#include "config.h" #include "barometer.hpp" #include "gps.hpp" #include float merged_alt = 0; float merged_vspeed = 0; float baro_alt_weight = 1; float gps_alt_weight = 1; float baro_vspeed_weight = 1; float gps_vspeed_weight = 1; float ground_altitude = 0; unsigned long tstab = 0; float gps_stab_factor = 0; float baro_stab_factor = 0; bool new_baro_fusion = false; bool new_gps_fusion = false; movingAvg gps_v(GPS_SAFE_AVG); movingAvg baro_v(BARO_SAFE_AVG); movingAvg ps_p(PRE_PE_AVG); double pressure_percentage; void position_setup() { gps_v.begin(); baro_v.begin(); ps_p.begin(); } void cmpt_fusion() { if (new_baro_fusion == true and new_gps_fusion == true) { new_baro_fusion = false; new_gps_fusion = false; pressure_percentage = (ps_p.reading((pressure_baro / (baro_set*100.0))*100.0)/100.0) ; pressure_percentage = constrain(pressure_percentage, 5, 100); baro_alt_weight = pressure_percentage; baro_vspeed_weight = pressure_percentage*pressure_percentage; double h_dop = gps.hdop.value(); if (gps_ok) { gps_alt_weight = 50.0/h_dop; gps_vspeed_weight = 1; } else { gps_alt_weight = 0; gps_vspeed_weight = 0; } merged_alt = ((alt_baro*baro_alt_weight)+(gps.altitude.meters()*gps_alt_weight))/(baro_alt_weight+gps_alt_weight); merged_vspeed = ((baro_vspeed*baro_vspeed_weight)+(gps_vspeed*gps_vspeed_weight))/(baro_vspeed_weight+gps_vspeed_weight); } } void cmpt_vertical_state() { if (new_baro) { new_baro = false; new_baro_fusion = true; baro_stab_factor = (baro_v.reading(baro_vspeed*100.0))/100.0; } if (new_gps) { new_gps = false; new_gps_fusion = true; gps_stab_factor = (gps_v.reading(gps_vspeed*100))/100.0; } } bool is_ascent(int v_trigger, bool mode) { if (mode == 0) { if (baro_stab_factor>v_trigger) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (gps_stab_factor>v_trigger and baro_stab_factor>v_trigger) { return true; } else { return false; } } } bool is_descent(int v_trigger, bool mode) { if (mode == 0) { if (baro_stab_factor