
86 wiersze
2.9 KiB

import argparse
import sys
from svgFunctions import *
import pyembroidery
from utilities import *
from PES import *
from PES_render_utils import *
# Argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Converts an SVG file into a PES embroidery file.")
parser.add_argument("-i", dest="inputFile", type=str, action='store', required=True)
parser.add_argument("-o", dest="outputFile", type=str, action='store', default="output.PES", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-d", dest="debug", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:
# Create a generic renderer so we can see what's happening
renderer = GenericRenderer()
# Load the SVG file from disk
svg = loadVectorGraphic(args.inputFile)
paths, attributes = svg
if paths is None:
threadWidth = 2.5
maxStitchDistance = 10.0
# Enumerate the shapes in the SVG to find where stitches should go.
subshapeLevelGroups = []
fillColors = []
PECColors = []
for i, shape in enumerate(paths):
fillColor = getColorOfPathAtIndex(attributes,i)
print("Doing shape {} with fill color {}".format(shape, fillColor))
print("Closest color: {}".format( PES.getClosestColor(fillColor) ))
# Fill color here is only for debugging.
levels = makeStitchLevels(shape, fillColor, debug=args.debug, threadWidth=threadWidth)
# Append the stitches as their own array so we can separate by colors
# Make the stitches into continuous groups.
# This also breaks the long stitches up into little ones.
subshapeLineGroups = createSubshapeLineGroups(subshapeLevelGroups, mode="closest", fillColors=fillColors, threadWidth=threadWidth, maxStitchDistance=maxStitchDistance)
# Creates stitch outlines for each shape
subshapeLineGroups = prependShapeTraces(paths, subshapeLineGroups, maxStitchDistance=maxStitchDistance)
#DEBUG lines: [[[Line(0+0j, 300+0j), Line(300+0j, 300+300j), Line(300+300j, 0+300j) , Line(0+300j, 0+0j)]]]
PECCommands = createPECStitchRoutines(subshapeLineGroups, fillColors, threadWidth, maxStitchDistance=maxStitchDistance)
left, right, bottom, top = shape.bbox()
pec = PEC(label="simple", colors=PECColors, commands=PECCommands, size=complex(right - left, top - bottom))
# Render the PEC commands
pes = PES(PEC=pec, shape=shape)
encodedPES = pes.encode()
with open(args.outputFile, "w") as f:
print("Wrote {} to disk.".format(args.outputFile))
if args.debug:
loadedPES =
if loadedPES is not None:
print("Generating debug image.")
pyembroidery.write_png(loadedPES, replaceFilenameAndExtensionFromPath(args.inputFile, "debugPicture", "png"))
print("Image written to disk.")
print("Couldn't find output file.")
# Show what the program did in the debug window
# until the user quits.