/* error.c - error output and modification routines */ /* (c) in 2002-2021 by Volker Barthelmann and Frank Wille */ #include #include "vasm.h" #include "error.h" struct err_out general_err_out[]={ #include "general_errors.h" }; int general_errors=sizeof(general_err_out)/sizeof(general_err_out[0]); struct err_out syntax_err_out[]={ #include "syntax_errors.h" }; int syntax_errors=sizeof(syntax_err_out)/sizeof(syntax_err_out[0]); struct err_out cpu_err_out[]={ #include "cpu_errors.h" }; int cpu_errors=sizeof(cpu_err_out)/sizeof(cpu_err_out[0]); struct err_out output_err_out[]={ #include "output_errors.h" }; int output_errors=sizeof(output_err_out)/sizeof(output_err_out[0]); int errors,warnings; int max_errors=5; int no_warn; static void print_source_line(FILE *f) { static char *buf = NULL; static size_t bufsz = 0; char c,*e,*p,*q; int l; /* allocate a sufficiently dimensioned line buffer */ if (cur_src->bufsize > bufsz) { bufsz = cur_src->bufsize; buf = myrealloc(buf,bufsz); } p = cur_src->text; q = buf; e = buf + bufsz - 1; l = cur_src->line; do { c = *p++; if (c=='\n' || c=='\r') { if (*p == ((c=='\n') ? '\r' : '\n')) p++; if (--l == 0) { /* terminate error line in buffer and print it */ *q = '\0'; fprintf(f,">%s\n",buf); return; } q = buf; /* next line, start to fill buffer from the beginning */ } else if (q < e) *q++ = c; } while (*p); ierror(0); /* line doesn't exist */ } static void print_source_file(FILE *f, source *src) { if (src->srcfile) { if (src->srcfile->incpath != NULL) fprintf(f,"\"%s%s%s\"", src->srcfile->incpath->compdir_based ? compile_dir : emptystr, src->srcfile->incpath->path, src->srcfile->name); else fprintf(f,"\"%s\"",src->srcfile->name); } else fprintf(f,"\"%s\"",src->name); } static void error(int n,va_list vl,struct err_out *errlist,int offset) { static source *last_err_source = NULL; static int last_err_no; static int last_err_line; FILE *f; int flags=errlist[n].flags; if ((flags&DISABLED) || ((flags&WARNING) && no_warn)) return; if ((flags&MESSAGE) && !(flags&(WARNING|ERROR|FATAL))) { if (nostdout) return; f = stdout; /* print messages to stdout */ } else { f = stderr; /* otherwise stderr */ if (last_err_source) { /* avoid printing the same error again and again, which might happen when a line is evaluated in multiple passes */ if (cur_src!=NULL && cur_src==last_err_source && cur_src->line==last_err_line && n+offset==last_err_no) return; } } if (cur_src) { last_err_source = cur_src; last_err_line = cur_src->line; last_err_no = n + offset; } fprintf(f,"\n"); if (cur_listing && (flags & ERROR)) cur_listing->error = n + offset; if (flags & FATAL) fprintf(f,"fatal "); if (flags & ERROR) { ++errors; fprintf(f,"error"); } else if (flags & WARNING) { ++warnings; fprintf(f,"warning"); } else if (flags & MESSAGE) fprintf(f,"message"); fprintf(f," %d",n+offset); if (!(flags & NOLINE) && cur_src!=NULL) { fprintf(f," in line %d of ",cur_src->line); print_source_file(f,cur_src); } fprintf(f,": "); vfprintf(f,errlist[n].text,vl); fprintf(f,"\n"); if (!(flags & NOLINE) && cur_src!=NULL) { if (cur_src->parent != NULL) { source *parent,*child; int recurs; child = cur_src; while (parent = child->parent) { if (child->num_params >= 0) fprintf(f,"\tcalled"); /* macro called from */ else fprintf(f,"\tincluded"); /* included from */ fprintf(f," from line %d of ",child->parent_line); print_source_file(f,parent); recurs = 1; while (parent->parent!=NULL && child->parent_line==parent->parent_line && !strcmp(parent->name,parent->parent->name)) { recurs++; parent = parent->parent; } if (recurs > 1) fprintf(f," %d times",recurs); fprintf(f,"\n"); child = parent; } } print_source_line(f); } if (flags & FATAL) { fprintf(f,"aborting...\n"); leave(); } if ((flags & ERROR) && max_errors!=0 && errors>=max_errors) { fprintf(f,"***maximum number of errors reached!***\n"); leave(); } } void general_error(int n,...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,n); error(n,vl,general_err_out,FIRST_GENERAL_ERROR); } void syntax_error(int n,...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,n); error(n,vl,syntax_err_out,FIRST_SYNTAX_ERROR); } void cpu_error(int n,...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,n); error(n,vl,cpu_err_out,FIRST_CPU_ERROR); } void output_error(int n,...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,n); error(n,vl,output_err_out,FIRST_OUTPUT_ERROR); } void output_atom_error(int n,atom *a,...) { source *old = cur_src; va_list vl; va_start(vl,a); /* temporarily set the source text and line from the given atom */ cur_src = a->src; cur_src->line = a->line; error(n,vl,output_err_out,FIRST_OUTPUT_ERROR); cur_src = old; } static void modify_errors(struct err_out *err,int flags,va_list vl) { int n; while (n = va_arg(vl,int)) { err[n].flags = flags; } va_end(vl); } void modify_gen_err(int flags,...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,flags); modify_errors(general_err_out,flags,vl); } void modify_syntax_err(int flags,...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,flags); modify_errors(syntax_err_out,flags,vl); } void modify_cpu_err(int flags,...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,flags); modify_errors(cpu_err_out,flags,vl); } static void disable(int type,struct err_out *err,int errnum,int first,int max) { int n = errnum-first; if (n>=0 && n= FIRST_OUTPUT_ERROR) disable(type,output_err_out,n,FIRST_OUTPUT_ERROR,output_errors); else if (n >= FIRST_CPU_ERROR) disable(type,cpu_err_out,n,FIRST_CPU_ERROR,cpu_errors); else if (n >= FIRST_SYNTAX_ERROR) disable(type,syntax_err_out,n,FIRST_SYNTAX_ERROR,syntax_errors); else if (n >= FIRST_GENERAL_ERROR) disable(type,general_err_out,n,FIRST_GENERAL_ERROR,general_errors); } void disable_message(int n) { disable_type(MESSAGE,n); } void disable_warning(int n) { disable_type(WARNING,n); }