from genericpath import isfile import importlib import json from posixpath import join import time import requests import os from os import listdir, path from app import models, pending_actions from import path_traversal_check from app.plugins.views import TaskView from app.plugins.worker import run_function_async, task from app.plugins import get_current_plugin from app.plugins import GlobalDataStore, get_site_settings, signals as plugin_signals from coreplugins.dronedb.ddb import DEFAULT_HUB_URL, DroneDB, parse_url, verify_url from django.dispatch import receiver from worker.celery import app from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework import status VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = ['.tiff', '.tif', '.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg'] def is_valid(file): _, file_extension = path.splitext(file) return file_extension.lower() in VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS or file == 'gcp_list.txt' or file == 'geo.txt' def get_settings(request): ds = get_current_plugin().get_user_data_store(request.user) registry_url = ds.get_string('registry_url') or DEFAULT_HUB_URL username = ds.get_string('username') or None password = ds.get_string('password') or None token = ds.get_string('token') or None return registry_url, username, password, token def update_token(request, token): ds = get_current_plugin().get_user_data_store(request.user) ds.set_string('token', token) def get_ddb(request): registry_url, username, password, token = get_settings(request) if registry_url == None or username == None or password == None: raise ValueError('Credentials must be set.') return DroneDB(registry_url, username, password, token, lambda token: update_token(request, token)) def to_web_protocol(registry_url): return registry_url.replace('ddb+unsafe://', 'http://').replace('ddb://', 'https://').rstrip('/') class CheckCredentialsTaskView(TaskView): def post(self, request): # Read form data hub_url ='hubUrl', None) username ='userName', None) password ='password', None) # Make sure both values are set if hub_url == None or username == None or password == None: return Response({'error': 'All fields must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) try: ddb = DroneDB(hub_url, username, password) return Response({'success': ddb.login()}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except(Exception) as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) class OrganizationsTaskView(TaskView): def get(self, request): try: ddb = get_ddb(request) orgs = ddb.get_organizations() return Response(orgs, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except Exception as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) class DatasetsTaskView(TaskView): def get(self, request, org=None): if org == None: return Response({'error': 'Organization must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) try: ddb = get_ddb(request) dss = ddb.get_datasets(org) return Response(dss, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except Exception as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) class FoldersTaskView(TaskView): def get(self, request, org=None, ds=None): if org == None or ds == None: return Response({'error': 'Organization and dataset must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) try: ddb = get_ddb(request) folders = ddb.get_folders(org, ds) return Response(folders, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except Exception as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) class VerifyUrlTaskView(TaskView): def post(self, request): # Read form data url ='url', None) if url == None: return Response({'error': 'Url must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) _, username, password, _ = get_settings(request) try: result, org, ds, folder, count, size = verify_url(url, username, password).values() if (not result): return Response({'error': 'Invalid url.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) return Response({'count': count, 'success': result, 'ds' : ds, 'org': org, 'folder': folder or None, 'size': size} if org else {'success': False}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except Exception as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) class InfoTaskView(TaskView): def get(self, request): registry_url, username, _, _ = get_settings(request) return Response({ 'hubUrl': registry_url, 'username': username }, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) class ImportDatasetTaskView(TaskView): def post(self, request, project_pk=None, pk=None): task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk) # Read form data ddb_url ='ddb_url', None) if ddb_url == None: return Response({'error': 'DroneDB url must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) registry_url, orgSlug, dsSlug, folder = parse_url(ddb_url).values() _, username, password, token = get_settings(request) ddb = DroneDB(registry_url, username, password, token, lambda token: update_token(request, token)) # Get the files from the folder rawfiles = ddb.get_files_list(orgSlug, dsSlug, folder) files = [file for file in rawfiles if is_valid(file['path'])] # Verify that the folder url is valid if len(files) == 0: return Response({'error': 'Empty dataset or folder.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # Update the task with the new information task.console += "Importing {} images...\n".format(len(files)) task.images_count = len(files) task.pending_action = pending_actions.IMPORT # Associate the folder url with the project and task combined_id = "{}_{}".format(project_pk, pk) datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store() datastore.set_json(combined_id, { "ddbUrl": ddb_url, "token": ddb.token, "ddbWebUrl": "{}/r/{}/{}/{}".format(to_web_protocol(registry_url), orgSlug, dsSlug, folder.rstrip('/')) }) #ddb.refresh_token() # Start importing the files in the background serialized = {'token': ddb.token, 'files': files} run_function_async(import_files,, serialized) return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) def import_files(task_id, carrier): import requests from app import models from app.plugins import logger from import path_traversal_check files = carrier['files'] headers = {} if carrier['token'] != None: headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + carrier['token'] def download_file(task, file): path = path_traversal_check(task.task_path(file['name']), task.task_path())"Downloading file: " + file['url']) download_stream = requests.get(file['url'], stream=True, timeout=60, headers=headers) with open(path, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in download_stream.iter_content(4096): fd.write(chunk)"Will import {} files".format(len(files))) task = models.Task.objects.get(pk=task_id) task.create_task_directories() try: downloaded_total = 0 for file in files: download_file(task, file) task.check_if_canceled() models.Task.objects.filter( / float(len(files)))) downloaded_total += 1 except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as e: raise NodeServerError(e) task.refresh_from_db() task.pending_action = None task.processing_time = 0 task.partial = False class CheckUrlTaskView(TaskView): def get(self, request, project_pk=None, pk=None): # Assert that task exists self.get_and_check_task(request, pk) # Check if there is an imported url associated with the project and task combined_id = "{}_{}".format(project_pk, pk) data = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store().get_json(combined_id, default = None) if data == None or 'ddbWebUrl' not in data: return Response({'ddbWebUrl': None}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) else: return Response({'ddbUrl': data['ddbWebUrl']}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) def get_status_key(task_id): return '{}_ddb'.format(task_id) @receiver(plugin_signals.task_removed, dispatch_uid="ddb_on_task_removed") @receiver(plugin_signals.task_completed, dispatch_uid="ddb_on_task_completed") def ddb_cleanup(sender, task_id, **kwargs): from app.plugins import logger # When a task is removed, simply remove clutter # When a task is re-processed, make sure we can re-share it if we shared a task previously"Cleaning up DroneDB datastore for task {}".format(str(task_id))) datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store() status_key = get_status_key(task_id)"Info task {0} ({1})".format(str(task_id), status_key)) datastore.del_key(status_key) class StatusTaskView(TaskView): def get(self, request, pk): task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk) # Associate the folder url with the project and task status_key = get_status_key(pk) datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store() task_info = datastore.get_json(status_key, { 'status': 0, # Idle 'shareUrl': None, 'uploadedFiles': 0, 'totalFiles': 0, 'uploadedSize': 0, 'totalSize': 0, 'error': None }) return Response(task_info, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) DRONEDB_ASSETS = [ 'orthophoto.tif', 'orthophoto.png', 'georeferenced_model.laz', 'dtm.tif', 'dsm.tif', 'shots.geojson', 'report.pdf', 'ground_control_points.geojson' ] class ShareTaskView(TaskView): def post(self, request, pk): from app.plugins import logger task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk) status_key = get_status_key(pk) datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store() data = { 'status': 1, # Running 'shareUrl': None, 'uploadedFiles': 0, 'totalFiles': 0, 'uploadedSize': 0, 'totalSize': 0, 'error': None } datastore.set_json(status_key, data) settings = get_settings(request) available_assets = [task.get_asset_file_or_stream(f) for f in list(set(task.available_assets) & set(DRONEDB_ASSETS))] if '' in task.available_assets: texture_files = [join(task.assets_path('odm_texturing'), f) for f in listdir(task.assets_path('odm_texturing')) if isfile(join(task.assets_path('odm_texturing'), f))] available_assets.extend(texture_files) assets_path = task.assets_path() files = [{'path': f, 'name': f[len(assets_path)+1:], 'size': os.path.getsize(f)} for f in available_assets] share_to_ddb.delay(pk, settings, files) return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) @task def share_to_ddb(pk, settings, files): from app.plugins import logger status_key = get_status_key(pk) datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store() registry_url, username, password, token = settings ddb = DroneDB(registry_url, username, password, token) # Init share (to check) share_token = ddb.share_init() status = datastore.get_json(status_key) status['totalFiles'] = len(files) status['totalSize'] = sum(i['size'] for i in files) datastore.set_json(status_key, status) for file in files: # check that file exists if not os.path.exists(file['path']):"File {} does not exist".format(file['path'])) continue attempt = 0 while attempt < 3: try: attempt += 1 up = ddb.share_upload(share_token, file['path'], file['name'])"Uploaded " + file['name'] + " to Dronedb (hash: " + up['hash'] + ")") status['uploadedFiles'] += 1 status['uploadedSize'] += file['size'] datastore.set_json(status_key, status) break except Exception as e: if (attempt == 3): logger.error("Error uploading file {}: {}".format(file['name'], str(e))) status['error'] = "Error uploading file {}: {}".format(file['name'], str(e)) status['status'] = 2 # Error datastore.set_json(status_key, status) return else:"Error uploading file {}: {}. Retrying...".format(file['name'], str(e))) time.sleep(5) continue res = ddb.share_commit(share_token) status['status'] = 3 # Done status['shareUrl'] = registry_url + res['url']"Shared on url " + status['shareUrl']) datastore.set_json(status_key, status)