import React from 'react'; import './css/ModelView.scss'; import ErrorMessage from './components/ErrorMessage'; import SwitchModeButton from './components/SwitchModeButton'; import AssetDownloadButtons from './components/AssetDownloadButtons'; import Standby from './components/Standby'; import ShareButton from './components/ShareButton'; import ImagePopup from './components/ImagePopup'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as THREE from 'THREE'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { _, interpolate } from './classes/gettext'; require('./vendor/OBJLoader'); require('./vendor/MTLLoader'); require('./vendor/ColladaLoader'); require('./vendor/GLTFLoader'); require('./vendor/DRACOLoader'); class SetCameraView extends React.Component{ static propTypes = { viewer: PropTypes.object.isRequired, task: PropTypes.object.isRequired } constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { error: "", showOk: false } } handleClick = () => { const { view } = Potree.saveProject(this.props.viewer); const showError = () => { this.setState({error: _("Cannot set initial camera view")}); setTimeout(() => this.setState({error: ""}), 3000); }; const showOk = () => { this.setState({showOk: true}); setTimeout(() => this.setState({showOk: false}), 2000); } $.ajax({ url: `/api/projects/${this.props.task.project}/tasks/${}/3d/cameraview`, contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify(view), dataType: 'json', type: 'POST' }).done(result => { if (result.success) showOk(); else showError(); }).fail(() => { showError(); }); } render(){ return ([, this.state.showOk ? (
) : "", this.state.error ? (
) : "" ] ); } } class TexturedModelMenu extends React.Component{ static propTypes = { toggleTexturedModel: PropTypes.func.isRequired } constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { showTexturedModel: false } // Translation for sidebar.html _("Cameras"); } handleClick = (e) => { this.setState({showTexturedModel:}); this.props.toggleTexturedModel(e); } render(){ return (); } } class CamerasMenu extends React.Component{ static propTypes = { toggleCameras: PropTypes.func.isRequired } constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { showCameras: false } } handleClick = (e) => { this.setState({showCameras:}); this.props.toggleCameras(e); } render(){ return (); } } class ModelView extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { task: null, public: false, shareButtons: true }; static propTypes = { task: PropTypes.object.isRequired, // The object should contain two keys: {id: , project: } public: PropTypes.bool, // Is the view being displayed via a shared link? shareButtons: PropTypes.bool }; constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { error: "", showTexturedModel: false, initializingModel: false, selectedCamera: null, modalOpen: false }; this.pointCloud = null; this.modelReference = null; this.cameraMeshes = []; } assetsPath = () => { return `/api/projects/${this.props.task.project}/tasks/${}/assets` } urlExists = (url, cb) => { $.ajax({ url: url, type:'HEAD', error: () => { cb(false); }, success: () => { cb(true); } }); } loadGeoreferencingOffset = (cb) => { const geoFile = `${this.assetsPath()}/odm_georeferencing/coords.txt`; const legacyGeoFile = `${this.assetsPath()}/odm_georeferencing/odm_georeferencing_model_geo.txt`; const getGeoOffsetFromUrl = (url) => { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET', error: () => { console.warn(`Cannot find ${url} (not georeferenced?)`); cb({x: 0, y: 0}); }, success: (data) => { const lines = data.split("\n"); if (lines.length >= 2){ const [ x, y ] = lines[1].split(" ").map(parseFloat); cb({x, y}); }else{ console.warn(`Malformed georeferencing file: ${data}`); cb({x: 0, y: 0}); } } }); }; $.ajax({ type: "HEAD", url: legacyGeoFile }).done(() => { // If a legacy georeferencing file is present // we'll use that getGeoOffsetFromUrl(legacyGeoFile); }).fail(() => { getGeoOffsetFromUrl(geoFile); }); } pointCloudFilePath = (cb) => { // Check if entwine point cloud exists, // otherwise fallback to potree point cloud binary format path const entwinePointCloud = this.assetsPath() + '/entwine_pointcloud/ept.json'; const potreePointCloud = this.assetsPath() + '/potree_pointcloud/cloud.js'; this.urlExists(entwinePointCloud, (exists) => { if (exists) cb(entwinePointCloud); else cb(potreePointCloud); }); } texturedModelDirectoryPath = () => { return this.assetsPath() + '/odm_texturing/'; } hasGeoreferencedAssets = () => { return this.props.task.available_assets.indexOf('orthophoto.tif') !== -1; } hasTexturedModel = () => { return this.props.task.available_assets.indexOf('') !== -1; } getTexturedModelType = () => { if (this.props.task.available_assets.indexOf('textured_model.glb') !== -1) return 'gltf'; else return 'obj'; } hasCameras = () => { return this.props.task.available_assets.indexOf('shots.geojson') !== -1; } objFilePath = (cb) => { // Mostly for backward compatibility // as newer versions of ODM do not have // a odm_textured_model.obj const geoUrl = this.texturedModelDirectoryPath() + 'odm_textured_model_geo.obj'; const nongeoUrl = this.texturedModelDirectoryPath() + 'odm_textured_model.obj'; $.ajax({ type: "HEAD", url: geoUrl }).done(() => { cb(geoUrl); }).fail(() => { cb(nongeoUrl); }); } glbFilePath = () => { return this.texturedModelDirectoryPath() + 'odm_textured_model_geo.glb'; } mtlFilename = (cb) => { // Mostly for backward compatibility // as newer versions of ODM do not have // a odm_textured_model.mtl const geoUrl = this.texturedModelDirectoryPath() + 'odm_textured_model_geo.mtl'; $.ajax({ type: "HEAD", url: geoUrl }).done(() => { cb("odm_textured_model_geo.mtl"); }).fail(() => { cb("odm_textured_model.mtl"); }); } getSceneData(){ let json = Potree.saveProject(window.viewer); // Remove view, settings since we don't want to trigger // scene updates when these change. delete json.view; delete json.settings; delete json.cameraAnimations; return json; } componentDidMount() { let container = this.container; if (!container) return; // Enzyme tests don't have support for all WebGL methods so we just skip this window.viewer = new Potree.Viewer(container); viewer.setEDLEnabled(true); viewer.setFOV(60); viewer.setPointBudget(1*1000*1000); viewer.setEDLEnabled(true); viewer.loadSettingsFromURL(); viewer.loadGUI(() => { viewer.setLanguage('en'); $("#menu_tools").next().show(); viewer.toggleSidebar(); if (this.hasTexturedModel()){ window.ReactDOM.render(, $("#textured_model_button").get(0)); }else{ $("#textured_model").hide(); $("#textured_model_container").hide(); } if (this.hasCameras()){ window.ReactDOM.render(, $("#cameras_button").get(0)); }else{ $("#cameras").hide(); $("#cameras_container").hide(); } if (!this.props.public){ const $scv = $("
"); $scv.prependTo($("#scene_export").parent()); window.ReactDOM.render(, $scv.get(0)); } }); viewer.scene.scene.add( new THREE.AmbientLight( 0x404040, 2.0 ) ); // soft white light ); viewer.scene.scene.add( new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xcccccc, 0.5 ) ); const directional = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xcccccc, 0.5 ); directional.position.z = 99999999999; viewer.scene.scene.add( directional ); this.pointCloudFilePath(pointCloudPath => { Potree.loadPointCloud(pointCloudPath, "Point Cloud", e => { if (e.type == "loading_failed"){ this.setState({error: "Could not load point cloud. This task doesn't seem to have one. Try processing the task again."}); return; } let scene = viewer.scene; scene.addPointCloud(e.pointcloud); this.pointCloud = e.pointcloud; let material = e.pointcloud.material; material.size = 1; viewer.fitToScreen(); // Load saved scene (if any) $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: `/api/projects/${this.props.task.project}/tasks/${}/3d/scene` }).done(sceneData => { let localSceneData = Potree.saveProject(viewer); // Check if we do not have a view set // if so, just keep the current view information if (!sceneData.view || !sceneData.view.position){ sceneData.view = localSceneData.view; } const keepKeys = ['pointclouds', 'settings', 'cameraAnimations']; for (let k of keepKeys){ sceneData[k] = localSceneData[k]; } for (let k in localSceneData){ if (keepKeys.indexOf(k) === -1){ sceneData[k] = sceneData[k] || localSceneData[k]; } } // Load const potreeLoadProject = () => { Potree.loadProject(viewer, sceneData); viewer.removeEventListener("update", potreeLoadProject); }; viewer.addEventListener("update", potreeLoadProject); // Every 3 seconds, check if the scene has changed // if it has, save the changes server-side // Unfortunately Potree does not have reliable events // for trivially detecting changes in measurements let saveSceneReq = null; let saveSceneInterval = null; let saveSceneErrors = 0; let prevSceneData = JSON.stringify(this.getSceneData()); const postSceneData = (sceneData) => { if (saveSceneReq){ saveSceneReq.abort(); saveSceneReq = null; } saveSceneReq = $.ajax({ url: `/api/projects/${this.props.task.project}/tasks/${}/3d/scene`, contentType: 'application/json', data: sceneData, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST' }).done(result => { if (result.success){ saveSceneErrors = 0; prevSceneData = sceneData; }else{ console.warn("Cannot save Potree scene"); } }).fail(() => { console.error("Cannot save Potree scene"); if (++saveSceneErrors === 5) clearInterval(saveSceneInterval); }); }; const checkScene = () => { const sceneData = JSON.stringify(this.getSceneData()); if (sceneData !== prevSceneData) postSceneData(sceneData); // Potree is a bit strange, sometimes fitToScreen does // not work, so we check whether the camera position is still // at zero and recall fitToScreen const pos = viewer.scene.view.position; if (pos.x === 0 && pos.y === 0 && pos.z === 0) viewer.fitToScreen(); }; saveSceneInterval = setInterval(checkScene, 3000); }).fail(e => { console.error("Cannot load 3D scene information", e); }); }); }); viewer.renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.handleRenderMouseClick ); viewer.renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', this.handleRenderMouseMove ); } componentWillUnmount(){ viewer.renderer.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.handleRenderMouseClick ); viewer.renderer.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', this.handleRenderMouseMove ); } getCameraUnderCursor = (evt) => { const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); const rect = viewer.renderer.domElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const [x, y] = [evt.clientX, evt.clientY]; const array = [ ( x - rect.left ) / rect.width, ( y - ) / rect.height ]; const onClickPosition = new THREE.Vector2(...array); const camera = viewer.scene.getActiveCamera(); const mouse = new THREE.Vector3( + ( onClickPosition.x * 2 ) - 1, - ( onClickPosition.y * 2 ) + 1 ); raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera ); const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects( this.cameraMeshes ); if ( intersects.length > 0){ const intersection = intersects[0]; return intersection.object; } } setCameraOpacity(camera, opacity){ camera.material.forEach(m => { m.opacity = opacity; }); } handleRenderMouseMove = (evt) => { if (this._prevCamera && this._prevCamera !== this.state.selectedCamera) { this.setCameraOpacity(this._prevCamera, 0.7); } const camera = this.getCameraUnderCursor(evt); if (camera){ viewer.renderer.domElement.classList.add("pointer-cursor"); this.setCameraOpacity(camera, 1); }else{ viewer.renderer.domElement.classList.remove("pointer-cursor"); } this._prevCamera = camera; } handleRenderMouseClick = (evt) => { let camera = this.getCameraUnderCursor(evt); // Deselect if (camera === this.state.selectedCamera){ this.setState({selectedCamera: null}); }else if (camera){ if (this.state.selectedCamera){ this.setCameraOpacity(this.state.selectedCamera, 0.7); } this.setState({selectedCamera: camera}); } } closeThumb = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({selectedCamera: null}); } loadCameras(){ const { task } = this.props; function getMatrix(translation, rotation, scale) { var axis = new THREE.Vector3(-rotation[0], -rotation[1], -rotation[2]); var angle = axis.length(); axis.normalize(); var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis(axis, angle); matrix.setPosition(new THREE.Vector3(translation[0], translation[1], translation[2])); if (scale != 1.0){ matrix.scale(new THREE.Vector3(scale, scale, scale)); } return matrix.transpose(); } if (this.hasCameras()){ const colladaLoader = new THREE.ColladaLoader(); const fileloader = new THREE.FileLoader(); colladaLoader.load('/static/app/models/camera.dae', ( collada ) => { const dae = collada.scene; fileloader.load(`/api/projects/${task.project}/tasks/${}/download/shots.geojson`, ( data ) => { const geojson = JSON.parse(data); const cameraObj = dae.children[0]; cameraObj.material.forEach(m => { m.transparent = true; m.opacity = 0.7; }); // const cameraObj = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1), new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()); // TODO: instancing doesn't seem to work :/ // const cameraMeshes = new THREE.InstancedMesh( cameraObj.geometry, cameraObj.material, geojson.features.length ); // const dummy = new THREE.Object3D(); let i = 0; geojson.features.forEach(feat => { const material = => m.clone()); const cameraMesh = new THREE.Mesh(cameraObj.geometry, material); cameraMesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false; let scale = 1.0; // if (!this.pointCloud.projection) scale = 0.1; cameraMesh.matrix.set(...getMatrix(,, scale).elements); viewer.scene.scene.add(cameraMesh); cameraMesh._feat = feat; this.cameraMeshes.push(cameraMesh); i++; }); }, undefined, console.error); }); } } setPointCloudsVisible = (flag) => { viewer.setEDLEnabled(true); // Using opacity we can still perform measurements viewer.setEDLOpacity(flag ? 1 : 0); // for(let pointcloud of viewer.scene.pointclouds){ // pointcloud.visible = flag; // } } toggleCameras = (e) => { if (this.cameraMeshes.length === 0){ this.loadCameras(); if (this.cameraMeshes.length === 0) return; } const isVisible = this.cameraMeshes[0].visible; this.cameraMeshes.forEach(cam => cam.visible = !isVisible); } loadGltf = (url, cb) => { if (!this.gltfLoader) this.gltfLoader = new THREE.GLTFLoader(); if (!this.dracoLoader) { this.dracoLoader = new THREE.DRACOLoader(); this.dracoLoader.setDecoderPath( '/static/app/js/vendor/draco/' ); this.gltfLoader.setDRACOLoader( this.dracoLoader ); } // Load a glTF resource this.gltfLoader.load(url, gltf => { cb(null, gltf) }, xhr => { // called while loading is progressing }, error => { cb(error); } ); } toggleTexturedModel = (e) => { const value =; if (value){ // Need to load model for the first time? if (this.modelReference === null && !this.state.initializingModel){ this.setState({initializingModel: true}); const addObject = (object, offset) => { object.translateX(offset.x); object.translateY(offset.y); viewer.scene.scene.add(object); this.modelReference = object; this.setPointCloudsVisible(false); this.setState({ initializingModel: false, }); } if (this.getTexturedModelType() === 'gltf'){ this.loadGltf(this.glbFilePath(), (err, gltf) => { if (err){ this.setState({initializingModel: false, error: err}); return; } const offset = { x:[0], y:[1] } addObject(gltf.scene, offset); }); }else{ // Legacy OBJ const mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader(); mtlLoader.setPath(this.texturedModelDirectoryPath()); this.mtlFilename(mtlPath => { mtlLoader.load(mtlPath, (materials) => { materials.preload(); const objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); objLoader.setMaterials(materials); this.objFilePath(filePath => { objLoader.load(filePath, (object) => { this.loadGeoreferencingOffset((offset) => { console.log(object); addObject(object, offset); }); }); }); }); }); } }else{ // Already initialized this.modelReference.visible = true; this.setPointCloudsVisible(false); } }else{ this.modelReference.visible = false; this.setPointCloudsVisible(true); } } // React render render(){ const { selectedCamera } = this.state; const { task } = this.props; return (
{ this.container = domNode; }}>
this.setState({modalOpen: true})} onModalClose={() => this.setState({modalOpen: false})} /> {(this.props.shareButtons && !this.props.public) ? { this.shareButton = ref; }} task={this.props.task} popupPlacement="top" linksTarget="3d" /> : ""}
{selectedCamera ?
: ""}
); } } $(function(){ // Use gettext for translations const oldInit = i18n.init; i18n.addPostProcessor("gettext", function(v, k, opts){ if (v){ return _(v); }else return v; }); i18n.init = function(opts, cb){ opts.preload = ['en']; opts.postProcess = "gettext"; oldInit(opts, cb); }; $("[data-modelview]").each(function(){ let props = $(this).data(); delete(props.modelview); window.ReactDOM.render(, $(this).get(0)); }); }); export default ModelView;