from import Command as MMCommand # class Command(MMCommand): """ This is a wrapper for the makemessages command and it is used to force makemessages call xgettext with the language provided as input The solution is really hacky and takes advantage of the fact that in makemessages TranslatableFile process() the options in command.xgettext_options are appended to the end of the xgettext command. """ def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--language', '-lang', default='Python', dest='language', help='Language to be used by xgettext' ) super(Command, self).add_arguments(parser) def handle(self, *args, **options): language = options.get('language') self.xgettext_options.append('--language={lang}'.format( lang=language )) super(Command, self).handle(*args, **options)