{% extends "app/plugins/templates/base.html" %} {% block content %} Cesium Ion Use Cesium Ion's simple workflow to create 3D maps of your geospatial data for visualization, analysis, and sharing {% if not form.token.value %} Instructions Generate a token at cesium.com/ion/tokens with all permissions: assets:list, assets:read, assets:write, geocode. Copy and paste the token into the form below. {% else %} You are all set! To share a task, select it from the dashboard and press the Tile in Cesium ion button. Go To Dashboard Open Cesium Ion {% endif %} Token Settings {% csrf_token %} {% include "app/plugins/templates/form.html" %} Set Token {% endblock %}
Use Cesium Ion's simple workflow to create 3D maps of your geospatial data for visualization, analysis, and sharing
You are all set! To share a task, select it from the dashboard and press the Tile in Cesium ion button.
Go To Dashboard Open Cesium Ion