878 wiersze
29 KiB

// Arduino, QRP Labs Arduino shield, SI5351 clock, QRP Labs RX module, QRP Labs relay board.
// NOTE: The tx bias pot works in reverse, fully clockwise is off.
// Added a CANADAUINO WWVB interface to keep time.
// The CAT emulation is TenTec Argonaut V at 1200 baud.
// To set a new operation frequency for stand alone Frame Mode, restart the Arduino, start wsjt-x or HRD.
// Tune to one of the magic WSPR frequencies and toggle TX (tune in wsjt will work).
// The new frequency will be stored in EEPROM.
// If using the band hopping feature of WSJT, make sure the first transmit is on the band you wish for
// the default. Only one save is performed per Arduino reset.
// A 4:1 frequency relationship between the tx freq and the rx clock is maintained using the
// R dividers in the SI5351. Dividers 1 - rx and 4 - tx will cover 1mhz to 30mhz
// Dividers 16 - rx and 64 - tx will cover 40 khz to 2 mhz
#include <Wire.h>
#include <FreqCount.h> // one UNO I have does not work correctly with this library, another one does
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define SI5351 0x60 // i2c address
#define PLLA 26 // register address offsets for PLL's
#define PLLB 34
#define CLK0_EN 1
#define CLK1_EN 2
#define CLK2_EN 4
// the starting frequency will be read out of EEPROM except the 1st time when EEPROM is blank
#define FREQ 7038600 // starting freq when EEPROM is blank
#define DIV 28 // starting divider for 4*freq*RDIV
#define RDIV 1 // starting sub divider. 1 will cover less than 1mhz to > 30mhz.
// 16 will cover 37khz to 2.3 mhz ( with the 4x factor it is 64 when transmitting )
#define CAT_MODE 0 // computer control of TX
#define FRAME_MODE 1 // or self timed frame (stand alone mode)
#define MUTE A1 // receiver module T/R switch pin
#define stage(c) Serial.write(c)
// using even dividers between 6 and 254 for lower jitter
// freq range 2 to 150 without using the post dividers
// we are using the post dividers and can receive down to 40khz
// vco 600 to 900
uint64_t clock_freq = 2700452200; // * 100 to enable setting fractional frequency
uint32_t freq = FREQ; // ssb vfo freq
const uint32_t cal_freq = 3000000; // calibrate frequency
const uint32_t cal_divider = 200;
uint32_t divider = DIV;
uint32_t audio_freq = 1528; // wspr 1400 to 1600 offset from base vfo freq
uint8_t Rdiv = RDIV;
uint8_t operate_mode = FRAME_MODE; // start in stand alone timing mode
uint8_t wspr_tx_enable; // transmit enable
uint8_t wspr_tx_cancel; // CAT control RX command cancels tx
uint8_t cal_enable;
long tm_correct_count = 10753; // add or sub one ms for time correction per this many ms
int8_t tm_correction = 0; // 0, 1 or -1 time correction
// Download WSPRcode.exe from http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/WSPRcode.exe and run it in a dos window
// Type (for example): WSPRcode "K1ABC FN33 37" 37 is 5 watts, 30 is 1 watt, 33 is 2 watts, 27 is 1/2 watt
// ( Use capital letters in your call and locator when typing in the message string. No extra spaces )
// Using the editing features of the dos window, mark and copy the last group of numbers
// Paste into notepad and replace all 3 with "3," all 2 with "2," all 1 with "1," all 0 with "0,"
// Remove the comma on the end
// the current message is "K1URC FN54 23"
const char wspr_msg[] = {
3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 0,
2, 2, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3,
3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 3, 2, 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1,
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1,
2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0,
1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2
uint8_t band; // current band
struct BAND {
int pin; // band relay switching
uint32_t low; // low frequency limit
uint32_t high; // high frewquency limit
// relay board was jumpered to NOT have filter 1 always in line and antenna connects to the bnc
// on the arduino shield. ( otherwise highest freq would need to be in position 1 and output would
// be from the relay board )
struct BAND band_info[6] = { // filter selected
{ 7, 40000, 600000 }, // 630m
{ A0, 600000, 2500000 }, // 160m
{ 10, 2500000, 5000000 }, // 80m
{ 11, 5000000, 11500000 }, // 30m
{ 12,11500000, 20000000 }, // 17m
{ A3,20000000, 30000000 } // 10m
// wspr frequencies for eeprom save routine. Only these frequencies will be saved.
const uint32_t magic_freq[10] = {
474200, 1836600, 3568600, 7038600, 10138700, 14095600, 18104600, 21094600, 24924600, 28124600
// WWVB receiver in a fringe area - integrate the signal to remove noise
// Although it probably makes more sense to dump the integrator 10 times per second, here we use 8.
// sample each millisecond, sum 100 or 150 samples , decide if low or high, shift into temp variable
// at end of 1 second( 8 bits), decide if temp has a 1, 0, or sync. Shift into 64 bit data and sync variables.
// when the sync variable contains the magic number, decode the 64 bit data.
#define WWVB_OUT 9
#define WWVB_PWDN 8
uint64_t wwvb_data, wwvb_sync, wwvb_errors;
uint8_t wwvb_quiet = 0; // wwvb debug print flag, set to 1 for printing
// or enter 1 CAT command( ?V for Rx only or #0 to stay in FRAME mode with logging )
uint8_t wwvb_stats[8]; // bit distribution over 60 seconds
uint8_t wwvb_last_err; // display last error character received ( will show what causes just one error )
uint8_t frame_sec; // frame timer counts 0 to 120
int frame_msec;
void ee_save(){
uint8_t i;
static uint8_t last_i = 255;
if( last_i != 255 ) return; // save only the freq of the 1st time transmitting after reset
for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ){
if( freq == magic_freq[i] ) break;
if( i == 10 ) return; // not a wspr frequency
// if( i == last_i ) return; // already wrote this one. ( redundant - only saving 1st power up tx freq now
// instead of the last transmit freq. This allows wsjt band hopping tx
// without wearing out the eeprom
last_i = i;
EEPROM.put(0,Rdiv); // put does not write if data matches
EEPROM.put(1,freq); // and hopefully this will not take long when there is a match
void ee_restore(){
if( EEPROM[0] == 255 ) return; // blank eeprom
void setup() {
uint8_t i;
Serial.begin(1200); // TenTec Argo V baud rate
// Wire.setClock(400000); // should work but clock 1 starts on the wrong frequency
ee_restore(); // get default freq for frame mode from eeprom
pinMode(MUTE,OUTPUT); // receiver t/r switch
digitalWrite(MUTE,LOW); // enable the receiver
pinMode(WWVB_OUT, INPUT); // sample wwvb receiver signal
digitalWrite(WWVB_PWDN,LOW); // enable wwvb receiver
// set up the relay pins, exercise the relays, delay is 1.2 seconds, so reset at 59 seconds odd minute to be on time
for( i = 0; i < 6; ++i ){
digitalWrite( band_info[i].pin,LOW );
digitalWrite( band_info[i].pin,HIGH );
i2cd(SI5351,16,0x4f); // clock 0, PLLA
i2cd(SI5351,17,0x4f); // clock 1, PLLA
i2cd(SI5351,18,0x6f); // clock 2, PLLB
// set some divider registers that will never change
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){
si_pll_x(PLLB,cal_freq,cal_divider,0); // calibrate frequency on clock 2
si_pll_x(PLLA,Rdiv*4*freq,divider,0); // receiver 4x clock
si_load_divider(divider,0,0,Rdiv*4); // TX clock 1/4th of the RX clock
si_load_divider(divider,1,1,Rdiv); // load divider for clock 1 and reset pll's
i2cd(SI5351,3,0xff ^ (CLK1_EN + CLK2_EN) ); // turn on clocks, receiver and calibrate
// i2cd(SI5351,3,0xff ^ (CLK0_EN + CLK1_EN + CLK2_EN)); // testing only all on, remove tx PWR
digitalWrite(band_info[band].pin,LOW); // in case this turns out to be the correct relay
band_change(); // select the correct relay
uint8_t band_change(){
if( freq > band_info[band].low && freq <= band_info[band].high ) return 0;
// band change needed
for( band = 0; band < 6; ++band ){
if( freq > band_info[band].low && freq <= band_info[band].high ) break;
if( band == 6 ) band = 5; // default band
digitalWrite( band_info[band].pin,LOW);
return 1;
void qsy(uint32_t new_freq){ // change frequency
unsigned char divf;
uint32_t f4;
static uint32_t old_freq = 0;
divf = 0; // flag if we need to reset the PLL's
if( (abs((int32_t)old_freq - (int32_t)new_freq) > 500000) || old_freq == 0){
divf = 1; // large qsy from our current dividers
old_freq = new_freq;
freq = new_freq;
if( band_change() ) divf = 1; // check the proper relay is selected
// force freq above a lower limit
if( freq < 40000 ) freq = 40000;
if( freq > 2000000 && Rdiv != 1 ) Rdiv = 1, divf = 1; // tx R is 4
if( freq < 1000000 && Rdiv != 16 ) Rdiv = 16, divf = 1; // tx R is 64
f4 = Rdiv * 4 * freq;
f4 = f4 / 100000; // divide by zero next line if go below 100k on 4x vfo
if( divf ) divider = 7500 / f4; // else we are using the current divider
if( divider & 1) divider += 1; // make it even
if( divider > 254 ) divider = 254;
if( divider < 6 ) divider = 6;
// setup the PLL and dividers if needed
if( divf ){
si_load_divider(divider,0,0,Rdiv*4); // tx at 1/4 the rx freq
si_load_divider(divider,1,1,Rdiv); // load rx divider and reset PLL
void loop() {
static unsigned long ms;
if( Serial.availableForWrite() > 20 ) radio_control();
if( ms != millis()){ // run once each ms
ms = millis();
if( wspr_tx_enable || wspr_tx_cancel ) wspr_tx(ms);
if( cal_enable ) run_cal();
// each second starts with a low signal and ends with a high signal
// much like software sampling rs232 start and stop bits.
// this routine runs fast by design until it locks on the wwvb signal
void wwvb_sample(unsigned long t){
static unsigned long old_t;
int loops;
uint8_t b,s,e;
static uint8_t wwvb_clk, wwvb_sum, wwvb_tmp, wwvb_count; // data decoding
const uint8_t counts[8] = { 100,100,150,150,150,150,100,100 }; // total of 1000 ms
static uint8_t secs,errors,early,late; // debug use
static uint8_t dither = 4; // quick sync, adjusts to 1 when signal is good
loops = t - old_t;
old_t = t;
while( loops-- ){ // repeat for any missed milliseconds
if( digitalRead(WWVB_OUT) == LOW ) ++wwvb_sum;
if( --wwvb_clk == 0 ){ // end of period, dump integrator
b = ( wwvb_sum > 50 ) ? 0 : 128;
wwvb_tmp >>= 1;
wwvb_tmp |= b;
wwvb_sum = 0;
// 8 dumps of the integrator is one second, decode this bit ?
wwvb_count &= 7;
wwvb_clk = counts[wwvb_count]; // 100 100 150 150 150 150 100 100
// decode 0 1 sync stop should be high
if( wwvb_count == 0 ){ // decode time
// clocks late or early, just dither them back and forth across the falling edge
// when not in sync, more 1's than 0's are detected and this slips in time.
if( wwvb_tmp != 0xff && wwvb_tmp != 0x00 ){
if( digitalRead(WWVB_OUT) == 0 ){
++late; // sampling late
wwvb_clk -= dither; // adjust sample to earlier
++early; // need to sample later
wwvb_clk += dither; // longer clock ( more of these as arduino runs fast )
// decode
// 11111100 is a zero, 11110000 is a one, 11000000 is a sync
b = 0; s = 0; e = 1; // assume it is an error
// strict decode works well
if( wwvb_tmp == 0xfc ) e = 0, b = 0;
if( wwvb_tmp == 0xf0 ) e = 0, b = 1;
if( wwvb_tmp == 0xc0 ) e = 0, s = 1;
// try a loose decode and see if get bit errors in the decoded text. Yes there were bit errors.
// Of the two bits in each position, detect if at least one of them is correct
// if( (wwvb_tmp & 0x3) != 0x3 ) e = 0, b = 0; // at least one bit low in the zero position
//if( (wwvb_tmp & 0xc) != 0xc && e == 0 ) e = 0, b = 1; // at least one bit low for 1's and 0's
// if( (wwvb_tmp & 0x30) != 0x30 && b == 1 ) e = 0, s = 1; // a low bit in all 3 positions
// if( (wwvb_tmp & 0xc0) == 0 ) e = 1, s = 0; // both stop bits are zero, error.
wwvb_data <<= 1; wwvb_data |= b; // shift 64 bits data
wwvb_sync <<= 1; wwvb_sync |= s; // sync
wwvb_errors <<= 1; wwvb_errors |= e; // errors
if( e ) ++errors;
gather_stats( wwvb_tmp , e ); // for serial logging display
// magic 64 bits of sync ( looking at 60 seconds of data with 4 seconds of the past minute )
// xxxx1000000001 0000000001 0000000001 0000000001 0000000001 0000000001
// wwvb_sync &= 0x0fffffffffffffff; // mask off the old bits from previous minute
// instead of masking, use the old bits to see the double sync bits at 0 of this minute
// and 59 seconds of the previous minute. This decodes at zero time rather than some
// algorithms that decode at 1 second past.
if( wwvb_sync == 0b0001100000000100000000010000000001000000000100000000010000000001 ){
if( wwvb_errors == 0 ){ // decode if no bit errors
if( ++secs == 60 ){ // adjust dither each minute
if( wwvb_quiet == 1 ){ // debug print out some stats when in test mode
Serial.print("Tm "); Serial.print(frame_msec);
Serial.print(" Errors "); Serial.print(errors);
Serial.print(" Early "); Serial.print(early);
Serial.print(" Late "); Serial.print(late);
dither = ( errors >> 4 ) + 1;
early = late = secs = errors = 0; // reset the stats for the next minute
} // end decode time
} // end integration timer
} // loops - repeat for lost milliseconds if any
void gather_stats( uint8_t data, uint8_t err ){
uint8_t i;
if( err ) wwvb_last_err = data; // capture the last failed data bits for Serial log
for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ){
if( data & 1 ) ++wwvb_stats[i];
data >>= 1;
void print_stats(){
uint8_t i;
Serial.print(" Data "); // when in sync with WWVB, will see a display such as 11XXxx00
for( i = 7; i < 8; --i ){
if( wwvb_stats[i] > 50 ) Serial.write('1');
else if( wwvb_stats[i] < 10 ) Serial.write('0');
else if( wwvb_stats[i] > 30 ) Serial.write('X');
else Serial.write('x');
wwvb_stats[i] = 0;
Serial.write(' '); // print binary with leading zero's
for( i = 7; i < 8; --i ){
if( wwvb_last_err & 0x80 ) Serial.write('1');
else Serial.write('0');
wwvb_last_err <<= 1;
void wwvb_decode(){ // WWVB transmits the data for the previous minute just ended
uint16_t tmp;
uint8_t yr;
uint8_t hr;
uint8_t mn;
uint8_t dy;
tmp = ( wwvb_data >>( 59 - 53) ) & 0x1ff;
yr = 0;
if( tmp & 0x100 ) yr += 80;
if( tmp & 0x80 ) yr += 40;
if( tmp & 0x40 ) yr += 20;
if( tmp & 0x20 ) yr += 10;
yr += tmp & 0xf;
tmp = ( wwvb_data >> ( 59 - 33 ) ) & 0xfff;
dy = 0;
if( tmp & 0x800 ) dy += 200; // day of the year, 0 to 366
if( tmp & 0x400 ) dy += 100; // to print Months and days, would need to get the leap year bits
if( tmp & 0x100 ) dy += 80; // and make up a calendar
if( tmp & 0x80 ) dy += 40;
if( tmp & 0x40 ) dy += 20;
if( tmp & 0x20 ) dy += 10;
dy += tmp & 0xf;
tmp = ( wwvb_data >> ( 59 - 18 ) ) & 0x3f;
hr = 0;
if( tmp & 0x40 ) hr += 20;
if( tmp & 0x20 ) hr += 10;
hr += tmp & 0xf;
tmp = ( wwvb_data >> ( 59 - 8 ) ) & 0xff;
mn = 0;
if( tmp & 0x80 ) mn += 40;
if( tmp & 0x40 ) mn += 20;
if( tmp & 0x20 ) mn += 10;
mn += tmp & 0xf;
// sync the frame timer to wwvb, don't change time at the start or end of the frame or
// may skip frames or repeat frames.
// There is jitter in the actual time depending upon how good the wwvb signal is.
// typical jitter is maybe 2 to 10ms when signals are good
tmp = frame_msec; // capture milliseconds value before it is corrected so we can print it.
if( ( mn & 1 ) == 0 ){ //last minute was even so just hit the 60 second mark in the frame
// add or sub 1 hz from the master clock. Value 100 is 1 hz.
// !!! todo check that this converges to the correct 27 mhz freq rather than diverges
if( frame_sec != 60 || ( frame_sec == 60 && frame_msec > 40 ) ){ // allow 20ms jitter deadband
if( frame_sec < 60 ) clock_freq -= 100; // this should trend to the correct value
else clock_freq += 100; // but may toggle because of the jitter
si_pll_x(PLLB,cal_freq,cal_divider,0); // calibrate frequency on clock 2
si_pll_x(PLLA,Rdiv*4*freq,divider,0); // receiver 4x clock
frame_sec = 60;
frame_msec = 20; // a guess at code delay and normal jitter
if( wwvb_quiet == 1 ){ // wwvb logging mode
Serial.print("WWVB "); Serial.print(tmp); // show jitter
Serial.print(" 20"); // the year 2100 bug
Serial.print( yr ); Serial.write(' ');
Serial.print( dy ); Serial.write(' ');
Serial.print( hr ); Serial.write(':');
if( mn < 10 ) Serial.write('0');
Serial.print(mn); Serial.write(' ');
Serial.println((unsigned long)( clock_freq / 100LL) );
// the original idea was to correct the 27 mhz clock using the UNO 16 mhz clock as a reference.
// calibrating the SI5351 against the 16mhz clock does not seem to be viable.
// the 16mhz clock varies as much or more than the 27mhz clock with changes in temperature
// this function has been changed to correct the time keeping of the 16 meg clock based upon the 27 mhz reference
// this seems to be working very well with no change in WSPR received delta time for over 48 hours.
void run_cal(){ // count pulses on clock 2 wired to pin 5
// IMPORTANT: jumper W4 to W7 on the arduino shield
unsigned long result;
long error;
if( cal_enable == 1 ){
FreqCount.begin(1000); //
if( FreqCount.available() ){
result = FreqCount.read();
if( result < 3000000L ) tm_correction = -1, error = 3000000L - result;
else if( result > 3000000L ) tm_correction = 1, error = result - 3000000L;
else tm_correction = 0, error = 1500; // avoid divide by zero
if( error < 2000 ) tm_correct_count = 3000000L / error;
else tm_correction = 0; // defeat correction if freq counted is obviously wrong
//Serial.println( result );
cal_enable = 0;
void frame_timer( unsigned long t ){
static unsigned long old_t;
static uint8_t slot;
static int time_adjust;
// 16mhz clock measured at 16001111. Will gain 1ms in approx 14401 ms. Or 1 second in 4 hours.
// the calibrate function has been repurposed to correct the time keeping of the Arduino.
frame_msec += ( t - old_t );
time_adjust += (t - old_t);
if( time_adjust >= tm_correct_count && frame_msec != 0 ){
time_adjust -= tm_correct_count;
frame_msec += tm_correction; // add one, sub one or no change depending upon tm_correction value
old_t = t;
if( frame_msec >= 1000 ){
frame_msec -= 1000;
if( ++frame_sec >= 120 ){ // 2 minute slot time
frame_sec -= 120;
if( ++slot >= 7 ) slot = 0; // 10 slots is a 20 minute frame
if( slot == 1 && operate_mode == FRAME_MODE ) wspr_tx_enable = 1;
if( frame_sec == 116 ) cal_enable = 1; // do once per slot in wspr quiet time
void wspr_tx( unsigned long t ){
static int i;
static unsigned long timer;
static uint8_t mod;
if( wspr_tx_cancel ){ // quit early or just the end of the message
if( i < 160 ) i = 162; // let finish if near the end, else force done
if( i != 0 && (t - timer) < 683 ) return; // baud time is 682.66666666 ms
timer = t;
++mod; mod &= 3;
if( mod == 0 ) ++timer; // delay 683, 683, 682, etc.
if( i == 162 ){
i = 0; // setup for next time to begin at zero index
wspr_tx_cancel = wspr_tx_enable = 0; // flag done
// set the frequency
if( i == 0 ) tx_on();
void tx_on(){
i2cd(SI5351,3,0xff ^ (CLK0_EN)); // tx clock on, other clocks off during tx
void tx_off(){
i2cd(SI5351,3,0xff ^ (CLK1_EN + CLK2_EN) ); // turn off tx, turn on rx and cal clocks
si_pll_x(PLLA,Rdiv*4*freq,divider,0); // return to RX frequency
digitalWrite(MUTE,LOW); // enable receiver
digitalWrite(WWVB_PWDN,LOW); // enable wwvb receiver
ee_save(); // save this freq to use during stand alone mode(FRAME MODE).
void i2cd( unsigned char addr, unsigned char reg, unsigned char dat ){
// direct register writes. A possible speed up could be realized if one were
// to use the auto register inc feature of the SI5351
/****** SI5351 functions ******/
void si_pll_x(unsigned char pll, uint32_t freq, uint32_t out_divider, uint32_t fraction ){
uint64_t a,b,c;
uint64_t bc128; // floor 128 * b/c term of equations
uint64_t pll_freq;
uint32_t P1; // PLL config register P1
uint32_t P2; // PLL config register P2
uint32_t P3; // PLL config register P3
uint64_t r;
c = 1000000; // max 1048575
pll_freq = 100ULL * (uint64_t)freq + fraction; // allow fractional frequency for wspr
pll_freq = pll_freq * out_divider;
a = pll_freq / clock_freq ;
r = pll_freq - a * clock_freq ;
b = ( c * r ) / clock_freq;
bc128 = (128 * r)/ clock_freq;
P1 = 128 * a + bc128 - 512;
P2 = 128 * b - c * bc128;
if( P2 > c ) P2 = 0; // avoid negative numbers
P3 = c;
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 0, (P3 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 1, (P3 & 0x000000FF));
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 2, (P1 & 0x00030000) >> 16);
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 3, (P1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 4, (P1 & 0x000000FF));
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 5, ((P3 & 0x000F0000) >> 12) | ((P2 & 0x000F0000) >> 16));
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 6, (P2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
i2cd(SI5351, pll + 7, (P2 & 0x000000FF));
// i2cd( SI5351, 177, 0xAC ); // PLLA PLLB soft reset
// load new divider for specified clock, reset PLLA and PLLB if desired
void si_load_divider( uint32_t val, uint8_t clk , uint8_t rst, uint8_t Rdiv){
uint8_t R;
R = 0;
Rdiv >>= 1; // calc what goes in the R divisor field
while( Rdiv ){
Rdiv >>= 1;
R <<= 4;
val = 128 * val - 512;
i2cd( SI5351, 44+8*clk, ((val >> 16 ) & 3) | R );
i2cd( SI5351, 45+8*clk, ( val >> 8 ) & 0xff );
i2cd( SI5351, 46+8*clk, val & 0xff );
if( rst ) i2cd( SI5351, 177, 0xAC ); // PLLA PLLB soft reset needed
// TenTec Argonaut V CAT emulation
//int un_stage(){ /* send a char on serial */
//char c;
// if( stg_in == stg_out ) return 0;
// c = stg_buf[stg_out++];
// stg_out &= ( STQUESIZE - 1);
// Serial.write(c);
// return 1;
#define CMDLEN 20
char command[CMDLEN];
uint8_t vfo = 'A';
void radio_control() {
static int expect_len = 0;
static int len = 0;
static char cmd;
char c;
int done;
if (Serial.available() == 0) return;
done = 0;
while( Serial.available() ){
c = Serial.read();
command[len] = c;
if(++len >= CMDLEN ) len= 0; /* something wrong */
if( len == 1 ) cmd = c; /* first char */
/* sync ok ? */
if( cmd == '?' || cmd == '*' || cmd == '#' ); /* ok */
len= 0;
if( len == 2 && cmd == '*' ) expect_len = lookup_len(c); /* for binary data on the link */
if( (expect_len == 0 && c == '\r') || (len == expect_len) ){
done = 1;
if( done == 0 ) return; /* command not complete yet */
if( cmd == '?' ){
operate_mode = CAT_MODE; // switch modes on query cat command
if( wwvb_quiet < 2 ) ++wwvb_quiet; // only one CAT command enables wwvb logging, 2nd or more turns it off
if( cmd == '*' ) set_cmd();
if( cmd == '#' ){
if( wwvb_quiet < 2 ) ++wwvb_quiet; // allow FRAME mode and the serial logging at the same time
/* prepare for next command */
len = expect_len= 0;
stage('G'); /* they are all good commands */
int lookup_len(char cmd2){ /* just need the length of the command */
int len;
switch(cmd2){ /* get length of argument */
case 'X': len = 0; break;
case 'A':
case 'B': len = 4; break;
case 'E':
case 'P':
case 'M': len = 2; break;
default: len = 1; break ;
return len+3; /* add in *A and cr on the end */
void set_cmd(){
char cmd2;
unsigned long val4;
cmd2 = command[1];
case 'X': stage_str("RADIO START"); stage('\r'); break;
case 'O': /* split */
case 'A': // set frequency
case 'B':
val4 = get_long();
case 'E':
if( command[2] == 'V' ) vfo = command[3];
case 'W': /* bandwidth */
case 'K': /* keying speed */
case 'T': /* added tuning rate as a command */
} /* end switch */
void get_cmd(){
char cmd2;
long arg;
int len;
cmd2 = command[1];
case 'A': // get frequency
case 'B':
arg = freq;
case 'V': /* version */
stage_str("ER 1010-516");
case 'W': /* receive bandwidth */
case 'M': /* mode. 1 is USB USB ( 3 is CW ) */
stage('1'); stage('1');
case 'O': /* split */
case 'P': /* passband slider */
stage_int( 3000 );
case 'T': /* added tuning rate command */
case 'E': /* vfo mode */
case 'S': /* signal strength */
case 'C': // transmitting status
case 'K': /* wpm on noise blanker slider */
stage( 15 - 10 );
default: /* send zeros for unimplemented commands */
len= lookup_len(cmd2) - 3;
while( len-- ) stage(0);
void stage_str( String st ){
int i;
char c;
for( i = 0; i < st.length(); ++i ){
c= st.charAt( i );
void stage_long( long val ){
unsigned char c;
c= val >> 24;
c= val >> 16;
c= val >> 8;
c= val;
unsigned long get_long(){
unsigned long v;
unsigned char ch[4];
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 4; ++i) val.ch[i] = command[5-i]; // or i+2 for other endian
return val.v;
void stage_int( int val ){
unsigned char c;
c= val >> 8;
c= val;
void stage_num( int val ){ /* send number in ascii */
char buf[35];
char c;
int i;
itoa( val, buf, 10 );
i= 0;
while( c = buf[i++] ) stage(c);
void pnd_cmd(){
char cmd2;
cmd2 = command[1];
case '0': // enter rx mode
if( wspr_tx_enable ) wspr_tx_cancel = 1;
case '1': wspr_tx_enable = 1; break; // TX