#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail platform="Linux" # Assumed uname=$(uname) case $uname in "Darwin") platform="MacOS / OSX" ;; MINGW*) platform="Windows" ;; esac if [[ $platform = "Windows" ]]; then export COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 fi usage(){ echo "Usage: $0 [options]" echo echo "This program helps to manage the setup/teardown of the docker containers for running WebODM. We recommend that you read the full documentation of docker at https://docs.docker.com if you want to customize your setup." echo echo "Command list:" echo " start Start WebODM" echo " stop Stop WebODM" echo " update Update WebODM to the latest release" echo " rebuild Rebuild all docker containers and perform cleanups" echo " checkenv Do an environment check and install missing components" exit } # $1 = command | $2 = help_text | $3 = install_command (optional) check_command(){ check_msg_prefix="Checking for $1... " check_msg_result="\033[92m\033[1m OK\033[0m\033[39m" hash $1 2>/dev/null || not_found=true if [[ $not_found ]]; then # Can we attempt to install it? if [[ ! -z "$3" ]]; then echo -e "$check_msg_prefix \033[93mnot found, we'll attempt to install\033[39m" run "$3 || sudo $3" # Recurse, but don't pass the install command check_command "$1" "$2" else check_msg_result="\033[91m can't find $1! Check that the program is installed and that you have added the proper path to the program to your PATH environment variable before launching WebODM. If you change your PATH environment variable, remember to close and reopen your terminal. $2\033[39m" fi fi echo -e "$check_msg_prefix $check_msg_result" if [[ $not_found ]]; then return 1 fi } environment_check(){ check_command "docker" "https://www.docker.com/" check_command "git" "https://git-scm.com/downloads" check_command "python" "https://www.python.org/downloads/" check_command "pip" "Run \033[1msudo easy_install pip\033[0m" "easy_install pip" check_command "docker-compose" "Run \033[1mpip install docker-compose\033[0m" "pip install docker-compose" } run(){ echo $1 eval $1 } start(){ run "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nodeodm.yml up" } rebuild(){ run "docker-compose down" run "rm -fr node_modules/ || sudo rm -fr node_modules/" run "rm -fr nodeodm/external/node-OpenDroneMap || sudo rm -fr nodeodm/external/node-OpenDroneMap" run "docker-compose build --no-cache" echo -e "\033[1mDone!\033[0m You can now start WebODM by running ./$0 start" } if [[ $1 = "start" ]]; then environment_check echo "Starting WebODM..." start elif [[ $1 = "stop" ]]; then environment_check echo "Stopping WebODM..." docker-compose down elif [[ $1 = "rebuild" ]]; then environment_check echo "Rebuilding WebODM..." rebuild elif [[ $1 = "update" ]]; then echo "Updating WebODM..." git pull origin master run "docker pull pierotofy/nodeodm" rebuild elif [[ $1 = "checkenv" ]]; then environment_check else usage fi