
104 wiersze
4.4 KiB

import mimetypes
import os
from django.http import FileResponse
from django.http import HttpResponse
from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from app.plugins.views import TaskView
from worker.tasks import execute_grass_script
from app.plugins.grass_engine import grass, GrassEngineException, cleanup_grass_context
from worker.celery import app as celery
class TaskContoursGenerate(TaskView):
def post(self, request, pk=None):
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
layer ='layer', None)
if layer == 'DSM' and task.dsm_extent is None:
return Response({'error': 'No DSM layer is available.'})
elif layer == 'DTM' and task.dtm_extent is None:
return Response({'error': 'No DTM layer is available.'})
if layer == 'DSM':
dem = os.path.abspath(task.get_asset_download_path("dsm.tif"))
elif layer == 'DTM':
dem = os.path.abspath(task.get_asset_download_path("dtm.tif"))
raise GrassEngineException('{} is not a valid layer.'.format(layer))
context = grass.create_context({'auto_cleanup' : False})
epsg = int('epsg', '3857'))
interval = float('interval', 1))
format ='format', 'GPKG')
supported_formats = ['GPKG', 'ESRI Shapefile', 'DXF', 'GeoJSON']
if not format in supported_formats:
raise GrassEngineException("Invalid format {} (must be one of: {})".format(format, ",".join(supported_formats)))
simplify = float('simplify', 0.01))
context.add_param('dem_file', dem)
context.add_param('interval', interval)
context.add_param('format', format)
context.add_param('simplify', simplify)
context.add_param('epsg', epsg)
#context.set_location('epsg:' + str(epsg))
celery_task_id = execute_grass_script.delay(os.path.join(
), context.serialize()).task_id
return Response({'celery_task_id': celery_task_id}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except GrassEngineException as e:
return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
class TaskContoursCheck(TaskView):
def get(self, request, pk=None, celery_task_id=None):
res = celery.AsyncResult(celery_task_id)
if not res.ready():
return Response({'ready': False}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
result = res.get()
if result.get('error', None) is not None:
return Response({'ready': True, 'error': result['error']})
contours_file = result.get('output')
if not contours_file or not os.path.exists(contours_file):
return Response({'ready': True, 'error': 'Contours file could not be generated. This might be a bug.'})
request.session['contours_' + celery_task_id] = contours_file
return Response({'ready': True})
class TaskContoursDownload(TaskView):
def get(self, request, pk=None, celery_task_id=None):
contours_file = request.session.get('contours_' + celery_task_id, None)
if contours_file is not None:
filename = os.path.basename(contours_file)
filesize = os.stat(contours_file).st_size
f = open(contours_file, "rb")
# More than 100mb, normal http response, otherwise stream
# Django docs say to avoid streaming when possible
stream = filesize > 1e8
if stream:
response = FileResponse(f)
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(f),
content_type=(mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or "application/zip"))
response['Content-Type'] = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or "application/zip"
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename={}".format(filename)
response['Content-Length'] = filesize
return response
return Response({'error': 'Invalid contours download id'})