import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import '../css/LayersControlLayer.scss'; import Histogram from './Histogram'; import { Checkbox, ExpandButton } from './Toggle'; import Utils from '../classes/Utils'; import Workers from '../classes/Workers'; import ErrorMessage from './ErrorMessage'; import ExportAssetPanel from './ExportAssetPanel'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { _, interpolate } from '../classes/gettext'; export default class LayersControlLayer extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { layer: null, expanded: false, map: null, overlay: false }; static propTypes = { layer: PropTypes.object.isRequired, expanded: PropTypes.bool, map: PropTypes.object.isRequired, overlay: PropTypes.bool } constructor(props){ super(props); =; const url = this.getLayerUrl(); const params = Utils.queryParams({search: url.slice(url.indexOf("?"))}); this.meta = props.layer[Symbol.for("meta")] || {}; this.tmeta = props.layer[Symbol.for("tile-meta")] || {}; // Compute download URL from metadata // (not ideal, but works) const mUrl = this.meta.metaUrl; const mUrlToDownload = [ {url: "orthophoto/metadata", download: "orthophoto"}, {url: "dsm/metadata", download: "dsm"}, {url: "dtm/metadata", download: "dtm"} ]; if (mUrl){ for (let d of mUrlToDownload){ const idx = mUrl.lastIndexOf(d.url); if (idx !== -1){ this.asset =; break; } } } this.state = { visible:, expanded: props.expanded, colorMap: params.color_map || "", formula: params.formula || "", bands: params.bands || "", hillshade: params.hillshade || "", histogramLoading: false, exportLoading: false, error: "" }; this.rescale = params.rescale || ""; } getLayerUrl = () => { return this.props.layer._url || ""; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){ const { layer } = this.props; if (prevState.visible !== this.state.visible){ if (this.state.visible){ layer.addTo(; }else{; } } if (prevState.hillshade !== this.state.hillshade){ this.updateLayer(); } if (prevState.formula !== this.state.formula || prevState.bands !== this.state.bands){ this.updateHistogram(); } if (prevProps.expanded !== this.props.expanded){ this.state.expanded = this.props.expanded; } } componentWillUnmount(){ if (this.updateHistogramReq){ this.updateHistogramReq.abort(); this.updateHistogramReq = null; } if (this.exportReq){ this.exportReq.abort(); this.exportReq = null; } } handleLayerClick = () => { const { layer } = this.props; const bounds = layer.options.bounds !== undefined ? layer.options.bounds : layer.getBounds();; if (layer.getPopup()) layer.openPopup(); } handleSelectColor = e => { this.setState({colorMap:}); } handleSelectHillshade = e => { this.setState({hillshade:}); } handleSelectFormula = e => { let bands = this.state.bands; // Check if bands need to be switched const algo = this.getAlgorithm(; if (algo && algo['filters'].indexOf(bands) === -1) bands = algo['filters'][0]; // Pick first this.setState({formula:, bands}); } getAlgorithm = id => { const { algorithms } = this.tmeta; if (!id) return null; if (!algorithms) return null; for (let i in algorithms){ const algo = algorithms[i]; if (algo['id'] === id){ return algo; } } } handleSelectBands = e => { this.setState({bands:}); } updateHistogram = () => { if (this.updateHistogramReq){ this.updateHistogramReq.abort(); this.updateHistogramReq = null; } this.setState({histogramLoading: true}); this.updateHistogramReq = $.getJSON(Utils.buildUrlWithQuery(this.meta.metaUrl, this.getLayerParams())) .done(mres => { this.tmeta = this.props.layer[Symbol.for("tile-meta")] = mres; // Update rescale values const { statistics } = this.tmeta; if (statistics && statistics["1"]){ this.rescale = `${statistics["1"]["min"]},${statistics["1"]["max"]}`; } this.updateLayer(); }) .fail(err => console.error) .always(() => { this.setState({histogramLoading: false}); }); } getLayerParams = () => { const { colorMap, formula, bands, hillshade } = this.state; return { color_map: colorMap, formula, bands, hillshade, rescale: this.rescale, size: 512 }; } updateLayer = () => { if (this.updateTimer){ clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); this.updateTimer = null; } this.updateTimer = setTimeout(() => { const url = this.getLayerUrl(); const { layer } = this.props; const newUrl = Utils.buildUrlWithQuery(url, this.getLayerParams()); layer.setUrl(newUrl, true); // Hack to get leaflet to actually redraw tiles :/ layer._removeAllTiles(); setTimeout(() => { layer.redraw(); }, 1); }, 200); } handleHistogramUpdate = e => { this.rescale = `${e.min},${e.max}`; this.updateLayer(); } handleExport = e => { const { formula } = this.state; const { tmeta } = this; const { algorithms } = tmeta; // Plant health needs to be exported if (formula !== "" && algorithms){ this.setState({exportLoading: true, error: ""}); this.exportReq = $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: `/api/projects/${this.meta.task.project}/tasks/${}/orthophoto/export`, data: this.getLayerParams() }).done(result => { if (result.celery_task_id){ Workers.waitForCompletion(result.celery_task_id, error => { if (error) this.setState({exportLoading: false, error}); else{ this.setState({exportLoading: false}); Workers.downloadFile(result.celery_task_id, "odm_orthophoto_" + encodeURIComponent(this.state.formula) + ".tif"); } }); }else if (result.error){ this.setState({exportLoading: false, error: result.error}); }else{ this.setState({exportLoading: false, error: interpolate(_("Invalid JSON response: %(error)s"), {error: JSON.stringify(result)})}); } }).fail(error => { this.setState({exportLoading: false, error: JSON.stringify(error)}); }); }else{ // Simple download window.location.href = this.downloadFileUrl; } } render(){ const { colorMap, bands, hillshade, formula, histogramLoading, exportLoading } = this.state; const { meta, tmeta } = this; const { color_maps, algorithms } = tmeta; const algo = this.getAlgorithm(formula); let cmapValues = null; if (colorMap){ cmapValues = (color_maps.find(c => c.key === colorMap) || {}).color_map; } return (
{!this.props.overlay ? :
} {} {this.state.expanded ?
{formula !== "" && algorithms ?
{histogramLoading ? : }
: ""} {bands !== "" && algo ?
{histogramLoading ? : }
: ""} {colorMap && color_maps.length ?
{histogramLoading ? : }
: ""} {hillshade !== "" ?
: ""}
: ""}
); } }