#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail __dirname=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd -P) cd ${__dirname} check_command(){ check_msg_prefix="Checking for $1... " check_msg_result="\033[92m\033[1m OK\033[0m\033[39m" hash $1 2>/dev/null || not_found=true if [[ $not_found ]]; then # Can we attempt to install it? if [[ ! -z "$3" ]]; then echo -e "$check_msg_prefix \033[93mnot found, we'll attempt to install\033[39m" run "$3 || sudo $3" # Recurse, but don't pass the install command check_command "$1" "$2" else check_msg_result="\033[91m can't find $1! Check that the program is installed and that you have added the proper path to the program to your PATH environment variable before launching WebODM. If you change your PATH environment variable, remember to close and reopen your terminal. $2\033[39m" fi fi echo -e "$check_msg_prefix $check_msg_result" if [[ $not_found ]]; then return 1 fi } environment_check(){ check_command "celery" "Run \033[1msudo pip install -U celery\033[0m" "pip install -U celery" if [[ -z "$WO_BROKER" ]]; then echo -e "\033[91mWO_BROKER environment variable is not set. Defaulting to redis://localhost\033[39m" export WO_BROKER=redis://localhost fi } environment_check echo "Starting worker using broker at $WO_BROKER" # Switch to parent directory # so that celery recognizes the package name cd ${__dirname}/../ celery -A worker worker --loglevel=info