import os import shutil import tempfile import traceback import json import socket import time from threading import Event, Thread from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.db.models import Count from django.db.models import Q from app.models import Profile from app.models import Project from app.models import Task from nodeodm import status_codes from nodeodm.models import ProcessingNode from webodm import settings import worker from .celery import app from app.raster_utils import export_raster as export_raster_sync, extension_for_export_format from app.pointcloud_utils import export_pointcloud as export_pointcloud_sync from django.utils import timezone from datetime import timedelta import redis logger = get_task_logger("app.logger") redis_client = redis.Redis.from_url(settings.CELERY_BROKER_URL) # What class to use for async results, since during testing we need to mock it TestSafeAsyncResult = worker.celery.MockAsyncResult if settings.TESTING else app.AsyncResult @app.task(ignore_result=True) def update_nodes_info(): if settings.NODE_OPTIMISTIC_MODE: return processing_nodes = ProcessingNode.objects.all() for processing_node in processing_nodes: processing_node.update_node_info() # Workaround for mysterious "webodm_node-odm-1" or "webodm-node-odm-1" hostname switcharoo on Mac # Technically we already check for the correct hostname during setup, # but sometimes that doesn't work? check_hostname = 'webodm_node-odm-1' if processing_node.hostname == check_hostname and not processing_node.is_online(): try: socket.gethostbyname(processing_node.hostname) except: # Hostname was invalid, try renaming processing_node.hostname = 'webodm-node-odm-1' processing_node.update_node_info() if processing_node.is_online():"Found and fixed webodm_node-odm-1 hostname switcharoo") else: processing_node.hostname = check_hostname @app.task(ignore_result=True) def cleanup_projects(): # Delete all projects that are marked for deletion # and that have no tasks left total, count_dict = Project.objects.filter(deleting=True).annotate( tasks_count=Count('task') ).filter(tasks_count=0).delete() if total > 0 and 'app.Project' in count_dict:"Deleted {} projects".format(count_dict['app.Project'])) @app.task(ignore_result=True) def cleanup_tasks(): # Delete tasks that are older than if settings.CLEANUP_PARTIAL_TASKS is None: return tasks_to_delete = Task.objects.filter(partial=True, - timedelta(hours=settings.CLEANUP_PARTIAL_TASKS)) for t in tasks_to_delete:"Cleaning up partial task {}".format(t)) t.delete() @app.task(ignore_result=True) def cleanup_tmp_directory(): # Delete files and folder in the tmp directory that are # older than 24 hours tmpdir = settings.MEDIA_TMP time_limit = 60 * 60 * 24 for f in os.listdir(tmpdir): now = time.time() filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, f) modified = os.stat(filepath).st_mtime if modified < now - time_limit: if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.remove(filepath) else: shutil.rmtree(filepath, ignore_errors=True)'Cleaned up: %s (%s)' % (f, modified)) # Based on def setInterval(interval, func, *args): stopped = Event() def loop(): while not stopped.wait(interval): func(*args) t = Thread(target=loop) t.daemon = True t.start() return stopped.set @app.task(ignore_result=True) def process_task(taskId): lock_id = 'task_lock_{}'.format(taskId) cancel_monitor = None delete_lock = True try: task_lock_last_update = redis_client.getset(lock_id, time.time()) if task_lock_last_update is not None: # Check if lock has expired if time.time() - float(task_lock_last_update) <= 30: # Locked delete_lock = False return else: # Expired logger.warning("Task {} has an expired lock! This could mean that WebODM is running out of memory. Check your server configuration.".format(taskId)) # Set lock def update_lock(): redis_client.set(lock_id, time.time()) cancel_monitor = setInterval(5, update_lock) try: task = Task.objects.get(pk=taskId) except ObjectDoesNotExist:"Task {} has already been deleted.".format(taskId)) return try: task.process() except Exception as e: logger.error( "Uncaught error! This is potentially bad. Please report it to {} {}".format( e, traceback.format_exc())) if settings.TESTING: raise e finally: if cancel_monitor is not None: cancel_monitor() if delete_lock: try: redis_client.delete(lock_id) except redis.exceptions.RedisError: # Ignore errors, the lock will expire at some point pass def get_pending_tasks(): # All tasks that have a processing node assigned # Or that need one assigned (via auto) # or tasks that need a status update # or tasks that have a pending action # no partial tasks allowed return Task.objects.filter(Q(processing_node__isnull=True, auto_processing_node=True, partial=False) | Q(Q(status=None) | Q(status__in=[status_codes.QUEUED, status_codes.RUNNING]), processing_node__isnull=False, partial=False) | Q(pending_action__isnull=False, partial=False)) @app.task(ignore_result=True) def process_pending_tasks(): tasks = get_pending_tasks() for task in tasks: process_task.delay( @app.task(bind=True) def export_raster(self, input, **opts): try:"Exporting raster {} with options: {}".format(input, json.dumps(opts))) tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp('_raster.{}'.format(extension_for_export_format(opts.get('format', 'gtiff'))), dir=settings.MEDIA_TMP) export_raster_sync(input, tmpfile, **opts) result = {'file': tmpfile} if settings.TESTING: TestSafeAsyncResult.set(, result) return result except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) return {'error': str(e)} @app.task(bind=True) def export_pointcloud(self, input, **opts): try:"Exporting point cloud {} with options: {}".format(input, json.dumps(opts))) tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp('_pointcloud.{}'.format(opts.get('format', 'laz')), dir=settings.MEDIA_TMP) export_pointcloud_sync(input, tmpfile, **opts) result = {'file': tmpfile} if settings.TESTING: TestSafeAsyncResult.set(, result) return result except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) return {'error': str(e)} @app.task(ignore_result=True) def check_quotas(): profiles = Profile.objects.filter(quota__gt=-1) for p in profiles: if p.has_exceeded_quota(): deadline = p.get_quota_deadline() if deadline is None: deadline = p.set_quota_deadline(settings.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_GRACE_PERIOD) now = time.time() if now > deadline: # deadline passed, delete tasks until quota is met"Quota deadline expired for %s, deleting tasks" % str(p.user.username)) task_count = Task.objects.filter(project__owner=p.user).count() c = 0 while p.has_exceeded_quota(): try: last_task = Task.objects.filter(project__owner=p.user).order_by("-created_at").first() if last_task is None: break"Deleting %s" % last_task) last_task.delete() except Exception as e: logger.warn("Cannot delete %s for %s: %s" % (str(last_task), str(p.user.username), str(e))) c += 1 if c >= task_count: break else: p.clear_quota_deadline()