Early work on Mode 7

Change-Id: I0cea302fd7ea9ea8cb3649721185c2351b7084dc
David Banks 2017-04-25 18:24:49 +01:00
rodzic b9fc578bff
commit 4335d4e531
3 zmienionych plików z 53 dodań i 21 usunięć

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@ -14,31 +14,38 @@
.global rgb_to_fb
// r0 = pointer to frame buffer
// r1
// r2
// r3 = field offset
// Parameter registers:
// r0 = frame buffer base
// r1 = 8-pixel characters per line (normally 80, but 62.5 (63) in Mode 7
// r2 = bytes per line
// Working registers:
// r3 = field offsset
// r4 = GPLEV0
// r5 = line counter
// r6 = pixel counter
// r8 = value read from GPLEV0
// r9 = extracted pixel
// r10 = block of 8 pixels, to be written to FB
// r11 = pointer into frame buffer (start of line)
// r12 = pointer into frame buffer (moves within line)
push {r4-r12, lr}
mov r3, #320
mov r3, r2
ldr r4, =GPLEV0
// Set framebuffer address
mov r1, r0
mov r11, r0
add r1, r0, r3
eor r3, r3, #320
add r11, r0, r3
eor r3, r3, r2
// Wait for start of vsync
@ -97,8 +104,10 @@ wait_for_hsync:
tst r8, #HSYNC_MASK
beq wait_for_hsync
// 80 8-bit characters per line
mov r6, #80
// number of 8-bit characters per line
mov r6, r1
// pointer into frame buffer
mov r12, r11
// Initialize 8 pixel block
@ -157,15 +166,15 @@ wait_psync_10:
orr r10, r10, r9, lsl #13
str r10, [r1, r3]
str r10, [r12, r2]
str r10, [r1], #4
str r10, [r12], #4
subs r6, r6, #1
bne loop2
// Skip a whole line to maintain aspect ratio
add r1, r1, #320
add r11, r11, r2, lsl #1
subs r5, r5, #1
bne loop1

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@ -11,6 +11,20 @@
#include "rpi-mailbox-interface.h"
#include "startup.h"
#define CORE_FREQ 383900000
// #define MODE7
#ifdef MODE7
#define GPCLK_DIVISOR 24 // 48MHz
#define CHARS_PER_LINE 63
#define BYTES_PER_LINE 320
#define GPCLK_DIVISOR 18 // 64MHz
#define CHARS_PER_LINE 80
#define BYTES_PER_LINE 320
#define GZ_CLK_BUSY (1 << 7)
#define GP_CLK1_CTL (uint32_t *)(PERIPHERAL_BASE + 0x101078)
@ -41,23 +55,26 @@
#define COLBITS 4
extern void rgb_to_fb(unsigned char *fb);
extern void rgb_to_fb(unsigned char *fb, int chars_per_line, int bytes_per_line);
void init_gpclk(int source, int divisor) {
RPI_PropertyAddTag( TAG_SET_CLOCK_RATE, CORE_CLK_ID, 383900000, 1);
// Re-initialize UART, as system clock rate changed
RPI_AuxMiniUartInit( 115200, 8 );
log_info("GP_CLK1_CTL = %08"PRIx32, *GP_CLK1_CTL);
log_info("GP_CLK1_DIV = %08"PRIx32, *GP_CLK1_DIV);
*GP_CLK1_CTL = 0x5A000000 + source;
while ((*GP_CLK1_CTL) & GZ_CLK_BUSY) {} // Wait for BUSY low
*GP_CLK1_DIV = 0x5A002000 | (divisor << 12); // set DIVI
*GP_CLK1_DIV = 0x5A000000 | (divisor << 12); // set DIVI
*GP_CLK1_CTL = 0x5A000010 | source; // GPCLK0 on
log_info("GP_CLK1_CTL = %08"PRIx32, *GP_CLK1_CTL);
@ -208,10 +225,10 @@ void init_hardware() {
// Source 1 = OSC = 19.2MHz
// Source 4 = PLLA = 0MHz
// Source 5 = PLLC = core_freq * 3 (
// Source 5 = PLLC = core_freq * 3 = (384 * 3) = 1152
// Source 6 = PLLD = 500MHz
init_gpclk(5, 18);
init_gpclk(5, GPCLK_DIVISOR);
// Initialise the info system with cached values (as we break the GPU property interface)
@ -254,7 +271,7 @@ void kernel_main(unsigned int r0, unsigned int r1, unsigned int atags)
while (1) {

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@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ end RGBtoHDMI;
architecture Behavorial of RGBtoHDMI is
-- For Mode 7
-- constant sample_point : unsigned(10 downto 0) := to_unsigned(2048 - 48 * 2 + 3, 11);
-- For Modes 6..0
constant sample_point : unsigned(10 downto 0) := to_unsigned(2048 - 32 * 23 + 3, 11);
signal shift : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal nCSYNC1 : std_logic;
@ -104,7 +110,7 @@ begin
end if;
-- counter is used to find sampling point for first pixel
counter <= to_unsigned(1311, counter'length);
counter <= sample_point;
elsif nCSYNC1 = '0' then
-- within the line sync pulse