import os import sys import logging import importlib import subprocess import traceback import platform import json import shutil from functools import reduce from string import Template from django.http import HttpResponse from app.models import Plugin from app.models import Setting from django.conf import settings from import path_traversal_check logger = logging.getLogger('app.logger') # Add additional python path to discover plugins if not settings.MEDIA_ROOT in sys.path: sys.path.append(settings.MEDIA_ROOT) def init_plugins(): # Make sure app/media/plugins exists if not os.path.exists(get_plugins_persistent_path()): os.mkdir(get_plugins_persistent_path()) # Make sure app/media/plugins is importable as a module if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(get_plugins_persistent_path(), "")): try: with open(os.path.join(get_plugins_persistent_path(), ""), 'w') as f: f.write("\n") except Exception as e: logger.warning("Cannot create %s" % str(e)) build_plugins() sync_plugin_db() register_plugins() def sync_plugin_db(): """ Creates db entries for undiscovered plugins to keep track of enabled/disabled plugins """ if settings.MIGRATING: return # Erase cache clear_plugins_cache() db_plugins = Plugin.objects.all() fs_plugins = get_plugins() # Remove plugins that are in the database but not on the file system for db_plugin in db_plugins: fs_found = next((fs_plugin for fs_plugin in fs_plugins if == fs_plugin.get_name()), None) if not fs_found: Plugin.objects.filter("Cleaned [{}] plugin from database (not found in file system)".format( # Add plugins found in the file system, but not yet in the database for plugin in get_plugins(): # Plugins that have a "disabled" file are disabled disabled_path = plugin.get_path("disabled") disabled = os.path.isfile(disabled_path) _, created = Plugin.objects.get_or_create( name=plugin.get_name(), defaults={'enabled': not disabled}, ) if created:"Added [{}] plugin to database".format(plugin)) def clear_plugins_cache(): global plugins plugins = None def build_plugins(): for plugin in get_plugins(): # Check for package.json in public directory # and run npm install if needed if plugin.path_exists("public/package.json") and not plugin.path_exists("public/node_modules"):"Running npm install for {}".format(plugin)) try: npm = "npm" if platform.system() == "Windows": npm = "npm.cmd"[npm, 'install'], cwd=plugin.get_path("public")) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warn("npm is not installed, will skip this plugin") continue # Check if we need to generate a webpack.config.js if len(plugin.build_jsx_components()) > 0 and plugin.path_exists('public'): build_paths = map(lambda p: os.path.join(plugin.get_path('public'), p), plugin.build_jsx_components()) paths_ok = not (False in map(lambda p: os.path.exists, build_paths)) if paths_ok: wpc_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'app', 'plugins', 'templates', 'webpack.config.js.tmpl') with open(wpc_path) as f: tmpl = Template( # Create entry configuration entry = {} for e in plugin.build_jsx_components(): entry[os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(e))[0]] = ['./' + e] wpc_content = tmpl.substitute({ 'entry_json': json.dumps(entry) }) with open(plugin.get_path('public/webpack.config.js'), 'w') as f: f.write(wpc_content) else: logger.warning( "Cannot generate webpack.config.js for {}, a path is missing: {}".format(plugin, ' '.join(build_paths))) # Check for webpack.config.js (if we need to build it) if plugin.path_exists("public/webpack.config.js"): if settings.DEV and webpack_watch_process_count() <= 2 and settings.DEV_WATCH_PLUGINS:"Running webpack with watcher for {}".format(plugin.get_name())) subprocess.Popen(['webpack-cli', '--watch'], cwd=plugin.get_path("public")) elif not plugin.path_exists("public/build"):"Running webpack for {}".format(plugin.get_name())) try: webpack = "webpack-cli" if platform.system() == "Windows": webpack = "webpack-cli.cmd"[webpack], cwd=plugin.get_path("public")) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warn("webpack-cli is not installed, plugin will not work") def webpack_watch_process_count(): count = 0 try: pids = [pid for pid in os.listdir('/proc') if pid.isdigit()] for pid in pids: try: if "/usr/bin/webpack-cli" in open(os.path.join('/proc', pid, 'cmdline'), 'r').read().split('\0'): count += 1 except IOError: # proc has already terminated continue except: logger.warning("webpack_watch_process_count is not supported on this platform.") return count def register_plugins(): for plugin in get_active_plugins(): try: plugin.register()"Registered {}".format(plugin)) except Exception as e: disable_plugin(plugin.get_name()) logger.warning("Cannot register {}: {}".format(plugin, str(e))) def valid_plugin(plugin_path): initpy_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "") pluginpy_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "") manifest_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "manifest.json") return os.path.isfile(initpy_path) and os.path.isfile(manifest_path) and os.path.isfile(pluginpy_path) plugins = None def get_plugins(): """ :return: all plugins instances (enabled or not) """ # Cache plugins search global plugins if plugins != None: return plugins plugins_paths = get_plugins_paths() plugins = [] for plugins_path in plugins_paths: if not os.path.isdir(plugins_path): continue for dir in os.listdir(plugins_path): # Each plugin must have a manifest.json and a plugin_path = os.path.join(plugins_path, dir) # Do not load test plugin unless we're in test mode if os.path.basename(plugin_path).endswith('test') and not settings.TESTING: continue # Ignore .gitignore if os.path.basename(plugin_path) == '.gitignore': continue # Check plugin required files if not valid_plugin(plugin_path): continue # Instantiate the plugin try: try: if settings.TESTING: module = importlib.import_module("app.media_test.plugins.{}".format(dir)) else: module = importlib.import_module("plugins.{}".format(dir)) plugin = (getattr(module, "Plugin"))() except (ImportError, AttributeError) as plugin_error: try: module = importlib.import_module("coreplugins.{}".format(dir)) plugin = (getattr(module, "Plugin"))() except (ImportError, AttributeError) as coreplugin_error: raise coreplugin_error from plugin_error # Check version manifest = plugin.get_manifest() if 'webodmMinVersion' in manifest: min_version = manifest['webodmMinVersion'] manifest_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "manifest.json") if versionToInt(min_version) > versionToInt(settings.VERSION): logger.warning( "In {} webodmMinVersion is set to {} but WebODM version is {}. Plugin will not be loaded. Update WebODM.".format( manifest_path, min_version, settings.VERSION)) continue # Skip plugins in blacklist if plugin.get_name() in settings.PLUGINS_BLACKLIST: continue # Skip plugins already added if plugin.get_name() in [p.get_name() for p in plugins]: logger.warning("Duplicate plugin name found in {}, skipping".format(plugin_path)) continue plugins.append(plugin) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to instantiate plugin {}: {}: {}".format(dir, e, e.__cause__)) return plugins def get_active_plugins(): if settings.MIGRATING: return [] plugins = [] try: enabled_plugins = [ for p in Plugin.objects.filter(enabled=True).all()] for plugin in get_plugins(): if plugin.get_name() in enabled_plugins: plugins.append(plugin) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Cannot get active plugins. If running a migration this is expected: %s" % str(e)) return plugins def get_plugin_by_name(name, only_active=True, refresh_cache_if_none=False): if only_active: plugins = get_active_plugins() else: plugins = get_plugins() res = list(filter(lambda p: p.get_name() == name, plugins)) res = res[0] if res else None if refresh_cache_if_none and res is None: # Retry after clearing the cache clear_plugins_cache() return get_plugin_by_name(name, only_active=only_active, refresh_cache_if_none=False) else: return res def get_current_plugin(only_active=False): """ When called from a python module inside a plugin's directory, it returns the plugin that this python module belongs to :return: Plugin instance """ caller_filename = traceback.extract_stack()[-2][0] for p in get_plugins_paths(): relp = os.path.relpath(caller_filename, p) if ".." in relp: continue parts = relp.split(os.sep) if len(parts) > 0: plugin_name = parts[0] return get_plugin_by_name(plugin_name, only_active=only_active) return None def get_plugins_paths(): current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) return [ os.path.abspath(get_plugins_persistent_path()), os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_path, "..", "..", "coreplugins")), ] def get_plugins_persistent_path(*paths): return path_traversal_check(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "plugins", *paths), os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "plugins")) def get_dynamic_script_handler(script_path, callback=None, **kwargs): def handleRequest(request): if callback is not None: template_params = callback(request, **kwargs) if not template_params: return HttpResponse("") else: template_params = kwargs with open(script_path) as f: tmpl = Template( try: return HttpResponse(tmpl.substitute(template_params)) except TypeError as e: return HttpResponse("Template substitution failed with params: {}. {}".format(str(template_params), e)) return handleRequest def enable_plugin(plugin_name): p = get_plugin_by_name(plugin_name, only_active=False) p.register() Plugin.objects.get(pk=plugin_name).enable() return p def disable_plugin(plugin_name): p = get_plugin_by_name(plugin_name, only_active=False) Plugin.objects.get(pk=plugin_name).disable() return p def delete_plugin(plugin_name): Plugin.objects.get(pk=plugin_name).delete() if os.path.exists(get_plugins_persistent_path(plugin_name)): shutil.rmtree(get_plugins_persistent_path(plugin_name)) clear_plugins_cache() def get_site_settings(): return Setting.objects.first() def versionToInt(version): """ Converts a WebODM version string ( to a integer value for comparison >>> versionToInt("1.2.3") 100203 >>> versionToInt("1") 100000 >>> versionToInt("") 100203 >>> versionToInt("wrong") -1 """ try: return sum([reduce(lambda mult, ver: mult * ver, i) for i in zip([100000, 100, 1], map(int, version.split(".")))]) except: return -1