
69 wiersze
1.4 KiB

// Note this is a fairly suboptimal approach now, see tmds_encode_1bpp in
// tmds_encode.S for a faster and more general solution
// Taking the encoder from DVI spec, with initial balance 0:
// - Encoding either 0x00 or 0xff will produce a running balance of -8, with
// output symbol of 0x100 or 0x200
// - Subsequently encoding either 0x01 or 0xfe will return the balance to 0, with
// output symbol of 0x1ff or 0x2ff
// So we can transform a black and white image to TMDS symbols with the
// following table:
// x % 2 | Colour | Output
// ------+--------+--------
// 0 | 0 | 0x100
// 0 | 1 | 0x200
// 1 | 0 | 0x1ff
// 1 | 1 | 0x2ff
// We will use this to unpack bytes encoded in the following RLE:
// 7|6|5 0
// a|b|nnnnnn
// where a, b are the colours of a two-pixel pair, and n is a repeat
// count between 1 and 64.
// r0: Input buffer (byte-aligned)
// r1: Output buffer (word-aligned)
// r2: Input size (bytes)
.global rle_to_tmds
.type rle_to_tmds,%function
push {r4, lr}
add r2, r0
mov ip, r2
adr r4, tmds_table
b 3f
ldrb r2, [r0]
add r0, #1
// Load symbol pair
lsr r3, r2, #6
lsl r3, #2
ldr r3, [r4, r3]
// run length - 1 in r2:
lsl r2, #26
lsr r2, #26
stmia r1!, {r3}
sub r2, #1
bcs 2b
cmp r0, ip
bne 1b
pop {r4, pc}
.align 2
.word 0x7fd00 // 00
.word 0xbfd00 // 10
.word 0x7fe00 // 01
.word 0xbfe00 // 11