504 wiersze
14 KiB

* WWVB experiments
* WWVB as fake gps for U3S, how much will pps cause the tx frequency to be incorrect
#include <LCD5110_Basic.h>
LCD5110 LCD( 2,3,4,6,5 );
extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t MediumNumbers[];
extern uint8_t BigNumbers[];
#define WWVB_IN 7
#define PPS_OUT 8
int gmon = 1,gday = 1,gyr = 1,ghr,gmin;
int tot_days = 1;
uint16_t leap = 1;
uint64_t wwvb_data, wwvb_sync, wwvb_errors;
uint8_t DST; // daylight savings bit
uint8_t gsec;
uint8_t msg_que = 1;
unsigned long old_t;
// long term time adjustment
long time_adjust; // counter
long tm_correct_count = 6000; // adjust one ms in this many ms
int8_t tm_correction = 1; // +1 fast, -1 slow
// short term lost second detection( when wwvb signal is weak )
#define NUM_HISTORY 32
int phase;
int tot_phase;
int phase_history[NUM_HISTORY];
float rtotal;
int psec; // que prints outside of the timekeeping function
uint8_t pmin;
uint8_t errors;
uint8_t perrors;
int max_loops;
char stg_buf[128]; // expand the serial buffer
int stin, stout;
void setup() {
int i;
pinMode(WWVB_IN, INPUT_PULLUP); // sample wwvb receiver signal
delay( 5000 );
old_t = millis();
void loop() {
static uint8_t msg;
while( stin != stout && Serial.availableForWrite() > 4 ) serial_unstage();
if( gsec == msg_que && Serial.availableForWrite() > 60 ){ // send all each second
switch( msg ){
case 0: send_gga(); ++msg; break; // order sent must be just so, alphabetical I guess
case 2: send_gsv(); ++msg; break;
case 1: send_gsa(); ++msg; break;
case 3: send_rmc(); ++msg; break;
case 4: ++msg_que;
if( msg_que >= 60 ) msg_que = 0;
msg = 0;
if( psec != -1 ) psecs();
else if( pmin ){
switch( pmin++ ){
case 1:
LCD.printNumI( tm_correct_count,LEFT,1*8,6,' ');
LCD.printNumI( tm_correction,8*6,1*8,2,' ');
LCD.printNumI(perrors,RIGHT,1*8,2,' ');
case 2:
LCD.printNumF( (float)tot_phase/(float)NUM_HISTORY,2,RIGHT,4*8,'.',6,' ' );
LCD.printNumI( (int)rtotal,LEFT,4*8,5,' ' );
LCD.printNumI( max_loops, RIGHT,5*8,3,' ' );
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
default: pmin = 0; break;
void send_gga(){
gps_puts( "$GPGGA," );
send_num( ghr ); send_num( gmin ); send_num( gsec );
gps_puts( ".20," );
gps_puts( "4426.8053,N,"); // lat
gps_puts( "06931.4612,W,"); // long
gps_puts( "1,"); // fix
gps_puts( "04,"); // num sats
gps_puts( "1.5,"); // horizontal something
gps_puts( "96.8,M," ); // altitude
gps_puts( "-34.0,M," );
gps_puts( ",*" );
void send_gsv(){
gps_puts( "$GPGSV," );
gps_puts( "1,1,04," ); // messages, sats in view
gps_puts( "04,44,104,24," ); // prn,elevation,azimuth,snr
gps_puts( "05,45,105,25," ); // prn,elevation,azimuth,snr
gps_puts( "06,46,106,26," ); // prn,elevation,azimuth,snr
gps_puts( "07,47,107,27*" ); // prn,elevation,azimuth,snr
void send_gsa(){
gps_puts( "$GPGSA," );
gps_puts( "A,3," ); // 3d fix
gps_puts( "04,05,06,07," ); // ID's
gps_puts( ",,,,,,,," ); // unused slots
gps_puts( "1.7,1.1,1.3*" ); // pdop,hdop,vdop
void send_rmc(){
gps_puts( "$GPRMC," );
send_num( ghr ); send_num( gmin ); send_num( gsec );
gps_puts( ".20," );
gps_puts( "A," );
gps_puts( "4426.8053,N,"); // lat
gps_puts( "06931.4612,W,"); // long
gps_puts( "000.5,054.7,"); // speed,course
send_num( gday ); send_num(gmon); send_num( gyr ); // date
gps_puts( ",018.1,W,A*" ); // mag declination, A or D?
void send_num( int val ){
char buf[30];
if( val < 10 ) gps_putch('0');
itoa( val, buf, 10 );
gps_puts( buf );
void gps_putch( unsigned char c ){
static uint8_t crc;
if( c == '$' ) crc = 0;
else if( c != '*' ) crc ^= c;
serial_stage( c );
if( c == '*' ){
send_hex( crc );
serial_stage('\r'); serial_stage('\n');
void gps_puts( char * p ){
char c;
while( ( c = *p++ ) ) gps_putch( c );
void send_hex( uint8_t d ){
char buf[30];
itoa( d, buf, 16 );
buf[0] = toupper( buf[0] );
buf[1] = toupper( buf[1] );
if( buf[1] == 0 ){
buf[1] = buf[0];
buf[0] = '0';
serial_stage(buf[0]); serial_stage(buf[1]);
void serial_stage( char c ){
stg_buf[stin++] = c;
stin &= 127;
void serial_unstage(){
Serial.write( stg_buf[stout++] );
stout &= 127;
void calc_date(){ // from total days and leap flag
const int cal[2][12] =
{ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,
31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 };
int i,d;
d = tot_days;
for( i = 0; i < 12; ++i ){
if( d <= cal[leap][i] ) break;
d -= cal[leap][i];
gmon = i + 1;
gday = d;
// WWVB receiver in a fringe area - integrate the signal to remove noise
// Although it probably makes more sense to dump the integrator 10 times per second, here we use 8.
// sample each millisecond, sum 100 or 150 samples , decide if low or high, shift into temp variable
// at end of 1 second( 8 bits), decide if temp has a 1, 0, or sync. Shift into 64 bit data and sync variables.
// when the sync variable contains the magic number, decode the 64 bit data.
// each second starts with a low signal and ends with a high signal
// much like software sampling rs232 start and stop bits.
// this routine runs fast by design until it locks on the wwvb signal( or slow depending upon point of view )
void wwvb_sample2(unsigned long t){
int loops;
uint8_t b,s,e;
static uint8_t wwvb_clk, wwvb_sum, wwvb_tmp, wwvb_count; // data decoding
const uint8_t counts[8] = { 100,100,150,150,150,150,100,100 }; // total of 1000 ms
static uint8_t secs,early,late;
static uint8_t dither = 4; // quick sync, adjusts to 1 when signal is good
char ch[2];
loops = t - old_t;
old_t = t;
if( loops > max_loops ) max_loops = loops;
while( loops-- ){ // repeat for any missed milliseconds
// adjust for 16mhz millis() error
if( ++time_adjust >= tm_correct_count && wwvb_clk > 100 ){
time_adjust -= tm_correct_count;
wwvb_clk += tm_correction;
if( digitalRead(WWVB_IN) == LOW ) ++wwvb_sum;
if( --wwvb_clk == 0 ){ // end of period, dump integrator
b = ( wwvb_sum > (counts[wwvb_count] >> 1) ) ? 0 : 128;
wwvb_tmp >>= 1;
wwvb_tmp |= b;
wwvb_sum = 0;
// 8 dumps of the integrator is one second, decode this bit
wwvb_count &= 7;
if( wwvb_count == 1 ){
digitalWrite( PPS_OUT,HIGH); // pps not accurate rising edge to falling, use 00 10 for calibrate in U3S
if( wwvb_count == 2 ){
digitalWrite( PPS_OUT,LOW);
gsec = secs; // que serial messages
wwvb_clk = counts[wwvb_count]; // 100 100 150 150 150 150 100 100
// decode 0 1 sync stop should be high
if( wwvb_count == 0 ){ // decode time
// clocks late or early, just dither them back and forth across the falling edge
// when not in sync, more 1's than 0's are detected and this slips in time.
if( wwvb_tmp != 0xff && wwvb_tmp != 0x00 ){
if( digitalRead(WWVB_IN) == 0 ){
++late; // sampling late
wwvb_clk -= dither; // adjust sample to earlier
++early; // need to sample later
wwvb_clk += dither; // longer clock
// decode
// 11111100 is a zero, 11110000 is a one, 11000000 is a sync
b = 0; s = 0; e = 1; // assume it is an error
pbin( wwvb_tmp );
// strict decode
if( wwvb_tmp == 0xfc ) e = 0, b = 0;
if( wwvb_tmp == 0xf0 ) e = 0, b = 1;
if( wwvb_tmp == 0xc0 ) e = 0, s = 1;
ch[0] = 'e'; ch[1] = 0;
if( e == 0 ){
if( s == 1 ) ch[0] = 'S';
else if( b == 1 ) ch[0] = '1';
else ch[0] = '0';
if( e ) ++errors;
wwvb_data <<= 1; wwvb_data |= b; // shift 64 bits data
wwvb_sync <<= 1; wwvb_sync |= s; // sync
wwvb_errors <<= 1; wwvb_errors |= e; // errors
// magic 64 bits of sync ( looking at 60 seconds of data with 4 seconds of the past minute )
// xxxx1000000001 0000000001 0000000001 0000000001 0000000001 0000000001
// wwvb_sync &= 0x0fffffffffffffff; // mask off the old bits from previous minute
// instead of masking, use the old bits to see the double sync bits at 0 of this minute
// and 59 seconds of the previous minute. This decodes at zero time.
if( wwvb_sync == 0b0001100000000100000000010000000001000000000100000000010000000001 ){
if( wwvb_errors == 0 ){ // decode if no bit errors
secs = 59; // secs = 0 next statement
if( ++secs >= 60 ){ // adjust dither each minute
dither = ( errors >> 4 ) + 1;
pmin = 1; // que prints
phase = early-late;
if( errors < 30 ){
// will this work for both slow and fast 16 mhz clock?
// adjust correction for the 16 mhz nano clock
tm_correct_count += tm_correction * (late - early); // ? which is correct ?
//tm_correct_count += tm_correction * (early - late);
if( tm_correct_count > 60000 ){
tm_correct_count = 59000;
tm_correction *= -1;
//Serial.print( errors ); Serial.write(' ');
//Serial.print( tm_correction); Serial.write(' ');
//Serial.println( tm_correct_count );
early = late = secs = 0; // reset the stats for the next minute
secs += save_phase_hist(phase,errors);
perrors = errors;
errors = 0;
phase = 0;
if( wwvb_errors > 0 ) keep_time();
psec = secs;
} // end decode time
} // end integration timer
} // loops - repeat for lost milliseconds if any
void psecs(){
// remove some work from wwvb_sample2();
psec = -1;
// save correction history, adjust seconds if think lost one
int8_t save_phase_hist(int phase, int errors){
int i;
if( errors < 11 ){ // assume in phase if receiving some good data, save expected data
tot_phase = phase;
for( i = 0; i < NUM_HISTORY-1; ++i ){
phase_history[i] = phase_history[i+1];
tot_phase += phase_history[i];
phase_history[NUM_HISTORY-1] = phase;
rtotal = 0.0;
rtotal -= (float)tot_phase / (float)NUM_HISTORY; // sub expected
rtotal += phase; // add new
if( rtotal > 1000.0 ){
rtotal -= 1000.0;
return 1; // lost a second?
return 0;
void wwvb_decode(){ // WWVB transmits the data for the previous minute just ended
uint16_t tmp;
uint16_t tmp2;
uint16_t yr;
uint16_t hr;
uint16_t mn;
uint16_t dy;
uint8_t i;
yr = wwvb_decode2( 53, 0x1ff ); // year is 0 to 99
dy = wwvb_decode2( 33, 0xfff ); // day is 0 to 365/366
hr = wwvb_decode2( 18, 0x7f );
mn = wwvb_decode2( 8, 0xff );
leap = wwvb_decode2( 55, 0x1 );
DST = wwvb_decode2( 57, 0x1 ); // in effect bit ( using bit 58 gave wrong time for one day )
ghr = hr;
gmin = mn;
gyr = yr;
tot_days = dy;
keep_time(); // wwvb sends minute just ended info, so increment
// wwvb fields all decode about the same way
uint16_t wwvb_decode2( uint8_t pos, uint16_t mask ){
uint16_t tmp;
uint16_t val;
tmp = ( wwvb_data >> ( 59 - pos ) ) & mask;
val = 0;
if( tmp & 0x800 ) val += 200;
if( tmp & 0x400 ) val += 100;
if( tmp & 0x100 ) val += 80;
if( tmp & 0x80 ) val += 40;
if( tmp & 0x40 ) val += 20;
if( tmp & 0x20 ) val += 10;
val += (tmp & 0xf);
return val;
void keep_time(){
if( ++gmin >= 60 ){
gmin = 0;
if( ++ghr >= 24 ){
ghr = 0;
if( tot_days > 365 + leap ) ++gyr, tot_days = 1;
//p_fill( gmon,2 ); Serial.write('/');
//p_fill( gday,2 ); Serial.write('/');
//Serial.print("20"); p_fill(gyr,2); Serial.write(' '); Serial.write(' ');
//p_fill( ghr,2); Serial.write(':');
//p_fill( gmin,2 );
void p_fill( int val, int digits ){ // zero fill printing
if( digits >= 4 && val < 1000 ) Serial.write('0');
if( digits >= 3 && val < 100 ) Serial.write('0');
if( digits >= 2 && val < 10 ) Serial.write('0');
void pbin( uint8_t val ){
int i;
uint8_t v;
for( i = 7; i >=0; --i ){
v = 0;
if( val & _BV(i)) v = 1;
LCD.printNumI( v, 78-6*i, 0*8);