import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import '../css/Histogram.scss'; import d3 from 'd3'; import { _ } from '../classes/gettext'; export default class Histogram extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { width: 280, colorMap: null, onUpdate: null, loading: false, min: null, max: null }; static propTypes = { statistics: PropTypes.object.isRequired, colorMap: PropTypes.array, width: PropTypes.number, onUpdate: PropTypes.func, loading: PropTypes.bool, min: PropTypes.number, max: PropTypes.number } constructor(props){ super(props); // Colors in absence of a color map this.defaultBandColors = [ '#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff', '#ff8000', '#ffff00', '#00ff80', '#00ffff', '#0080ff', ]; this.reset(); } reset = () => { const minY = 0; let maxY = 0; let minX = 2147483647; let maxX = -2147483646; for (let i in this.props.statistics){ const band = this.props.statistics[i]; minX = Math.min(minX, band.min); maxX = Math.max(maxX, band.max); maxY = Math.max(maxY, Math.max([0])); } this.rangeX = [minX, maxX]; this.rangeY = [minY, maxY]; let min = minX; let max = maxX; if (this.props.min !== null && this.props.max !== null){ min = this.props.min; max = this.props.max; } const st = { min: min, max: max, minInput: min.toFixed(3), maxInput: max.toFixed(3) }; if (!this.state){ this.state = st; }else{ this.setState(st); } } redraw = () => { let margin = {top: 5, right: 10, bottom: 15, left: 10}, width = this.props.width - margin.left - margin.right, height = 85 - - margin.bottom; if (this.hgContainer.firstElementChild){ this.hgContainer.removeChild(this.hgContainer.firstElementChild); } const svgContainer = .append("svg") .attr('class', 'histogram-container') .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr("height", height + + margin.bottom); if (this.props.colorMap){ this.colorMapElem = svgContainer.append("defs") .append("linearGradient") .attr('id', 'linear') .attr('x1', '0%') .attr('y1', '0%') .attr('x2', '100%') .attr('y2', '0%'); this.updateColorMap(true); } let svg = svgContainer.append("g") .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")"); // add the x Axis let x = d3.scale.linear() .domain(this.rangeX) .range([0, width]); svg.append("g") .attr("class", "x axis theme-fill-primary") .attr("transform", "translate(0," + (height - 5) + ")") .call(d3.svg.axis().scale(x).tickValues(this.rangeX).orient("bottom")); // add the y Axis let y = d3.scale.linear() .domain(this.rangeY) .range([height, 0]); for (let i in this.props.statistics){ const band = this.props.statistics[i]; const data = band.histogram[0].map((e, i) => { return [band.histogram[1][i], e]; }); // Make sure histogram starts and ends at 0 // to prevent oblique looking charts data.unshift([data[0][0], 0]); data.push([data[data.length - 1][0], 0]); // Plot the area svg.append('g') .append("path") .datum(data) .attr("fill", !this.colorMapElem ? this.defaultBandColors[i - 1] : 'url(#linear)') .attr("opacity", 1 / Object.keys(this.props.statistics).length) .attr("d", d3.svg.line() .x(function(d) { return x(d[0]); }) .y(function(d) { return y(d[1]); }) ); } // Add sliders this.maxDown = false; this.minDown = false; let maxPosX = null; let minPosX = null; const minXStart = ((this.state.min - this.rangeX[0]) / (this.rangeX[1] - this.rangeX[0])) * width; const minLine = svg.append('g') .append('line') .attr('x1', minXStart) .attr('y1', 0) .attr('x2', minXStart) .attr('y2', height) .attr('class', 'theme-stroke-primary slider-line min') .on("mousedown", function(){ self.maxDown = false; self.minDown = true; })[0][0]; const maxXStart = ((this.state.max - this.rangeX[0]) / (this.rangeX[1] - this.rangeX[0])) * width; const maxLine = svg.append('g') .append('line') .attr('x1', maxXStart) .attr('y1', 0) .attr('x2', maxXStart) .attr('y2', height) .attr('class', 'theme-stroke-primary slider-line max') .on("mousedown", function(){ self.minDown = false; self.maxDown = true; })[0][0]; const handleLeave = () => { this.maxDown = this.minDown = false; maxPosX = null; minPosX = null; }; const self = this; const handleMoveMax = function(){ if (self.maxDown){ const mouseX = (d3.mouse(this))[0]; if (!maxPosX) maxPosX = mouseX; const deltaX = mouseX - maxPosX; const prevX = parseInt(maxLine.getAttribute('x1')); const newX = Math.max(Math.min(width, prevX + deltaX), parseInt(minLine.getAttribute('x1'))); maxPosX = mouseX; maxLine.setAttribute('x1', newX); maxLine.setAttribute('x2', newX); if (prevX !== newX){ self.setState({max: (self.rangeX[0] + ((self.rangeX[1] - self.rangeX[0]) / width) * newX)}); } } }; const handleMoveMin = function(){ if (self.minDown){ const mouseX = (d3.mouse(this))[0]; if (!minPosX) minPosX = mouseX; const deltaX = mouseX - minPosX; const prevX = parseInt(minLine.getAttribute('x1')); const newX = Math.max(0, Math.min(prevX + deltaX, parseInt(maxLine.getAttribute('x1')))); minPosX = mouseX; minLine.setAttribute('x1', newX); minLine.setAttribute('x2', newX); if (prevX !== newX){ self.setState({min: (self.rangeX[0] + ((self.rangeX[1] - self.rangeX[0]) / width) * newX)}); } } }; svgContainer .on("mousemove", function(){ handleMoveMax.apply(this); handleMoveMin.apply(this); }) .on("mouseup", handleLeave) .on("mouseleave", handleLeave) .on("mousedown", function(){ const mouseX = (d3.mouse(this))[0]; const maxBarX = parseInt(maxLine.getAttribute('x1')) + margin.right; const minBarX = parseInt(minLine.getAttribute('x1')) + margin.right; // Move bar closest to click if (Math.abs(mouseX - maxBarX) < Math.abs(mouseX - minBarX)){ self.maxDown = true; maxPosX = parseInt(maxLine.getAttribute('x1')) + margin.right; handleMoveMax.apply(this); }else{ self.minDown = true; minPosX = parseInt(minLine.getAttribute('x1')) + margin.right; handleMoveMin.apply(this); } }); } componentDidMount(){ this.redraw(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){ if (prevState.min !== this.state.min || prevState.max !== this.state.max){ this.setState({minInput: this.state.min.toFixed(3), maxInput: this.state.max.toFixed(3)}); } if (prevState.min !== this.state.min || prevState.max !== this.state.max || prevProps.colorMap !== this.props.colorMap || prevProps.statistics !== this.props.statistics){ if (prevProps.statistics !== this.props.statistics) this.reset(); if (!this.maxDown && !this.minDown) this.redraw(); this.updateColorMap(prevProps.colorMap !== this.props.colorMap); if (this.props.onUpdate !== undefined) this.props.onUpdate({min: this.state.min, max: this.state.max}); } } updateColorMap = (recreate) => { if (!this.colorMapElem) return; if (recreate){"stop").remove(); this.props.colorMap.forEach((color, i) => { this.colorMapElem.append("stop") .attr('offset', `${(i / (this.props.colorMap.length - 1)) * 100.0}%`) .attr('stop-color', `rgb(${color.join(",")})`); }); } const { min, max } = this.state; const minPerc = Math.abs(min - this.rangeX[0]) / (this.rangeX[1] - this.rangeX[0]) * 100.0; const maxPerc = Math.abs(max - this.rangeX[0]) / (this.rangeX[1] - this.rangeX[0]) * 100.0; this.colorMapElem.attr('x1',`${minPerc}%`) .attr('x2', `${maxPerc}%`); } handleChangeMax = (e) => { this.setState({maxInput:}); const val = parseFloat(; if (val >= this.state.min && val <= this.rangeX[1]){ this.setState({max: val}); } } handleChangeMin = (e) => { this.setState({minInput:}); const val = parseFloat(; if (val <= this.state.max && val >= this.rangeX[0]){ this.setState({min: val}); } } render(){ return (
{ this.hgContainer = domNode; }}>
); } }