### Hard Recovery Guide If you still have the source files in the media dir folder, but you forgot to make a backup according to the instructions in the main readme - you can perform a hard recovery process. ##### DISCLAIMER 1) ALL OPERATIONS AND HARM FROM THIS SCRIPT - YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY! ##### DISCLAIMER 2) USE THIS SCRIPT ONLY IF THERE AREN`T ANOTHER WAY! ### Preparation steps You need to have a setup WebODM admin account before starting recovery. If you already create admin account - skip this step. ## Step 0. Enter the `manage.py` shell of webODM for HARD RECOVERY From inside the webodm_webapp container: List the container of WebODM with usage of `docker ps` command, or using Docker Desktop. Connect into the webodm container using: ``` docker exec -ti webodm_webapp bash python manage.py shell ``` ## Step 1. Copy and paste imports and functions to py shell ```python # START COPY FIRST PART from django.contrib.auth.models import User from app.models import Project, Task import os from django.contrib.gis.gdal import GDALRaster from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeometry from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry from django.db import connection from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _, gettext from nodeodm import status_codes from app.cogeo import assure_cogeo import json def process_task(creating_task): images_json = creating_task.assets_path("images.json") if os.path.exists(images_json): try: with open(images_json) as f: images = json.load(f) creating_task.images_count = len(images) except: print("Cannot read images count from imported task {}".format(creating_task)) pass extent_fields = [ (os.path.realpath(creating_task.assets_path("odm_orthophoto", "odm_orthophoto.tif")), 'orthophoto_extent'), (os.path.realpath(creating_task.assets_path("odm_dem", "dsm.tif")), 'dsm_extent'), (os.path.realpath(creating_task.assets_path("odm_dem", "dtm.tif")), 'dtm_extent'), ] for raster_path, field in extent_fields: if os.path.exists(raster_path): # Make sure this is a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF # if not, it will be created try: assure_cogeo(raster_path) except IOError as e: print( "Cannot create Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF for %s (%s). This will result in degraded visualization performance." % ( raster_path, str(e))) # Read extent and SRID raster = GDALRaster(raster_path) extent = OGRGeometry.from_bbox(raster.extent) # Make sure PostGIS supports it with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT SRID FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE SRID = %s", [raster.srid]) if cursor.rowcount == 0: raise Exception() # It will be implicitly transformed into the SRID of the model’s field # task.field = GEOSGeometry(...) setattr(creating_task, field, GEOSGeometry(extent.wkt, srid=raster.srid)) print("Populated extent field with {} for {}".format(raster_path, creating_task)) creating_task.update_available_assets_field() creating_task.potree_scene = {} creating_task.running_progress = 1.0 creating_task.console_output += gettext("Done!") + "\n" creating_task.status = status_codes.COMPLETED creating_task.save() def create_project(project_id, user): project = Project() project.name = project_id project.owner = user project.id = int(project_id) return project # END COPY FIRST PART ``` ## Step 2. Specify the username of admin which will have acess to the imported projects ```python # START COPY SECOND PART user = User.objects.get(username="YOUR NEW CREATED ADMIN USERNAME HERE") # END COPY COPY SECOND PART ``` ## Step 3. This is the main part of script which make the main magic of the project. It will read media dir and create tasks and projects from the sources ```python # START COPY THIRD PART for project_id in os.listdir("/webodm/app/media/project"): if not Project.objects.filter(id=int(project_id)).exists(): project = create_project(project_id, user) project.save() else: project = Project.objects.get(pk=(project_id)) for task_id in os.listdir(f"/webodm/app/media/project/{project_id}/task"): if not Task.objects.filter(id=task_id).exists(): task = Task(project=project) task.id = task_id process_task(task) # END COPY THIRD PART ``` ## Step 4. You must update project ID sequence for new created tasks ```python with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT setval('app_project_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM app_project)+1)") ``` If all is ok - you will get recreated structure of projects inside WebODM database, and WebODM GUI. Congratulations - you are great!