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= PyInventory
Web based management to catalog things including state and location etc. using Python/Django.
Current status: Just start the project. Nothing is done, nothing is useable, yet ;)
Pull requests welcome!
| {{|Build Status on github}} | [[|]] |
| {{|Build Status on}} | [[|]] |
| {{|Coverage Status on}} | [[|]] |
| {{|Coverage Status on}} | [[|]] |
| {{|Status on}} | [[|]] |
== about
The focus of this project is on the management of retro computing hardware.
* Web-based
* Multiuser ready
* Chaotic warehousing
** Grouped "Storage": Graphics card is in computer XY
* Data structure kept as general as possible
* You should be able to add the following to the items:
** Storage location
** State
** Pictures
** URLs
** receiving and delivering (when, from whom, at what price, etc.)
** Information: Publicly visible yes/no
* A public list of existing items (think about it, you can set in your profile if you want to)
* administration a wish & exchange list
any many more... ;)
== install
~$ git clone
~$ cd PyInventory
~/PyInventory$ make
help List all commands
install-poetry install or update poetry
install install PyInventory via poetry
update update the sources and installation
lint Run code formatters and linter
fix-code-style Fix code formatting
tox-listenvs List all tox test environments
tox Run pytest via tox with all environments
tox-py36 Run pytest via tox with *python v3.6*
tox-py37 Run pytest via tox with *python v3.7*
tox-py38 Run pytest via tox with *python v3.8*
pytest Run pytest
update-rst-readme update README.rst from README.creole
publish Release new version to PyPi
run-dev-server Run the django dev server in endless loop.
run-server Run the gunicorn server in endless loop.
backup Backup everything
create-starter Create starter file.
~/PyInventory$ make install
== Backwards-incompatible changes
Nothing, yet ;)
== history
* [[|compare v0.0.1...master]] **dev**
** tbc
* v0.0.1 - 14.10.2020
** Just create a pre-alpha release to save the PyPi package name ;)
== links ==
| Homepage |
| PyPi |
== donation ==
* [[|]]
* [[|Flattr This!]]
* Send [[|Bitcoins]] to [[|1823RZ5Md1Q2X5aSXRC5LRPcYdveCiVX6F]]