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* 86Box A hypervisor and IBM PC system emulator that specializes in
* running old operating systems and software designed for IBM
* PC systems and compatibles from 1981 through fairly recent
* system designs based on the PCI bus.
* This file is part of the 86Box distribution.
* IBM CGA composite filter, borrowed from reenigne's DOSBox
* patch and ported to C.
* modified for RGBtoHDMI
* Authors: reenigne,
* Miran Grca, <mgrca8@gmail.com>
* Copyright 2015-2019 reenigne.
* Copyright 2015-2019 Miran Grca.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include "osd.h"
#include "rgb_to_fb.h"
#include "vid_cga_comp.h"
#include "rgb_to_hdmi.h"
#include "logging.h"
static double brightness = 0;
static double contrast = 100;
static double saturation = 100;
static double sharpness = 0;
static double hue_offset = 0;
static int ntsc_pixel_phase = 0;
int video_sharpness;
/* New algorithm by reenigne
Works in all CGA modes/color settings and can simulate older and newer CGA revisions */
static const double tau = 6.28318531; /* == 2*pi */
static unsigned char chroma_multiplexer[256] = {
2, 2, 2, 2, 114,174, 4, 3, 2, 1,133,135, 2,113,150, 4,
133, 2, 1, 99, 151,152, 2, 1, 3, 2, 96,136, 151,152,151,152,
2, 56, 62, 4, 111,250,118, 4, 0, 51,207,137, 1,171,209, 5,
140, 50, 54,100, 133,202, 57, 4, 2, 50,153,149, 128,198,198,135,
32, 1, 36, 81, 147,158, 1, 42, 33, 1,210,254, 34,109,169, 77,
177, 2, 0,165, 189,154, 3, 44, 33, 0, 91,197, 178,142,144,192,
4, 2, 61, 67, 117,151,112, 83, 4, 0,249,255, 3,107,249,117,
147, 1, 50,162, 143,141, 52, 54, 3, 0,145,206, 124,123,192,193,
72, 78, 2, 0, 159,208, 4, 0, 53, 58,164,159, 37,159,171, 1,
248,117, 4, 98, 212,218, 5, 2, 54, 59, 93,121, 176,181,134,130,
1, 61, 31, 0, 160,255, 34, 1, 1, 58,197,166, 0,177,194, 2,
162,111, 34, 96, 205,253, 32, 1, 1, 57,123,125, 119,188,150,112,
78, 4, 0, 75, 166,180, 20, 38, 78, 1,143,246, 42,113,156, 37,
252, 4, 1,188, 175,129, 1, 37, 118, 4, 88,249, 202,150,145,200,
61, 59, 60, 60, 228,252,117, 77, 60, 58,248,251, 81,212,254,107,
198, 59, 58,169, 250,251, 81, 80, 100, 58,154,250, 251,252,252,252};
static double intensity[4] = {
77.175381, 88.654656, 166.564623, 174.228438};
#define NEW_CGA(c,i,r,g,b) (((c)/0.72)*0.29 + ((i)/0.28)*0.32 + ((r)/0.28)*0.1 + ((g)/0.28)*0.22 + ((b)/0.28)*0.07)
double mode_brightness;
double mode_contrast;
double mode_hue;
double min_v;
double max_v;
static int ntsc_type;
unsigned int swap_R_B(int IRGB) {
//r & b are swapped in RGBtoHDMI so rearrange to match
int r_new = (IRGB & 0x04) >> 2;
int ig_new = (IRGB & 0x0a);
int b_new = (IRGB & 0x01) << 2;
return b_new | ig_new | r_new;
void update_cga16_color() {
int x;
double c, i, v;
double q, a, s, r;
double iq_adjust_i, iq_adjust_q;
double i0, i3, mode_saturation;
static const double ri = 0.9563;
static const double rq = 0.6210;
static const double gi = -0.2721;
static const double gq = -0.6474;
static const double bi = -1.1069;
static const double bq = 1.7046;
brightness = get_parameter(F_BRIGHT) - 100;
contrast = get_parameter(F_CONT);
saturation = get_parameter(F_SAT);
hue_offset = get_parameter(F_TINT);
ntsc_pixel_phase = ((get_parameter(F_NTSC_PHASE) ^ 3)) & 3; //reorder to match existing artifact code
switch(get_parameter(F_NTSC_QUALITY)) {
sharpness = 0;
sharpness = 50;
sharpness = 0;
ntsc_type = get_parameter(F_NTSC_TYPE);
bool new_cga;
//maybe add some hue or brt/cont offsets etc here
switch(get_parameter(F_NTSC_TYPE)) {
new_cga = 1;
new_cga = 0;
new_cga = 1;
new_cga = 0;
if (!new_cga) {
min_v = chroma_multiplexer[0] + intensity[0];
max_v = chroma_multiplexer[255] + intensity[3];
else {
i0 = intensity[0];
i3 = intensity[3];
min_v = NEW_CGA(chroma_multiplexer[0], i0, i0, i0, i0);
max_v = NEW_CGA(chroma_multiplexer[255], i3, i3, i3, i3);
mode_contrast = 256/(max_v - min_v);
mode_brightness = -min_v*mode_contrast;
//if ((cgamode & 3) == 1)
// mode_hue = 14;
mode_hue = 4;
mode_contrast *= contrast * (new_cga ? 1.2 : 1)/100; /* new CGA: 120% */
mode_brightness += (new_cga ? brightness-10 : brightness)*5; /* new CGA: -10 */
mode_saturation = (new_cga ? 4.35 : 2.9)*saturation/100; /* new CGA: 150% */
for (x = 0; x < 1024; ++x) {
int phase = (x + ntsc_pixel_phase) & 3;
int right = swap_R_B((x >> 2) & 0x0f);
int left = swap_R_B((x >> 6) & 0x0f);
int rc = right;
int lc = left;
//if ((cgamode & 4) != 0) {
// rc = (right & 8) | ((right & 7) != 0 ? 7 : 0);
// lc = (left & 8) | ((left & 7) != 0 ? 7 : 0);
c = chroma_multiplexer[((lc & 7) << 5) | ((rc & 7) << 2) | phase];
i = intensity[(left >> 3) | ((right >> 2) & 2)];
if (!new_cga)
v = c + i;
else {
double r = intensity[((left >> 2) & 1) | ((right >> 1) & 2)];
double g = intensity[((left >> 1) & 1) | (right & 2)];
double b = intensity[(left & 1) | ((right << 1) & 2)];
v = NEW_CGA(c, i, r, g, b);
CGA_Composite_Table[x] = (int) (v*mode_contrast + mode_brightness);
i = CGA_Composite_Table[3*68] - CGA_Composite_Table[3*68 + 2];
q = CGA_Composite_Table[3*68 + 1] - CGA_Composite_Table[3*68 + 3];
a = tau*(33 + 90 + hue_offset + mode_hue)/360.0;
c = cos(a);
s = sin(a);
r = 256*mode_saturation/sqrt(i*i+q*q);
iq_adjust_i = -(i*c + q*s)*r;
iq_adjust_q = (q*c - i*s)*r;
video_ri = (int) (ri*iq_adjust_i + rq*iq_adjust_q);
video_rq = (int) (-ri*iq_adjust_q + rq*iq_adjust_i);
video_gi = (int) (gi*iq_adjust_i + gq*iq_adjust_q);
video_gq = (int) (-gi*iq_adjust_q + gq*iq_adjust_i);
video_bi = (int) (bi*iq_adjust_i + bq*iq_adjust_q);
video_bq = (int) (-bi*iq_adjust_q + bq*iq_adjust_i);
video_sharpness = (int) (sharpness*256/100);
static Bit8u byte_clamp(int v) {
v >>= (13 + 4);
return v < 0 ? 0 : (v > 15 ? 15 : v);
/* 2048x1536 is the maximum we can possibly support. */
#define SCALER_MAXWIDTH 2048
static int temp[SCALER_MAXWIDTH + 10]={0};
static int atemp[SCALER_MAXWIDTH + 2]={0};
static int btemp[SCALER_MAXWIDTH + 2]={0};
void Composite_Process(Bit32u blocks, Bit8u *rgbi, int render)
int x;
Bit32u x2;
int w = blocks*8;
int *o;
int *i;
int *ap, *bp;
uint32_t temp_srgb;
uint32_t srgb0;
uint32_t srgb1;
uint32_t srgb2;
uint32_t srgb3;
#define COMPOSITE_CONVERT(I, Q) do { \
i[1] = (i[1]<<3) - ap[1]; \
a = ap[0]; \
b = bp[0]; \
c = i[0]+i[0]; \
d = i[-1]+i[1]; \
y = ((c+d)<<8) + video_sharpness*(c-d); \
rr = y + video_ri*(I) + video_rq*(Q); \
gg = y + video_gi*(I) + video_gq*(Q); \
bb = y + video_bi*(I) + video_bq*(Q); \
++i; \
++ap; \
++bp; \
} while (0)
#define OUT(v) do { *o = (v); ++o; } while (0)
/* Simulate CGA composite output */
o = temp;
OUT(CGA_Composite_Table[(0<<6) | ((*rgbi & 0x0f)<<2) | 3]);
for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
OUT(CGA_Composite_Table[(((Bit32u)rgbi[0] & 0x0f)<<6) | (((Bit32u)rgbi[1] & 0x0f)<<2) | (x & 3)]);
/* Store chroma */
i = temp + 4;
ap = atemp + 1;
bp = btemp + 1;
for (x = -1; x < w + 1; ++x) {
ap[x] = i[-4]-((i[-2]-i[0]+i[2])<<1)+i[4];
bp[x] = (i[-3]-i[-1]+i[1]-i[3])<<1;
// ap[x] = (-i[-2]+((i[0])<<1)-i[2])<<1;
// bp[x] = (-i[-1]+i[1])<<2;
/* Decode */
i = temp + 5;
i[-1] = (i[-1]<<3) - ap[-1];
i[0] = (i[0]<<3) - ap[0];
for (x2 = 0; x2 < blocks - 1; ++x2) {
int y,a,b,c,d,rr,gg,bb;
temp_srgb = (byte_clamp(rr)<<8) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<4) | byte_clamp(bb);
srgb0 = temp_srgb | (byte_clamp(rr)<<24) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<20) | byte_clamp(bb)<<16;
temp_srgb = (byte_clamp(rr)<<8) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<4) | byte_clamp(bb);
srgb1 = temp_srgb | (byte_clamp(rr)<<24) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<20) | byte_clamp(bb)<<16;
temp_srgb = (byte_clamp(rr)<<8) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<4) | byte_clamp(bb);
srgb2 = temp_srgb | (byte_clamp(rr)<<24) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<20) | byte_clamp(bb)<<16;
temp_srgb = (byte_clamp(rr)<<8) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<4) | byte_clamp(bb);
srgb3 = temp_srgb | (byte_clamp(rr)<<24) | (byte_clamp(gg)<<20) | byte_clamp(bb)<<16;
if (render)
cga_render_words(srgb0, srgb1, srgb2, srgb3); //renders 8 pixels at a time to the uncached screen using stmia for speed
//if (!render && x2<8) log_info("%x %x %x %x",srgb0, srgb1, srgb2, srgb3);
#undef OUT
void Test_Composite_Process(Bit32u blocks, Bit8u *rgbi, int render) {
Composite_Process(blocks, rgbi, render);