import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Storage from 'webodm/classes/Storage'; import ErrorMessage from 'webodm/components/ErrorMessage'; import $ from 'jquery'; const STATE_IDLE = 0; const STATE_RUNNING = 1; const STATE_ERROR = 2; const STATE_DONE = 3; const ICON_CLASS_MAPPER = [ // Idle 'fas fa-cloud fa-fw', // Running 'fa fa-circle-notch fa-spin fa-fw', // Error 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle', // Done 'fas fa-external-link-alt' ]; const BUTTON_TEXT_MAPPER = [ // Idle 'Share to DroneDB', // Running 'Sharing...', // Error 'Error', // Done 'View on DroneDB' ]; export default class ShareButton extends React.Component{ static defaultProps = { task: null }; static propTypes = { task: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { taskInfo: null, error: '', intervalId: null }; } componentDidMount(){ this.updateTaskInfo(false); } updateTaskInfo = (showErrors) => { const { task } = this.props; return $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: `/api/plugins/dronedb/projects/${task.project}/tasks/${}/status`, contentType: 'application/json' }).done(taskInfo => { console.log(taskInfo); this.setState({taskInfo}); if (taskInfo.error && showErrors) this.setState({error: taskInfo.error}); }).fail(error => { this.setState({error: error.statusText}); }); } componentWillUnmount(){ if (this.intervalId) clearInterval(this.intervalId); } shareToDdb = (formData) => { const { task } = this.props; return $.ajax({ url: `/api/plugins/dronedb/projects/${task.project}/tasks/${}/share`, contentType: 'application/json', //data: JSON.stringify({ // oamParams: oamParams //}), dataType: 'json', type: 'POST' }).done(taskInfo => { // Allow a user to associate the sensor name coming from the EXIF tags // to one that perhaps is more human readable. this.setState({taskInfo}); if (this.state.intervalId) clearInterval(this.state.intervalId); this.state.intervalId = setInterval(() => { this.updateTaskInfo(true); if (this.state.taskInfo.status == STATE_DONE || this.state.taskInfo.status == STATE_ERROR) { clearInterval(this.state.intervalId); } }, 3000); //this.monitorProgress(); }); } /* monitorProgress = () => { if (this.state.taskInfo.sharing){ // Monitor progress this.monitorTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.updateTaskInfo(true).always(this.monitorProgress); }, 3000); } }*/ handleClick = e => { console.log("Clicked"); if (this.state.taskInfo.status == STATE_IDLE){ this.shareToDdb(); } if (this.state.taskInfo.status == STATE_DONE){, '_blank'); } } render(){ const { taskInfo, error } = this.state; const getButtonIcon = () => { if (taskInfo == null) return "fa fa-circle-notch fa-spin fa-fw"; if (taskInfo.error) return "fa fa-exclamation-triangle"; return ICON_CLASS_MAPPER[taskInfo.status]; }; const getButtonLabel = () => { if (taskInfo == null) return "Share on DroneDB"; if (taskInfo.error) return "DroneDB plugin error"; return BUTTON_TEXT_MAPPER[taskInfo.status]; }; return (
); /* const result = [ , ]; if (taskInfo.sensor !== undefined){ result.unshift( { this.shareDialog = domNode; }} task={this.props.task} taskInfo={taskInfo} saveAction={this.shareToOAM} />); }*/ } }