import React from 'react'; import ErrorMessage from './ErrorMessage'; import '../css/FormDialog.scss'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { _ } from '../classes/gettext'; class FormDialog extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { title: _("Title"), saveLabel: _("Save"), savingLabel: _("Saving…"), saveIcon: "glyphicon glyphicon-plus", deleteWarning: _("Are you sure?"), show: false }; static propTypes = { getFormData: PropTypes.func.isRequired, reset: PropTypes.func, saveAction: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onShow: PropTypes.func, onHide: PropTypes.func, deleteAction: PropTypes.func, title: PropTypes.string, saveLabel: PropTypes.string, savingLabel: PropTypes.string, saveIcon: PropTypes.string, deleteWarning: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.bool ]), show: PropTypes.bool }; constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { showModal:, saving: false, deleting: false, error: "" }; this.setModal = this.setModal.bind(this); =; this.hide = this.hide.bind(this); this.handleSave = this.handleSave.bind(this); this.handleDelete = this.handleDelete.bind(this); } setModal(domNode){ this.modal = domNode; } componentDidMount(){ this._mounted = true; $(this.modal) // Ensure state is kept up to date when // the user presses the escape key .on('', (e) => { this.hide(); }) // Autofocus .on('', (e) => { if (this.props.onShow) this.props.onShow(); }); this.componentDidUpdate(); } componentWillUnmount(){ this._mounted = false; $(this.modal).off('') .modal('hide'); } componentDidUpdate(){ if (this.state.showModal){ $(this.modal).modal('show'); }else{ $(this.modal).modal('hide'); } } show(){ if (this.props.reset) this.props.reset(); this.setState({showModal: true, saving: false, error: ""}); } hide(){ this.setState({showModal: false}); if (this.props.onHide) this.props.onHide(); } handleSave(e){ e.preventDefault(); this.setState({saving: true}); let formData = {}; if (this.props.getFormData) formData = this.props.getFormData(); this.props.saveAction(formData).fail(e => { this.setState({error: e.message || (e.responseJSON || {}).detail || e.responseText || _("Could not apply changes")}); }).always(() => { this.setState({saving: false}); }).done(() => { this.hide(); }); } handleDelete(){ if (this.props.deleteAction){ if (this.props.deleteWarning === false || window.confirm(this.props.deleteWarning)){ this.setState({deleting: true}); this.props.deleteAction() .fail(e => { if (this._mounted) this.setState({error: e.message || (e.responseJSON || {}).detail || e.responseText || _("Could not delete item")}); }).always(() => { if (this._mounted) this.setState({deleting: false}); }); } } } render(){ return (


{this.props.deleteAction ?
: ""}
); } } export default FormDialog;