Zilog80 2021-03-12 00:30:36 +01:00
rodzic 8b71c42a35
commit c1e16ab42b
1 zmienionych plików z 988 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
* (unknown (26702) 2021-02-19)
* radiosonde "MP3-H1" (WMO translit: "MRZ-N1")
* author: zilog80
* compile:
* gcc -c demod_mod.c
* gcc mp3h1mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -o mp3h1mod
* usage:
* ./mp3h1mod -v fm_audio.wav
* (inverse polarity: -i)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef CYGWIN
#include <fcntl.h> // cygwin: _setmode()
#include <io.h>
// optional JSON "version"
// (a) set global
// gcc -DVERSION_JSN [-I<inc_dir>] ...
#include "version_jsn.h"
// or
// (b) set local compiler option, e.g.
// gcc -DVER_JSN_STR=\"0.0.2\" ...
#define TIMEOUT_JSN 60
//typedef unsigned char ui8_t;
//typedef unsigned int ui32_t;
//typedef unsigned short ui16_t;
//typedef short i16_t;
//typedef int i32_t;
#include "demod_mod.h"
typedef struct {
i8_t vbs; // verbose output
i8_t raw; // raw frames
i8_t crc;
i8_t ecc; // Hamming ECC
i8_t sat; // GPS sat data
i8_t ptu; // PTU: temperature humidity (pressure)
i8_t inv;
i8_t aut;
i8_t col; // colors
i8_t jsn; // JSON output (auto_rx)
i8_t slt; // silent
i8_t dbg;
i8_t unq;
} option_t;
#define BITFRAME_LEN ((51*16)/2) // ofs=8: 52..53: AA AA (1..5) or 00 00 (6)
typedef struct {
ui8_t subcnt1;
ui8_t subcnt2;
//int frnr;
int yr; int mth; int day;
int hrs; int min; int sec;
double lat; double lon; double alt;
double vH; double vD; double vV;
ui8_t numSats;
float calA;
float calB;
float calC;
ui8_t frame[FRAME_LEN+16];
char frame_bits[BITFRAME_LEN+16];
ui32_t cfg[16];
ui32_t snC;
ui32_t snD;
ui8_t crcOK;
int sec_day;
int sec_day_prev;
int gps_cnt;
int gps_cnt_prev;
int week;
int jsn_freq; // freq/kHz (SDR)
option_t option;
} gpx_t;
#define HEADLEN 44
#define HEADOFS 0
static int bits_ofs = 8;
static char mrz_header[] = "100110011001100110011001100110011001""10101010";
// each frame 6x
// AA BF 35 ........ AA AA
// AA BF 35 ........ AA AA
// AA BF 35 ........ AA AA
// AA BF 35 ........ AA AA
// AA BF 35 ........ AA AA
// AA BF 35 ........ 00 00
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define BAUD_RATE (2399.0) // 2400
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// manchester1 1->10,0->01: 1.bit
// manchester2 0->10,1->01: 2.bit
static void manchester1(char* frame_rawbits, char *frame_bits, int pos) {
int i, c, out, buf;
char bit, bits[2];
c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pos/2; i++) { // -16
bits[0] = frame_rawbits[2*i];
bits[1] = frame_rawbits[2*i+1];
if ((bits[0] == '0') && (bits[1] == '1')) { bit = '0'; out = 1; }
if ((bits[0] == '1') && (bits[1] == '0')) { bit = '1'; out = 1; }
else { //
if (buf == 0) { c = !c; out = 0; buf = 1; }
else { bit = 'x'; out = 1; buf = 0; }
if (out) frame_bits[i] = bit;
static int bits2bytes(char *bitstr, ui8_t *bytes, int len) {
int i, bit, d, byteval;
int bitpos, bytepos;
bitpos = 0;
bytepos = 0;
while (bytepos < len) {
byteval = 0;
d = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
//bit = *(bitstr+bitpos+i); /* little endian */
bit = *(bitstr+bitpos+7-i); /* big endian */
if (bit == '\0') goto frame_end;
if (bit == '1') byteval += d;
else /*if ((bit == '0') */ byteval += 0;
d <<= 1;
bitpos += 8;
bytes[bytepos++] = byteval;
for (i = bytepos; i < FRAME_LEN; i++) bytes[i] = 0;
return bytepos;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static int datetime2GPSweek(int yy, int mm, int dd,
int hr, int min, int sec,
int *week, int *tow) {
int ww = 0;
int tt = 0;
int gpsDays = 0;
if ( mm < 3 ) { yy -= 1; mm += 12; }
gpsDays = (int)(365.25*yy) + (int)(30.6001*(mm+1.0)) + dd - 723263; // 1980-01-06
ww = gpsDays / 7;
tt = gpsDays % 7;
tt = tt*86400 + hr*3600 + min*60 + sec;
*week = ww;
*tow = tt;
return 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static ui32_t u4(ui8_t *bytes) { // 32bit unsigned int
ui32_t val = 0; // le: p[0] | (p[1]<<8) | (p[2]<<16) | (p[3]<<24)
memcpy(&val, bytes, 4);
return val;
static i32_t i4(ui8_t *bytes) { // 32bit signed int
i32_t val = 0; // le: p[0] | (p[1]<<8) | (p[2]<<16) | (p[3]<<24)
memcpy(&val, bytes, 4);
return val;
static ui32_t u3(ui8_t *bytes) { // 24bit unsigned int
int val24 = 0;
val24 = bytes[0] | (bytes[1]<<8) | (bytes[2]<<16);
// = memcpy(&val, bytes, 3), val &= 0x00FFFFFF;
return val24;
static int i3(ui8_t *bytes) { // 24bit signed int
int val = 0,
val24 = 0;
val = bytes[0] | (bytes[1]<<8) | (bytes[2]<<16);
val24 = val & 0xFFFFFF; if (val24 & 0x800000) val24 = val24 - 0x1000000;
return val24;
static ui16_t u2(ui8_t *bytes) { // 16bit unsigned int
return bytes[0] | (bytes[1]<<8);
static i16_t i2(ui8_t *bytes) { // 16bit signed int
//return (i16_t)u2(bytes);
int val = bytes[0] | (bytes[1]<<8);
if (val & 0x8000) val -= 0x10000;
return val;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AA BF 35 .... crc AA AA
// "BF" header/subtype?
// "35" frame length?
#define OFS 0
#define pos_CNT1 (OFS+ 3) // 1 nibble (0x80..0x8F ?)
#define pos_TIME (OFS+ 4) // 3*1 byte
#define pos_GPSecefX (OFS+ 8) // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefY (OFS+12) // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefZ (OFS+16) // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefV (OFS+20) // 3*2 byte
#define pos_GPSnSats (OFS+26) // 1 byte (num Sats ?)
#define pos_CNT2 (OFS+43) // 1 byte (0x01..0x10 ?)
#define pos_CFG (OFS+44) // 2/4 byte
#define pos_CRC (OFS+48) // 2 byte
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int crc16rev(gpx_t *gpx, int start, int len) {
int crc16poly = 0xA001; // rev 0x8005
int rem = 0xFFFF, i, j;
int byte;
if (start+len+2 > FRAME_LEN) return -1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte = gpx->frame[start+i];
rem ^= byte;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (rem & 0x0001) {
rem = (rem >> 1) ^ crc16poly;
else {
rem = (rem >> 1);
rem &= 0xFFFF;
return rem;
static int check_CRC(gpx_t *gpx) {
ui32_t crclen = 45;
ui32_t crcdat = 0;
crcdat = u2(gpx->frame+pos_CRC);
if ( crcdat != crc16rev(gpx, pos_CNT1, crclen) ) {
return 1; // CRC NO
else return 0; // CRC OK
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WGS84/GRS80 Ellipsoid
#define EARTH_a 6378137.0
#define EARTH_b 6356752.31424518
#define EARTH_a2_b2 (EARTH_a*EARTH_a - EARTH_b*EARTH_b)
double a = EARTH_a,
b = EARTH_b,
a_b = EARTH_a2_b2,
e2 = EARTH_a2_b2 / (EARTH_a*EARTH_a),
ee2 = EARTH_a2_b2 / (EARTH_b*EARTH_b);
static void ecef2elli(double X[], double *lat, double *lon, double *alt) {
double phi, lam, R, p, t;
lam = atan2( X[1] , X[0] );
p = sqrt( X[0]*X[0] + X[1]*X[1] );
t = atan2( X[2]*a , p*b );
phi = atan2( X[2] + ee2 * b * sin(t)*sin(t)*sin(t) ,
p - e2 * a * cos(t)*cos(t)*cos(t) );
R = a / sqrt( 1 - e2*sin(phi)*sin(phi) );
*alt = p / cos(phi) - R;
*lat = phi*180/M_PI;
*lon = lam*180/M_PI;
static int get_GPSkoord(gpx_t *gpx) {
int k;
int XYZ; // 32bit
double X[3], lat, lon, alt;
ui8_t *gpsVel;
short vel16; // 16bit
double V[3];
double phi, lam, dir;
double vN; double vE; double vU;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
memcpy(&XYZ, gpx->frame+(pos_GPSecefX+4*k), 4);
X[k] = XYZ / 100.0;
gpsVel = gpx->frame+(pos_GPSecefV+2*k);
vel16 = gpsVel[0] | gpsVel[1] << 8;
V[k] = vel16 / 100.0;
// ECEF-Position
ecef2elli(X, &lat, &lon, &alt);
gpx->lat = lat;
gpx->lon = lon;
gpx->alt = alt;
if ((alt < -1000.0) || (alt > 80000.0)) return -3; // plausibility-check: altitude, if ecef=(0,0,0)
// ECEF-Velocities
// ECEF-Vel -> NorthEastUp
phi = lat*M_PI/180.0;
lam = lon*M_PI/180.0;
vN = -V[0]*sin(phi)*cos(lam) - V[1]*sin(phi)*sin(lam) + V[2]*cos(phi);
vE = -V[0]*sin(lam) + V[1]*cos(lam);
vU = V[0]*cos(phi)*cos(lam) + V[1]*cos(phi)*sin(lam) + V[2]*sin(phi);
// NEU -> HorDirVer
gpx->vH = sqrt(vN*vN+vE*vE);
dir = atan2(vE, vN) * 180.0 / M_PI;
if (dir < 0) dir += 360.0;
gpx->vD = dir;
gpx->vV = vU;
// num Sats solution ? GLONASS + GPS ?
gpx->numSats = gpx->frame[pos_GPSnSats];
return 0;
static int reset_time(gpx_t *gpx) {
gpx->gps_cnt = 0;
gpx->yr = 0;
gpx->week = 0;
return 0;
static int get_time(gpx_t *gpx) {
gpx->hrs = gpx->frame[pos_TIME];
gpx->min = gpx->frame[pos_TIME+1];
gpx->sec = gpx->frame[pos_TIME+2];
if (gpx->crcOK)
int week = 0;
int tow = 0;
int sec_gps = 0;
gpx->gps_cnt_prev = gpx->gps_cnt;
gpx->sec_day_prev = gpx->sec_day;
gpx->sec_day = gpx->hrs*60*60 + gpx->min*60 + gpx->sec;
// JSON frame counter: seconds since GPS (ignoring leap seconds)
if (gpx->yr == 0) { // 1980-01-06
week = 0;
tow = gpx->sec_day; // yr=mth=day=0
else {
datetime2GPSweek(gpx->yr, gpx->mth, gpx->day, gpx->hrs, gpx->min, (int)(gpx->sec+0.5), &week, &tow);
sec_gps = week*604800 + tow; // SECONDS_IN_WEEK=7*86400=604800
gpx->week = week;
if (sec_gps > gpx->gps_cnt_prev) { // skip day roll-over until date update
gpx->gps_cnt = sec_gps;
return 0;
static int get_cfg(gpx_t *gpx) {
gpx->subcnt1 = (gpx->frame[pos_CNT1] & 0xF);
gpx->subcnt2 = gpx->frame[pos_CNT2] ; // ? subcnt2 == subcnt1 + 1 ?
if (gpx->crcOK)
ui32_t cfg32 = u4(gpx->frame+pos_CFG);
gpx->cfg[gpx->subcnt1] = cfg32;
switch (gpx->subcnt1) { // or use subcnt2 ?
case 0x0: //sub2=0x01:
memcpy(&gpx->calA, &cfg32, 4);
case 0x1: //sub2=0x02:
memcpy(&gpx->calB, &cfg32, 4);
case 0x2: //sub2=0x03:
memcpy(&gpx->calC, &cfg32, 4);
case 0xC: //sub2=0x0D: SN GLONASS/GPS ?
if (cfg32 != gpx->snC && gpx->snC > 0) {
gpx->snD = 0;
gpx->snC = cfg32; // 16 or 32 bit ?
case 0xD: //sub2=0x0E: SN sensor boom ?
if (cfg32 != gpx->snD && gpx->snD > 0) {
gpx->snC = 0;
gpx->snD = cfg32; // 16 or 32 bit ?
case 0xE: //sub2=0x0F: calib date ?
case 0xF: //sub2=0x10: date
gpx->yr = cfg32 % 100;
gpx->yr += 2000;
cfg32 /= 100;
gpx->mth = cfg32 % 100;
cfg32 /= 100;
gpx->day = cfg32 % 100;
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\x1b[0m"
#define col_CSok "\x1b[38;5;2m"
#define col_CSno "\x1b[38;5;1m"
#define col_back "\x1b[38;5;244m"
static void print_gpx(gpx_t *gpx, int crcOK) {
//printf(" :%6.1f: ", sample_count/(double)sample_rate);
gpx->crcOK = crcOK;
if (gpx->sec_day != gpx->sec_day_prev || !gpx->option.unq)
printf(" [%2d] ", gpx->subcnt1);
printf(" (%02d:%02d:%02d) ", gpx->hrs, gpx->min, gpx->sec);
printf(" lat: %.5f ", gpx->lat);
printf(" lon: %.5f ", gpx->lon);
printf(" alt: %.2f ", gpx->alt);
printf(" vH: %4.1f D: %5.1f vV: %3.1f ", gpx->vH, gpx->vD, gpx->vV);
if (gpx->option.vbs > 1) printf(" sats: %d ", gpx->numSats);
if (gpx->option.col) {
if (gpx->crcOK) printf(" "col_CSok"[OK]"ANSI_COLOR_RESET);
else printf(" "col_CSno"[NO]"ANSI_COLOR_RESET);
else {
printf(" %s", gpx->crcOK ? "[OK]" : "[NO]");
if (gpx->crcOK)
if (gpx->option.vbs)
//printf(" <%2d>", gpx->subcnt2);
// subcnt2 == subcnt1 + 1 ?
switch (gpx->subcnt1) {
case 0x0: if (gpx->option.vbs > 1) printf(" <%d> A: %.5f", gpx->subcnt2, gpx->calA); break;
case 0x1: if (gpx->option.vbs > 1) printf(" <%d> B: %.2f", gpx->subcnt2, gpx->calB); break;
case 0x2: if (gpx->option.vbs > 1) printf(" <%d> C: %.3f", gpx->subcnt2, gpx->calC); break;
case 0xC: printf(" <%d> snC: %d", gpx->subcnt2, gpx->snC); break;
case 0xD: printf(" <%d> snD: %d", gpx->subcnt2, gpx->snD); break;
case 0xE: printf(" <%d> calDate: %06d", gpx->subcnt2, gpx->cfg[gpx->subcnt1]); break;
case 0xF: printf(" <%d> %04d-%02d-%02d", gpx->subcnt2, gpx->yr, gpx->mth, gpx->day); break;
default: if (gpx->option.vbs > 1) printf(" <%d>", gpx->subcnt2); break;
if (gpx->option.dbg)
printf(" : ");
printf(" [0x%X:0x%02X]", gpx->subcnt1, gpx->subcnt2);
printf(" 0x%08X =", gpx->cfg[gpx->subcnt1]);
if (gpx->subcnt1 > 0x8) printf(" %u ", gpx->cfg[gpx->subcnt1]); // 0x9,0xA not const
else {
float *f = (float*)(gpx->cfg+gpx->subcnt1);
printf(" %.4f ", *f);
if (gpx->option.jsn && gpx->crcOK) {
// sonde SN change remains undetected until next SN update
if (gpx->week > 0 && gpx->gps_cnt > gpx->gps_cnt_prev && gpx->snC > 0 && gpx->snD > 0)
if (gpx->gps_cnt - gpx->gps_cnt_prev > TIMEOUT_JSN && gpx->gps_cnt_prev > gpx->sec_day_prev) {
// reset SN after TIMEOUT_JSN sec gap;
// if new signal replaces old one within timeout limit,
// new positions might still be transmitted with old SN
gpx->snC = 0;
gpx->snD = 0;
else {
char *ver_jsn = NULL;
printf("{ \"type\": \"%s\"", "MRZ");
printf(", \"frame\": %lu, ", (unsigned long)gpx->gps_cnt); // sec_gps0+0.5
printf("\"id\": \"MRZ-%d-%d\", \"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ\", \"lat\": %.5f, \"lon\": %.5f, \"alt\": %.5f, \"vel_h\": %.5f, \"heading\": %.5f, \"vel_v\": %.5f, \"sats\": %d",
gpx->snC, gpx->snD, gpx->yr, gpx->mth, gpx->day, gpx->hrs, gpx->min, gpx->sec, gpx->lat, gpx->lon, gpx->alt, gpx->vH, gpx->vD, gpx->vV, gpx->numSats);
if (gpx->jsn_freq > 0) {
printf(", \"freq\": %d", gpx->jsn_freq);
#ifdef VER_JSN_STR
ver_jsn = VER_JSN_STR;
if (ver_jsn && *ver_jsn != '\0') printf(", \"version\": \"%s\"", ver_jsn);
printf(" }\n");
static void print_frame(gpx_t *gpx, int pos) {
int j;
int crcOK = 0;
static int frame_count = 0;
if (gpx->option.raw == 2) {
//printf(" :%6.1f: ", sample_count/(double)sample_rate);
for (j = 0; j < pos; j++) {
printf("%c", gpx->frame_bits[j]);
//if (frame_count % 3 == 2)
else {
int frmlen = (pos-bits_ofs)/8;
bits2bytes(gpx->frame_bits+bits_ofs, gpx->frame, frmlen);
crcOK = (check_CRC(gpx) == 0);
if (gpx->option.raw == 1) {
//printf(" :%6.1f: ", sample_count/(double)sample_rate);
for (j = 0; j < frmlen; j++) {
printf("%02X ", gpx->frame[j]);
printf(" %s", crcOK ? "[OK]" : "[NO]");
else {
//if (frame_count % 3 == 0)
if (pos/8 > pos_GPSecefV+6) print_gpx(gpx, crcOK);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *fp;
char *fpname;
int pos, bit;
int cfreq = -1;
float baudrate = -1;
int option_min = 0;
int option_iq = 0;
int option_iqdc = 0;
int option_lp = 0;
int option_dc = 0;
int option_softin = 0;
int option_pcmraw = 0;
int wavloaded = 0;
int sel_wavch = 0; // audio channel: left
int k;
int bitQ;
hsbit_t hsbit, hsbit1;
int header_found = 0;
float thres = 0.76; // dsp.mv threshold
float _mv = 0.0;
float lpIQ_bw = 9.0e3;
int bitpos = 0;
int symlen = 2;
int bitofs = 2; // +0 .. +3
int shift = 0;
pcm_t pcm = {0};
dsp_t dsp = {0}; //memset(&dsp, 0, sizeof(dsp));
hdb_t hdb = {0};
gpx_t gpx = {0};
#ifdef CYGWIN
_setmode(fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); // _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
fpname = argv[0];
while ((*argv) && (!wavloaded)) {
if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s [options] audio.wav\n", fpname);
fprintf(stderr, " options:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -v, --verbose\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -r, --raw\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -i, --invert\n");
return 0;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--ofs") == 0) ) {
if (*argv) {
bits_ofs = atoi(*argv);
else return -1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--dbg" ) == 0) ) { gpx.option.dbg = 1; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--verbose") == 0) ) {
gpx.option.vbs = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-vv" ) == 0) ) gpx.option.vbs = 2;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--raw") == 0) ) {
gpx.option.raw = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-R") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--RAW") == 0) ) {
gpx.option.raw = 2;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--invert") == 0) ) {
gpx.option.inv = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--auto") == 0) { gpx.option.aut = 1; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--uniq") == 0) ) {
gpx.option.unq = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-c") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--color") == 0) ) {
gpx.option.col = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--br") == 0) ) {
if (*argv) {
baudrate = atof(*argv);
if (baudrate < 2000 || baudrate > 3000) baudrate = BAUD_RATE; // 2399..2400
else return -1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ecc" ) == 0) { gpx.option.ecc = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ptu") == 0) {
gpx.option.ptu = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ch2") == 0) { sel_wavch = 1; } // right channel (default: 0=left)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--softin") == 0) { option_softin = 1; } // float32 soft input
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-d") == 0) {
if (*argv) {
shift = atoi(*argv);
if (shift > 4) shift = 4;
if (shift < -4) shift = -4;
else return -1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq0") == 0) { option_iq = 1; } // differential/FM-demod
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq2") == 0) { option_iq = 2; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq3") == 0) { option_iq = 3; } // iq2==iq3
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iqdc") == 0) { option_iqdc = 1; } // iq-dc removal (iq0,2,3)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--IQ") == 0) { // fq baseband -> IF (rotate from and decimate)
double fq = 0.0; // --IQ <fq> , -0.5 < fq < 0.5
if (*argv) fq = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
if (fq < -0.5) fq = -0.5;
if (fq > 0.5) fq = 0.5;
dsp.xlt_fq = -fq; // S(t) -> S(t)*exp(-f*2pi*I*t)
option_iq = 5;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lp") == 0) { option_lp = 1; } // IQ lowpass
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lpbw") == 0) { // IQ lowpass BW / kHz
double bw = 0.0;
if (*argv) bw = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
if (bw > 4.6 && bw < 24.0) lpIQ_bw = bw*1e3;
option_lp = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--dc") == 0) { option_dc = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--min") == 0) {
option_min = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--json") == 0) {
gpx.option.jsn = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--jsn_cfq") == 0) ) {
int frq = -1; // center frequency / Hz
if (*argv) frq = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (frq < 300000000) frq = -1;
cfreq = frq;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0) {
int sample_rate = 0, bits_sample = 0, channels = 0;
if (*argv) sample_rate = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (*argv) bits_sample = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
channels = 2;
if (sample_rate < 1 || (bits_sample != 8 && bits_sample != 16 && bits_sample != 32)) {
fprintf(stderr, "- <sr> <bs>\n");
return -1;
pcm.sr = sample_rate;
pcm.bps = bits_sample;
pcm.nch = channels;
option_pcmraw = 1;
else {
fp = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error open %s\n", *argv);
return -1;
wavloaded = 1;
if (!wavloaded) fp = stdin;
gpx.jsn_freq = 0;
if (cfreq > 0) gpx.jsn_freq = (cfreq+500)/1000;
#ifdef EXT_FSK
if (!option_softin) {
option_softin = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "reading float32 soft symbols\n");
if (!option_softin) {
if (option_iq == 0 && option_pcmraw) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: raw data not IQ\n");
return -1;
if (option_iq) sel_wavch = 0;
pcm.sel_ch = sel_wavch;
if (option_pcmraw == 0) {
k = read_wav_header(&pcm, fp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: wav header\n");
return -1;
if (cfreq > 0) {
int fq_kHz = (cfreq - dsp.xlt_fq*pcm.sr + 500)/1e3;
gpx.jsn_freq = fq_kHz;
// mrz-n1: BT=1.0, h=2.0 ?
symlen = 2;
// init dsp
dsp.fp = fp;
dsp.sr = pcm.sr;
dsp.bps = pcm.bps;
dsp.nch = pcm.nch;
dsp.ch = pcm.sel_ch;
dsp.br = (float)BAUD_RATE;
dsp.sps = (float)dsp.sr/dsp.br;
dsp.symlen = symlen;
dsp.symhd = symlen;
dsp._spb = dsp.sps*symlen;
dsp.hdr = mrz_header;
dsp.hdrlen = strlen(mrz_header);
dsp.BT = 1.0; // bw/time (ISI) // 1.0..2.0 // TODO
dsp.h = 2.0; // // 1.5..2.5? modulation index abzgl. BT // TODO
dsp.opt_iq = option_iq;
dsp.opt_iqdc = option_iqdc;
dsp.opt_lp = option_lp;
dsp.lpIQ_bw = lpIQ_bw; // 9.0e3 (8e3..10e3) // IF lowpass bandwidth
dsp.lpFM_bw = 6e3; // FM audio lowpass
dsp.opt_dc = option_dc;
dsp.opt_IFmin = option_min;
if ( dsp.sps < 5 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "note: sample rate low (%.1f sps)\n", dsp.sps);
if (baudrate > 0) {
dsp.br = (float)baudrate;
dsp.sps = (float)dsp.sr/dsp.br;
fprintf(stderr, "sps corr: %.4f\n", dsp.sps);
k = init_buffers(&dsp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: init buffers\n");
return -1;
//if (option_iq >= 2) bitofs += 1; // FM: +1 , IQ: +2
bitofs += shift;
else {
// init circular header bit buffer
hdb.hdr = mrz_header;
hdb.len = strlen(mrz_header);
//hdb.thb = 1.0 - 3.1/(float)hdb.len; // 1.0-max_bit_errors/hdrlen
hdb.bufpos = -1;
hdb.buf = NULL;
calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(char));
if (hdb.buf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n");
return -1;
hdb.ths = 0.82; // caution 0.8: false positive / offset
hdb.sbuf = calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(float));
if (hdb.sbuf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n");
return -1;
manchester1(mrz_header, gpx.frame_bits, HEADLEN); // HEADLEN==FRAMESTART
while ( 1 )
if (option_softin) {
header_found = find_softbinhead(fp, &hdb, &_mv);
else { // FM-audio:
header_found = find_header(&dsp, thres, 2, bitofs, dsp.opt_dc); // optional 2nd pass: dc=0
_mv = dsp.mv;
if (header_found == EOF) break;
// mv == correlation score
if (_mv *(0.5-gpx.option.inv) < 0) {
if (gpx.option.aut == 0) header_found = 0;
else gpx.option.inv ^= 0x1;
if (header_found)
bitpos = 0;
while ( pos < BITFRAME_LEN )
if (option_softin) {
float s1 = 0.0;
float s2 = 0.0;
float s = 0.0;
bitQ = f32soft_read(fp, &s1);
if (bitQ != EOF) {
bitQ = f32soft_read(fp, &s2);
if (bitQ != EOF) {
s = s2-s1; // integrate both symbols // Manchester2=s2 (invert to Manchester1=s1 below)
bit = (s>=0.0); // no soft decoding
hsbit.hb = bit;
hsbit.sb = s;
else {
float bl = -1;
if (option_iq > 2) bl = 2.0;
//bitQ = read_slbit(&dsp, &bit, 0, bitofs, bitpos, bl, 0); // symlen=2
bitQ = read_softbit2p(&dsp, &hsbit, 0, bitofs, bitpos, bl, 0, &hsbit1); // symlen=2
bit = hsbit.hb;
if ( bitQ == EOF ) break; // liest 2x EOF
if (!gpx.option.inv) { // Manchester1
hsbit.hb ^= 1;
hsbit.sb = -hsbit.sb;
bit ^= 1;
gpx.frame_bits[pos] = 0x30 + (hsbit.hb & 1);
bitpos += 1;
gpx.frame_bits[pos] = '\0';
print_frame(&gpx, pos);
if (pos < BITFRAME_LEN) break;
header_found = 0;
if (!option_softin) free_buffers(&dsp);
else {
if (hdb.buf) { free(hdb.buf); hdb.buf = NULL; }
return 0;