RP2040-code/Function Generator/pio_rotary_encoder.cpp

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8.0 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/pio.h"
#include "hardware/irq.h"
#include "pio_rotary_encoder.pio.h"
class RotaryEncoder { // class to read the rotation of the rotary encoder
// constructor
// rotary_encoder_A is the pin for the A of the rotary encoder.
// The B of the rotary encoder has to be connected to the next GPIO.
RotaryEncoder(uint rotary_encoder_A) {
uint8_t rotary_encoder_B = rotary_encoder_A + 1;
PIO pio = pio0; // Use pio 0
uint8_t sm = 0; // Use state machine 0
pio_gpio_init(pio, rotary_encoder_A);
gpio_set_pulls(rotary_encoder_A, false, false); // configure the used pins as input without pull up
pio_gpio_init(pio, rotary_encoder_B);
gpio_set_pulls(rotary_encoder_B, false, false); // configure the used pins as input without pull up
uint offset = pio_add_program(pio, &pio_rotary_encoder_program); // load the pio program into the pio memory...
pio_sm_config c = pio_rotary_encoder_program_get_default_config(offset); // make a sm config...
sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, rotary_encoder_A); // set the 'in' pins
sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, false, false, 0); // set shift to left: bits shifted by 'in' enter at the least
// significant bit (LSB), no autopush
irq_set_exclusive_handler(PIO0_IRQ_0, pio_irq_handler); // set the IRQ handler
irq_set_enabled(PIO0_IRQ_0, true); // enable the IRQ
pio0_hw->inte0 = PIO_IRQ0_INTE_SM0_BITS | PIO_IRQ0_INTE_SM1_BITS;
pio_sm_init(pio, sm, 16, &c); // init the state machine
// Note: the program starts after the jump table -> initial_pc = 16
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true); // enable the state machine
void set_rotation(int _rotation) { // set the current rotation to a specific value
rotation = _rotation;
int get_rotation(void) { // get the current rotation
return rotation;
static void pio_irq_handler() {
if (pio0_hw->irq & 2) { // test if irq 0 was raised
rotation = rotation - 1;
if ( rotation < 0) { rotation = 999; }
if (pio0_hw->irq & 1) { // test if irq 1 was raised
rotation = rotation + 1;
if ( rotation > 999 ) { rotation = 0; }
pio0_hw->irq = 3; // clear both interrupts
PIO pio; // the pio instance
uint sm; // the state machine
static int rotation; // the current location of rotation
// Global variables...
int RotaryEncoder::rotation = 0; // Initialize static members of class Rotary_encoder
int NixieCathodes[4] = { 18, 19, 20, 21 }; // GPIO ports connecting to Nixie Cathodes - Data0=>18 Data3=>21
int NixieAnodes[3] = { 22, 26, 27 }; // GPIO ports connecting to Nixie Anodes - Anode0=>22 Anode2=>27
int EncoderPorts[2] = { 16, 17 }; // GPIO ports connecting to Rotary Encoder - 16=>Clock 17=>Data
int NixieBuffer[3] = { 6, 7, 8 }; // Values to be displayed on Nixie tubes - Tube0=>1's
// - Tube1=>10's
// - Tube2=>100's
void WriteCathodes (int Data) {
// Create bit pattern on cathode GPIO's corresponding to the Data input...
int shifted;
shifted = Data ;
gpio_put(NixieCathodes[0], shifted %2) ;
shifted = shifted /2 ;
gpio_put(NixieCathodes[1], shifted %2);
shifted = shifted /2;
gpio_put(NixieCathodes[2], shifted %2);
shifted = shifted /2;
gpio_put(NixieCathodes[3], shifted %2);
int main() {
int scan = 0, lastval, temp;
stdio_init_all(); // needed for printf
RotaryEncoder my_encoder(16); // the A of the rotary encoder is connected to GPIO 16, B to GPIO 17
my_encoder.set_rotation(0); // initialize the rotatry encoder rotation as 0
// Iterate through arrays to initialise the GPIO ports...
for ( uint i = 0; i < sizeof(NixieCathodes) / sizeof( NixieCathodes[0]); i++ ) {
gpio_set_dir(NixieCathodes[i], GPIO_OUT); // Set as output
for ( uint i = 0; i < sizeof(NixieAnodes) / sizeof( NixieAnodes[0]); i++ ) {
gpio_set_dir(NixieAnodes[i], GPIO_OUT); // Set as output
for ( uint i = 0; i < sizeof(RotaryEncoder) / sizeof( EncoderPorts[0]); i++ ) {
gpio_set_dir(EncoderPorts[i], GPIO_IN); // Set as input
gpio_pull_up(EncoderPorts[i]); // Enable pull up
const uint Onboard_LED = PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN; // Debug - also intialise the Onboard LED...
gpio_set_dir(Onboard_LED, GPIO_OUT);
while (true) { // infinite loop to print the current rotation
if (my_encoder.get_rotation() != lastval) {
temp = my_encoder.get_rotation();
printf("rotation=%d\n", temp);
lastval = temp;
NixieBuffer[0] = temp % 10 ; // finished with temp, so ok to destroy it
temp /= 10 ;
NixieBuffer[1] = temp % 10 ;
temp /= 10 ;
NixieBuffer[2] = temp % 10 ;
if (scan==0) {
gpio_put(NixieAnodes[2], 0) ; // Turn off previous anode
WriteCathodes(NixieBuffer[0]); // Set up new data on cathodes (Units)
gpio_put(NixieAnodes[0], 1) ; // Turn on current anode
if (scan==1) {
gpio_put(NixieAnodes[0], 0) ; // Turn off previous anode
WriteCathodes(NixieBuffer[1]); // Set up new data on cathodes (10's)
gpio_put(NixieAnodes[1], 1) ; // Turn on current anode
if (scan==2) {
gpio_put(NixieAnodes[1], 0) ; // Turn off previous anode
WriteCathodes(NixieBuffer[2]); // Set up new data on cathodes (100's)
gpio_put(NixieAnodes[2], 1) ; // Turn on current anode
if (scan == 3) { scan = 0; }