import os import shutil import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.core import checks from django.core.cache import cache from django.test import TestCase from django_tools.unittest_utils.project_setup import check_editor_config from packaging.version import Version import inventory PACKAGE_ROOT = Path(inventory.__file__).parent.parent.parent def assert_file_contains_string(file_path, string): with'r') as f: for line in f: if string in line: return raise AssertionError(f'File {file_path} does not contain {string!r} !') def test_version(package_root=None, version=None): if package_root is None: package_root = PACKAGE_ROOT if version is None: version = inventory.__version__ ver_obj = Version(inventory.__version__) if not ver_obj.is_prerelease: version_string = f'v{version}' assert_file_contains_string( file_path=Path(package_root, ''), string=version_string ) assert_file_contains_string( file_path=Path(package_root, 'pyproject.toml'), string=f'version = "{version}"' ) def test_poetry_check(package_root=None): if package_root is None: package_root = PACKAGE_ROOT poerty_bin = shutil.which('poetry') output = subprocess.check_output( [poerty_bin, 'check'], text=True, env=os.environ, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=str(package_root), ) print(output) assert output == 'All set!\n' class ProjectSettingsTestCase(TestCase): def test_project_path(self): project_path = settings.PROJECT_PATH assert project_path.is_dir() assert Path(project_path, 'inventory').is_dir() assert Path(project_path, 'inventory_project').is_dir() def test_template_dirs(self): assert len(settings.TEMPLATES) == 1 dirs = settings.TEMPLATES[0].get('DIRS') assert len(dirs) == 1 template_path = Path(dirs[0]).resolve() assert template_path.is_dir() def test_manage_check(self): all_issues = checks.run_checks( app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=True, databases=None, ) all_issue_ids = { for issue in all_issues} excpeted_issues = { 'security.W008', # settings.SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT=False 'async.E001', # os.environ['DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE'] exists } if all_issue_ids != excpeted_issues: print('=' * 100) for issue in all_issues: print(issue) print('=' * 100) raise AssertionError('There are check issues!') def test_cache(self): # django cache should work in tests, because some tests "depends" on it cache_key = 'a-cache-key' assert cache.get(cache_key) is None cache.set(cache_key, 'the cache content', timeout=1) assert cache.get(cache_key) == 'the cache content' cache.delete(cache_key) assert cache.get(cache_key) is None def test_settings(self): assert settings.SETTINGS_MODULE == 'inventory_project.settings.tests' middlewares = [entry.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] for entry in settings.MIDDLEWARE] assert 'AlwaysLoggedInAsSuperUserMiddleware' not in middlewares assert 'DebugToolbarMiddleware' not in middlewares def test_check_editor_config(): check_editor_config(package_root=PACKAGE_ROOT) class CodeStyleTestCase(TestCase): def call(self, prog, *args): venv_bin_path = Path(sys.executable).parent prog = shutil.which(prog, path=venv_bin_path) assert prog # Darker will call other programs like "flake8", "git" # Use first our venv bin path: env_path = f'{venv_bin_path}{os.pathsep}{os.environ["PATH"]}' return subprocess.check_output( (prog,) + args, text=True, env=dict(PATH=env_path), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=str(PACKAGE_ROOT), ) def check_code_style(self):'darker', '--check')'isort', '--check-only', '.')'flake8', '.') def test_code_style(self): # lint: ## Run code formatters and linter # poetry run darker --check # poetry run isort --check-only . # poetry run flake8 . # # fix-code-style: ## Fix code formatting # poetry run darker # poetry run isort . # First try: try: self.check_code_style() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # Fix and test again: try:'darker')'isort', '.') self.check_code_style() # Check again except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise AssertionError(f'Linting error:\n{"-"*100}\n{err.stdout}\n{"-"*100}')