import '../css/EditTaskForm.scss'; import React from 'react'; import Utils from '../classes/Utils'; import EditPresetDialog from './EditPresetDialog'; import ErrorMessage from './ErrorMessage'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Storage from '../classes/Storage'; import TagsField from './TagsField'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { _, interpolate } from '../classes/gettext'; class EditTaskForm extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { selectedNode: null, task: null, onFormChanged: () => {}, inReview: false }; static propTypes = { selectedNode: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number ]), onFormLoaded: PropTypes.func, onFormChanged: PropTypes.func, inReview: PropTypes.bool, task: PropTypes.object, suggestedTaskName: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func]) }; constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { error: "", presetError: "", presetActionPerforming: false, namePlaceholder: typeof props.suggestedTaskName === "string" ? props.suggestedTaskName : (props.task !== null ? ( || "") : "Task of " + (new Date()).toISOString()), name: typeof props.suggestedTaskName === "string" ? props.suggestedTaskName : (props.task !== null ? ( || "") : ""), loadedProcessingNodes: false, loadedPresets: false, selectedNode: null, processingNodes: [], selectedPreset: null, presets: [], tags: props.task !== null ? Utils.clone(props.task.tags) : [], editingPreset: false, loadingTaskName: false, showTagsField: props.task !== null ? !!props.task.tags.length : false }; this.handleNameChange = this.handleNameChange.bind(this); this.handleSelectNode = this.handleSelectNode.bind(this); this.firstEnabledNode = this.firstEnabledNode.bind(this); this.loadProcessingNodes = this.loadProcessingNodes.bind(this); this.retryLoad = this.retryLoad.bind(this); this.selectNodeByKey = this.selectNodeByKey.bind(this); this.getTaskInfo = this.getTaskInfo.bind(this); this.notifyFormLoaded = this.notifyFormLoaded.bind(this); this.loadPresets = this.loadPresets.bind(this); this.handleSelectPreset = this.handleSelectPreset.bind(this); this.selectPresetById = this.selectPresetById.bind(this); this.handleEditPreset = this.handleEditPreset.bind(this); this.handleCancelEditPreset = this.handleCancelEditPreset.bind(this); this.handlePresetSave = this.handlePresetSave.bind(this); this.handleDuplicateSavePreset = this.handleDuplicateSavePreset.bind(this); this.handleDeletePreset = this.handleDeletePreset.bind(this); this.findFirstPresetMatching = this.findFirstPresetMatching.bind(this); this.getAvailableOptionsOnly = this.getAvailableOptionsOnly.bind(this); this.getAvailableOptionsOnlyText = this.getAvailableOptionsOnlyText.bind(this); this.saveLastPresetToStorage = this.saveLastPresetToStorage.bind(this); this.formReady = this.formReady.bind(this); } formReady(){ return this.state.loadedProcessingNodes && this.state.selectedNode && this.state.loadedPresets && this.state.selectedPreset; } checkFilesCount(filesCount){ if (!this.state.selectedNode) return true; if (filesCount === 0) return true; if (this.state.selectedNode.max_images === null) return true; return this.state.selectedNode.max_images >= filesCount; } selectedNodeMaxImages(){ if (!this.state.selectedNode) return null; return this.state.selectedNode.max_images; } notifyFormLoaded(){ if (this.props.onFormLoaded && this.formReady()) this.props.onFormLoaded(); } firstEnabledNode(){ for (let i = 0; i < this.state.processingNodes.length; i++){ if (this.state.processingNodes[i].enabled) return this.state.processingNodes[i]; } return null; } loadProcessingNodes(){ const failed = () => { this.setState({error: _("Could not load list of processing nodes. Are you connected to the internet?")}); } this.nodesRequest = $.getJSON("/api/processingnodes/?has_available_options=True", json => { if (Array.isArray(json)){ // No nodes with options? const noProcessingNodesError = (nodes) => { var extra = nodes ? _("We tried to reach:") + "" : ""; this.setState({error: _("There are no usable processing nodes.") + extra + _("Make sure that at least one processing node is reachable and that you have granted the current user sufficient permissions to view the processing node (by going to Administration -- Processing Nodes -- Select Node -- Object Permissions -- Add User/Group and check CAN VIEW PROCESSING NODE). If you are bringing a node back online, it will take about 30 seconds for WebODM to recognize it.")}); }; if (json.length === 0){ noProcessingNodesError(); return; } let nodes = => { return { id:, key:, label: `${node.label} (queue: ${node.queue_count})`, options: node.available_options, queue_count: node.queue_count, max_images: node.max_images, enabled:, url: `http://${node.hostname}:${node.port}` }; }); // Find a node with lowest queue count let minQueueCount = Math.min(...nodes.filter(node => node.enabled).map(node => node.queue_count)); let minQueueCountNodes = nodes.filter(node => node.enabled && node.queue_count === minQueueCount); if (minQueueCountNodes.length === 0){ noProcessingNodesError(nodes); return; } // Choose at random let lowestQueueNode = minQueueCountNodes[~~(Math.random() * minQueueCountNodes.length)]; this.setState({ processingNodes: nodes, loadedProcessingNodes: true }); // Have we specified a node? if (this.props.task && this.props.task.processing_node){ if (this.props.task.auto_processing_node){ this.selectNodeByKey(lowestQueueNode.key); }else{ this.selectNodeByKey(this.props.task.processing_node); } }else if (this.props.selectedNode){ this.selectNodeByKey(this.props.selectedNode); }else{ this.selectNodeByKey(lowestQueueNode.key); } this.notifyFormLoaded(); }else{ console.error("Got invalid json response for processing nodes", json); failed(); } }) .fail((jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // I don't expect this to fail, unless it's a development error or connection error. // in which case we don't need to notify the user directly. failed(); }); } retryLoad(){ this.setState({error: ""}); this.loadProcessingNodes(); this.loadPresets(); } findFirstPresetMatching(presets, options){ for (let i = 0; i < presets.length; i++){ const preset = presets[i]; if (options.length === preset.options.length){ let dict = {}; options.forEach(opt => { dict[] = opt.value; }); let matchingOptions = 0; for (let j = 0; j < preset.options.length; j++){ if (dict[preset.options[j].name] !== preset.options[j].value){ break; }else{ matchingOptions++; } } // If we terminated the loop above, all options match if (matchingOptions === options.length) return preset; } } return null; } loadPresets(){ const failed = () => { this.setState({error: _("Could not load list of presets. Are you connected to the internet?")}); } this.presetsRequest = $.getJSON("/api/presets/?ordering=-system,-created_at", presets => { if (Array.isArray(presets)){ // Add custom preset const customPreset = { id: -1, name: "(" + _("Custom") + ")", options: [], system: true }; presets.unshift(customPreset); // Choose preset _("Default"); // Add translation let selectedPreset = presets[0], defaultPreset = presets.find(p => === "Default"); // Do not translate Default if (defaultPreset) selectedPreset = defaultPreset; // If task's options are set attempt // to find a preset that matches the current task options if (this.props.task && Array.isArray(this.props.task.options) && this.props.task.options.length > 0){ const taskPreset = this.findFirstPresetMatching(presets, this.props.task.options); if (taskPreset !== null){ selectedPreset = taskPreset; }else{ customPreset.options = Utils.clone(this.props.task.options); selectedPreset = customPreset; } }else{ // Check local storage for last used preset const lastPresetId = Storage.getItem("last_preset_id"); if (lastPresetId !== null){ const lastPreset = presets.find(p => == lastPresetId); if (lastPreset) selectedPreset = lastPreset; } } this.setState({ loadedPresets: true, presets: presets, selectedPreset: selectedPreset }); this.notifyFormLoaded(); }else{ console.error("Got invalid json response for presets", json); failed(); } }) .fail((jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // I don't expect this to fail, unless it's a development error or connection error. // in which case we don't need to notify the user directly. failed(); }); } loadSuggestedName = () => { if (typeof this.props.suggestedTaskName === "function"){ this.setState({loadingTaskName: true}); this.props.suggestedTaskName().then(name => { if (this.state.loadingTaskName){ this.setState({loadingTaskName: false, name}); }else{ // User started typing its own name } }).catch(e => { // Do Nothing this.setState({loadingTaskName: false}); }) } } handleSelectPreset(e){ this.selectPresetById(; } selectPresetById(id){ let preset = this.state.presets.find(p => === parseInt(id)); if (preset) this.setState({selectedPreset: preset}); } componentDidMount(){ this.loadProcessingNodes(); this.loadPresets(); this.loadSuggestedName(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){ // Monitor changes of certain form items (user driven) // and fire event when appropriate if (!this.formReady()) return; let changed = false; ['name', 'selectedNode', 'selectedPreset'].forEach(prop => { if (prevState[prop] !== this.state[prop]) changed = true; }); if (changed) this.props.onFormChanged(); } componentWillUnmount(){ if (this.nodesRequest) this.nodesRequest.abort(); if (this.presetsRequest) this.presetsRequest.abort(); } handleNameChange(e){ this.setState({name:, loadingTaskName: false}); } selectNodeByKey(key){ let node = this.state.processingNodes.find(node => node.key == key); if (node) this.setState({selectedNode: node}); else{ console.log(`Node ${key} does not exist, selecting first enabled`); const n = this.firstEnabledNode(); if (n){ this.selectNodeByKey(n.key); } } } handleSelectNode(e){ this.selectNodeByKey(; } // Filter a list of options based on the ones that // are available (usually options are from a preset and availableOptions // from a processing node) getAvailableOptionsOnly(options, availableOptions){ const optionNames = {}; availableOptions.forEach(opt => optionNames[] = true); return options.filter(opt => optionNames[]); } getAvailableOptionsOnlyText(options, availableOptions){ const opts = this.getAvailableOptionsOnly(options, availableOptions); let res = => `${}:${opt.value}`).join(", "); if (!res) res = _("Default"); return res; } saveLastPresetToStorage(){ if (this.state.selectedPreset){ Storage.setItem('last_preset_id',; } } getTaskInfo(){ const { name, selectedNode, selectedPreset, tags } = this.state; return { name: name !== "" ? name : this.state.namePlaceholder, selectedNode: selectedNode, options: this.getAvailableOptionsOnly(selectedPreset.options, selectedNode.options), tags }; } handleEditPreset(){ // If the user tries to edit a system preset // set the "Custom..." options to it const { selectedPreset, presets } = this.state; if (selectedPreset.system){ let customPreset = presets.find(p => === -1); // Might have been deleted if (!customPreset){ customPreset = { id: -1, name: "(" + _("Custom") + ")", options: [], system: true }; presets.unshift(customPreset); this.setState({presets}); } customPreset.options = Utils.clone(selectedPreset.options); this.setState({selectedPreset: customPreset}); } this.setState({editingPreset: true}); } handleCancelEditPreset(){ this.setState({editingPreset: false}); } handlePresetSave(preset){ const done = () => { // Update presets and selected preset let p = this.state.presets.find(p => ===; =; p.options = preset.options; this.setState({selectedPreset: p}); }; // If it's a custom preset do not update server-side if ( === -1){ done(); return $.Deferred().resolve(); }else{ return $.ajax({ url: `/api/presets/${}/`, contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ name:, options: preset.options }), dataType: 'json', type: 'PATCH' }).done(done); } } handleDuplicateSavePreset(){ // Create a new preset with the same settings as the // currently selected preset const { selectedPreset, presets } = this.state; this.setState({presetActionPerforming: true}); const isCustom = === -1, name = isCustom ? _("My Preset") : interpolate(_("Copy of %(preset)s"), {preset:}); $.ajax({ url: `/api/presets/`, contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ name: name, options: selectedPreset.options }), dataType: 'json', type: 'POST' }).done(preset => { // If the original preset was a custom one, // we remove it from the list (since we just saved it) if (isCustom){ presets.splice(presets.indexOf(selectedPreset), 1); } // Add new preset to list, select it, then edit presets.push(preset); this.setState({presets, selectedPreset: preset}); this.handleEditPreset(); }).fail(() => { this.setState({presetError: _("Could not duplicate the preset. Please try to refresh the page.")}); }).always(() => { this.setState({presetActionPerforming: false}); }); } handleDeletePreset(){ const { selectedPreset, presets } = this.state; if (selectedPreset.system){ this.setState({presetError: _("System presets can only be removed by a staff member from the Administration panel.")}); return; } if (window.confirm(interpolate(_('Are you sure you want to delete "%(preset)s"?'), { preset:}))){ this.setState({presetActionPerforming: true}); return $.ajax({ url: `/api/presets/${}/`, contentType: 'application/json', type: 'DELETE' }).done(() => { presets.splice(presets.indexOf(selectedPreset), 1); // Select first by default this.setState({presets, selectedPreset: presets[0], editingPreset: false}); }).fail(() => { this.setState({presetError: _("Could not delete the preset. Please try to refresh the page.")}); }).always(() => { this.setState({presetActionPerforming: false}); }); }else{ return $.Deferred().resolve(); } } toggleTagsField = () => { if (!this.state.showTagsField){ setTimeout(() => { if (this.tagsField) this.tagsField.focus(); }, 0); } this.setState({showTagsField: !this.state.showTagsField}); } render() { if (this.state.error){ return (
); } let taskOptions = ""; if (this.formReady()){ const optionsSelector = (
{!this.state.presetActionPerforming ?
: }
); let tagsField = ""; if (this.state.showTagsField){ tagsField = (
this.state.tags = tags } tags={this.state.tags} ref={domNode => this.tagsField = domNode}/>
); } taskOptions = (
{!this.props.inReview ? optionsSelector :
{this.getAvailableOptionsOnlyText(this.state.selectedPreset.options, this.state.selectedNode.options)}
{this.state.editingPreset ? { if (domNode) this.editPresetDialog = domNode; }} /> : ""}
); }else{ taskOptions = (
{_("Loading processing nodes and presets...")}
); } return (
{this.state.loadingTaskName ? : ""}
); } } export default EditTaskForm;