// code to load JOSM is from the HOT OSM Tasking Manager // https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager/ // and covered by a BSD 2-Clause License PluginsAPI.Map.addActionButton(function (options) { if (options.tiles.length === 1) { // maps that display multiple tasks don't have a share option on the page // and so we can't set things up to edit them var tile = options.tiles[0]; var tileUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + tile.url + "tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"; var JOSM_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 1000; var josmLastCommand = 0; var startEditor = function (editor) { // to load our imagery in an editor, we need to share it // .shareButton switches to btn-primary when the project is shared var private = $(".shareButton").hasClass("btn-secondary"); if (private) { // check with the user that it's okay to share the project if ( window.confirm( "Sharing will be turned on for this project so that imagery can be loaded in the editor." ) ) { if ($(".sharePopup.top").is(":visible")) { // it is very unlikely, but possible that the sharePopup is open // in which case we need to click the checkbox not the button $(".shareButton div.checkbox input").click(); } else { // otherwise we can just click the shareButton and it will turn on sharing $(".shareButton").click(); } } } if (editor === "ideditor") { var editUrl = "https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id#map=" + options.map.getZoom() + "/" + options.map.getCenter().lat + "/" + options.map.getCenter().lng + "&background=custom:" + tileUrl; window.open(editUrl); } else if (editor === "josm") { function formatUrlParams_(params) { return ( "?" + Object.keys(params) .map(function (key) { return key + "=" + params[key]; }) .join("&") ); } function sendJOSMCmd(endpoint, params) { var url = endpoint + formatUrlParams_(params), loaded, iframe; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // Figure out when we can next run a command var wait = Math.max( josmLastCommand + JOSM_COMMAND_TIMEOUT - Date.now(), 0 ); // This remembers when we are going to run THIS command, and adds the timeout // (yes, it is double-counted - this seems to be more reliable). josmLastCommand = Date.now() + wait + JOSM_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; setTimeout(function () { iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.style.display = "none"; iframe.addEventListener("load", function () { if (loaded === undefined) { loaded = true; resolve(); iframe.parentElement.removeChild(iframe); } }); iframe.setAttribute("src", url); document.body.appendChild(iframe); }, wait); setTimeout(function () { if (loaded === undefined) { loaded = false; reject(); iframe.parentElement.removeChild(iframe); } }, wait + JOSM_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); }); } function prepareJOSM() { var imageryParams = { title: tile.meta.name, type: "tms", max_zoom: 24, url: encodeURIComponent(tileUrl), }; sendJOSMCmd("", imageryParams).catch( function () { alert( "Cannot communicate with JOSM. Is it open and running on ?" ); } ); var loadAndZoomParams = { left: options.map.getBounds().getWest(), bottom: options.map.getBounds().getSouth(), right: options.map.getBounds().getEast(), top: options.map.getBounds().getNorth(), changeset_comment: "", changeset_source: encodeURIComponent("WebODM - " + tile.meta.name), new_layer: false, }; sendJOSMCmd("", loadAndZoomParams); } prepareJOSM(); } }; return React.createElement( "div", { className: "btn-group dropup" }, React.createElement( // child a "button", { className: "btn btn-sm btn-secondary dropdown-toggle", "data-toggle": "dropdown", "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-expanded": "false", }, React.createElement("i", { className: "fa fa-map" }, ""), // child a1 " OSM Digitize ", // child a2 React.createElement("span", { className: "caret" }, "") // child a3 ), React.createElement( // child b "ul", { className: "dropdown-menu" }, React.createElement( "li", null, // child b2 React.createElement( "a", { href: "#", onClick: function () { startEditor("ideditor"); }, }, "iD Editor" ) // child b2.1 ), React.createElement( "li", null, // child b2 React.createElement( "a", { href: "#", onClick: function () { startEditor("josm"); }, }, "JOSM" ) // child b2.2 ) ) ); } });