes+0x170; ui8_t *q = rs92cal_14A+(0x170-0x40); ui8_t cyc170[16]; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { cyc170[5*k] = p[5*k]^q[5*k]; cyc170[5*k+1] = p[5*k+1]^q[5*k+1]; cyc170[5*k+2+1] = p[5*k+2+1]^q[5*k+2]; cyc170[5*k+3+1] = p[5*k+3+1]^q[5*k+3]; cyc170[5*k+4-2] = p[5*k+4-2]^q[5*k+4]; } cyc170[5*3] = p[5*3]^q[5*3]; // p[0], p[1]=idx, p[2+1], p[3+1], p[4-2], p[5], p[6]=idx, ... printf("C17: "); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) printf(" %02X", cyc170[j]); printf("\n"); //// ui8_t perm[5] = { 0, 2, 3, 1, 4 }; ui8_t cyc[16]; int row = 1; // 1..4, 7..9 // 0x12,0x13 not constant // 0x17(row=1) safe, 0x18[0..9] p = gpx->calibytes+(0x180-row*0x10); q = rs92cal_14A+(0x180-0x40-row*0x10); memset(cyc, 0, 16); for (int k = -2; k < 3; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++) { if (row + 5*k + perm[l] > 0 && row + 5*k + perm[l] < 16) { cyc[ row + 5*k + perm[l] ] = p[ row + 5*k + perm[l] ] ^ q[ row + 5*k + l ]; } else { cyc[ (row + 5*k + perm[l] + 2*16)%16] = p[ row + 5*k + perm[l] ] ^ q[ row + 5*k + l ]; //cyc[ row + 5*k + perm[l] ] = 0; // overlap non-constant row... -> use row=0x17 } } } printf("C%02X: ", 0x18-row); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) printf(" %02X", cyc[j]); printf("\n"); // ui8_t permInv[5] = { 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 }; memset(cyc, 0, 16); for (int k = -2; k < 3; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++) { if (row + 5*k + permInv[l] > 0 && row + 5*k + permInv[l] < 16) { cyc[ row + 5*k + l ] = p[ row + 5*k + l ] ^ q[ row + 5*k + permInv[l] ]; } else { cyc[ (row + 5*k + l + 2*16)%16] = p[ row + 5*k + l ] ^ q[ row + 5*k + permInv[l] ]; //cyc[ row + 5*k + perm[l] ] = 0; // overlap non-constant row... -> use row=0x17 } } } printf("C%02X: ", 0x18-row); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) printf(" %02X", cyc[j]); printf("\n"); //// } int tgl = chk_toggle_type(gpx); for (int j = 0; j < 66*5; j++) { xcal[j] = gpx->calibytes[0x40+j]; if (gpx->option.ngp) { xcal[j] ^= gpx->xcal16[j%16]; } } for (int j = 0; j < 66; j++) { ui8_t idx = xcal[5*j]; ui8_t *dat = xcal+(5*j+1); ui32_t le_dat32 = dat[0] | (dat[1]<<8) | (dat[2]<<16) | (dat[3]<<24); ui32_t xx_dat32 = dat[1] | (dat[2]<<8) | (dat[0]<<16) | (dat[3]<<24); float *pf32 = (float*)&le_dat32; if (gpx->option.ngp) { pf32 = (float*)&xx_dat32; } gpx->cal_f32[idx] = *pf32; if (gpx->option.dbg) { if (idx/10 == 3 || idx/10 == 4 || idx/10 == 5) { printf(" %3d :", idx); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { printf(" %02x", xcal[5*j+i]); } printf(" : %f", *pf32); printf("\n"); } } } } } return ret; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PTU // cf. Haeberli (2001), // https://brmlab.cz/project/weathersonde/telemetry_decoding // static float poly5(float x, float *a) { float p = 0.0; p = ((((a[5]*x+a[4])*x+a[3])*x+a[2])*x+a[1])*x+a[0]; return p; } static float nu(float t, float t0, float y0) { // t=1/f2-1/f , t0=1/f2-1/f1 , 1/freq=meas24 float y = t / t0; return 1.0f / (y0 - y); } static int get_Meas(gpx_t *gpx) { ui32_t temp, pres, hum1, hum2, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; ui8_t *meas24 = gpx->frame+pos_PTU; float T, U1, U2, _P, _rh, x; if ( gpx->option.ngp && (gpx->crc & crc_FRAME) ) return -2; // frame number for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) { ui8_t byte = meas24[j]; if (gpx->option.ngp) { byte ^= gpx->frame[pos_FrameNb+(j&1)]; byte ^= gpx->xptu16[j%16]; } meas24[j] = byte; } temp = meas24[ 0] | (meas24[ 1]<<8) | (meas24[ 2]<<16); // ch1 hum1 = meas24[ 3] | (meas24[ 4]<<8) | (meas24[ 5]<<16); // ch2 hum2 = meas24[ 6] | (meas24[ 7]<<8) | (meas24[ 8]<<16); // ch3 ref1 = meas24[ 9] | (meas24[10]<<8) | (meas24[11]<<16); // ch4 ref2 = meas24[12] | (meas24[13]<<8) | (meas24[14]<<16); // ch5 pres = meas24[15] | (meas24[16]<<8) | (meas24[17]<<16); // ch6 ref3 = meas24[18] | (meas24[19]<<8) | (meas24[20]<<16); // ch7 ref4 = meas24[21] | (meas24[22]<<8) | (meas24[23]<<16); // ch8 if (gpx->calfrms > 0x20) { // Temperature x = nu( (float)(ref1 - temp), (float)(ref1 - ref4), gpx->cal_f32[37] ); T = poly5(x, gpx->cal_f32+30); if (T > -120.0f && T < 80.0f) gpx->T = T; else gpx->T = -273.15f; // rel. Humidity (ref3 or ref4 ?) x = nu( (float)(ref1 - hum1), (float)(ref1 - ref3), gpx->cal_f32[47] ); U1 = poly5(x, gpx->cal_f32+40); // c[44]=c[45]=0 x = nu( (float)(ref1 - hum2), (float)(ref1 - ref3), gpx->cal_f32[57] ); U2 = poly5(x, gpx->cal_f32+50); // c[54]=c[55]=0 _rh = U1 > U2 ? U1 : U2; // max(U1,U2), vgl. cal_state[1].bit3 gpx->_RH = _rh; if (gpx->_RH < 0.0f) gpx->_RH = 0.0f; if (gpx->_RH > 100.0f) gpx->_RH = 100.0f; // correction for higher RH-sensor temperature (at low temperatures)? // (cf. amt-7-4463-2014) // if (T<-60C || P<100hPa): cal_state[1].bit2=0 // (Hyland and Wexler) // if (T>-60C && P>100hPa): rh = _rh*vaporSatP(Trh)/vaporSatP(T) ... // estimate Trh ? // (uncorrected) Pressure x = nu( (float)(ref1 - pres), (float)(ref1 - ref4), gpx->cal_f32[17] ); _P = poly5(x, gpx->cal_f32+10); if (_P < 0.0f && _P > 2000.0f) _P = -1.0f; gpx->_P = _P; // correction for x and coefficients? } return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int get_PTU(gpx_t *gpx) { int ret=0; int crc_frame, crc; crc_frame = gpx->frame[pos_PTU+LEN_PTU] | (gpx->frame[pos_PTU+LEN_PTU+1] << 8); crc = crc16(gpx, pos_PTU, LEN_PTU); if (crc_frame != crc) gpx->crc |= crc_PTU; ret = 0; if (gpx->option.crc && crc != crc_frame) { ret = -2; } if (ret == 0) { if (gpx->calfrms > 0x20) ret = get_Meas(gpx); } return ret; } //char weekday[7][3] = { "So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"}; static char weekday[7][4] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; static int get_GPStime(gpx_t *gpx) { int i, ret=0; unsigned byte; ui8_t gpstime_bytes[4]; ui32_t gpstime = 0; // 32bit int day; int ms; int crc_frame, crc; // BLOCK_GPS == frame[posGPS_TOW-2 .. posGPS_TOW-1] ? crc_frame = gpx->frame[posGPS_TOW+LEN_GPS] | (gpx->frame[posGPS_TOW+LEN_GPS+1] << 8); crc = crc16(gpx, posGPS_TOW, LEN_GPS); if (crc_frame != crc) gpx->crc |= crc_GPS; ret = 0; if (gpx->option.crc && crc != crc_frame) { ret = -2; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[posGPS_TOW + i]; gpstime_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&gpstime, gpstime_bytes, 4); ms = gpstime % 1000; gpstime /= 1000; gpx->gpssec = gpstime; day = (gpstime / (24 * 3600)) % 7; // besser CRC-check, da auch //if ((day < 0) || (day > 6)) return -1; // gpssec=604800,604801 beobachtet gpstime %= (24*3600); gpx->wday = day; gpx->std = gpstime / 3600; gpx->min = (gpstime % 3600) / 60; gpx->sek = gpstime % 60 + ms/1000.0; return ret; } static int get_Aux(gpx_t *gpx) { int i, ret=0; unsigned short byte; int crc_frame, crc; crc_frame = gpx->frame[pos_AUX+LEN_AUX] | (gpx->frame[pos_AUX+LEN_AUX+1] << 8); crc = crc16(gpx, pos_AUX, LEN_AUX); if (crc_frame != crc) gpx->crc |= crc_AUX; ret = 0; if (gpx->option.crc && crc != crc_frame) { ret = -2; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[pos_AuxData+2*i] + (gpx->frame[pos_AuxData+2*i+1]<<8); gpx->aux[i] = byte; } return ret; } static int get_Cal(gpx_t *gpx) { int i; unsigned byte; ui8_t calfr = 0; //ui8_t burst = 0; ui8_t bytes[2]; int freq = 0; ui16_t killtime = 0; byte = gpx->frame[pos_CalData]; calfr = byte; if (gpx->option.vbs == 4) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[%5d] ", gpx->frnr); fprintf(stdout, " 0x%02x:", calfr); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[pos_CalData+1+i]; fprintf(stdout, " %02x", byte); } if ((gpx->crc & crc_FRAME)==0) fprintf(stdout, " [OK]"); else fprintf(stdout, " [NO]"); } if (gpx->option.aux) { if (gpx->option.vbs == 4) { fprintf(stdout, " # "); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[pos_AuxData+i]; fprintf(stdout, "%02x ", byte); } } } if (calfr == 0x00) { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { bytes[i] = gpx->frame[pos_Calfreq + i]; } byte = bytes[0] + (bytes[1] << 8); //fprintf(stdout, ":%04x ", byte); freq = 400000 + 10*byte; // kHz; if (gpx->option.ngp) freq = 1600000 + 10*byte; // kHz gpx->freq = freq; fprintf(stdout, ": fq %d", freq); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { bytes[i] = gpx->frame[pos_Calfreq + 2 + i]; } killtime = bytes[0] + (bytes[1] << 8); // signed? if (killtime < 0xFFFF && gpx->option.vbs == 4) { fprintf(stdout, "; KT:%ds", killtime); } gpx->conf_kt = killtime; } return 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int prnbits_le(ui16_t byte16, ui8_t bits[64], int block) { int i; /* letztes bit Ueberlauf, wenn 3. PRN = 32 */ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { bits[15*block+i] = byte16 & 1; byte16 >>= 1; } bits[60+block] = byte16 & 1; return byte16 & 1; } static void prn12(GPS_t *gps, ui8_t *prn_le, ui8_t prns[12]) { int i, j, d; ui8_t ind_prn32 = 32; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { prns[i] = 0; d = 1; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (prn_le[5*i+j]) prns[i] += d; d <<= 1; } } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // PRN-32 overflow if ( (prns[i] == 0) && (gps->sat_status[i] & 0x0F) ) { // 5 bit: 0..31 if ( ((i % 3 == 2) && (prn_le[60+i/3] & 1)) // Spalte 2 || ((i % 3 != 2) && (prn_le[5*(i+1)] & 1)) ) { // Spalte 0,1 prns[i] = 32; ind_prn32 = i; } } else if ((gps->sat_status[i] & 0x0F) == 0) { // erste beiden bits: 0x03 ? prns[i] = 0; } } gps->prn32next = 0; if (ind_prn32 < 12) { // PRN-32 overflow if (ind_prn32 % 3 != 2) { // -> ind_prn32<11 // vorausgesetzt im Block folgt auf PRN-32 if ((gps->sat_status[ind_prn32+1] & 0x0F) && prns[ind_prn32+1] > 1) { // entweder PRN-1 oder PRN-gerade // && prns[ind_prn32+1] != 3 ? for (j = 0; j < ind_prn32; j++) { if (prns[j] == (prns[ind_prn32+1]^gps->prn32toggle) && (gps->sat_status[j] & 0x0F)) break; } if (j < ind_prn32) { gps->prn32toggle ^= 0x1; } else { for (j = ind_prn32+2; j < 12; j++) { if (prns[j] == (prns[ind_prn32+1]^gps->prn32toggle) && (gps->sat_status[j] & 0x0F)) break; } if (j < 12) { gps->prn32toggle ^= 0x1; } } prns[ind_prn32+1] ^= gps->prn32toggle; /* // nochmal testen for (j = 0; j < ind_prn32; j++) { if (prns[j] == prns[ind_prn32+1]) break; } if (j < ind_prn32) prns[ind_prn32+1] = 0; else { for (j = ind_prn32+2; j < 12; j++) { if (prns[j] == prns[ind_prn32+1]) break; } if (j < 12) prns[ind_prn32+1] = 0; } if (prns[ind_prn32+1] == 0) { gps->prn32toggle ^= 0x1; } */ } gps->prn32next = prns[ind_prn32+1]; // -> ind_prn32<11 && ind_prn32 % 3 != 2 } } } static int calc_satpos_alm(gpx_t *gpx, double t, SAT_t *satp) { double X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ; int j; int week; double cl_corr, cl_drift; int rollover = 0; EPHEM_t *alm = gpx->gps.alm; for (j = 1; j < 33; j++) { if (alm[j].prn > 0 && alm[j].health == 0) { // prn==j // Woche hat 604800 sec if (t-alm[j].toa > WEEKSEC/2) rollover = +1; else if (t-alm[j].toa < -WEEKSEC/2) rollover = -1; else rollover = 0; week = alm[j].week - rollover; /*if (j == 1)*/ gpx->week = week + gpx->gps.WEEK1024epoch*1024; if (gpx->gps.opt_vel >= 2) { GPS_SatellitePositionVelocity_Ephem( week, t, alm[j], &cl_corr, &cl_drift, &X, &Y, &Z, &vX, &vY, &vZ ); satp[alm[j].prn].clock_drift = cl_drift; satp[alm[j].prn].vX = vX; satp[alm[j].prn].vY = vY; satp[alm[j].prn].vZ = vZ; } else { GPS_SatellitePosition_Ephem( week, t, alm[j], &cl_corr, &X, &Y, &Z ); } satp[alm[j].prn].X = X; satp[alm[j].prn].Y = Y; satp[alm[j].prn].Z = Z; satp[alm[j].prn].clock_corr = cl_corr; } } return 0; } static int calc_satpos_rnx2(gpx_t *gpx, double t, SAT_t *satp) { double X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ; int j; int week; double cl_corr, cl_drift; double tdiff, td; int count, count0, satfound; int rollover = 0; EPHEM_t *eph = gpx->gps.ephs; for (j = 1; j < 33; j++) { count = count0 = 0; satfound = 0; // Woche hat 604800 sec tdiff = WEEKSEC; while (eph[count].prn > 0) { if (eph[count].prn == j && eph[count].health == 0) { satfound += 1; if (t - eph[count].toe > WEEKSEC/2) rollover = +1; else if (t - eph[count].toe < -WEEKSEC/2) rollover = -1; else rollover = 0; td = fabs( t - eph[count].toe - rollover*WEEKSEC); if ( td < tdiff ) { tdiff = td; week = eph[count].week - rollover; gpx->week = eph[count].gpsweek - rollover; count0 = count; } } count += 1; } if ( satfound ) { if (gpx->gps.opt_vel >= 2) { GPS_SatellitePositionVelocity_Ephem( week, t, eph[count0], &cl_corr, &cl_drift, &X, &Y, &Z, &vX, &vY, &vZ ); satp[j].clock_drift = cl_drift; satp[j].vX = vX; satp[j].vY = vY; satp[j].vZ = vZ; } else { GPS_SatellitePosition_Ephem( week, t, eph[count0], &cl_corr, &X, &Y, &Z ); } satp[j].X = X; satp[j].Y = Y; satp[j].Z = Z; satp[j].clock_corr = cl_corr; satp[j].ephtime = eph[count0].toe; } } return 0; } typedef struct { ui32_t tow; ui8_t status; int chips; int deltachips; } RANGE_t; // pseudo.range = -df*pseudo.chips // df = lightspeed/(chips/sec)/2^10 const double df = 299792.458/1023.0/1024.0; //0.286183844 // c=299792458m/s, 1023000chips/s // dl = L1/(chips/sec)/4 const double dl = 1575.42/1.023/4.0; //385.0 // GPS L1 1575.42MHz=154*10.23MHz, dl=154*10/4 static int get_pseudorange(gpx_t *gpx) { ui32_t gpstime; ui8_t gpstime_bytes[4]; ui8_t pseudobytes[4]; unsigned chipbytes, deltabytes; int i, j, k; ui8_t bytes[4]; ui16_t byte16; double pr0, prj; ui8_t prn_le[12*5+4]; // le - little endian ui8_t prns[12]; // PRNs in data RANGE_t range[33]; memset(prn_le, 0, sizeof(prn_le)); memset(prns, 0, sizeof(prns)); memset(range, 0, sizeof(range)); // GPS-TOW in ms for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gpstime_bytes[i] = gpx->frame[posGPS_TOW + i]; } memcpy(&gpstime, gpstime_bytes, 4); // Sat Status for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { gpx->gps.sat_status[i] = gpx->frame[posGPS_STATUS + i]; } // PRN-Nummern for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { bytes[j] = gpx->frame[posGPS_PRN+2*i+j]; } memcpy(&byte16, bytes, 2); prnbits_le(byte16, prn_le, i); } prn12(&gpx->gps, prn_le, prns); // GPS Sat Pos (& Vel) if (gpx->gps.almanac) calc_satpos_alm( gpx, gpstime/1000.0, gpx->gps.sat); if (gpx->gps.ephem) calc_satpos_rnx2(gpx, gpstime/1000.0, gpx->gps.sat); // GPS Sat Pos t -= 1s if (gpx->gps.opt_vel == 1) { if (gpx->gps.almanac) calc_satpos_alm( gpx, gpstime/1000.0-1, gpx->gps.sat1s); if (gpx->gps.ephem) calc_satpos_rnx2(gpx, gpstime/1000.0-1, gpx->gps.sat1s); } k = 0; for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) { // Pseudorange/chips for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pseudobytes[i] = gpx->frame[posGPS_DATA+8*j+i]; } memcpy(&chipbytes, pseudobytes, 4); // delta_pseudochips / 385 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pseudobytes[i] = gpx->frame[posGPS_DATA+8*j+4+i]; } deltabytes = 0; // bzw. pseudobytes[3]=0 (24 bit); deltabytes & (0xFF<<24) als memcpy(&deltabytes, pseudobytes, 3); // gemeinsamer offset relevant in --vel1 ! //if ( (prns[j] == 0) && (gpx->gps.sat_status[j] & 0x0F) ) prns[j] = 32; range[prns[j]].tow = gpstime; range[prns[j]].status = gpx->gps.sat_status[j]; if ( chipbytes == 0x7FFFFFFF || chipbytes == 0x55555555 ) { range[prns[j]].chips = 0; continue; } if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps != 8) { if ( chipbytes > 0x10000000 && chipbytes < 0xF0000000 ) { range[prns[j]].chips = 0; continue; }} range[prns[j]].chips = chipbytes; range[prns[j]].deltachips = deltabytes; /* if (range[prns[j]].deltachips == 0x555555) { range[prns[j]].deltachips = 0; continue; } */ if ( (prns[j] > 0) && ((gpx->gps.sat_status[j] & 0x0F) == 0xF) && (dist(gpx->gps.sat[prns[j]].X, gpx->gps.sat[prns[j]].Y, gpx->gps.sat[prns[j]].Z, 0, 0, 0) > 6700000) ) { for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (gpx->gps.prn[i] == prns[j]) break; } if (i == k && prns[j] != gpx->gps.exSat) { //if ( range[prns[j]].status & 0xF0 ) // Signalstaerke > 0 ? { gpx->gps.prn[k] = prns[j]; k++; } } } } for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) { // 0x013FB0A4 gpx->gps.sat[prns[j]].pseudorange = /*0x01400000*/ - range[prns[j]].chips * df; gpx->gps.sat1s[prns[j]].pseudorange = -(range[prns[j]].chips - range[prns[j]].deltachips/dl)*df; //+ sat[prns[j]].clock_corr - gpx->gps.sat1s[prns[j]].clock_corr gpx->gps.sat[prns[j]].pseudorate = - range[prns[j]].deltachips * df / dl; gpx->gps.sat[prns[j]].prn = prns[j]; gpx->gps.sat1s[prns[j]].prn = prns[j]; } pr0 = (double)0x01400000; for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { prj = gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[j]].pseudorange + gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[j]].clock_corr; if (prj < pr0) pr0 = prj; } for (j = 0; j < k; j++) gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[j]].PR = gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[j]].pseudorange + gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[j]].clock_corr - pr0 + 20e6; // es kann PRNs geben, die zeitweise stark abweichende PR liefern; // eventuell Standardabweichung ermitteln und fehlerhafte Sats weglassen for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { // sat/sat1s... PR-check gpx->gps.sat1s[gpx->gps.prn[j]].PR = gpx->gps.sat1s[gpx->gps.prn[j]].pseudorange + gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[j]].clock_corr - pr0 + 20e6; } return k; } static int get_GPSvel(double lat, double lon, double vel_ecef[3], double *vH, double *vD, double *vU) { // ECEF-Velocities // ECEF-Vel -> NorthEastUp double phi = lat*M_PI/180.0; double lam = lon*M_PI/180.0; double vN = -vel_ecef[0]*sin(phi)*cos(lam) - vel_ecef[1]*sin(phi)*sin(lam) + vel_ecef[2]*cos(phi); double vE = -vel_ecef[0]*sin(lam) + vel_ecef[1]*cos(lam); *vU = vel_ecef[0]*cos(phi)*cos(lam) + vel_ecef[1]*cos(phi)*sin(lam) + vel_ecef[2]*sin(phi); // NEU -> HorDirVer *vH = sqrt(vN*vN+vE*vE); *vD = atan2(vE, vN) * 180 / M_PI; if (*vD < 0) *vD += 360; return 0; } static int get_GPSkoord(gpx_t *gpx, int N) { double lat, lon, alt, rx_cl_bias; double vH, vD, vU; double lat1s, lon1s, alt1s, lat0 , lon0 , alt0 , pos0_ecef[3]; double pos_ecef[3], pos1s_ecef[3], dpos_ecef[3], vel_ecef[3], dvel_ecef[3]; double gdop, gdop0 = 1000.0; //double hdop, vdop, pdop; double DOP[4]; int i0, i1, i2, i3, j, k, n; int nav_ret = 0; int num = 0; SAT_t Sat_A[4]; SAT_t Sat_B[12]; // N <= 12 SAT_t Sat_B1s[12]; SAT_t Sat_C[12]; // 11 double diter; int exN = -1; if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 8) { fprintf(stdout, " sats: "); for (j = 0; j < N; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%02d ", gpx->gps.prn[j]); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } gpx->lat = gpx->lon = gpx->alt = 0; DOP[0] = DOP[1] = DOP[2] = DOP[3] = 0.0; if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps != 2) { for (i0=0;i0gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[i0]]; Sat_A[1] = gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[i1]]; Sat_A[2] = gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[i2]]; Sat_A[3] = gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[i3]]; nav_ret = NAV_ClosedFormSolution_FromPseudorange( Sat_A, &lat, &lon, &alt, &rx_cl_bias, pos_ecef ); if (nav_ret == 0) { num += 1; if (calc_DOPn(4, Sat_A, pos_ecef, DOP) == 0) { gdop = sqrt(DOP[0]+DOP[1]+DOP[2]+DOP[3]); //fprintf(stdout, " DOP : %.1f ", gdop); NAV_LinP(4, Sat_A, pos_ecef, rx_cl_bias, dpos_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); diter = dist(0, 0, 0, dpos_ecef[0], dpos_ecef[1], dpos_ecef[2]); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pos_ecef[j] += dpos_ecef[j]; ecef2elli(pos_ecef[0], pos_ecef[1], pos_ecef[2], &lat, &lon, &alt); if ( gpx->gps.opt_vel == 4 ) { vel_ecef[0] = vel_ecef[1] = vel_ecef[2] = 0; NAV_LinV(4, Sat_A, pos_ecef, vel_ecef, 0.0, dvel_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); for (j=0; j<3; j++) vel_ecef[j] += dvel_ecef[j]; NAV_LinV(4, Sat_A, pos_ecef, vel_ecef, rx_cl_bias, dvel_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); for (j=0; j<3; j++) vel_ecef[j] += dvel_ecef[j]; get_GPSvel(lat, lon, vel_ecef, &vH, &vD, &vU); } if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 8) { // gdop = sqrt(DOP[0]+DOP[1]+DOP[2]+DOP[3]); // s.o. //hdop = sqrt(DOP[0]+DOP[1]); //vdop = sqrt(DOP[2]); //pdop = sqrt(DOP[0]+DOP[1]+DOP[2]); if (gdop < gpx->gps.dop_limit) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, "lat: %.5f , lon: %.5f , alt: %.1f ", lat, lon, alt); fprintf(stdout, " (d:%.1f)", diter); if ( gpx->gps.opt_vel == 4 ) { fprintf(stdout, " vH: %4.1f D: %5.1f vV: %3.1f ", vH, vD, vU); } fprintf(stdout, " sats: "); fprintf(stdout, "%02d %02d %02d %02d ", gpx->gps.prn[i0], gpx->gps.prn[i1], gpx->gps.prn[i2], gpx->gps.prn[i3]); fprintf(stdout, " GDOP : %.1f ", gdop); //fprintf(stdout, " HDOP: %.1f VDOP: %.1f ", hdop, vdop); //fprintf(stdout, " PDOP: %.1f ", pdop); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } } else gdop = -1; if (gdop > 0 && gdop < gdop0) { // wenn fehlerhafter Sat, diter wohl besserer Indikator gpx->lat = lat; gpx->lon = lon; gpx->alt = alt; gpx->dop = gdop; gpx->diter = diter; gpx->sats[0] = gpx->gps.prn[i0]; gpx->sats[1] = gpx->gps.prn[i1]; gpx->sats[2] = gpx->gps.prn[i2]; gpx->sats[3] = gpx->gps.prn[i3]; gdop0 = gdop; if (gpx->gps.opt_vel == 4) { gpx->vH = vH; gpx->vD = vD; gpx->vU = vU; } } } }}}} } if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 8 || gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 2) { for (j = 0; j < N; j++) Sat_B[j] = gpx->gps.sat[gpx->gps.prn[j]]; for (j = 0; j < N; j++) Sat_B1s[j] = gpx->gps.sat1s[gpx->gps.prn[j]]; NAV_bancroft1(N, Sat_B, pos_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); ecef2elli(pos_ecef[0], pos_ecef[1], pos_ecef[2], &lat, &lon, &alt); gdop = -1; if (calc_DOPn(N, Sat_B, pos_ecef, DOP) == 0) { gdop = sqrt(DOP[0]+DOP[1]+DOP[2]+DOP[3]); } NAV_LinP(N, Sat_B, pos_ecef, rx_cl_bias, dpos_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); if (gpx->gps.opt_iter) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pos_ecef[j] += dpos_ecef[j]; ecef2elli(pos_ecef[0], pos_ecef[1], pos_ecef[2], &lat, &lon, &alt); } gpx->diter = dist(0, 0, 0, dpos_ecef[0], dpos_ecef[1], dpos_ecef[2]); // Sat mit schlechten Daten suchen if (gpx->diter > gpx->gps.d_err) { if (N > 5) { // N > 4 kann auch funktionieren for (n = 0; n < N; n++) { k = 0; for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (j != n) { Sat_C[k] = Sat_B[j]; k++; } } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pos0_ecef[j] = 0; NAV_bancroft1(N-1, Sat_C, pos0_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); NAV_LinP(N-1, Sat_C, pos0_ecef, rx_cl_bias, dpos_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); diter = dist(0, 0, 0, dpos_ecef[0], dpos_ecef[1], dpos_ecef[2]); ecef2elli(pos0_ecef[0], pos0_ecef[1], pos0_ecef[2], &lat0, &lon0, &alt0); if (diter < gpx->diter) { gpx->diter = diter; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pos_ecef[j] = pos0_ecef[j]; lat = lat0; lon = lon0; alt = alt0; exN = n; } } if (exN >= 0) { if (gpx->gps.prn[exN] == gpx->gps.prn32next) gpx->gps.prn32toggle ^= 0x1; for (k = exN; k < N-1; k++) { Sat_B[k] = Sat_B[k+1]; gpx->gps.prn[k] = gpx->gps.prn[k+1]; if (gpx->gps.opt_vel == 1) { Sat_B1s[k] = Sat_B1s[k+1]; } } N = N-1; if (calc_DOPn(N, Sat_B, pos_ecef, DOP) == 0) { gdop = sqrt(DOP[0]+DOP[1]+DOP[2]+DOP[3]); } } } /* if (exN < 0 && gpx->gps.prn32next > 0) { //prn32next used in pre-fix? prn32toggle ^= 0x1; } */ } if (gpx->gps.opt_vel == 1) { NAV_bancroft1(N, Sat_B1s, pos1s_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); if (gpx->gps.opt_iter) { NAV_LinP(N, Sat_B1s, pos1s_ecef, rx_cl_bias, dpos_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pos1s_ecef[j] += dpos_ecef[j]; } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) vel_ecef[j] = pos_ecef[j] - pos1s_ecef[j]; get_GPSvel(lat, lon, vel_ecef, &vH, &vD, &vU); ecef2elli(pos1s_ecef[0], pos1s_ecef[1], pos1s_ecef[2], &lat1s, &lon1s, &alt1s); if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 8) { fprintf(stdout, "\ndeltachips1s lat: %.6f , lon: %.6f , alt: %.2f ", lat1s, lon1s, alt1s); fprintf(stdout, " vH: %4.1f D: %5.1f vV: %3.1f ", vH, vD, vU); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } if (gpx->gps.opt_vel >= 2) { //fprintf(stdout, "\nP(%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) \n", pos_ecef[0], pos_ecef[1], pos_ecef[2]); vel_ecef[0] = vel_ecef[1] = vel_ecef[2] = 0; NAV_LinV(N, Sat_B, pos_ecef, vel_ecef, 0.0, dvel_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); for (j=0; j<3; j++) vel_ecef[j] += dvel_ecef[j]; //fprintf(stdout, " V(%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) ", vel_ecef[0], vel_ecef[1], vel_ecef[2]); //fprintf(stdout, " rx_vel_bias: %.1f \n", rx_cl_bias); /* 2. Iteration: NAV_LinV(N, Sat_B, pos_ecef, vel_ecef, rx_cl_bias, dvel_ecef, &rx_cl_bias); for (j=0; j<3; j++) vel_ecef[j] += dvel_ecef[j]; //fprintf(stdout, " V(%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) ", vel_ecef[0], vel_ecef[1], vel_ecef[2]); //fprintf(stdout, " rx_vel_bias: %.1f \n", rx_cl_bias); */ get_GPSvel(lat, lon, vel_ecef, &vH, &vD, &vU); } if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 8) { fprintf(stdout, "bancroft[%2d] lat: %.6f , lon: %.6f , alt: %.2f ", N, lat, lon, alt); fprintf(stdout, " (d:%.1f)", gpx->diter); if (gpx->gps.opt_vel) { fprintf(stdout, " vH: %4.1f D: %5.1f vV: %3.1f ", vH, vD, vU); } fprintf(stdout, " DOP["); for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { fprintf(stdout, "%d", gpx->gps.prn[j]); if (j < N-1) fprintf(stdout, ","); else fprintf(stdout, "] %.1f ", gdop); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 2) { gpx->lat = lat; gpx->lon = lon; gpx->alt = alt; gpx->dop = gdop; num = N; if (gpx->gps.opt_vel) { gpx->vH = vH; gpx->vD = vD; gpx->vU = vU; } } } return num; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define rs_N 255 #define rs_R 24 #define rs_K (rs_N-rs_R) static int rs92_ecc(gpx_t *gpx, int msglen) { int i, ret = 0; int errors; ui8_t cw[rs_N]; ui8_t err_pos[rs_R], err_val[rs_R]; memset(cw, 0, rs_N); if (msglen > FRAME_LEN) msglen = FRAME_LEN; for (i = msglen; i < FRAME_LEN; i++) gpx->frame[i] = 0;//xFF; for (i = 0; i < rs_R; i++) cw[i] = gpx->frame[cfg_rs92.parpos+i]; for (i = 0; i < cfg_rs92.msglen; i++) cw[rs_R+i] = gpx->frame[cfg_rs92.msgpos+i]; errors = rs_decode(&gpx->RS, cw, err_pos, err_val); //for (i = 0; i < cfg_rs92.hdrlen; i++) gpx->frame[i] = data[i]; for (i = 0; i < rs_R; i++) gpx->frame[cfg_rs92.parpos+i] = cw[i]; for (i = 0; i < cfg_rs92.msglen; i++) gpx->frame[cfg_rs92.msgpos+i] = cw[rs_R+i]; ret = errors; return ret; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int print_position(gpx_t *gpx, int ec) { // GPS-Hoehe ueber Ellipsoid int j, k, n = 0; int err1, err2, err3, err4; err1 = 0; err1 |= get_FrameNb(gpx); err1 |= get_SondeID(gpx); err2 = get_PTU(gpx); err3 = 0; //err3 |= get_GPSweek(); err3 |= get_GPStime(gpx); err4 = get_Aux(gpx); if (!err3 && (gpx->gps.almanac || gpx->gps.ephem)) { k = get_pseudorange(gpx); if (k >= 4) { n = get_GPSkoord(gpx, k); } } if (!err1) { fprintf(stdout, "[%5d] ", gpx->frnr); fprintf(stdout, "(%s) ", gpx->id); if (!err3) { if (gpx->gps.almanac || gpx->gps.ephem) { Gps2Date(gpx); //fprintf(stdout, "(W %d) ", gpx->week); fprintf(stdout, "(%04d-%02d-%02d) ", gpx->jahr, gpx->monat, gpx->tag); } fprintf(stdout, "%s ", weekday[gpx->wday]); // %04.1f: wenn sek >= 59.950, wird auf 60.0 gerundet fprintf(stdout, "%02d:%02d:%06.3f", gpx->std, gpx->min, gpx->sek); if (n > 0) { fprintf(stdout, " "); if (gpx->gps.almanac) fprintf(stdout, " lat: %.4f lon: %.4f alt: %.1f ", gpx->lat, gpx->lon, gpx->alt); else fprintf(stdout, " lat: %.5f lon: %.5f alt: %.1f ", gpx->lat, gpx->lon, gpx->alt); if (gpx->option.vbs && gpx->gps.opt_vergps != 8) { fprintf(stdout, " (d:%.1f)", gpx->diter); } if (gpx->gps.opt_vel /*&& gpx->gps.opt_vergps >= 2*/) { fprintf(stdout," vH: %4.1f D: %5.1f vV: %3.1f ", gpx->vH, gpx->vD, gpx->vU); } if (gpx->option.vbs) { if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps != 2) { fprintf(stdout, " DOP[%02d,%02d,%02d,%02d] %.1f", gpx->sats[0], gpx->sats[1], gpx->sats[2], gpx->sats[3], gpx->dop); } else { // wenn gpx->gps.opt_vergps=2, dann n=N=k(-1) fprintf(stdout, " DOP["); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { fprintf(stdout, "%d", gpx->gps.prn[j]); if (j < n-1) fprintf(stdout, ","); else fprintf(stdout, "] %.1f ", gpx->dop); } } } } } if (!err2 && gpx->option.ptu) { fprintf(stdout, " "); if (gpx->T > -273.0f) fprintf(stdout, " T=%.1fC ", gpx->T); if (gpx->_RH > -0.5f) fprintf(stdout, " _RH=%.0f%% ", gpx->_RH); if (gpx->_P > 0.0f) fprintf(stdout, " _P=%.1fhPa ", gpx->_P); } if (gpx->option.aux) { if (gpx->option.vbs != 4 && (gpx->crc & crc_AUX)==0 || !gpx->option.crc) { if (gpx->aux[0] != 0 || gpx->aux[1] != 0 || gpx->aux[2] != 0 || gpx->aux[3] != 0) { fprintf(stdout, " # %04x %04x %04x %04x", gpx->aux[0], gpx->aux[1], gpx->aux[2], gpx->aux[3]); } } } fprintf(stdout, " # "); fprintf(stdout, "["); for (j=0; j<4; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%d", (gpx->crc>>j)&1); fprintf(stdout, "]"); if (gpx->option.ecc == 2) { if (ec > 0) fprintf(stdout, " (%d)", ec); if (ec < 0) fprintf(stdout, " (-)"); } get_Cal(gpx); /* if (!err3) { if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 8) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); for (j = 0; j < 60; j++) { fprintf(stdout, "%d", prn_le[j]); if (j % 5 == 4) fprintf(stdout, " "); } fprintf(stdout, ": "); for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%2d ", prns[j]); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, " status: "); for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%02X ", gpx->gps.sat_status[j]); //range[prns[j]].status fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } */ if (gpx->option.jsn) { // Print out telemetry data as JSON //even if we don't have a valid GPS lock if ((gpx->crc & (crc_FRAME | crc_GPS))==0 && (gpx->gps.almanac || gpx->gps.ephem)) //(!err1 && !err3) { // eigentlich GPS, d.h. UTC = GPS - UTC_OFS (UTC_OFS=18sec ab 1.1.2017) char *ver_jsn = NULL; fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "{ \"type\": \"%s\"", "RS92"); fprintf(stdout, ", \"frame\": %d, \"id\": \"%s\", \"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%06.3fZ\", \"lat\": %.5f, \"lon\": %.5f, \"alt\": %.5f, \"vel_h\": %.5f, \"heading\": %.5f, \"vel_v\": %.5f", gpx->frnr, gpx->id, gpx->jahr, gpx->monat, gpx->tag, gpx->std, gpx->min, gpx->sek, gpx->lat, gpx->lon, gpx->alt, gpx->vH, gpx->vD, gpx->vU); if (gpx->option.ptu && !err2) { if (gpx->T > -273.0f) { fprintf(stdout, ", \"temp\": %.1f", gpx->T ); } if (gpx->_RH > -0.5f) { fprintf(stdout, ", \"humidity\": %.1f", gpx->_RH ); } if (gpx->_P > 0.0f) { fprintf(stdout, ", \"pressure\": %.2f", gpx->_P ); } } if ((gpx->crc & crc_AUX)==0 && (gpx->aux[0] != 0 || gpx->aux[1] != 0 || gpx->aux[2] != 0 || gpx->aux[3] != 0)) { fprintf(stdout, ", \"aux\": \"%04x%04x%04x%04x\"", gpx->aux[0], gpx->aux[1], gpx->aux[2], gpx->aux[3]); } fprintf(stdout, ", \"subtype\": \"RS92-%s\"", gpx->rs_type == RS92SGP ? "SGP" : "NGP" ); if (gpx->jsn_freq > 0) { // rs92-frequency: gpx->freq int fq_kHz = gpx->jsn_freq; //if (gpx->freq > 0) fq_kHz = gpx->freq; // L-band: option.ngp ? fprintf(stdout, ", \"freq\": %d", fq_kHz); } #ifdef VER_JSN_STR ver_jsn = VER_JSN_STR; #endif if (ver_jsn && *ver_jsn != '\0') fprintf(stdout, ", \"version\": \"%s\"", ver_jsn); fprintf(stdout, " }\n"); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); //if (gpx->gps.opt_vergps == 8) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } return err3; } static void print_frame(gpx_t *gpx, int len) { int i, ec = 0; ui8_t byte; gpx->crc = 0; if (gpx->option.ecc) { ec = rs92_ecc(gpx, len); } for (i = len; i < FRAME_LEN; i++) { gpx->frame[i] = 0; } if (gpx->option.raw) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { byte = gpx->frame[i]; fprintf(stdout, "%02x", byte); } if (gpx->option.ecc && gpx->option.vbs) { fprintf(stdout, " "); if (ec >= 0) fprintf(stdout, " [OK]"); else fprintf(stdout, " [NO]"); if (ec > 0) fprintf(stdout, " (%d)", ec); if (ec < 0) fprintf(stdout, " (-)"); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); // fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } else print_position(gpx, ec); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp, *fp_alm = NULL, *fp_eph = NULL; char *fpname = NULL; int option_der = 0; // linErr int option_min = 0; int option_iq = 0; int option_iqdc = 0; int option_lp = 0; int option_dc = 0; int option_softin = 0; int option_pcmraw = 0; int sel_wavch = 0; // audio channel: left int spike = 0; int fileloaded = 0; int rawhex = 0; int cfreq = -1; char bitbuf[BITS]; int bitpos = 0, b8pos = 0, byte_count = FRAMESTART; int bit, byte; int bitQ; int herrs, herr1; int headerlen = 0; int k; int header_found = 0; float thres = 0.7; float _mv = 0.0; float set_lpIQbw = -1.0f; int symlen = 2; int bitofs = 2; // +0 .. +3 int shift = 0; pcm_t pcm = {0}; dsp_t dsp = {0}; //memset(&dsp, 0, sizeof(dsp)); hdb_t hdb = {0}; gpx_t gpx = {0}; gpx.gps.prn32toggle = 0x1; gpx.gps.dop_limit = 9.9; gpx.gps.d_err = 10000; gpx.gps.exSat = -1; gpx.gps.WEEK1024epoch = 1; // SEM almanac, GPS epoch (1: 1999-2019) #ifdef CYGWIN _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); #endif setbuf(stdout, NULL); fpname = argv[0]; ++argv; while ((*argv) && (!fileloaded)) { if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s [options] \n", fpname); fprintf(stderr, " file: audio.wav or raw_data\n"); fprintf(stderr, " options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --vel; --vel1, --vel2 (-g2)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v, -vx, -vv\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r, --raw\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -i, --invert\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -e, --ephem \n"); fprintf(stderr, " -a, --almanac \n"); fprintf(stderr, " --gpsepoch (2019-04-07: n=2)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -g1 (verbose GPS: 4 sats)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -g2 (verbose GPS: all sats)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -gg (vverbose GPS)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --crc (CRC check GPS)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --ecc (Reed-Solomon)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --ths (peak threshold; default=%.1f)\n", thres); fprintf(stderr, " --json (JSON output)\n"); return 0; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--vel") == 0) ) { gpx.gps.opt_vel = 4; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--vel1") == 0) ) { gpx.gps.opt_vel = 1; if (gpx.gps.opt_vergps < 1) gpx.gps.opt_vergps = 2; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--vel2") == 0) ) { gpx.gps.opt_vel = 2; if (gpx.gps.opt_vergps < 1) gpx.gps.opt_vergps = 2; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--iter") == 0) ) { gpx.gps.opt_iter = 1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0) ) { gpx.option.vbs = 1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-vv") == 0) ) { gpx.option.vbs = 4; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-vx") == 0) ) { gpx.option.aux = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--crc") == 0) { gpx.option.crc = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ecc") == 0) { gpx.option.ecc = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ecc2") == 0) { gpx.option.ecc = 2; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ptu" ) == 0) { gpx.option.ptu = 1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--raw") == 0) ) { gpx.option.raw = 1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--invert") == 0) ) { gpx.option.inv = 1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-e") == 0) || (strncmp(*argv, "--ephem", 7) == 0) ) { ++argv; if (*argv) fp_eph = fopen(*argv, "rb"); // bin-mode else return -1; if (fp_eph == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "[rinex] %s konnte nicht geoeffnet werden\n", *argv); } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-a") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--almanac") == 0) ) { ++argv; if (*argv) fp_alm = fopen(*argv, "r"); // txt-mode else return -1; if (fp_alm == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "[almanac] %s konnte nicht geoeffnet werden\n", *argv); } else if ( strcmp(*argv, "--gpsepoch") == 0 ) { // SEM almanac, GPS week: 10 bit ++argv; // GPS epoch (default: 1) if (*argv) { // 2019-04-07: rollover 1 -> 2 int gpsepoch = atoi(*argv); if (gpsepoch < 0 || gpsepoch > 4) gpsepoch = 1; gpx.gps.WEEK1024epoch = gpsepoch; } else return -1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--dop") == 0) ) { ++argv; if (*argv) { gpx.gps.dop_limit = atof(*argv); if (gpx.gps.dop_limit <= 0 || gpx.gps.dop_limit >= 100) gpx.gps.dop_limit = 9.9; } else return -1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--der") == 0) ) { ++argv; if (*argv) { gpx.gps.d_err = atof(*argv); if (gpx.gps.d_err <= 0 || gpx.gps.d_err >= 100000) gpx.gps.d_err = 10000; else option_der = 1; } else return -1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--exsat") == 0) ) { ++argv; if (*argv) { gpx.gps.exSat = atoi(*argv); if (gpx.gps.exSat < 1 || gpx.gps.exSat > 32) gpx.gps.exSat = -1; } else return -1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-g1") == 0) { gpx.gps.opt_vergps = 1; } // verbose1 GPS else if (strcmp(*argv, "-g2") == 0) { gpx.gps.opt_vergps = 2; } // verbose2 GPS (bancroft) else if (strcmp(*argv, "-gg") == 0) { gpx.gps.opt_vergps = 8; } // vverbose GPS else if (strcmp(*argv, "--json") == 0) { gpx.option.jsn = 1; gpx.option.ecc = 2; gpx.option.crc = 1; gpx.gps.opt_vel = 4; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--jsn_cfq") == 0) { int frq = -1; // center frequency / Hz ++argv; if (*argv) frq = atoi(*argv); else return -1; if (frq < 300000000) frq = -1; cfreq = frq; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--spike") == 0) { spike = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ch2") == 0) { sel_wavch = 1; } // right channel (default: 0=left) else if (strcmp(*argv, "--softin") == 0) { option_softin = 1; } // float32 soft input else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ths") == 0) { ++argv; if (*argv) { thres = atof(*argv); } else return -1; } else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-d") == 0) ) { ++argv; if (*argv) { shift = atoi(*argv); if (shift > 4) shift = 4; if (shift < -4) shift = -4; } else return -1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq0") == 0) { option_iq = 1; } // differential/FM-demod else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq2") == 0) { option_iq = 2; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq3") == 0) { option_iq = 3; } // iq2==iq3 else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iqdc") == 0) { option_iqdc = 1; } // iq-dc removal (iq0,2,3) else if (strcmp(*argv, "--IQ") == 0) { // fq baseband -> IF (rotate from and decimate) double fq = 0.0; // --IQ , -0.5 < fq < 0.5 ++argv; if (*argv) fq = atof(*argv); else return -1; if (fq < -0.5) fq = -0.5; if (fq > 0.5) fq = 0.5; dsp.xlt_fq = -fq; // S(t) -> S(t)*exp(-f*2pi*I*t) option_iq = 5; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lp") == 0) { option_lp = 1; } // IQ lowpass else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lpbw") == 0) { // IQ lowpass BW / kHz float bw = 0.0; ++argv; if (*argv) bw = atof(*argv); else return -1; if (bw > 4.6f && bw < 48.0f) set_lpIQbw = bw*1e3f; option_lp = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--dc") == 0) { option_dc = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--min") == 0) { option_min = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ngp") == 0) { gpx.option.ngp = 1; } // RS92-NGP, RS92-D: 1680 MHz else if (strcmp(*argv, "--dbg" ) == 0) { gpx.option.dbg = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--rawhex") == 0) { rawhex = 2; } // raw hex input else if (strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0) { int sample_rate = 0, bits_sample = 0, channels = 0; ++argv; if (*argv) sample_rate = atoi(*argv); else return -1; ++argv; if (*argv) bits_sample = atoi(*argv); else return -1; channels = 2; if (sample_rate < 1 || (bits_sample != 8 && bits_sample != 16 && bits_sample != 32)) { fprintf(stderr, "- \n"); return -1; } pcm.sr = sample_rate; pcm.bps = bits_sample; pcm.nch = channels; option_pcmraw = 1; } else { fp = fopen(*argv, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: open %s\n", *argv); return -1; } fileloaded = 1; } ++argv; } if (!fileloaded) fp = stdin; if (fp_alm) { if (read_SEMalmanac(fp_alm, gpx.gps.alm) == 0) { gpx.gps.almanac = 1; } fclose(fp_alm); if (!option_der) gpx.gps.d_err = 4000; } if (fp_eph) { /* i = read_RNXephemeris(fp_eph, eph); if (i == 0) { gpx.gps.ephem = 1; gpx.gps.almanac = 0; } fclose(fp_eph); */ gpx.gps.ephs = read_RNXpephs(fp_eph); if (gpx.gps.ephs) { gpx.gps.ephem = 1; gpx.gps.almanac = 0; } fclose(fp_eph); if (!option_der) gpx.gps.d_err = 1000; } gpx.option.crc = 1; if (gpx.option.ecc < 2) gpx.option.ecc = 1; // turn off for ber-measurement if (gpx.option.ecc) { rs_init_RS255(&gpx.RS); } gpx.rs_type = RS92SGP; if (gpx.option.ngp) gpx.rs_type = RS92NGP; // init gpx memcpy(gpx.frame, rs92_header_bytes, sizeof(rs92_header_bytes)); // 6 header bytes if (cfreq > 0) gpx.jsn_freq = (cfreq+500)/1000; #ifdef EXT_FSK if (!option_softin) { option_softin = 1; fprintf(stderr, "reading float32 soft symbols\n"); } #endif if (!rawhex) { if (!option_softin) { if (option_iq == 0 && option_pcmraw) { fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr, "error: raw data not IQ\n"); return -1; } if (option_iq) sel_wavch = 0; pcm.sel_ch = sel_wavch; if (option_pcmraw == 0) { k = read_wav_header(&pcm, fp); if ( k < 0 ) { fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr, "error: wav header\n"); return -1; } } if (cfreq > 0) { int fq_kHz = (cfreq - dsp.xlt_fq*pcm.sr + 500)/1e3; gpx.jsn_freq = fq_kHz; } // rs92-sgp: BT=0.5, h=1.0 ? symlen = 2; // init dsp // dsp.fp = fp; dsp.sr = pcm.sr; dsp.bps = pcm.bps; dsp.nch = pcm.nch; dsp.ch = pcm.sel_ch; dsp.br = (float)BAUD_RATE; dsp.sps = (float)dsp.sr/dsp.br; dsp.symlen = symlen; dsp.symhd = symlen; dsp._spb = dsp.sps*symlen; dsp.hdr = rs92_rawheader; dsp.hdrlen = strlen(rs92_rawheader); dsp.BT = 0.5; // bw/time (ISI) // 0.3..0.5 dsp.h = 0.8; // 1.0 modulation index abzgl. BT dsp.opt_iq = option_iq; dsp.opt_iqdc = option_iqdc; dsp.opt_lp = option_lp; dsp.lpIQ_bw = 8e3; // IF lowpass bandwidth dsp.lpFM_bw = 6e3; // FM audio lowpass dsp.opt_dc = option_dc; dsp.opt_IFmin = option_min; if (gpx.option.ngp) { // L-band rs92-ngp dsp.h = 3.8; // RS92-NGP: 1680/400=4.2, 4.2*0.9=3.8=4.75*0.8 dsp.lpIQ_bw = 32e3; // IF lowpass bandwidth // 32e3=4.2*7.6e3 // 28e3..32e3 } if (set_lpIQbw > 0.0f) dsp.lpIQ_bw = set_lpIQbw; if ( dsp.sps < 8 ) { fprintf(stderr, "note: sample rate low (%.1f sps)\n", dsp.sps); } k = init_buffers(&dsp); // BT=0.5 (IQ-Int: BT > 0.5 ?) if ( k < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "error: init buffers\n"); return -1; }; bitofs += shift; } else { // init circular header bit buffer hdb.hdr = rs92_rawheader; hdb.len = strlen(rs92_rawheader); //hdb.thb = 1.0 - 3.1/(float)hdb.len; // 1.0-max_bit_errors/hdrlen hdb.bufpos = -1; hdb.buf = NULL; /* calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(char)); if (hdb.buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n"); return -1; } */ // caution ths=0.7: -3 byte offset, false positive // 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 10|65 10 .. // header sync could be extended into the frame hdb.ths = 0.8; hdb.sbuf = calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(float)); if (hdb.sbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n"); return -1; } } while ( 1 ) { if (option_softin) { for (k = 0; k < hdb.len; k++) hdb.sbuf[k] = 0.0; header_found = find_softbinhead(fp, &hdb, &_mv); } else { header_found = find_header(&dsp, thres, 3, bitofs, dsp.opt_dc); _mv = dsp.mv; } if (header_found == EOF) break; // mv == correlation score if (_mv *(0.5-gpx.option.inv) < 0) { if (gpx.option.aut == 0) header_found = 0; else gpx.option.inv ^= 0x1; } if (header_found) { byte_count = FRAMESTART; bitpos = 0; b8pos = 0; while ( byte_count < FRAME_LEN ) { if (option_softin) { float s1 = 0.0; float s2 = 0.0; float s = 0.0; bitQ = f32soft_read(fp, &s1); if (bitQ != EOF) { bitQ = f32soft_read(fp, &s2); if (bitQ != EOF) { s = s2-s1; // integrate both symbols // only 2nd Manchester symbol: s2 bit = (s>=0.0); // no soft decoding } } } else { float bl = -1; if (option_iq > 2) bl = 4.0; bitQ = read_slbit(&dsp, &bit, 0, bitofs, bitpos, bl, spike); // symlen=2 } if ( bitQ == EOF) break; if (gpx.option.inv) bit ^= 1; bitpos += 1; bitbuf[b8pos] = bit; b8pos++; if (b8pos >= BITS) { b8pos = 0; byte = bits2byte(bitbuf); gpx.frame[byte_count] = byte; byte_count++; } } header_found = 0; print_frame(&gpx, byte_count); byte_count = FRAMESTART; } } if (!option_softin) free_buffers(&dsp); else { if (hdb.buf) { free(hdb.buf); hdb.buf = NULL; } } } else //if (rawhex) { char buffer_rawhex[2*FRAME_LEN+12]; char *pbuf = NULL, *buf_sp = NULL; ui8_t frmbyte; int frameofs = 0, len, i; while (1 > 0) { pbuf = fgets(buffer_rawhex, 2*FRAME_LEN+12, fp); if (pbuf == NULL) break; buffer_rawhex[2*FRAME_LEN] = '\0'; buf_sp = strchr(buffer_rawhex, ' '); if (buf_sp != NULL && buf_sp-buffer_rawhex < 2*FRAME_LEN) { buffer_rawhex[buf_sp-buffer_rawhex] = '\0'; } len = strlen(buffer_rawhex) / 2; if (len > posGPS_TOW+4) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { //%2x SCNx8=%hhx(inttypes.h) sscanf(buffer_rawhex+2*i, "%2hhx", &frmbyte); // wenn ohne %hhx: sscanf(buffer_rawhex+rawhex*i, "%2x", &byte); frame[frameofs+i] = (ui8_t)byte; gpx.frame[frameofs+i] = frmbyte; } print_frame(&gpx, frameofs+len); } } } if (gpx.gps.ephs) free(gpx.gps.ephs); fclose(fp); return 0; }