import L from 'leaflet'; import './app.scss'; import 'leaflet-measure-ex/dist/leaflet-measure'; import 'leaflet-measure-ex/dist/leaflet-measure.css'; import MeasurePopup from './MeasurePopup'; import Utils from 'webodm/classes/Utils'; import ReactDOM from 'ReactDOM'; import React from 'React'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { _, get_format } from 'webodm/classes/gettext'; export default class App{ constructor(map){ = map; const measure = L.control.measure({ labels:{ measureDistancesAndAreas: _('Measure volume, area and length'), areaMeasurement: _('Measurement'), measure: _("Measure"), createNewMeasurement: _("Create a new measurement"), startCreating: _("Start creating a measurement by adding points to the map"), finishMeasurement: _("Finish measurement"), lastPoint: _("Last point"), area: _("Area"), perimeter: _("Perimeter"), pointLocation: _("Point location"), linearMeasurement: _("Linear measurement"), pathDistance: _("Path distance"), centerOnArea: _("Center on this area"), centerOnLine: _("Center on this line"), centerOnLocation: _("Center on this location"), cancel: _("Cancel"), delete: _("Delete"), acres: _("Acres"), feet: _("Feet"), kilometers: _("Kilometers"), hectares: _("Hectares"), meters: _("Meters"), miles: _("Miles"), sqfeet: _("Sq Feet"), sqmeters: _("Sq Meters"), sqmiles: _("Sq Miles"), decPoint: get_format("DECIMAL_SEPARATOR"), thousandsSep: get_format("THOUSAND_SEPARATOR") }, primaryLengthUnit: 'meters', secondaryLengthUnit: 'feet', primaryAreaUnit: 'sqmeters', secondaryAreaUnit: 'acres' }).addTo(map); // measure.options.labels. const $btnExport = $(`
${_("Export Measurements")}`); $btnExport.appendTo($(measure.$startPrompt).children("ul.tasks")); $btnExport.on('click', () => { const features = []; map.eachLayer(layer => { const mp = layer._measurePopup; if (mp){ features.push(mp.getGeoJSON()); } }); const geoJSON = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: features }; Utils.saveAs(JSON.stringify(geoJSON, null, 4), "measurements.geojson") }); map.on('measurepopupshown', ({popupContainer, model, resultFeature}) => { // Only modify area popup, length popup is fine as default const $container = $("
"), $popup = $(popupContainer); if (model.area !== 0){ // Erase measurements for area $popup.children("p").empty(); } $popup.children("ul.tasks").before($container); ReactDOM.render(, $container.get(0)); }); } }