import os from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.response import Response from app.plugins.views import TaskView, CheckTask, GetTaskResult from app.plugins.worker import run_function_async from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ class ContoursException(Exception): pass def calc_contours(dem, epsg, interval, output_format, simplify, zfactor = 1): import os import subprocess import tempfile import shutil import glob from webodm import settings ext = "" if output_format == "GeoJSON": ext = "json" elif output_format == "GPKG": ext = "gpkg" elif output_format == "DXF": ext = "dxf" elif output_format == "ESRI Shapefile": ext = "shp" MIN_CONTOUR_LENGTH = 10 tmpdir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_TMP, os.path.basename(tempfile.mkdtemp('_contours', dir=settings.MEDIA_TMP))) gdal_contour_bin = shutil.which("gdal_contour") ogr2ogr_bin = shutil.which("ogr2ogr") if gdal_contour_bin is None: return {'error': 'Cannot find gdal_contour'} if ogr2ogr_bin is None: return {'error': 'Cannot find ogr2ogr'} contours_file = f"contours.gpkg" p = subprocess.Popen([gdal_contour_bin, "-q", "-a", "level", "-3d", "-f", "GPKG", "-i", str(interval), dem, contours_file], cwd=tmpdir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8').strip() err = err.decode('utf-8').strip() success = p.returncode == 0 if not success: return {'error', f'Error calling gdal_contour: {str(err)}'} outfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"output.{ext}") p = subprocess.Popen([ogr2ogr_bin, outfile, contours_file, "-simplify", str(simplify), "-f", output_format, "-t_srs", f"EPSG:{epsg}", "-nln", "contours", "-dialect", "sqlite", "-sql", f"SELECT ID, ROUND(level * {zfactor}, 5) AS level, GeomFromGML(AsGML(ATM_Transform(GEOM, ATM_Scale(ATM_Create(), 1, 1, {zfactor})), 10)) as GEOM FROM contour WHERE ST_Length(GEOM) >= {MIN_CONTOUR_LENGTH}"], cwd=tmpdir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8').strip() err = err.decode('utf-8').strip() success = p.returncode == 0 if not success: return {'error', f'Error calling ogr2ogr: {str(err)}'} if not os.path.isfile(outfile): return {'error': f'Cannot find output file: {outfile}'} if output_format == "ESRI Shapefile": ext="zip" shp_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "contours") os.makedirs(shp_dir) contour_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "output.*")) for cf in contour_files: shutil.move(cf, shp_dir) shutil.make_archive(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'output'), 'zip', shp_dir) outfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"output.{ext}") return {'file': outfile} class TaskContoursGenerate(TaskView): def post(self, request, pk=None): task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk) layer ='layer', None) if layer == 'DSM' and task.dsm_extent is None: return Response({'error': _('No DSM layer is available.')}) elif layer == 'DTM' and task.dtm_extent is None: return Response({'error': _('No DTM layer is available.')}) try: if layer == 'DSM': dem = os.path.abspath(task.get_asset_download_path("dsm.tif")) elif layer == 'DTM': dem = os.path.abspath(task.get_asset_download_path("dtm.tif")) else: raise ContoursException('{} is not a valid layer.'.format(layer)) epsg = int('epsg', '3857')) interval = float('interval', 1)) format ='format', 'GPKG') supported_formats = ['GPKG', 'ESRI Shapefile', 'DXF', 'GeoJSON'] if not format in supported_formats: raise ContoursException("Invalid format {} (must be one of: {})".format(format, ",".join(supported_formats))) simplify = float('simplify', 0.01)) zfactor = float('zfactor', 1)) celery_task_id = run_function_async(calc_contours, dem, epsg, interval, format, simplify, zfactor).task_id return Response({'celery_task_id': celery_task_id}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except ContoursException as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) class TaskContoursCheck(CheckTask): def on_error(self, result): pass def error_check(self, result): contours_file = result.get('file') if not contours_file or not os.path.exists(contours_file): return _('Could not generate contour file. This might be a bug.') class TaskContoursDownload(GetTaskResult): pass