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= PyInventory - deployment instruction
Install PyInventory on a rood server via docker-compose.
* PyInventory is also available as [[|YunoHost]] App via [[|pyinventory_ynh]]
* This README contains only the instruction to install PyInventory on a root server.
* Read [[|the main README]] for local development installation.
Pull requests welcome!
== Project structure
There are two main directories:
|= directory |= description
| **[[|/src/]]** | The main PyInventory source code
| **[[|/deployment/]]** | deploy PyInventory for production use case
== deploy
Install PyInventory on a root server:
* Running a public web server is a lot of work and brings some risks.
* This instructions are only the basics to get PyInventory working.
* To run the server safely, more work should be done, which is not explained here.
* Run at your own risk! No warranty is given.
=== prepare root server
Here some steps for a fresh created root server:
Update all packages, e.g.:
apt update && apt -y full-upgrade
Setup a normal user. You may use [[|scripts/]]
=== Setup SSH services
~# nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change e.g.:
Port xxxx
PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no
(Changing the Port may need to change a firewall/network settings)
# restart SSH deamon:
~# service ssh restart
# Display and follow the ssh log output to see connection errors:
~# journalctl -f -u ssh
* Keep the current SSH session (with the log output) open!
* Update your {{{~/.ssh/config}}}
* Try to connect as the new, normal user in a **separate** terminal
Only after a working new connection: Terminate the first root SSH session ;)
=== setup unattended-upgrades
~$ sudo apt install unattended-upgrades
~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades
~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
=== install requirements
Install docker, see:
install some base packages, e.g.:
~$ sudo apt install git make
=== install PyInventory
# Checkout the deployment branch:
~$ git clone
~$ cd PyInventory/deployment/
# Theses Makefile targets exists:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ make
*Deployment* Makefile
install-poetry install or update poetry
install install requirements to setup project
update update the sources and docker containers
up Start containers via docker-compose
down Stop all containers
prune Cleanup docker
build Update docker container build
init_postgres Create postgres database
createsuperuser Create super user
shell_django Go into bash shell in django container
shell_postgres Go into bash shell in postgres container
shell_caddy Go into bash shell in caddy container
caddy_environ Prints the caddy environment
logs Display docker logs from all containers
logs_postgres Display docker logs from postgres container
logs_django Display docker logs from django container
logs_caddy Display docker logs from caddy container
dbbackup Backup database
dbrestore Restore a database backup
restart Restart all containers
upgrade_django Upgrade "django" container and restart it
restart_caddy Restart caddy container
reload_caddy Reload Caddy server
reload_django Reload server in "django" container
Install, e.g.:
# install or update poetry:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ make install-poetry
To keep poetry running (PATH must be expand) just logout and login ;)
# install requirements (e.g.: docker-compose) via poetry:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ make install
Create a {{{.env}}} file in project root directory with these content, e.g.:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ touch .env
~/PyInventory/deployment$ nano .env
~/PyInventory/deployment$ cat .env
# Your Public domain:
# eMail address for Let's encrypt:
For local testing of the docker-compose setup, used this values:
(Caddy will create a self signed https certificate)
Start containers via docker-compose:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ make up
Notes: At the first start it takes a little while until the database is created ;)
Create first super user:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ make docker_createsuperuser
* Now you should be able to connect to your PyInventory installation and login with created super user.
* Redirect from **http** to **https** should work.
* Let's Encrypt certificate should be installed and valid.
* Containers should be restarted after a server reboot
=== Maintenance
TO keep everything up-to-date do the following steps:
Update the OS call:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ sudo ./scripts/
Update PyInventory installation and docker containers:
~/PyInventory/deployment$ make update
This will do:
* update the source code
* update docker-compose and all requirements
* Pull and rebuild all docker containers
* restart all docker containers
Take a look at [[|scripts/]] to keep your system clean.
== links ==
| Homepage |
Web server stuff:
== donation ==
* [[|]]
* [[|Flattr This!]]
* Send [[|Bitcoins]] to [[|1823RZ5Md1Q2X5aSXRC5LRPcYdveCiVX6F]]