import rasterio import re import logging import os import subprocess import numpy as np import numexpr as ne from rasterio.enums import ColorInterp from rio_tiler.utils import has_alpha_band, linear_rescale from rio_tiler.colormap import cmap as colormap, apply_cmap from rio_tiler.errors import InvalidColorMapName from app.api.hsvblend import hsv_blend from app.api.hillshade import LightSource from import COGReader from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject, Resampling logger = logging.getLogger('app.logger') ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS = 3 def extension_for_export_format(export_format): extensions = { 'gtiff': 'tif', 'gtiff-rgb': 'tif', } return extensions.get(export_format, export_format) def export_raster(input, output, **opts): epsg = opts.get('epsg') expression = opts.get('expression') export_format = opts.get('format') rescale = opts.get('rescale') color_map = opts.get('color_map') hillshade = opts.get('hillshade') asset_type = opts.get('asset_type') name = opts.get('name', 'raster') # KMZ specific dem = asset_type in ['dsm', 'dtm'] with COGReader(input) as ds_src: src = ds_src.dataset profile = src.meta.copy() # Output format driver = "GTiff" compress = None max_bands = 9999 with_alpha = True rgb = False indexes = src.indexes output_raster = output jpg_background = 255 # white # KMZ is special, we just export it as jpg with EPSG:4326 # and then call GDAL to tile/package it kmz = export_format == "kmz" if kmz: export_format = "jpg" epsg = 4326 path_base, _ = os.path.splitext(output) output_raster = path_base + ".jpg" jpg_background = 0 # black if export_format == "jpg": driver = "JPEG" profile.update(quality=90) band_count = 3 with_alpha = False rgb = True elif export_format == "png": driver = "PNG" band_count = 4 rgb = True elif export_format == "gtiff-rgb": compress = "JPEG" profile.update(jpeg_quality=90) band_count = 4 rgb = True else: compress = "DEFLATE" band_count = src.count if compress is not None: profile.update(compress=compress) profile.update(predictor=2 if compress == "DEFLATE" else 1) if rgb and rescale is None: # Compute min max nodata = None if asset_type == 'orthophoto': nodata = 0 md = ds_src.metadata(pmin=2.0, pmax=98.0, hist_options={"bins": 255}, nodata=nodata) rescale = [md['statistics']['1']['min'], md['statistics']['1']['max']] ci = src.colorinterp if rgb and expression is None: # More than 4 bands? if len(ci) > 4: # Try to find RGBA band order if in ci and \ in ci and \ in ci and \ ColorInterp.alpha in ci: indexes = (ci.index( + 1, ci.index( + 1, ci.index( + 1, ci.index(ColorInterp.alpha) + 1) if ColorInterp.alpha in ci: mask = + 1) else: mask = src.dataset_mask() cmap = None if color_map: try: cmap = colormap.get(color_map) except InvalidColorMapName: logger.warning("Invalid colormap {}".format(color_map)) def process(arr, skip_rescale=False, skip_alpha=False, skip_type=False): if not skip_rescale and rescale is not None: arr = linear_rescale(arr, in_range=rescale) if not skip_alpha and not with_alpha: arr[mask==0] = jpg_background if not skip_type and rgb and arr.dtype != np.uint8: arr = arr.astype(np.uint8) return arr def update_rgb_colorinterp(dst): if with_alpha: dst.colorinterp = [,,, ColorInterp.alpha] else: dst.colorinterp = [,,] profile.update(driver=driver, count=band_count) if rgb: profile.update(dtype=rasterio.uint8) if dem and rgb and profile.get('nodata') is not None: profile.update(nodata=None) # Define write band function # Reprojection needed? if is not None and epsg is not None and != epsg: dst_crs = "EPSG:{}".format(epsg) transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform(, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds) profile.update( crs=dst_crs, transform=transform, width=width, height=height ) def write_band(arr, dst, band_num): reproject(source=arr,, band_num), src_transform=src.transform,, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=Resampling.nearest) else: # No reprojection needed def write_band(arr, dst, band_num): dst.write(arr, band_num) if expression is not None: # Apply band math if rgb: profile.update(dtype=rasterio.uint8, count=band_count) else: profile.update(dtype=rasterio.float32, count=1, nodata=-9999) bands_names = ["b{}".format(b) for b in tuple(sorted(set(re.findall(r"b(?P[0-9]{1,2})", expression))))] rgb_expr = expression.split(",") indexes = tuple([int(b.replace("b", "")) for b in bands_names]) alpha_index = None if has_alpha_band(src): try: alpha_index = src.colorinterp.index(ColorInterp.alpha) + 1 indexes += (alpha_index, ) except ValueError: pass data =, out_dtype=np.float32) arr = dict(zip(bands_names, data)) arr = np.array([np.nan_to_num(ne.evaluate(bloc.strip(), local_dict=arr)) for bloc in rgb_expr]) # Set nodata values index_band = arr[0] if alpha_index is not None: # -1 is the last band = alpha index_band[data[-1] == 0] = -9999 # Remove infinity values index_band[index_band>1e+30] = -9999 index_band[index_band<-1e+30] = -9999 # Make sure this is float32 arr = arr.astype(np.float32) with, 'w', **profile) as dst: # Apply colormap? if rgb and cmap is not None: rgb_data, _ = apply_cmap(process(arr, skip_alpha=True), cmap) band_num = 1 for b in rgb_data: write_band(process(b, skip_rescale=True), dst, band_num) band_num += 1 if with_alpha: write_band(mask, dst, band_num) update_rgb_colorinterp(dst) else: # Raw write_band(process(arr)[0], dst, 1) elif dem: # Apply hillshading, colormaps to elevation with, 'w', **profile) as dst: arr = intensity = None if hillshade is not None and hillshade > 0: delta_scale = (ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS + 1) * 4 dx = src.meta["transform"][0] * delta_scale dy = -src.meta["transform"][4] * delta_scale ls = LightSource(azdeg=315, altdeg=45) intensity = ls.hillshade(arr[0], dx=dx, dy=dy, vert_exag=hillshade) intensity = intensity * 255.0 # Apply colormap? if rgb and cmap is not None: rgb_data, _ = apply_cmap(process(arr, skip_alpha=True), cmap) if intensity is not None: rgb_data = hsv_blend(rgb_data, intensity) band_num = 1 for b in rgb_data: write_band(process(b, skip_rescale=True), dst, band_num) band_num += 1 if with_alpha: write_band(mask, dst, band_num) update_rgb_colorinterp(dst) else: # Raw write_band(process(arr)[0], dst, 1) else: # Copy bands as-is with, 'w', **profile) as dst: band_num = 1 for idx in indexes: ci = src.colorinterp[idx - 1] arr = if ci == ColorInterp.alpha: if with_alpha: write_band(arr, dst, band_num) band_num += 1 else: write_band(process(arr), dst, band_num) band_num += 1 new_ci = [src.colorinterp[idx - 1] for idx in indexes] if not with_alpha: new_ci = [ci for ci in new_ci if ci != ColorInterp.alpha] dst.colorinterp = new_ci if kmz: subprocess.check_output(["gdal_translate", "-of", "KMLSUPEROVERLAY", "-co", "Name={}".format(name), "-co", "FORMAT=JPEG", output_raster, output])