
186 wiersze
4.2 KiB

#include "hardware/regs/addressmap.h"
#include "hardware/regs/sio.h"
#include "sprite_asm_const.h"
.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m0plus
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tile layout
// Some terms:
// Tileset: 1D array of tile images, concatenated image-after-image
// Tilemap: 2D array of tileset indices
// Each tile image in a tileset is the same size. Tiles are square, either 8 x
// 8 px or 16 x 16 px. This makes it easy to find the start of a tile image
// given the tileset base pointer and a tile index (add + shift).
// Tilemaps are 8 bits per tile, always.
// One advantage of this layout is that y coordinates can be handled outside
// of the loops in this file, which are all scanline-oriented, by offsetting
// the tileset and tilemap pointers passed in. These routines only care about
// x. The tileset pointer is offset by y modulo tile height, and the tilemap
// pointer is offset by y divided by tile height, modulo tileset height in
// tiles.
// Tileset: 16px tiles, 16bpp, with 1-bit alpha.
// Tilemap: 8 bit indices.
.macro do_2px_16bpp_alpha rd rs rx dstoffs
lsrs \rx, \rs, #ALPHA_SHIFT_16BPP
bcc 1f
strh \rs, [\rd, #\dstoffs]
lsrs \rx, \rs, #ALPHA_SHIFT_16BPP + 16
bcc 1f
lsrs \rs, #16
strh \rs, [\rd, #\dstoffs + 2]
.macro do_2px_16bpp rd rs dstoffs
strh \rs, [\rd, #\dstoffs]
lsrs \rs, #16
strh \rs, [\rd, #\dstoffs + 2]
// interp1 has been set up to give the next x-ward pointer into the tilemap
// with each pop. This saves us having to remember the tilemap pointer and
// tilemap x size mask in core registers.
// r0: dst
// r1: tileset
// r2: x0 (start pos in tile space)
// r3: x1 (end pos in tile space, exclusive)
// Instantiated with alpha=1 and alpha=0 to get both variants of the loop.
// Linker garbage collection ensures we only keep the versions we use.
.macro tile16_16px_loop_alpha_or_nonalpha alpha
push {r4-r7, lr}
mov r4, r8
mov r5, r9
push {r4, r5}
// The main loop only handles whole tiles, so we may need to first copy
// individual pixels to get tile-aligned. Skip this entirely if we are
// already aligned, to avoid the extra interp pop.
lsls r6, r2, #28
beq 3f
// Get pointer to tileset image
ldr r4, [r7, #POP2_OFFS]
ldrb r4, [r4]
lsls r4, #9
add r4, r1
// Offset tile image pointer to align with x0
lsls r5, r2, #28
lsrs r5, #27
add r4, r5
// Fall through into copy loop
ldrh r5, [r4]
.if \alpha
lsrs r6, r5, #ALPHA_SHIFT_16BPP
bcc 2f
strh r5, [r0]
adds r4, #2
adds r0, #2
adds r2, #1
lsls r6, r2, #28
bne 1b
// The next output pixel is aligned to the start of a tile. Set up main loop.
// Tileset pointer is only needed for an add operand:
mov r8, r1
// dst limit pointer at end of all pixels:
subs r3, r2
lsls r4, r3, #1
add r4, r0
mov r9, r4
// dst limit pointer at end of whole tiles:
lsrs r4, r3, #4
lsls r4, #5
add r4, r0
mov ip, r4
// r0 is dst, r7 is interp base, r1-r6 are free for loop.
b 3f
// Get next tilemap pointer
ldr r1, [r7, #POP2_OFFS]
// Get tile image pointer
ldrb r1, [r1]
lsls r1, #9
add r1, r8
.if \alpha
ldmia r1!, {r3-r6}
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r3 r2 0
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r4 r2 4
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r5 r2 8
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r6 r2 12
ldmia r1!, {r3-r6}
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r3 r2 16
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r4 r2 20
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r5 r2 24
do_2px_16bpp_alpha r0 r6 r2 28
ldmia r1!, {r3-r6}
do_2px_16bpp r0 r3 0
do_2px_16bpp r0 r4 4
do_2px_16bpp r0 r5 8
do_2px_16bpp r0 r6 12
ldmia r1!, {r3-r6}
do_2px_16bpp r0 r3 16
do_2px_16bpp r0 r4 20
do_2px_16bpp r0 r5 24
do_2px_16bpp r0 r6 28
adds r0, 32
cmp r0, ip
blo 2b
// Tidy up runt tile at end. Don't worry about extra interp pop.
ldr r4, [r7, #POP2_OFFS]
ldrb r4, [r4]
lsls r4, #9
add r4, r8
b 3f
ldrh r5, [r4]
.if \alpha
lsrs r6, r5, #ALPHA_SHIFT_16BPP
bcc 2f
strh r5, [r0]
adds r4, #2
adds r0, #2
cmp r0, r9
blo 1b
pop {r4, r5}
mov r8, r4
mov r9, r5
pop {r4-r7, pc}
decl_func tile16_16px_alpha_loop
tile16_16px_loop_alpha_or_nonalpha 1
decl_func tile16_16px_loop
tile16_16px_loop_alpha_or_nonalpha 0