#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail __dirname=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd -P) cd "${__dirname}" platform="Linux" # Assumed uname=$(uname) case $uname in "Darwin") platform="MacOS / OSX" ;; MINGW*) platform="Windows" ;; esac if [[ $platform = "Windows" ]]; then export COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 fi default_nodes=1 dev_mode=false # Load default values source .env DEFAULT_PORT="$WO_PORT" DEFAULT_HOST="$WO_HOST" DEFAULT_MEDIA_DIR="$WO_MEDIA_DIR" DEFAULT_SSL="$WO_SSL" DEFAULT_SSL_INSECURE_PORT_REDIRECT="$WO_SSL_INSECURE_PORT_REDIRECT" DEFAULT_BROKER="$WO_BROKER" # Parse args for overrides POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in --port) export WO_PORT="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --hostname) export WO_HOST="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --media-dir) export WO_MEDIA_DIR=$(realpath "$2") shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --ssl) export WO_SSL=YES shift # past argument ;; --ssl-key) export WO_SSL_KEY=$(realpath "$2") shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --ssl-cert) export WO_SSL_CERT=$(realpath "$2") shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --ssl-insecure-port-redirect) export WO_SSL_INSECURE_PORT_REDIRECT="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --debug) export WO_DEBUG=YES shift # past argument ;; --dev) export WO_DEBUG=YES export WO_DEV=YES dev_mode=true shift # past argument ;; --broker) export WO_BROKER="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --no-default-node) default_nodes=0 echo "ATTENTION: --no-default-node is deprecated. Use --default-nodes instead." export WO_DEFAULT_NODES=0 shift # past argument ;; --with-micmac) load_micmac_node=true shift # past argument ;; --detached) detached=true shift # past argument ;; --default-nodes) default_nodes="$2" export WO_DEFAULT_NODES="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; *) # unknown option POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameter usage(){ echo "Usage: $0 " echo echo "This program helps to manage the setup/teardown of the docker containers for running WebODM. We recommend that you read the full documentation of docker at https://docs.docker.com if you want to customize your setup." echo echo "Command list:" echo " start [options] Start WebODM" echo " stop Stop WebODM" echo " down Stop and remove WebODM's docker containers" echo " update Update WebODM to the latest release" echo " rebuild Rebuild all docker containers and perform cleanups" echo " checkenv Do an environment check and install missing components" echo " test Run the unit test suite (developers only)" echo " resetadminpassword Reset the administrator's password to a new one. WebODM must be running when executing this command." echo "" echo "Options:" echo " --port Set the port that WebODM should bind to (default: $DEFAULT_PORT)" echo " --hostname Set the hostname that WebODM will be accessible from (default: $DEFAULT_HOST)" echo " --media-dir Path where processing results will be stored to (default: $DEFAULT_MEDIA_DIR (docker named volume))" echo " --default-nodes The amount of default NodeODM nodes attached to WebODM on startup (default: 1)" echo " --with-micmac Create a NodeMICMAC node attached to WebODM on startup. Experimental! (default: disabled)" echo " --ssl Enable SSL and automatically request and install a certificate from letsencrypt.org. (default: $DEFAULT_SSL)" echo " --ssl-key Manually specify a path to the private key file (.pem) to use with nginx to enable SSL (default: None)" echo " --ssl-cert Manually specify a path to the certificate file (.pem) to use with nginx to enable SSL (default: None)" echo " --ssl-insecure-port-redirect Insecure port number to redirect from when SSL is enabled (default: $DEFAULT_SSL_INSECURE_PORT_REDIRECT)" echo " --debug Enable debug for development environments (default: disabled)" echo " --dev Enable development mode. In development mode you can make modifications to WebODM source files and changes will be reflected live. (default: disabled)" echo " --broker Set the URL used to connect to the celery broker (default: $DEFAULT_BROKER)" echo " --detached Run WebODM in detached mode. This means WebODM will run in the background, without blocking the terminal (default: disabled)" exit } # $1 = command | $2 = help_text | $3 = install_command (optional) check_command(){ check_msg_prefix="Checking for $1... " check_msg_result="\033[92m\033[1m OK\033[0m\033[39m" hash $1 2>/dev/null || not_found=true if [[ $not_found ]]; then # Can we attempt to install it? if [[ ! -z "$3" ]]; then echo -e "$check_msg_prefix \033[93mnot found, we'll attempt to install\033[39m" run "$3 || sudo $3" # Recurse, but don't pass the install command check_command "$1" "$2" else check_msg_result="\033[91m can't find $1! Check that the program is installed and that you have added the proper path to the program to your PATH environment variable before launching WebODM. If you change your PATH environment variable, remember to close and reopen your terminal. $2\033[39m" fi fi echo -e "$check_msg_prefix $check_msg_result" if [[ $not_found ]]; then return 1 fi } environment_check(){ check_command "docker" "https://www.docker.com/" check_command "git" "https://git-scm.com/downloads" check_command "docker-compose" "Run \033[1mpip install docker-compose\033[0m" "pip install docker-compose" } run(){ echo $1 eval $1 } start(){ if [[ $dev_mode = true ]]; then echo "Starting WebODM in development mode..." down else echo "Starting WebODM..." fi echo "" echo "Using the following environment:" echo "================================" echo "Host: $WO_HOST" echo "Port: $WO_PORT" echo "Media directory: $WO_MEDIA_DIR" echo "SSL: $WO_SSL" echo "SSL key: $WO_SSL_KEY" echo "SSL certificate: $WO_SSL_CERT" echo "SSL insecure port redirect: $WO_SSL_INSECURE_PORT_REDIRECT" echo "Celery Broker: $WO_BROKER" echo "Default Nodes: $WO_DEFAULT_NODES" echo "================================" echo "Make sure to issue a $0 down if you decide to change the environment." echo "" command="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml" if [[ $default_nodes > 0 ]]; then command+=" -f docker-compose.nodeodm.yml" fi if [[ $load_micmac_node = true ]]; then command+=" -f docker-compose.nodemicmac.yml" fi if [[ $dev_mode = true ]]; then command+=" -f docker-compose.dev.yml" fi if [ "$WO_SSL" = "YES" ]; then if [ ! -z "$WO_SSL_KEY" ] && [ ! -e "$WO_SSL_KEY" ]; then echo -e "\033[91mSSL key file does not exist: $WO_SSL_KEY\033[39m" exit 1 fi if [ ! -z "$WO_SSL_CERT" ] && [ ! -e "$WO_SSL_CERT" ]; then echo -e "\033[91mSSL certificate file does not exist: $WO_SSL_CERT\033[39m" exit 1 fi command+=" -f docker-compose.ssl.yml" method="Lets Encrypt" if [ ! -z "$WO_SSL_KEY" ] && [ ! -z "$WO_SSL_CERT" ]; then method="Manual" command+=" -f docker-compose.ssl-manual.yml" fi if [ "$method" = "Lets Encrypt" ]; then # Check port settings # as let's encrypt cannot communicate on ports # different than 80 or 443 if [ "$WO_PORT" != "$DEFAULT_PORT" ]; then echo -e "\033[93mLets Encrypt cannot run on port: $WO_PORT, switching to 443.\033[39m" echo "If you need to use a different port, you'll need to generate the SSL certificate files separately and use the --ssl-key and --ssl-certificate options." fi export WO_PORT=443 fi # Make sure we have a hostname if [ "$WO_HOST" = "localhost" ]; then echo -e "\033[91mSSL is enabled, but hostname cannot be set to $WO_HOST. Set the --hostname argument to the domain of your WebODM server (for example: www.mywebodm.org).\033[39m" exit 1 fi echo "Will enable SSL ($method)" fi command="$command start || $command up" if [[ $detached = true ]]; then command+=" -d" fi if [[ $default_nodes > 0 ]]; then command+=" --scale node-odm=$default_nodes" fi run "$command" } down(){ run "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nodeodm.yml -f docker-compose.nodemicmac.yml down --remove-orphans" } rebuild(){ run "docker-compose down --remove-orphans" run "rm -fr node_modules/ || sudo rm -fr node_modules/" run "rm -fr nodeodm/external/NodeODM || sudo rm -fr nodeodm/external/NodeODM" run "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.build.yml build --no-cache" #run "docker images --no-trunc -aqf \"dangling=true\" | xargs docker rmi" echo -e "\033[1mDone!\033[0m You can now start WebODM by running $0 start" } run_tests(){ # If in a container, we run the actual test commands # otherwise we launch this command from the container in_container=$(grep 'docker\|lxc' /proc/1/cgroup || true) if [[ "$in_container" != "" ]]; then echo -e "\033[1mRunning frontend tests\033[0m" run "npm run test" echo "\033[1mRunning backend tests\033[0m" run "python manage.py test" echo "" echo -e "\033[1mDone!\033[0m Everything looks in order." else echo "Running tests in webapp container" run "docker-compose exec webapp /bin/bash -c \"/webodm/webodm.sh test\"" fi } resetpassword(){ newpass=$1 if [[ ! -z "$newpass" ]]; then container_hash=$(docker ps -q --filter "name=webapp") if [[ -z "$container_hash" ]]; then echo -e "\033[91mCannot find webapp docker container. Is WebODM running?\033[39m" exit 1 fi docker exec $container_hash bash -c "echo \"from django.contrib.auth.models import User;from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password;u=User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True)[0];u.password=make_password('$newpass');u.save();print('The following user was changed: {}'.format(u.username));\" | python manage.py shell" if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\033[1mPassword changed!\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[91mCould not change administrator password. If you need help, please visit https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/WebODM/issues/ \033[39m" fi else usage fi } if [[ $1 = "start" ]]; then environment_check start elif [[ $1 = "stop" ]]; then environment_check echo "Stopping WebODM..." run "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nodeodm.yml -f docker-compose.nodemicmac.yml stop" elif [[ $1 = "restart" ]]; then environment_check echo "Restarting WebODM..." down start elif [[ $1 = "down" ]]; then environment_check echo "Tearing down WebODM..." down elif [[ $1 = "rebuild" ]]; then environment_check echo "Rebuilding WebODM..." rebuild elif [[ $1 = "update" ]]; then down echo "Updating WebODM..." run "git pull origin master" command="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml" if [[ $default_nodes > 0 ]]; then command+=" -f docker-compose.nodeodm.yml" fi if [[ $load_micmac_node = true ]]; then command+=" -f docker-compose.nodemicmac.yml" fi command+=" pull" run "$command" echo -e "\033[1mDone!\033[0m You can now start WebODM by running $0 start" elif [[ $1 = "checkenv" ]]; then environment_check elif [[ $1 = "test" ]]; then run_tests elif [[ $1 = "resetadminpassword" ]]; then resetpassword $2 else usage fi