diff --git a/app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx b/app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx index 0bc733ad..c1083eff 100644 --- a/app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx +++ b/app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class TaskListItem extends React.Component { // Create onClick handlers for (let rfParam in rfMap){ - rfMap[rfParam].label = "From " + rfMap[rfParam].label; + rfMap[rfParam].label = interpolate(_("From %(stage)s"), { stage: rfMap[rfParam].label}); rfMap[rfParam].onClick = this.genRestartAction(rfParam); } @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class TaskListItem extends React.Component { {_("Created on:")} {(new Date(task.created_at)).toLocaleString()}
- {_("Processing Node:")} {task.processing_node_name || "-"} ({task.auto_processing_node ? "auto" : "manual"})
+ {_("Processing Node:")} {task.processing_node_name || "-"} ({task.auto_processing_node ? _("auto") : _("manual")})
{Array.isArray(task.options) ?
diff --git a/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js b/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js index d3ed130c..45b489e5 100644 --- a/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js +++ b/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js @@ -1,78 +1,78 @@ // Auto-generated with extract_odm_strings.py, do not edit! -_("Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Turn on gamma tone mapping or none for no tone mapping. Can be one of %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s "); -_("Path to the file containing the ground control points used for georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s"); -_("Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: %(default)s"); -_("When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s"); -_("DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. Default: %(default)s"); -_("When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). Default: %(default)s"); -_("Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the original images. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present.This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder."); _("The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega (degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s"); -_("Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing radiometric data. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s"); -_("The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a report. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name group_nameDefault: %(default)s"); -_("Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values (otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline."); -_("Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s"); -_("URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space available. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. Default: %(default)s"); -_("When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: %(default)s"); +_("Turn on gamma tone mapping or none for no tone mapping. Can be one of %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s "); _("Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s"); -_("show this help message and exit"); -_("Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the orthophoto. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s"); -_("End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can use this option to manually set it in case the reconstruction fails. Lowering this option can sometimes help control bowling-effects over large areas. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Displays version number and exits. "); -_("Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values (otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); _("Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); +_("When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s"); +_("URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Path to the file containing the ground control points used for georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Displays version number and exits. "); +_("Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a report. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the orthophoto. Default: %(default)s"); +_("When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s"); +_("show this help message and exit"); +_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present.This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s"); +_("End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name group_nameDefault: %(default)s"); +_("Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline."); +_("Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder."); +_("Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: %(default)s"); +_("The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing radiometric data. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega (degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s"); +_("Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space available. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s"); +_("DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: %(default)s"); +_("Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can use this option to manually set it in case the reconstruction fails. Lowering this option can sometimes help control bowling-effects over large areas. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the original images. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s"); diff --git a/app/views/app.py b/app/views/app.py index b688b28e..e7bd3ec8 100644 --- a/app/views/app.py +++ b/app/views/app.py @@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ def map(request, project_pk=None, task_pk=None): if task_pk is not None: task = get_object_or_404(Task.objects.defer('orthophoto_extent', 'dsm_extent', 'dtm_extent'), pk=task_pk, project=project) - title = task.name + title = task.name or task.id mapItems = [task.get_map_items()] else: - title = project.name + title = project.name or project.id mapItems = project.get_map_items() return render(request, 'app/map.html', { @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def model_display(request, project_pk=None, task_pk=None): if task_pk is not None: task = get_object_or_404(Task.objects.defer('orthophoto_extent', 'dsm_extent', 'dtm_extent'), pk=task_pk, project=project) - title = task.name + title = task.name or task.id else: raise Http404() diff --git a/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index f706c75e..c3a63896 100644 --- a/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-15 15:19+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-08 14:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Aslan Rustamov \n" "Language-Team: Azerbaijani \n" -"Language-Team: Azerbaijani \n" +"Language-Team: Azerbaijani \n" "Language: az\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ msgid "Your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave?" msgstr "Dəyişiklikləriniz itəcək. Ayrılmaq istədiyinizə əminsiniz?" #: app/static/app/js/MapView.jsx:65 -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:37 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:47 #: app/static/app/js/components/Map.jsx:82 msgid "Orthophoto" msgstr "Ortofoto" @@ -67,15 +67,21 @@ msgstr "Səth modeli" msgid "Terrain Model" msgstr "Ərazi modeli" -#: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:42 +#: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:31 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "(Cameras)" +msgid "Cameras" +msgstr "(Kameralar)" + +#: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:44 msgid "Show Model" msgstr "Modeli göstər" -#: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:69 +#: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:71 msgid "Show Cameras" msgstr "Kameraları göstərin" -#: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:482 +#: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:489 msgid "Loading textured model..." msgstr "Teksturalı model yüklənir ..." @@ -185,26 +191,36 @@ msgid "Load Dataset" msgstr "Dataset yükləyin" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:12 -msgid "Structure From Motion / MVS" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Structure From Motion / MVS" +msgid "Structure From Motion" msgstr "Structure From Motion / MVS" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:17 -msgid "Meshing" -msgstr "Meshing" +msgid "Multi View Stereo" +msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:22 -msgid "Texturing" +msgid "Point Filtering" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:27 +msgid "Meshing" +msgstr "Meshing" + +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:32 +msgid "Texturing" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:37 msgid "Georeferencing" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:32 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 msgid "DEM" msgstr "DEM" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:52 msgid "Report" msgstr "Hesabat" @@ -317,8 +333,8 @@ msgid "" "recognize it." msgstr "" "Ən azı bir işləmə nodu əlçatan olduğundan və cari istifadəçiyə işləmə " -"düyününə baxmaq üçün kifayət qədər icazə verdiyinizdən əmin olun (İdarəetmə -" -" Qenerasiya Düyünləri - Node seçin - Nesne İcazələri - İstifadəçi / Qrup " +"düyününə baxmaq üçün kifayət qədər icazə verdiyinizdən əmin olun (İdarəetmə " +"- Qenerasiya Düyünləri - Node seçin - Nesne İcazələri - İstifadəçi / Qrup " "əlavə edin və yoxlayın QAYDALANMA DÖVRÜNÜ GÖRƏ BİLƏRSİNİZ). Bir düyünü " "onlayn olaraq yenidən gətirirsinizsə, WebODM-in onu tanıması təxminən 30 " "saniyə çəkəcəkdir." @@ -378,7 +394,7 @@ msgstr "Yenidən cəhd edin" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:524 #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:531 #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:534 -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:413 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:412 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Düzəliş et" @@ -394,7 +410,7 @@ msgstr "Yadda saxla" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:545 #: app/static/app/js/components/FormDialog.jsx:173 -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:439 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:438 #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:34 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Sil" @@ -419,7 +435,7 @@ msgstr "Tapşırıq məlumatı güncəllənə bilmədi. Zəhmət olmasa yenidən #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskPanel.jsx:75 #: app/static/app/js/components/FormDialog.jsx:151 #: app/static/app/js/components/NewTaskPanel.jsx:185 -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:422 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:421 #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:33 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Ləğv et" @@ -471,7 +487,8 @@ msgstr "Şəkil yükləyin" #: app/static/app/js/components/ImportTaskPanel.jsx:63 msgid "Cannot upload file. Check your internet connection and try again." -msgstr "Fayl yükləmək olmur. Şəbəkə bağlantınızı yoxlayın və yenidən cəhd edin." +msgstr "" +"Fayl yükləmək olmur. Şəbəkə bağlantınızı yoxlayın və yenidən cəhd edin." #: app/static/app/js/components/ImportTaskPanel.jsx:91 #, python-format @@ -668,7 +685,8 @@ msgstr "Yeni tapşırıq yarana bilmir. Serverdən səhv cavab: %(error)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:237 #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:350 msgid "Cannot create new task. Please try again later." -msgstr "Yeni tapşırıq yarana bilmir. Zəhmət olmasa bir az sonra yenə cəhd edin." +msgstr "" +"Yeni tapşırıq yarana bilmir. Zəhmət olmasa bir az sonra yenə cəhd edin." #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:244 #, python-format @@ -694,7 +712,7 @@ msgid "Select Images and GCP" msgstr "Şəkillər və GCP seçin" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:513 -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:398 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:397 msgid "View Map" msgstr "Xəritəyə baxın" @@ -810,44 +828,49 @@ msgid "" "please check that all programs built without errors." msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:296 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:283 +#, python-format +msgid "From %(stage)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:295 msgid "Resume Processing" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:312 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:311 msgid "Cannot restart task." msgstr "Tapşırıq yenidən başlatıla bilməz." -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:354 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:353 msgid "Cannot restart task from (stage)s." msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:368 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:367 #, python-format msgid "Task #%(number)s" msgstr "Tapşırıq # %(number)s" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:372 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:371 msgid "Uploading images to processing node" msgstr "Şəkillər emal düyününə yüklənir" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:374 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:373 msgid "Waiting for a node..." msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:405 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:404 msgid "View 3D Model" msgstr "3D Modelə baxın" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:422 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:421 msgid "Cannot cancel task." msgstr "Tapşırıq ləğv edilə bilməz." -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:434 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:433 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Yenidən başlamaq" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:440 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:439 msgid "" "All information related to this task, including images, maps and models will " "be deleted. Continue?" @@ -855,50 +878,58 @@ msgstr "" "Bu tapşırıqla əlaqəli şəkillər, xəritələr və modellər daxil olmaqla bütün " "məlumatlar silinəcəkdir. Davam edin?" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:441 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:440 msgid "Cannot delete task." msgstr "Tapşırıq silinə bilmir." -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:485 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:493 msgid "Task Output:" msgstr "Tapşırıq Çıxışı:" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:488 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:496 msgid "On" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:489 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:497 msgid "Off" msgstr "Off" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:497 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:505 msgid "Created on:" msgstr "Yaranma tarixi:" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:500 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 msgid "Processing Node:" msgstr "Node işlənir:" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:504 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "auto" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "manual" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:512 msgid "Options:" msgstr "Seçimlər:" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:524 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:532 msgid "" "An orthophoto could not be generated. To generate one, make sure GPS " "information is embedded in the EXIF tags of your images, or use a Ground " "Control Points (GCP) file." msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:527 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:535 msgid "enough RAM allocated" msgstr "kifayət qədər RAM ayrıldı" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:527 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:535 msgid "cloud processing node" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:527 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:535 #, python-format msgid "" "It looks like your processing node ran out of memory. If you are using " @@ -908,11 +939,11 @@ msgid "" "from the task's options. You can also try to use a %(cloudlink)s." msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:534 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:542 msgid "open a topic" msgstr "bir mövzu açın" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:534 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:542 #, python-format msgid "" "\"Process exited with code 1\" means that part of the processing failed. " @@ -923,11 +954,11 @@ msgid "" "your task's output. Our awesome contributors will try to help you!" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:580 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:588 msgid "Set a processing node" msgstr "Bir işləmə nodu seçin" -#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:585 +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:593 msgid "Waiting for image upload..." msgstr "Şəkil yüklənməsini gözləyirəm ..." @@ -948,135 +979,117 @@ msgstr "%(count)s fayllar uğurla yükləndi" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:3 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:4 #, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Turn on gamma tone mapping or none for no tone mapping. Can be one of " +"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s " msgstr "" -"Dikişlərin yaxınlığında rənglərin qarışmasını atlayın. Varsayılan: " -"%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:5 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " +"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " +"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " +"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " +"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " +"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " +"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " +"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " -"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " -"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Sadə Morfoloji Filtrə pəncərəsinin radius parametri (metr). Varsayılan: " -"%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Sıx yenidənqurma və 3D model istehsalını atlayır. Doğrudan seyrək " -"yenidənqurmadan bir ortofoto yaradır. Yalnız bir ortofotoya ehtiyacınız " -"varsa və tam 3D modelə ehtiyacınız yoxdursa, bu seçimi açın. Varsayılan: " -"%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 #, python-format msgid "" -"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " -"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"GPS exif məlumatlarına əsaslanan əvvəlcədən uyğun şəkilləri tapmaq üçün metr " -"məsafəsi eşik. Həm uyğun qonşuları, həm də əvvəlcədən uyğunluğu atlamaq üçün " -"0 olaraq seçin. Varsayılan: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " +"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " -"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 @@ -1089,7 +1102,10 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 @@ -1103,217 +1119,50 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 #, python-format msgid "" -"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " -"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " -"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 #, python-format msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 -#, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 -msgid "show this help message and exit" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " -"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When using PATCH_MATCH or PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE, controls the standard " -"deviation threshold to include patches. Patches with lower standard " -"deviation are ignored. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " -"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " -"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " -"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Raw depthmap computation algorithm. PATCH_MATCH and PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE are " -"faster, but might miss some valid points. BRUTE_FORCE takes longer but " -"produces denser reconstructions. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " -"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " -"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " "geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " "type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 #, python-format msgid "" "When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " @@ -1321,65 +1170,264 @@ msgid "" "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Dikişlərin yaxınlığında rənglərin qarışmasını atlayın. Varsayılan: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " +"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " +"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " +"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " +"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"GPS exif məlumatlarına əsaslanan əvvəlcədən uyğun şəkilləri tapmaq üçün metr " +"məsafəsi eşik. Həm uyğun qonşuları, həm də əvvəlcədən uyğunluğu atlamaq üçün " +"0 olaraq seçin. Varsayılan: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance " +"from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes " +"place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 +msgid "show this help message and exit" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Sıx yenidənqurma və 3D model istehsalını atlayır. Doğrudan seyrək " +"yenidənqurmadan bir ortofoto yaradır. Yalnız bir ortofotoya ehtiyacınız " +"varsa və tam 3D modelə ehtiyacınız yoxdursa, bu seçimi açın. Varsayılan: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " +"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " +"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " +"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 +msgid "" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use OpenSfM to compute the dense point cloud instead of OpenMVS. Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " +"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " +"tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " "clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " "the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 #, python-format msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Minimum number of views that should reconstruct a point for it to be valid. " -"Use lower values if your images have less overlap. Lower values result in " -"denser point clouds but with more noise. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 #, python-format msgid "" "Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " @@ -1390,156 +1438,93 @@ msgid "" "accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Turn on gamma tone mapping or none for no tone mapping. Can be one of " -"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s " -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance " -"from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes " -"place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 #, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " +"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " +"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Sadə Morfoloji Filtrə pəncərəsinin radius parametri (metr). Varsayılan: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " "recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " -"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " -"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " -"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " -"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " -"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " -"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " -"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 -#, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " -"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " -"tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " -"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:79 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:80 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1548,6 +1533,36 @@ msgid "" "areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 msgid "Compute volume, area and length measurements on Leaflet" msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 73494514..d1aa21c1 100644 --- a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-17 11:32+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Norman Rudo \n" "Language-Team: German \n" "Language-Team: German or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Pfad zu der Datei mit den für die Georeferenzierung verwendeten " -"Bodenkontrollpunkten (GCPs). Die Datei muss das folgende Format verwenden: " -"EPSG: oder <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z image_x image_y " -"Bildname [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Standard: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "Debug-Meldungen anzeigen. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Einfacher Parameter für den Radius des morphologischen Filterfensters " -"(Meter). Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Bei der Multispektralanalyse wird ODM die Datensätze automatisch ausrichten. " -"Nutze diese Option, falls die Datensätze vorher schon ausgerichtet wurden. " -"Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Anzahl der am nächst gelegenen Bilder, die vorab übereinstimmen sollen, " -"basierend auf GPS-Exif-Daten. Auf 0 setzen, um das Pre-Matching zu " -"überspringen. Bild-Nachbarn arbeiten mit dem Distance-Parameter zusammen. " -"Setzen Sie beide auf 0, um keine Voranpassung zu verwenden. Standard: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Schneidet Bildausgaben automatisch zu, indem ein glatten Puffer um die " -"Datensatzgrenzen erstellt wird, der um N Meter verkleinert wird. Verwenden " -"Sie 0, um das Zuschneiden zu deaktivieren. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Exportieren Sie die georeferenzierte Punktwolke im EPT-Format (Entwine Point " -"Tile). Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Verwenden Sie diese Option, wenn Sie über eine GCP-Datei verfügen, aber " -"stattdessen die EXIF-Informationen für die Georeferenzierung verwenden " -"möchten. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"DSM / DTM-Auflösung in cm / Pixel. Beachten Sie, dass dieser Wert durch eine " -"Schätzung der Bodenabtastentfernung (GSD) begrenzt wird. Um die Deckelung zu " -"entfernen, überprüfen Sie den Parameter --ignore-gsd. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Wählen Sie bei der Texturierung des 3D-Netzes für jedes Dreieck die " -"Priorisierung von Bildern mit scharfen Merkmalen (gmi) oder solchen, die den " -"größten Bereich abdecken. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " -"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Wähle den Algorithums aus, der zum Extrahieren von Schlüsselpunkten und zur " -"Berechnung von Beschreibungen genutzt werden soll. Kann einer von " -"%(choices)s sein. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Filtert die Punktwolke, indem nur ein einzelner Punkt um einen Radius N (in " -"Metern) gehalten wird. Dies kann nützlich sein, um die Ausgabeauflösung der " -"Punktwolke zu begrenzen. Auf 0 setzen, um die Abtastung zu deaktivieren. " -"Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 -#, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Generiert eine Benchmark-Datei mit Laufzeitinformationen. Standard: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Legacy-Option (verwenden Sie stattdessen --feature-Qualität). Ändert die " -"Größe der Bilder von der größten Seite nur zu Zwecken der " -"Merkmalsextraktion. Zum Deaktivieren auf -1 setzen. Dies hat keinen Einfluss " -"auf die endgültige Orthophoto-Auflösungsqualität und ändert die Größe der " -"Originalbilder nicht. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Exportieren Sie die georeferenzierte Punktwolke im LAS-Format (Laser). " -"Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Verwenden Sie die GPS-Exif-Daten der Bilder für die Rekonstruktion, auch " -"wenn GCPs vorhanden sind. Dieses Option ist nützlich, wenn Sie hochpräzise " -"GPS-Messungen durchführen. Diese Option wird nicht ausgeführt wenn keine " -"GCPs vorhanden sind. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 -#, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Überspringen Sie das Mischen von Farben in der Nähe von Nähten. Standard: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Stellen Sie die Komprimierung für Orthofotos ein. Kann eine der folgenden " -"sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Erstellen Sie Orthofoto-Übersichten für eine schnellere Anzeige in " -"Programmen wie QGIS. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 -msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." -msgstr "" -"Pfad zum Projektordner. Ihr Projektordner sollte Unterordner für jeden " -"Datensatz enthalten. Jeder Datensatz sollte einen Ordner mit dem Namen " -"\"images\" beinhalten." - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 -#, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Die maximale Scheitelpunktzahl des Ausgabegitters. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Pfad zur Bild-Geolokalisierungsdatei mit den für die Georeferenzierung " -"verwendeten Kamera-Center-Koordinaten. Beachten Sie, dass Omega / Phi / " -"Kappa derzeit nicht unterstützt werden (Sie können sie auf 0 setzen). Die " -"Datei muss mit dem folgende Format aufgebaut sein: EPSG: oder <+ " -"projekt definition> Bildname geo_x geo_y geo_z [Omega (Grad)] [Phi (Grad)] " -"[Kappa (Grad)] [Horizontale-Genauigkeit (Meter)] [ Vertikale-Genauigkeit " -"(Meter)] Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " -"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Klassifizieren Sie die Punktwolkenausgaben mithilfe eines einfachen " -"morphologischen Filters. Sie können das Verhalten dieser Option steuern, " -"indem Sie die Parameter --dem-* anpassen. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Überspringen der Normalisierung der Farben über alle Bilder hinweg. Nützlich " -"bei der Verarbeitung von radiometrisch Daten. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " -"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " -"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Erzeugt ein Polygon um den zu schneidenden Bereich der Kanten des Orthofoto. " -"Dieses Polygon kann nützlich sein, um nahtlose Mosaike mit mehreren " -"überlappenden Orthofotos zu erstellen. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Die maximale Anzahl von Prozessen, die in verschiedenen Prozessen verwendet " -"werde soll. Der maximale Speicherbedarf beträgt ~ 1 GB pro Thread und eine " -"Bildauflösung von 2 Megapixeln. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, fuzzy, python-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need " -#| "2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Überspringen Sie die Generierung eines vollständigen 3D-Modells. Dies kann " -"Zeit sparen, wenn Sie nur 2D-Ergebnisse wie Orthofotos und DEMs benötigen. " -"Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " -"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Entfernungsschwelle in Metern, um vorab passende Bilder basierend auf GPS-" -"Exif-Daten zu finden. Setzen Sie beide Matcher-Nachbarn und dies auf 0, um " -"das Pre-Matching zu überspringen. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Verwenden Sie diese Option, um einen DTM (Digital Terrain Model, nur Boden) " -"mit einem einfachen morphologischen Filter zu erstellen. Überprüfen Sie die " -"Parameter --dem* und --smrf* für feinere Abstimmungen. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 -#, fuzzy, python-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " -#| "georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: " -#| "or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " -#| "[extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Pfad zu der Datei mit den für die Georeferenzierung verwendeten " -"Bodenkontrollpunkten (GCPs). Die Datei muss das folgende Format verwenden: " -"EPSG: oder <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z image_x image_y " -"Bildname [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " "multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " "(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " @@ -1385,6 +1089,308 @@ msgstr "" "Berücksichtigung des Sonnenwinkels. Kann eine der folgenden sein: " "%(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Matcher-Algorithmus, schnelle Bibliothek für ungefähre Nachbarn oder Wort " +"Sammlungen. FLANN ist langsamer, aber stabiler. BOW ist schneller, kann aber " +"manchmal gültige Übereinstimmungen übersehen. Kann eine der folgenden sein: " +"%(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Führt eine Bodenkorrektur an der Punktwolke durch. Dies bedeutet, dass " +"falsch klassifizierte Bodenpunkte neu klassifiziert und Lücken geschlossen " +"werden. Nützlich zum Generieren von DTMs. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Führt für jedes zur Rekonstruktion hinzugefügte Bild eine lokale " +"Bündelanpassung hinzu und alle 100 Bilder eine globale Anpassung durch. " +"Beschleunigt die Rekonstruktion für sehr große Datensätze. Standard: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Bei der Verarbeitung multispektraler Datensätze können Sie den Namen des " +"primären Bandes angeben, das für die Rekonstruktion verwendet werden soll. " +"Es wird empfohlen, eine Band zu wählen, welches scharfe Details aufweist und " +"im Fokus steht. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Exportieren Sie die georeferenzierte Punktwolke im LAS-Format (Laser). " +"Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Exportieren Sie die georeferenzierte Punktwolke im EPT-Format (Entwine Point " +"Tile). Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Art der Methode zur Entfernung photometrischer Ausreißer. Kann eine der " +"folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " +"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Wähle den Algorithums aus, der zum Extrahieren von Schlüsselpunkten und zur " +"Berechnung von Beschreibungen genutzt werden soll. Kann einer von " +"%(choices)s sein. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 +#, python-format +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "Zeige zusätzliche Nachrichten in der Konsole. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"URL zu einer ClusterODM-Instanz zum parallelen Verteilen eines Split-Merge-" +"Workflows auf mehrere Knoten. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Pfad zu der Datei mit den für die Georeferenzierung verwendeten " +"Bodenkontrollpunkten (GCPs). Die Datei muss das folgende Format verwenden: " +"EPSG: oder <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z image_x image_y " +"Bildname [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 +#, python-format +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Generiert eine Benchmark-Datei mit Laufzeitinformationen. Standard: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Dezimieren Sie die Punkte, bevor Sie das DEM generieren. 1 ist keine " +"Dezimierung (volle Qualität). 100 dezimiert ~ 99 %% der Punkte. Nützlich, um " +"die Generierung von DEM-Ergebnissen zu beschleunigen und sehr große " +"Datenmengen zu erhalten. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Anzahl der am nächst gelegenen Bilder, die vorab übereinstimmen sollen, " +"basierend auf GPS-Exif-Daten. Auf 0 setzen, um das Pre-Matching zu " +"überspringen. Bild-Nachbarn arbeiten mit dem Distance-Parameter zusammen. " +"Setzen Sie beide auf 0, um keine Voranpassung zu verwenden. Standard: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"gnorieren Sie den Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD begrenzt die maximale " +"Auflösung der Bildausgaben und ändert bei Bedarf die Größe der Bilder, was " +"zu einer schnelleren Verarbeitung und einer geringeren Speichernutzung " +"führt. Da es sich bei GSD um eine Schätzung handelt, kann das Ignorieren " +"manchmal zu einer etwas besseren Bildausgabequalität führen. Standard: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " +msgstr "Zeigt die Versionsnummer an und beendet. " + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Stellen Sie die Qualität der Merkmalsextraktion ein. Höhere Qualität erzeugt " +"bessere Funktionen, erfordert jedoch mehr Speicher und dauert länger. Kann " +"eine der folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Durchschnittliche Anzahl von Bildern pro Untermodell. Beim Aufteilen eines " +"großen Datensatzes in kleinere Untermodelle werden Bilder in Cluster " +"gruppiert. Dieser Wert regelt die Anzahl der Bilder, die in jedem Cluster " +"durchschnittlich sein sollten. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 +#, fuzzy, python-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need " +#| "2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Überspringen Sie die Generierung eines vollständigen 3D-Modells. Dies kann " +"Zeit sparen, wenn Sie nur 2D-Ergebnisse wie Orthofotos und DEMs benötigen. " +"Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Führt nur diese Phase erneut aus und beenden den Prozess anschließend. Kann " +"eine der folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Stellen Sie den Kameraprojektionstyp ein. Das manuelle Festlegen eines Werts " +"kann zur Verbesserung der geometrischen Verzerrung beitragen. Standardmäßig " +"wird versucht den Linsentyp aus den Bildmetadaten zu ermitteln. Kann eine " +"der folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Wählen Sie bei der Texturierung des 3D-Netzes für jedes Dreieck die " +"Priorisierung von Bildern mit scharfen Merkmalen (gmi) oder solchen, die den " +"größten Bereich abdecken. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Überspringen Sie das Mischen von Farben in der Nähe von Nähten. Standard: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " +"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Klassifizieren Sie die Punktwolkenausgaben mithilfe eines einfachen " +"morphologischen Filters. Sie können das Verhalten dieser Option steuern, " +"indem Sie die Parameter --dem-* anpassen. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " +"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " +"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Erzeugt ein Polygon um den zu schneidenden Bereich der Kanten des Orthofoto. " +"Dieses Polygon kann nützlich sein, um nahtlose Mosaike mit mehreren " +"überlappenden Orthofotos zu erstellen. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " +"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Entfernungsschwelle in Metern, um vorab passende Bilder basierend auf GPS-" +"Exif-Daten zu finden. Setzen Sie beide Matcher-Nachbarn und dies auf 0, um " +"das Pre-Matching zu überspringen. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Verwenden Sie die aus einem anderen Datensatz berechneten Kameraparameter, " +"anstatt sie zu berechnen. Kann entweder als Pfad zu einer camera.json-Datei " +"oder als JSON-Zeichenfolge angegeben werden, die den Inhalt einer camera." +"json-Datei darstellt. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Anzahl der Schritte um Bereiche mit Lücken zu Füllen. Auf 0 setzen, um die " +"Lückenfüllung zu deaktivieren. Ausgehend von einem Radius, der der " +"Ausgangsauflösung entspricht, werden N verschiedene DEMs mit zunehmend " +"größerem Radius unter Verwendung des IDW-Algorithmus (Inverse Distance " +"Weighted) generiert und zusammengeführt. Verbleibende Lücken werden dann " +"unter Verwendung der Interpolation des nächsten Nachbarn zusammengeführt. " +"Standard: %(default)s" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 #, python-format msgid "" @@ -1401,32 +1407,39 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Orthophoto Auflösung in cm / Pixel. Dieser Wert wird durch die Schätzung der " -"Bodenabtastentfernung (GSD) begrenzt. Um die Begrenzung zu entfernen, " -"setzten Sie --ignore-gsd. Standard: %(default)s" +"Verwende ein 3D Gitter um das Orthophoto zu erzeugen anstatt eines 2,5D " +"Gitters. Diese Option ist ein wenig schneller und erstellt ein ähnliches " +"Ergebnis für ebene Gebiete. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Löschen Sie alle vorherigen Ergebnisse dauerhaft und führen Sie die " -"Verarbeitungspipeline erneut aus." +"Setzen Sie diesen Parameter, wenn Sie ein PNG-Rendering des Orthofotos " +"generieren möchten. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Die bei der Netzrekonstruktion verwendete Octree-Tiefe wird erhöht, um mehr " -"Scheitelpunkte zu erhalten. Die empfohlenen Werte sind 8-12. Standard: " -"%(default)s" +"Bei der Multispektralanalyse wird ODM die Datensätze automatisch ausrichten. " +"Nutze diese Option, falls die Datensätze vorher schon ausgerichtet wurden. " +"Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 +msgid "show this help message and exit" +msgstr "Diese Hilfemeldung anzeigen und beenden" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" "Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" @@ -1434,87 +1447,104 @@ msgstr "" "Einfacher skalarer Parameter für die Höhe des morphologischen Filters. " "Standard: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"URL zu einer ClusterODM-Instanz zum parallelen Verteilen eines Split-Merge-" -"Workflows auf mehrere Knoten. Standard: %(default)s" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Führt nur diese Phase erneut aus und beenden den Prozess anschließend. Kann " -"eine der folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" +"Verwenden Sie die GPS-Exif-Daten der Bilder für die Rekonstruktion, auch " +"wenn GCPs vorhanden sind. Dieses Option ist nützlich, wenn Sie hochpräzise " +"GPS-Messungen durchführen. Diese Option wird nicht ausgeführt wenn keine " +"GCPs vorhanden sind. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Exportieren Sie die georeferenzierte Punktwolke im CSV-Format. Standard: " +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " "%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Beenden Sie die Verarbeitung an dieser Stelle. Kann eine der folgenden sein: " +"%(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Art der Methode zur Entfernung photometrischer Ausreißer. Kann eine der " -"folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" +"Filtert die Punktwolke, indem nur ein einzelner Punkt um einen Radius N (in " +"Metern) gehalten wird. Dies kann nützlich sein, um die Ausgabeauflösung der " +"Punktwolke zu begrenzen. Auf 0 setzen, um die Abtastung zu deaktivieren. " +"Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 #, python-format msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Durchschnittliche Anzahl von Bildern pro Untermodell. Beim Aufteilen eines " -"großen Datensatzes in kleinere Untermodelle werden Bilder in Cluster " -"gruppiert. Dieser Wert regelt die Anzahl der Bilder, die in jedem Cluster " -"durchschnittlich sein sollten. Standard: %(default)s" +"Verwenden Sie diese Option, um einen DTM (Digital Terrain Model, nur Boden) " +"mit einem einfachen morphologischen Filter zu erstellen. Überprüfen Sie die " +"Parameter --dem* und --smrf* für feinere Abstimmungen. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Lösche große Zwischenergebnisse um den benötigten Speicherplatz zu " -"reduzieren. Dadurch kann die Pipeline nicht aus einem Zwischenstand neu " -"gestartet werden, aber es ist möglich Datensätze zu verarbeiten, die " -"normalerweise nicht auf diesem Gerät verarbeitet werden könnten. Standard: " -"%(default)s" +"Mindestanzahl der zu extrahierenden Features pro Bild. Mehr Features pro " +"Bild können nützlich sein, um eine größere Übereinstimmungen zwischen " +"Bildern zu finden und möglicherweise die Rekonstruktion von Bereichen mit " +"geringer Überlappung oder unzureichenden Funktionen zu ermöglichen. Mehr " +"Features verlangsamen die Verarbeitung. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 -#, python-format +#, fuzzy, python-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +#| "georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: " +#| "or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " +#| "[extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Filtert die Punktwolke durch Entfernen von Punkten, die mehr als N " -"Standardabweichungen vom lokalen Mittelwert abweichen. Auf 0 Setzen um den " -"Filter zu deaktivieren. Standard: %(default)s" +"Pfad zu der Datei mit den für die Georeferenzierung verwendeten " +"Bodenkontrollpunkten (GCPs). Die Datei muss das folgende Format verwenden: " +"EPSG: oder <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z image_x image_y " +"Bildname [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "Zeige zusätzliche Nachrichten in der Konsole. Standard: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +msgstr "" +"Löschen Sie alle vorherigen Ergebnisse dauerhaft und führen Sie die " +"Verarbeitungspipeline erneut aus." #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 #, python-format msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Überspringt die dichte Rekonstruktion und die Erzeugung von 3D-Modellen. Ein " +"Orthofoto wird direkt aus den spärlichen Daten rekonstruiert. Wenn Sie nur " +"ein Orthofoto benötigen und kein vollständiges 3D-Modell, aktivieren Sie " +"diese Option. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " "clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " "increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " @@ -1525,74 +1555,63 @@ msgstr "" "Erhöhung der Qualität steigert die benötigte Zeit grob um Faktor 4. Kann " "eins von %(choices)s sein. Standard: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Verwende ein 3D Gitter um das Orthophoto zu erzeugen anstatt eines 2,5D " -"Gitters. Diese Option ist ein wenig schneller und erstellt ein ähnliches " -"Ergebnis für ebene Gebiete. Standard: %(default)s" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." msgstr "" -"Bei der Verarbeitung multispektraler Datensätze können Sie den Namen des " -"primären Bandes angeben, das für die Rekonstruktion verwendet werden soll. " -"Es wird empfohlen, eine Band zu wählen, welches scharfe Details aufweist und " -"im Fokus steht. Standard: %(default)s" +"Pfad zum Projektordner. Ihr Projektordner sollte Unterordner für jeden " +"Datensatz enthalten. Jeder Datensatz sollte einen Ordner mit dem Namen " +"\"images\" beinhalten." #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" -"Einfacher Parameter für den Höhenschwellenwert des morphologischen Filters " -"(Meter). Standard: %(default)s" +"Einfacher Neigungsparameter des morphologischen Filters (Anstieg über die " +"Zeit). Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" -"Stellen Sie den Kameraprojektionstyp ein. Das manuelle Festlegen eines Werts " -"kann zur Verbesserung der geometrischen Verzerrung beitragen. Standardmäßig " -"wird versucht den Linsentyp aus den Bildmetadaten zu ermitteln. Kann eine " -"der folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" +"Die maximale Anzahl von Prozessen, die in verschiedenen Prozessen verwendet " +"werde soll. Der maximale Speicherbedarf beträgt ~ 1 GB pro Thread und eine " +"Bildauflösung von 2 Megapixeln. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Name des Datensatzes (d. H. Name des Unterordners im Projektordner). " -"Standard: %(default)s" +"Überspringen der Normalisierung der Farben über alle Bilder hinweg. Nützlich " +"bei der Verarbeitung von radiometrisch Daten. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "Debug-Meldungen anzeigen. Standard: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Filtert die Punktwolke durch Entfernen von Punkten, die mehr als N " +"Standardabweichungen vom lokalen Mittelwert abweichen. Auf 0 Setzen um den " +"Filter zu deaktivieren. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Überspringen Sie die Generierung eines vollständigen 3D-Modells. Dies kann " -"Zeit sparen, wenn Sie nur 2D-Ergebnisse wie Orthofotos und DEMs benötigen. " -"Standard: %(default)s" +"Generieren Sie statische Kacheln für Orthofotos und DEMs, die für Betrachter " +"wie Leaflet oder OpenLayers geeignet sind. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 #, python-format @@ -1607,21 +1626,89 @@ msgstr "" "%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" -msgstr "Diese Hilfemeldung anzeigen und beenden" +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Stellen Sie diesen Parameter ein, wenn Sie ein gestreiftes GeoTIFF möchten. " +"Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" -"Setzen Sie diesen Parameter, wenn Sie ein PNG-Rendering des Orthofotos " -"generieren möchten. Standard: %(default)s" +"Wiederhole den Prozess von diesem Zwischenschritt aus. Kann einer von " +"%(choices)s sein. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 #, python-format msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Orthophoto Auflösung in cm / Pixel. Dieser Wert wird durch die Schätzung der " +"Bodenabtastentfernung (GSD) begrenzt. Um die Begrenzung zu entfernen, " +"setzten Sie --ignore-gsd. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Radius der Überlappung zwischen Untermodellen. Nach dem Gruppieren von " +"Bildern in Cluster werden Bilder, die näher als dieser Radius zu einem " +"Cluster liegen, zum Cluster hinzugefügt. Dies geschieht, um sicherzustellen, " +"dass benachbarte Submodelle überlappen. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Stellen Sie die Komprimierung für Orthofotos ein. Kann eine der folgenden " +"sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Pfad zur Bild-Geolokalisierungsdatei mit den für die Georeferenzierung " +"verwendeten Kamera-Center-Koordinaten. Beachten Sie, dass Omega / Phi / " +"Kappa derzeit nicht unterstützt werden (Sie können sie auf 0 setzen). Die " +"Datei muss mit dem folgende Format aufgebaut sein: EPSG: oder <+ " +"projekt definition> Bildname geo_x geo_y geo_z [Omega (Grad)] [Phi (Grad)] " +"[Kappa (Grad)] [Horizontale-Genauigkeit (Meter)] [ Vertikale-Genauigkeit " +"(Meter)] Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Lösche große Zwischenergebnisse um den benötigten Speicherplatz zu " +"reduzieren. Dadurch kann die Pipeline nicht aus einem Zwischenstand neu " +"gestartet werden, aber es ist möglich Datensätze zu verarbeiten, die " +"normalerweise nicht auf diesem Gerät verarbeitet werden könnten. Standard: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " "sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " "images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" @@ -1631,130 +1718,98 @@ msgstr "" "verbessern, die Doming / Bowling aufweisen, oder wenn Bilder mit einer " "Rolling-Shutter-Kamera aufgenommen werden. Standard: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Führt eine Bodenkorrektur an der Punktwolke durch. Dies bedeutet, dass " -"falsch klassifizierte Bodenpunkte neu klassifiziert und Lücken geschlossen " -"werden. Nützlich zum Generieren von DTMs. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Stellen Sie die Qualität der Merkmalsextraktion ein. Höhere Qualität erzeugt " -"bessere Funktionen, erfordert jedoch mehr Speicher und dauert länger. Kann " -"eine der folgenden sein: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Überspringt die dichte Rekonstruktion und die Erzeugung von 3D-Modellen. Ein " -"Orthofoto wird direkt aus den spärlichen Daten rekonstruiert. Wenn Sie nur " -"ein Orthofoto benötigen und kein vollständiges 3D-Modell, aktivieren Sie " -"diese Option. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Wiederhole den Prozess von diesem Zwischenschritt aus. Kann einer von " -"%(choices)s sein. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Einfacher Neigungsparameter des morphologischen Filters (Anstieg über die " -"Zeit). Standard: %(default)s" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Stellen Sie diesen Parameter ein, wenn Sie ein gestreiftes GeoTIFF möchten. " -"Standard: %(default)s" +"Schneidet Bildausgaben automatisch zu, indem ein glatten Puffer um die " +"Datensatzgrenzen erstellt wird, der um N Meter verkleinert wird. Verwenden " +"Sie 0, um das Zuschneiden zu deaktivieren. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Beenden Sie die Verarbeitung an dieser Stelle. Kann eine der folgenden sein: " -"%(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" +"Exportieren Sie die georeferenzierte Punktwolke im CSV-Format. Standard: " +"%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Dezimieren Sie die Punkte, bevor Sie das DEM generieren. 1 ist keine " -"Dezimierung (volle Qualität). 100 dezimiert ~ 99 %% der Punkte. Nützlich, um " -"die Generierung von DEM-Ergebnissen zu beschleunigen und sehr große " -"Datenmengen zu erhalten. Standard: %(default)s" +"DSM / DTM-Auflösung in cm / Pixel. Beachten Sie, dass dieser Wert durch eine " +"Schätzung der Bodenabtastentfernung (GSD) begrenzt wird. Um die Deckelung zu " +"entfernen, überprüfen Sie den Parameter --ignore-gsd. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" -"Mindestanzahl der zu extrahierenden Features pro Bild. Mehr Features pro " -"Bild können nützlich sein, um eine größere Übereinstimmungen zwischen " -"Bildern zu finden und möglicherweise die Rekonstruktion von Bereichen mit " -"geringer Überlappung oder unzureichenden Funktionen zu ermöglichen. Mehr " -"Features verlangsamen die Verarbeitung. Standard: %(default)s" +"Einfacher Parameter für den Radius des morphologischen Filterfensters " +"(Meter). Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Wählen Sie aus, was im Zusammenführungsschritt in einem geteilten Dataset " -"zusammengeführt werden soll. Standardmäßig werden alle verfügbaren Ausgaben " -"zusammengeführt. Optionen: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" +"Erstellen Sie Orthofoto-Übersichten für eine schnellere Anzeige in " +"Programmen wie QGIS. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"gnorieren Sie den Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD begrenzt die maximale " -"Auflösung der Bildausgaben und ändert bei Bedarf die Größe der Bilder, was " -"zu einer schnelleren Verarbeitung und einer geringeren Speichernutzung " -"führt. Da es sich bei GSD um eine Schätzung handelt, kann das Ignorieren " -"manchmal zu einer etwas besseren Bildausgabequalität führen. Standard: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy-Option (verwenden Sie stattdessen --pc-Qualität). Steuert die Dichte " +"der Punktwolke durch Einstellen der Auflösung der Tiefenkartenbilder. Die " +"Berechnung höherer Werte dauert länger, erzeugt jedoch dichtere Punktwolken. " +"Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Name des Datensatzes (d. H. Name des Unterordners im Projektordner). " +"Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Überspringen Sie die Generierung eines vollständigen 3D-Modells. Dies kann " +"Zeit sparen, wenn Sie nur 2D-Ergebnisse wie Orthofotos und DEMs benötigen. " +"Standard: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Die bei der Netzrekonstruktion verwendete Octree-Tiefe wird erhöht, um mehr " +"Scheitelpunkte zu erhalten. Die empfohlenen Werte sind 8-12. Standard: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1770,84 +1825,48 @@ msgstr "" "beitragen, Bowling-Effekte über große Flächen zu kontrollieren. Standard: " "%(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Legacy-Option (verwenden Sie stattdessen --pc-Qualität). Steuert die Dichte " -"der Punktwolke durch Einstellen der Auflösung der Tiefenkartenbilder. Die " -"Berechnung höherer Werte dauert länger, erzeugt jedoch dichtere Punktwolken. " -"Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Generieren Sie statische Kacheln für Orthofotos und DEMs, die für Betrachter " -"wie Leaflet oder OpenLayers geeignet sind. Standard: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "Zeigt die Versionsnummer an und beendet. " - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Führt für jedes zur Rekonstruktion hinzugefügte Bild eine lokale " -"Bündelanpassung hinzu und alle 100 Bilder eine globale Anpassung durch. " -"Beschleunigt die Rekonstruktion für sehr große Datensätze. Standard: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy-Option (verwenden Sie stattdessen --feature-Qualität). Ändert die " +"Größe der Bilder von der größten Seite nur zu Zwecken der " +"Merkmalsextraktion. Zum Deaktivieren auf -1 setzen. Dies hat keinen Einfluss " +"auf die endgültige Orthophoto-Auflösungsqualität und ändert die Größe der " +"Originalbilder nicht. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Radius der Überlappung zwischen Untermodellen. Nach dem Gruppieren von " -"Bildern in Cluster werden Bilder, die näher als dieser Radius zu einem " -"Cluster liegen, zum Cluster hinzugefügt. Dies geschieht, um sicherzustellen, " -"dass benachbarte Submodelle überlappen. Standard: %(default)s" +"Wählen Sie aus, was im Zusammenführungsschritt in einem geteilten Dataset " +"zusammengeführt werden soll. Standardmäßig werden alle verfügbaren Ausgaben " +"zusammengeführt. Optionen: %(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" -"Anzahl der Schritte um Bereiche mit Lücken zu Füllen. Auf 0 setzen, um die " -"Lückenfüllung zu deaktivieren. Ausgehend von einem Radius, der der " -"Ausgangsauflösung entspricht, werden N verschiedene DEMs mit zunehmend " -"größerem Radius unter Verwendung des IDW-Algorithmus (Inverse Distance " -"Weighted) generiert und zusammengeführt. Verbleibende Lücken werden dann " -"unter Verwendung der Interpolation des nächsten Nachbarn zusammengeführt. " -"Standard: %(default)s" +"Einfacher Parameter für den Höhenschwellenwert des morphologischen Filters " +"(Meter). Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Matcher-Algorithmus, schnelle Bibliothek für ungefähre Nachbarn oder Wort " -"Sammlungen. FLANN ist langsamer, aber stabiler. BOW ist schneller, kann aber " -"manchmal gültige Übereinstimmungen übersehen. Kann eine der folgenden sein: " -"%(choices)s. Standard: %(default)s" +"Verwenden Sie diese Option, wenn Sie über eine GCP-Datei verfügen, aber " +"stattdessen die EXIF-Informationen für die Georeferenzierung verwenden " +"möchten. Standard: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 msgid "Compute volume, area and length measurements on Leaflet" diff --git a/locale/django.pot b/locale/django.pot index af6bae13..73d9e070 100644 --- a/locale/django.pot +++ b/locale/django.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" diff --git a/locale/djangojs.pot b/locale/djangojs.pot index baaa9719..f7a3d9d4 100644 --- a/locale/djangojs.pot +++ b/locale/djangojs.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ msgid "Your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave?" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/MapView.jsx:65 -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:47 #: app/static/app/js/components/Map.jsx:82 msgid "Orthophoto" msgstr "" @@ -195,22 +195,26 @@ msgid "Multi View Stereo" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:22 -msgid "Meshing" +msgid "Point Filtering" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:27 -msgid "Texturing" +msgid "Meshing" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:32 -msgid "Georeferencing" +msgid "Texturing" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:37 +msgid "Georeferencing" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 msgid "DEM" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:47 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:52 msgid "Report" msgstr "" @@ -806,6 +810,11 @@ msgid "" "please check that all programs built without errors." msgstr "" +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:283 +#, python-format +msgid "From %(stage)s" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:295 msgid "Resume Processing" msgstr "" @@ -873,6 +882,14 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Processing Node:" msgstr "" +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "auto" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "manual" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:512 msgid "Options:" msgstr "" @@ -942,11 +959,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:3 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " -"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " -"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " -"%(default)s" +msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:4 @@ -958,71 +971,71 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:5 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " -"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " +"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " +"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " +"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " +"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " +"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " +"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " +"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 #, python-format msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" @@ -1035,97 +1048,122 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 #, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 #, python-format msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " "can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 #, python-format msgid "" "Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " @@ -1133,22 +1171,7 @@ msgid "" "mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 #, python-format msgid "" "Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " @@ -1156,33 +1179,23 @@ msgid "" "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " -"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " -"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " -"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " -"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " -"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " -"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " -"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 @@ -1197,145 +1210,148 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "show this help message and exit" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 #, python-format msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 #, python-format msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 #, python-format msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " "clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " "increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " "%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 @@ -1347,112 +1363,137 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 #, python-format msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " "sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " "images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1461,58 +1502,34 @@ msgid "" "areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index a9446717..4c43b82c 100644 --- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-02 05:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Israel Barragan \n" "Language-Team: Spanish \n" "Language-Team: Spanish or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " +"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " +"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " +"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " +"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " +"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " +"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " +"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 #, python-format msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" @@ -1043,97 +1056,122 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 #, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 #, python-format msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " "can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 #, python-format msgid "" "Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " @@ -1141,22 +1179,7 @@ msgid "" "mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 #, python-format msgid "" "Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " @@ -1164,33 +1187,23 @@ msgid "" "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " -"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " -"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " -"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " -"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " -"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " -"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " -"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 @@ -1205,145 +1218,148 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "show this help message and exit" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 #, python-format msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 #, python-format msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 #, python-format msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " "clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " "increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " "%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 @@ -1355,112 +1371,137 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 #, python-format msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " "sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " "images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1469,58 +1510,34 @@ msgid "" "areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 diff --git a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index b5ee6f75..c6e9199d 100644 --- a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-23 16:28+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Nathan \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "Language-Team: French or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Nombre d'images voisines à pré-appairer basé sur les données GPS exif. " -"Mettez ce paramètre à 0 pour ignorer le pré-appairage. Ce paramètre " -"fonctionne conjointement au paramètre Distance. Réglez les deux à 0 pour ne " -"pas utiliser le pré-appairage. Valeur par défaut : %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Utilisez cette option si vous avez un fichier de points de contrôles mais " -"que vous souhaitez utiliser les informations EXIF pour le géoréférencement. " -"Valeur par défaut :%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " -"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 -#, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Utiliser les données exif GPS des images pour la reconstruction, même si des " -"points de contrôle sont présents. Cette option et utile si vous avez des " -"mesures GPS haute précisions. En l'absence de points de contrôles, cette " -"option ne fait rien. Valeur par défaut : %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 -#, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Ignorer l'interpolation des couleurs à proximité des raccords. Valeur par " -"défaut : %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 -msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 -#, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " -"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " -"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " -"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " -"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " "multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " "(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " @@ -1276,189 +1063,15 @@ msgid "" "the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance " -"from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes " -"place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 -msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Redémarrer cette étape uniquement puis arrêter. Peut prendre l'un de : " -"%(choices)s. Valeur par défaut : %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " -"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " -"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " -"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 -#, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " -"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " -"tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " -"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " -"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" "Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " @@ -1466,50 +1079,76 @@ msgid "" "Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " +"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 +#, python-format +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 -#, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 +#, python-format +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 #, python-format msgid "" "Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " @@ -1517,23 +1156,19 @@ msgid "" "generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" +"Nombre d'images voisines à pré-appairer basé sur les données GPS exif. " +"Mettez ce paramètre à 0 pour ignorer le pré-appairage. Ce paramètre " +"fonctionne conjointement au paramètre Distance. Réglez les deux à 0 pour ne " +"pas utiliser le pré-appairage. Valeur par défaut : %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 #, python-format msgid "" "Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " @@ -1548,18 +1183,383 @@ msgstr "" "consommation mémoire. Comme la GSD est estimée, l'ignorer produit parfois " "une bien meilleure qualité d'image de sortie. Par défaut : %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " -"for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " -"information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " -"use this option to manually set it in case the reconstruction fails. " -"Lowering this option can sometimes help control bowling-effects over large " -"areas. Default: %(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Redémarrer cette étape uniquement puis arrêter. Peut prendre l'un de : " +"%(choices)s. Valeur par défaut : %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ignorer l'interpolation des couleurs à proximité des raccords. Valeur par " +"défaut : %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " +"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " +"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " +"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " +"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Utiliser les paramètres d'un objectif calculés sur un autre jeu de données " +"au lieu de les calculer. Peut soit être un chemin vers un fichier cameras." +"json ou une chaîne JSON représentant le contenu d'un fichier cameras.json. " +"Valeur par défaut : %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance " +"from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes " +"place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 +msgid "show this help message and exit" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Utiliser les données exif GPS des images pour la reconstruction, même si des " +"points de contrôle sont présents. Cette option et utile si vous avez des " +"mesures GPS haute précisions. En l'absence de points de contrôles, cette " +"option ne fait rien. Valeur par défaut : %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " +"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " +"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " +"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 +msgid "" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " +"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " +"tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " +"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " +"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" "Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " @@ -1572,51 +1572,70 @@ msgstr "" "calcul, mais produit une meilleure densité du nuage de points. Par défaut : " "%(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 #, python-format msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " +"for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " +"information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " +"use this option to manually set it in case the reconstruction fails. " +"Lowering this option can sometimes help control bowling-effects over large " +"areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" +"Utilisez cette option si vous avez un fichier de points de contrôles mais " +"que vous souhaitez utiliser les informations EXIF pour le géoréférencement. " +"Valeur par défaut :%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 msgid "Compute volume, area and length measurements on Leaflet" diff --git a/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index d2942b60..82017bb8 100644 --- a/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-27 11:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: upa \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" "Language-Team: Italian or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Percorso del file contenente i punti di controllo a terra utilizzati per la " -"georeferenziazione. Il file deve utilizzare il seguente formato: EPSG: " -" o <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y nome_immagine " -"[gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Predefinito: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "Stampa messaggi di debug. Predefinito: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parametro raggio finestra filtro morfologico semplice (Simple Morphological " -"Filter) (metri). Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Durante l'elaborazione di set di dati multispettrali, ODM allineerà " -"automaticamente le immagini per ogni banda. Se le immagini sono state " -"postprocessate e sono già allineate, utilizzare questa opzione. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Numero di immagini più vicine da pre-abbinare in base ai dati exif GPS. " -"Impostare su 0 per saltare il pre-abbinamento. Neighbors funziona insieme al " -"parametro Distance, impostarli entrambi a 0 per non utilizzare il pre-" -"abbinamento. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Ritagliare automaticamente le immagini in uscita creando una zona smussata " -"attorno ai bordi del set di dati, ridotta di N metri. Utilizzare 0 per " -"disabilitare il ritaglio. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Esporta la nuvola di punti georeferenziata in formato Entwine Point Tile " -"(EPT). Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Utilizza questo tag se disponi di un file GCP ma desideri invece utilizzare " -"le informazioni EXIF per la georeferenziazione. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Risoluzione DSM/DTM in cm/pixel. Si noti che questo valore è limitato da una " -"stima della distanza di campionamento a terra (GSD). Per rimuovere il " -"limite, selezionare anche --ignore-gsd. Valore predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Quando si texturizza la mesh 3D, per ogni triangolo, scegliere di dare la " -"priorità alle immagini con punti notevoli nitidi (gmi) o quelle che coprono " -"l'area (area) più grande. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " -"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Scegli l'algoritmo per l'estrazione dei punti chiave e dei descrittori di " -"calcolo. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Filtra la nuvola di punti mantenendo un solo punto attorno a un raggio N (in " -"metri). Ciò può essere utile per limitare la risoluzione di output della " -"nuvola di punti. Impostare a 0 per disabilitare il campionamento. " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 -#, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Genera un file di benchmark con informazioni di runtime. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Opzione legacy (usa invece --feature-quality). Ridimensiona le immagini dal " -"lato più grande solo per scopi di estrazione dei punti notevoli. Impostare a " -"-1 per disabilitare. Ciò non influisce sulla qualità della risoluzione " -"dell'ortofoto finale e non ridimensionerà le immagini originali. " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Esporta la nuvola di punti georeferenziata in formato LAS. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Usa i dati exif GPS delle immagini per la ricostruzione, anche se sono " -"presenti GCP. Questo flag è utile se hai misurazioni GPS ad alta precisione. " -"Se non sono presenti GCP, questo flag non ha effetto. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 -#, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Salta la fusione dei colori vicino alle cuciture. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Imposta la compressione da utilizzare per le ortofoto. Può essere uno di: " -"%(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Crea panoramiche di ortofoto per una visualizzazione più rapida in programmi " -"come QGIS. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 -msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." -msgstr "" -"Percorso alla cartella del progetto. La cartella del progetto dovrebbe " -"contenere sottocartelle per ogni set di dati. Ogni set di dati dovrebbe " -"avere una cartella \"immagini\"." - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 -#, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Il numero massimo di vertici della mesh di output. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Percorso del file di geolocalizzazione dell'immagine contenente le " -"coordinate del centro della telecamera utilizzate per la georeferenziazione. " -"Nota che omega / phi / kappa non sono attualmente supportati (puoi " -"impostarli a 0). Il file deve utilizzare il seguente formato: EPSG: o <" -"+proj definition>nome_immagine geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega (gradi)] [phi " -"(gradi)] [kappa (gradi)] [precisione orizzontale (metri)] [precisione " -"verticale (metri)] Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " -"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Classificare gli output della nuvola di punti utilizzando un filtro " -"morfologico semplice. Puoi controllare il comportamento di questa opzione " -"modificando i parametri --dem- *. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Salta la normalizzazione dei colori in tutte le immagini. Utile durante " -"l'elaborazione dei dati radiometrici. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " -"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " -"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Genera un poligono attorno all'area di ritaglio che taglia l'ortofoto " -"attorno ai bordi dei punti notevoli. Questo poligono può essere utile per " -"realizzare mosaici continui con più ortofoto sovrapposte. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Il numero massimo di thread da utilizzare in vari processi. Il requisito di " -"memoria massimo è di ~ 1 GB per thread e una risoluzione dell'immagine di 2 " -"megapixel. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, fuzzy, python-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need " -#| "2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Salta la generazione di un modello 3D completo. Ciò consente di risparmiare " -"tempo se sono necessari solo risultati 2D come ortofoto e DEM. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " -"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Soglia di distanza in metri per trovare immagini pre-corrispondenti in base " -"ai dati exif GPS. Imposta sia matcher-neighbors e questo a 0 per saltare la " -"pre-corrispondenza. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Utilizzare questo tag per creare un DTM (Digital Terrain Model, solo a " -"terra) utilizzando un semplice filtro morfologico. Controllare i parametri --" -"dem* e --smrf* per una messa a punto più fine. Valore predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 -#, fuzzy, python-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " -#| "georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: " -#| "or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " -#| "[extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Percorso del file contenente i punti di controllo a terra utilizzati per la " -"georeferenziazione. Il file deve utilizzare il seguente formato: EPSG: " -" o <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y nome_immagine " -"[gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " "multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " "(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " @@ -1367,6 +1072,307 @@ msgstr "" "tenendo in considerazione l'angolo del sole. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. " "Predefinito: %(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Algoritmo di corrispondenza, libreria veloce per Approximate Nearest " +"Neighbors o Bag of Words. FLANN è più lento, ma più stabile. BOW è più " +"veloce, ma a volte può perdere corrispondenze valide. Può essere uno di: " +"%(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Eseguire la rettifica del terreno sulla nuvola di punti. Ciò significa che i " +"punti di terra classificati in modo errato verranno riclassificati e le " +"lacune verranno colmate. Utile per generare DTM. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Esegui una triangolazione fotogrammetrica (bundle adjustment) locale per " +"ogni immagine aggiunta alla ricostruzione e una globale ogni 100 immagini. " +"Accelera la ricostruzione per set di dati molto grandi. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Quando si elaborano set di dati multispettrali, è possibile specificare il " +"nome della banda primaria che verrà utilizzata per la ricostruzione. Si " +"consiglia di scegliere una banda con dettagli nitidi e a fuoco. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Esporta la nuvola di punti georeferenziata in formato LAS. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Esporta la nuvola di punti georeferenziata in formato Entwine Point Tile " +"(EPT). Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Tipo di metodo di rimozione dei valori anomali fotometrici. Può essere uno " +"di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " +"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Scegli l'algoritmo per l'estrazione dei punti chiave e dei descrittori di " +"calcolo. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 +#, python-format +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "Stampa messaggi aggiuntivi sulla console. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"URL a un'istanza ClusterODM per distribire un flusso di lavoro split-merge " +"(separazione-unione) su più nodi in parallelo. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Percorso del file contenente i punti di controllo a terra utilizzati per la " +"georeferenziazione. Il file deve utilizzare il seguente formato: EPSG: " +" o <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y nome_immagine " +"[gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 +#, python-format +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Genera un file di benchmark con informazioni di runtime. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ridurre il numero di punti prima di generare il DEM. 1 nessuna riduzione " +"(qualità migliore). 100 riduzione di ~ 99 %% dei punti. Utile per accelerare " +"la generazione di risultati DEM in set di dati molto grandi. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Numero di immagini più vicine da pre-abbinare in base ai dati exif GPS. " +"Impostare su 0 per saltare il pre-abbinamento. Neighbors funziona insieme al " +"parametro Distance, impostarli entrambi a 0 per non utilizzare il pre-" +"abbinamento. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ignora Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) (Distanza di campionamento a terra). " +"GSD limita la risoluzione massima delle immagini in uscita e ridimensiona le " +"immagini quando necessario, con conseguente elaborazione più rapida e minore " +"utilizzo della memoria. Poiché GSD è una stima, a volte ignorarla può " +"portare a una qualità dell'immagine in uscita leggermente migliore. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " +msgstr "Visualizza il numero di versione ed esce. " + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Imposta la qualità di estrazione dei punti notevoli (feature extraction). " +"Una qualità superiore genera migliori punti notevoli, ma richiede più " +"memoria e richiede più tempo. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Numero medio di immagini per sottomodello. Quando si divide un set di dati " +"di grandi dimensioni in sottomodelli più piccoli, le immagini vengono " +"raggruppate in gruppi. Questo valore regola il numero di immagini che ogni " +"gruppo dovrebbe avere in media. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 +#, fuzzy, python-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need " +#| "2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Salta la generazione di un modello 3D completo. Ciò consente di risparmiare " +"tempo se sono necessari solo risultati 2D come ortofoto e DEM. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Riesegui solo questa fase e fermati. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Imposta il tipo di proiezione della fotocamera. L'impostazione manuale di un " +"valore può aiutare a migliorare la distorsione geometrica. Per impostazione " +"predefinita, l'applicazione cerca di determinare un tipo di lente dai " +"metadati delle immagini. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Quando si texturizza la mesh 3D, per ogni triangolo, scegliere di dare la " +"priorità alle immagini con punti notevoli nitidi (gmi) o quelle che coprono " +"l'area (area) più grande. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Salta la fusione dei colori vicino alle cuciture. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " +"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Classificare gli output della nuvola di punti utilizzando un filtro " +"morfologico semplice. Puoi controllare il comportamento di questa opzione " +"modificando i parametri --dem- *. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " +"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " +"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Genera un poligono attorno all'area di ritaglio che taglia l'ortofoto " +"attorno ai bordi dei punti notevoli. Questo poligono può essere utile per " +"realizzare mosaici continui con più ortofoto sovrapposte. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " +"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Soglia di distanza in metri per trovare immagini pre-corrispondenti in base " +"ai dati exif GPS. Imposta sia matcher-neighbors e questo a 0 per saltare la " +"pre-corrispondenza. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Utilizzare i parametri della fotocamera calcolati da un altro set di dati " +"anziché calcolarli. Può essere specificato come percorso ad un file cameras." +"json o come stringa JSON che rappresenta il contenuto di un file cameras." +"json. Valore predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Numero di passi utilizzati per riempire le aree vuote. Impostare a 0 per " +"disabilitare il riempimento di spazi vuoti. Partendo da un raggio pari alla " +"risoluzione di uscita, vengono generati N diversi DEM con raggio " +"progressivamente maggiore utilizzando l'algoritmo di ponderazione della " +"distanza inversa (IDW) e fusi insieme. I gap rimanenti vengono poi fusi " +"utilizzando l'interpolazione del vicino più vicino. Predefinito: %(default)s" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 #, python-format msgid "" @@ -1383,133 +1389,6 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Risoluzione ortofoto in cm/pixel. Si noti che questo valore è limitato da " -"una stima della distanza di campionamento al suolo (GSD Ground Sampling " -"Distance). Per rimuovere il limite, controllare anche --ignore-gsd. " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 -msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." -msgstr "" -"Elimina definitivamente tutti i risultati precedenti e riesegui la pipeline " -"di elaborazione." - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Profondità di Octree utilizzata nella ricostruzione delle mesh, aumentare " -"per ottenere più vertici, i valori consigliati sono 8-12. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parametro scalare di quota del filtro morfologico semplice (metri). " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"URL a un'istanza ClusterODM per distribire un flusso di lavoro split-merge " -"(separazione-unione) su più nodi in parallelo. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Riesegui solo questa fase e fermati. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Esporta la nuvola di punti georeferenziata in formato CSV. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Tipo di metodo di rimozione dei valori anomali fotometrici. Può essere uno " -"di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Numero medio di immagini per sottomodello. Quando si divide un set di dati " -"di grandi dimensioni in sottomodelli più piccoli, le immagini vengono " -"raggruppate in gruppi. Questo valore regola il numero di immagini che ogni " -"gruppo dovrebbe avere in media. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Elimina i file intermedi pesanti per ottimizzare l'utilizzo dello spazio " -"disco. Ciò influisce sulla capacità di riavviare la pipeline da una fase " -"intermedia, ma consente l'elaborazione dei set di dati su macchine che non " -"dispongono di spazio disco sufficiente. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Filtra la nuvola di punti rimuovendo i punti che deviano più di N deviazioni " -"standard dalla media locale. Impostare su 0 per disabilitare il filtro. " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "Stampa messaggi aggiuntivi sulla console. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " -"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " -"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " -"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Imposta la qualità della nuvola di punti. Una qualità più elevata genera " -"nuvole di punti migliori e più dense, ma richiede più memoria e più tempo. " -"Ogni incremento della qualità aumenta il tempo di elaborazione di circa un " -"fattore 4x. Può essere uno tra: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " "option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " "Default: %(default)s" @@ -1518,81 +1397,7 @@ msgstr "" "Questa opzione è un po 'più veloce e fornisce risultati simili in aree " "piane. Predefinito: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Quando si elaborano set di dati multispettrali, è possibile specificare il " -"nome della banda primaria che verrà utilizzata per la ricostruzione. Si " -"consiglia di scegliere una banda con dettagli nitidi e a fuoco. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parametro soglia di quota del filtro morfologico semplice (metri). " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Imposta il tipo di proiezione della fotocamera. L'impostazione manuale di un " -"valore può aiutare a migliorare la distorsione geometrica. Per impostazione " -"predefinita, l'applicazione cerca di determinare un tipo di lente dai " -"metadati delle immagini. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Nome del set di dati (ad es. il nome della sottocartella all'interno della " -"cartella del progetto). Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 -#, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "Stampa messaggi di debug. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Salta la generazione di un modello 3D completo. Ciò consente di risparmiare " -"tempo se sono necessari solo risultati 2D come ortofoto e DEM. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " -"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " -"tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Usa questo tag per costruire un DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + " -"objects) utilizzando un filtro morfologico progressivo. Controlla i " -"parametri --dem * per una regolazione più precisa. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" -msgstr "mostra questo messaggio di aiuto ed esci" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 #, python-format msgid "" "Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " @@ -1601,81 +1406,43 @@ msgstr "" "Impostare questo parametro se si desidera generare un rendering PNG " "dell'ortofoto. Predefinito: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " -"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " -"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Disattiva l'ottimizzazione dei parametri della fotocamera durante la " -"triangolazione fotogrammetrica (bundle adjustment). A volte può essere utile " -"per migliorare i risultati che mostrano doming / bowling o quando le " -"immagini vengono scattate con una fotocamera con rolling shutter (otturatore " -"progressvo). Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Eseguire la rettifica del terreno sulla nuvola di punti. Ciò significa che i " -"punti di terra classificati in modo errato verranno riclassificati e le " -"lacune verranno colmate. Utile per generare DTM. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Imposta la qualità di estrazione dei punti notevoli (feature extraction). " -"Una qualità superiore genera migliori punti notevoli, ma richiede più " -"memoria e richiede più tempo. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. Predefinito: " +"Durante l'elaborazione di set di dati multispettrali, ODM allineerà " +"automaticamente le immagini per ogni banda. Se le immagini sono state " +"postprocessate e sono già allineate, utilizzare questa opzione. Predefinito: " "%(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Salta la ricostruzione densa e la generazione del modello 3D. Genera " -"un'ortofoto direttamente dalla ricostruzione sparsa. Se hai solo bisogno di " -"un'ortofoto e non hai bisogno di un modello 3D completo, attiva questa " -"opzione. Predefinito: %(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 +msgid "show this help message and exit" +msgstr "mostra questo messaggio di aiuto ed esci" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Riesegui l'elaborazione da questa fase. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. " +"Parametro scalare di quota del filtro morfologico semplice (metri). " "Predefinito: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Usa i dati exif GPS delle immagini per la ricostruzione, anche se sono " +"presenti GCP. Questo flag è utile se hai misurazioni GPS ad alta precisione. " +"Se non sono presenti GCP, questo flag non ha effetto. Predefinito: " "%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parametro di pendenza filtro morfologico semplice (rise over run). Valore " -"predefinito: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 -#, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Impostare questo parametro se si desidera un GeoTIFF con striping. " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" "End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " @@ -1684,19 +1451,31 @@ msgstr "" "Termina l'elaborazione in questa fase. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. " "Predefinito: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Ridurre il numero di punti prima di generare il DEM. 1 nessuna riduzione " -"(qualità migliore). 100 riduzione di ~ 99 %% dei punti. Utile per accelerare " -"la generazione di risultati DEM in set di dati molto grandi. Predefinito: " +"Filtra la nuvola di punti mantenendo un solo punto attorno a un raggio N (in " +"metri). Ciò può essere utile per limitare la risoluzione di output della " +"nuvola di punti. Impostare a 0 per disabilitare il campionamento. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Utilizzare questo tag per creare un DTM (Digital Terrain Model, solo a " +"terra) utilizzando un semplice filtro morfologico. Controllare i parametri --" +"dem* e --smrf* per una messa a punto più fine. Valore predefinito: " "%(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" "Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " @@ -1710,35 +1489,311 @@ msgstr "" "o caratteristiche insufficienti. Più punti notevoli rallentano " "l'elaborazione. Predefinito: %(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 +#, fuzzy, python-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +#| "georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: " +#| "or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " +#| "[extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Percorso del file contenente i punti di controllo a terra utilizzati per la " +"georeferenziazione. Il file deve utilizzare il seguente formato: EPSG: " +" o <+ proj definition> geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y nome_immagine " +"[gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2] Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +msgstr "" +"Elimina definitivamente tutti i risultati precedenti e riesegui la pipeline " +"di elaborazione." + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Salta la ricostruzione densa e la generazione del modello 3D. Genera " +"un'ortofoto direttamente dalla ricostruzione sparsa. Se hai solo bisogno di " +"un'ortofoto e non hai bisogno di un modello 3D completo, attiva questa " +"opzione. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " +"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " +"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " +"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Imposta la qualità della nuvola di punti. Una qualità più elevata genera " +"nuvole di punti migliori e più dense, ma richiede più memoria e più tempo. " +"Ogni incremento della qualità aumenta il tempo di elaborazione di circa un " +"fattore 4x. Può essere uno tra: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 +msgid "" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +msgstr "" +"Percorso alla cartella del progetto. La cartella del progetto dovrebbe " +"contenere sottocartelle per ogni set di dati. Ogni set di dati dovrebbe " +"avere una cartella \"immagini\"." + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Parametro di pendenza filtro morfologico semplice (rise over run). Valore " +"predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Il numero massimo di thread da utilizzare in vari processi. Il requisito di " +"memoria massimo è di ~ 1 GB per thread e una risoluzione dell'immagine di 2 " +"megapixel. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Salta la normalizzazione dei colori in tutte le immagini. Utile durante " +"l'elaborazione dei dati radiometrici. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Filtra la nuvola di punti rimuovendo i punti che deviano più di N deviazioni " +"standard dalla media locale. Impostare su 0 per disabilitare il filtro. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Genera tessere (tiles) statiche per ortofoto e DEM adatte a visualizzatori " +"come Leaflet o OpenLayers. Valore predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " +"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " +"tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Usa questo tag per costruire un DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + " +"objects) utilizzando un filtro morfologico progressivo. Controlla i " +"parametri --dem * per una regolazione più precisa. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Impostare questo parametro se si desidera un GeoTIFF con striping. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Riesegui l'elaborazione da questa fase. Può essere uno di: %(choices)s. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Risoluzione ortofoto in cm/pixel. Si noti che questo valore è limitato da " +"una stima della distanza di campionamento al suolo (GSD Ground Sampling " +"Distance). Per rimuovere il limite, controllare anche --ignore-gsd. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Raggio di sovrapposizione tra i sottomodelli. Dopo aver raggruppato le " +"immagini in gruppi, le immagini che sono più vicine di questo raggio a un " +"gruppo vengono aggiunte al gruppo. Questo viene fatto per garantire che i " +"sottomodelli vicini si sovrappongano. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Imposta la compressione da utilizzare per le ortofoto. Può essere uno di: " +"%(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Percorso del file di geolocalizzazione dell'immagine contenente le " +"coordinate del centro della telecamera utilizzate per la georeferenziazione. " +"Nota che omega / phi / kappa non sono attualmente supportati (puoi " +"impostarli a 0). Il file deve utilizzare il seguente formato: EPSG: o <" +"+proj definition>nome_immagine geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega (gradi)] [phi " +"(gradi)] [kappa (gradi)] [precisione orizzontale (metri)] [precisione " +"verticale (metri)] Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Elimina i file intermedi pesanti per ottimizzare l'utilizzo dello spazio " +"disco. Ciò influisce sulla capacità di riavviare la pipeline da una fase " +"intermedia, ma consente l'elaborazione dei set di dati su macchine che non " +"dispongono di spazio disco sufficiente. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " +"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " +"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Disattiva l'ottimizzazione dei parametri della fotocamera durante la " +"triangolazione fotogrammetrica (bundle adjustment). A volte può essere utile " +"per migliorare i risultati che mostrano doming / bowling o quando le " +"immagini vengono scattate con una fotocamera con rolling shutter (otturatore " +"progressvo). Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ritagliare automaticamente le immagini in uscita creando una zona smussata " +"attorno ai bordi del set di dati, ridotta di N metri. Utilizzare 0 per " +"disabilitare il ritaglio. Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Esporta la nuvola di punti georeferenziata in formato CSV. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Risoluzione DSM/DTM in cm/pixel. Si noti che questo valore è limitato da una " +"stima della distanza di campionamento a terra (GSD). Per rimuovere il " +"limite, selezionare anche --ignore-gsd. Valore predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Parametro raggio finestra filtro morfologico semplice (Simple Morphological " +"Filter) (metri). Predefinito: %(default)s" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Scegli cosa unire nella fase di unione di un set di dati diviso. Per " -"impostazione predefinita, tutti gli output disponibili vengono uniti. " -"Opzioni: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" +"Crea panoramiche di ortofoto per una visualizzazione più rapida in programmi " +"come QGIS. Predefinito: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Ignora Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) (Distanza di campionamento a terra). " -"GSD limita la risoluzione massima delle immagini in uscita e ridimensiona le " -"immagini quando necessario, con conseguente elaborazione più rapida e minore " -"utilizzo della memoria. Poiché GSD è una stima, a volte ignorarla può " -"portare a una qualità dell'immagine in uscita leggermente migliore. " -"Predefinito: %(default)s" +"Opzione legacy (usa invece --pc-quality). Controlla la densità della nuvola " +"di punti impostando la risoluzione delle immagini della mappa di profondità " +"(depthmap). Valori più alti richiedono più tempo per il calcolo ma producono " +"nuvole di punti più dense. Predefinito: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Nome del set di dati (ad es. il nome della sottocartella all'interno della " +"cartella del progetto). Predefinito: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Salta la generazione di un modello 3D completo. Ciò consente di risparmiare " +"tempo se sono necessari solo risultati 2D come ortofoto e DEM. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Profondità di Octree utilizzata nella ricostruzione delle mesh, aumentare " +"per ottenere più vertici, i valori consigliati sono 8-12. Predefinito: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1754,83 +1809,47 @@ msgstr "" "non riesca. Abbassare questa opzione a volte può aiutare a controllare gli " "effetti del bowling su vaste aree. Valore predefinito: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Opzione legacy (usa invece --pc-quality). Controlla la densità della nuvola " -"di punti impostando la risoluzione delle immagini della mappa di profondità " -"(depthmap). Valori più alti richiedono più tempo per il calcolo ma producono " -"nuvole di punti più dense. Predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Genera tessere (tiles) statiche per ortofoto e DEM adatte a visualizzatori " -"come Leaflet o OpenLayers. Valore predefinito: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "Visualizza il numero di versione ed esce. " - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Esegui una triangolazione fotogrammetrica (bundle adjustment) locale per " -"ogni immagine aggiunta alla ricostruzione e una globale ogni 100 immagini. " -"Accelera la ricostruzione per set di dati molto grandi. Predefinito: " -"%(default)s" +"Opzione legacy (usa invece --feature-quality). Ridimensiona le immagini dal " +"lato più grande solo per scopi di estrazione dei punti notevoli. Impostare a " +"-1 per disabilitare. Ciò non influisce sulla qualità della risoluzione " +"dell'ortofoto finale e non ridimensionerà le immagini originali. " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Raggio di sovrapposizione tra i sottomodelli. Dopo aver raggruppato le " -"immagini in gruppi, le immagini che sono più vicine di questo raggio a un " -"gruppo vengono aggiunte al gruppo. Questo viene fatto per garantire che i " -"sottomodelli vicini si sovrappongano. Predefinito: %(default)s" +"Scegli cosa unire nella fase di unione di un set di dati diviso. Per " +"impostazione predefinita, tutti gli output disponibili vengono uniti. " +"Opzioni: %(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" -"Numero di passi utilizzati per riempire le aree vuote. Impostare a 0 per " -"disabilitare il riempimento di spazi vuoti. Partendo da un raggio pari alla " -"risoluzione di uscita, vengono generati N diversi DEM con raggio " -"progressivamente maggiore utilizzando l'algoritmo di ponderazione della " -"distanza inversa (IDW) e fusi insieme. I gap rimanenti vengono poi fusi " -"utilizzando l'interpolazione del vicino più vicino. Predefinito: %(default)s" +"Parametro soglia di quota del filtro morfologico semplice (metri). " +"Predefinito: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Algoritmo di corrispondenza, libreria veloce per Approximate Nearest " -"Neighbors o Bag of Words. FLANN è più lento, ma più stabile. BOW è più " -"veloce, ma a volte può perdere corrispondenze valide. Può essere uno di: " -"%(choices)s. Predefinito: %(default)s" +"Utilizza questo tag se disponi di un file GCP ma desideri invece utilizzare " +"le informazioni EXIF per la georeferenziazione. Predefinito: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 msgid "Compute volume, area and length measurements on Leaflet" diff --git a/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 854afb4a..f921a16d 100644 --- a/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-29 07:14+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Park Jeongyong \n" "Language-Team: Korean \n" "Language-Team: Korean or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " +"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " +"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " +"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " +"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " +"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " +"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " +"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 #, python-format msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" @@ -1065,97 +1078,122 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 #, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 #, python-format msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " "can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 #, python-format msgid "" "Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " @@ -1163,22 +1201,7 @@ msgid "" "mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 #, python-format msgid "" "Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " @@ -1186,33 +1209,23 @@ msgid "" "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " -"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " -"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " -"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " -"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " -"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " -"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " -"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 @@ -1227,145 +1240,148 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "show this help message and exit" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 #, python-format msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 #, python-format msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 #, python-format msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " "clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " "increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " "%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 @@ -1377,112 +1393,137 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 #, python-format msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " "sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " "images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1491,58 +1532,34 @@ msgid "" "areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 diff --git a/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index d50c56e1..d89cfda2 100644 --- a/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-22 19:06+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-08 14:30+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-11 02:50+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Allan Nordhøy \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål \n" @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:35 msgid "Failed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mislyktes" #: app/models/theme.py:36 msgid "The background color of success notifications." @@ -1210,8 +1210,9 @@ msgid "Hello, %(user)s!" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:19 +#, fuzzy msgid "Logout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Logg ut" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:33 app/views/app.py:46 msgid "Dashboard" diff --git a/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po index a0688079..aebdcdb3 100644 --- a/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po +++ b/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-22 19:06+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-22 17:23+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-11 02:50+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Allan Nordhøy \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål \n" @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4-dev\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 4.5-dev\n" #: app/static/app/js/Console.jsx:135 #, python-format @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/Console.jsx:147 app/static/app/js/Console.jsx:155 #: app/static/app/js/Console.jsx:165 msgid "Toggle Fullscreen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veksle fullskjermsvisning" #: app/static/app/js/Console.jsx:148 app/static/app/js/Console.jsx:156 msgid "Exit Fullscreen" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr "Last ned som fil" #: app/static/app/js/Dashboard.jsx:26 msgid "Name field is required" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Navnefelt kreves" #: app/static/app/js/Dashboard.jsx:62 msgid "Add Project" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/MapView.jsx:70 app/static/app/js/components/Map.jsx:84 msgid "Plant Health" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Plantehelse" #: app/static/app/js/MapView.jsx:75 msgid "Surface Model" @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:69 msgid "Show Cameras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vis kamera" #: app/static/app/js/ModelView.jsx:482 msgid "Loading textured model..." @@ -102,31 +102,31 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:41 msgid "Terrain Model (Tiles)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Terrengmodell (flis)" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:42 msgid "Surface Model (GeoTIFF)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Overflatemodell (GeoTIFF)" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:43 msgid "Surface Model (Tiles)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Overflatemodell (flis)" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:44 msgid "Point Cloud (LAS)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Punktsky (LAS)" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:45 msgid "Point Cloud (LAZ)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Punktsky (LAZ)" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:46 msgid "Point Cloud (PLY)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Punktsky (PLY)" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:47 msgid "Point Cloud (CSV)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Punktsky (CSV)" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:48 msgid "Textured Model" @@ -163,23 +163,23 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PendingActions.js:14 #: app/static/app/js/components/FormDialog.jsx:170 msgid "Deleting..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sletter …" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PendingActions.js:17 msgid "Restarting..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Starter på ny …" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PendingActions.js:20 msgid "Resizing images..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Endrer bildeoppløsning …" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PendingActions.js:23 msgid "Importing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importerer …" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:7 msgid "Load Dataset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Last inn datasett" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:12 msgid "Structure From Motion / MVS" @@ -207,36 +207,36 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/ResizeModes.js:4 msgid "No" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nei" #: app/static/app/js/classes/ResizeModes.js:5 msgid "Yes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja" #: app/static/app/js/classes/StatusCodes.js:11 msgid "Queued" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I kø" #: app/static/app/js/classes/StatusCodes.js:15 msgid "Running" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kjører" #: app/static/app/js/classes/StatusCodes.js:19 msgid "Failed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mislyktes" #: app/static/app/js/classes/StatusCodes.js:23 msgid "Completed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fullført" #: app/static/app/js/classes/StatusCodes.js:27 msgid "Canceled" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kansellert" #: app/static/app/js/classes/TempLayer.js:14 #, python-format msgid "%(file)s is bigger than 5 MB." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(file)s er større enn 5 MB." #: app/static/app/js/classes/TempLayer.js:30 #, python-format @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:232 #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:353 msgid "Default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forvalg" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:437 msgid "My Preset" @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:437 #, python-format msgid "Copy of %(preset)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kopi av %(preset)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:460 msgid "Could not duplicate the preset. Please try to refresh the page." @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:473 #, python-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%(preset)s\"?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil slette «%(preset)s»?" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:486 msgid "Could not delete the preset. Please try to refresh the page." @@ -444,11 +444,11 @@ msgstr "Kunne ikke slette element" #: app/static/app/js/components/Histogram.jsx:293 msgid "Min:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Min:" #: app/static/app/js/components/Histogram.jsx:294 msgid "Max:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maks:" #: app/static/app/js/components/ImagePopup.jsx:47 #, fuzzy @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/ImportTaskPanel.jsx:91 #, python-format msgid "Invalid response from server: %(error)s" -msgstr "Ugyldig svar fra tjener:" +msgstr "Ugyldig svar fra tjener: %(error)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/ImportTaskPanel.jsx:94 msgid "An error occured while uploading the file. Please try again." @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProcessingNodeOption.jsx:140 #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:62 msgid "Enable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skru på" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProcessingNodeOption.jsx:149 #, fuzzy @@ -647,12 +647,13 @@ msgstr "Tilbakestill til forvalg" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectList.jsx:63 #, python-format msgid "Could not load projects list: %(error)s" -msgstr "Kunne ikke laste inn prosjektliste:" +msgstr "Kunne ikke laste inn prosjektliste: %(error)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:185 #, python-format msgid "Cannot upload %(filename)s, exceeded max retries (%(max_retries)s)" msgstr "" +"Kan ikke laste opp %(filename)s. For mange forsøk brukt (%(max_retries)s)" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:234 #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:346 @@ -663,7 +664,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:237 #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:350 msgid "Cannot create new task. Please try again later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan ikke opprette ny oppgave. Prøv igjen senere." #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:244 #, python-format @@ -674,7 +675,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:473 msgid "Edit Project" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rediger prosjekt" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:474 msgid "Save Changes" @@ -696,7 +697,7 @@ msgstr "Vis kart" #: app/static/app/js/components/ProjectListItem.jsx:528 #, python-format msgid "%(count)s Tasks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(count)s gjøremål" #: app/static/app/js/components/ShareButton.jsx:58 msgid "Share" @@ -708,7 +709,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/SharePopup.jsx:78 msgid "Share This Task" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Del dette gjøremålet" #: app/static/app/js/components/SharePopup.jsx:87 msgid "QR" @@ -737,12 +738,12 @@ msgstr "2D" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskList.jsx:51 #, python-format msgid "Could not load task list: %(error)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kunne ikke laste inn gjøremålsliste: %(error)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskList.jsx:77 #, python-format msgid "Error: %(error)s" -msgstr "Feil:" +msgstr "Feil: %(error)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskList.jsx:77 msgid "Try again" @@ -755,7 +756,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:200 #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:207 msgid "Cannot complete operation." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan ikke fullføre operasjon." #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:250 #, python-format @@ -766,7 +767,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:251 msgid "Not enough images" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ikke nok bilder" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:252 msgid "Not enough overlap between images" @@ -820,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:368 #, python-format msgid "Task #%(number)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gjøremål #%(number)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:372 msgid "Uploading images to processing node" @@ -840,7 +841,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:434 msgid "Restart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Omstart" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:440 msgid "" @@ -928,12 +929,12 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/UploadProgressBar.jsx:29 #, python-format msgid "remaining to upload: %(bytes)s" -msgstr "gjenstår å laste opp:" +msgstr "gjenstår å laste opp: %(bytes)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/UploadProgressBar.jsx:35 #, python-format msgid "%(count)s files %(remaining)s" -msgstr "%(count)s filer" +msgstr "%(count)s filer %(remaining)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/UploadProgressBar.jsx:36 #, fuzzy, python-format @@ -1606,7 +1607,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:16 msgid "Point measurement" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Punktmåling" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:17 msgid "Distance measurement" @@ -1727,28 +1728,28 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:46 msgid "Compass" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kompass" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:47 msgid "Camera Animation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kameraanimasjon" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:48 msgid "Point budget" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Punktbudsjett" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:49 msgid "Point size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Punktstørrelse" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:50 msgid "Minimum size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minimumsstørrelse" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:51 #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:61 msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dekkevne" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:52 msgid "Field of view" @@ -1768,19 +1769,19 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:57 msgid "Quality" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kvalitet" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:58 msgid "Shape" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Form" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:59 msgid "Radius" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Radius" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:60 msgid "Strength" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Styrke" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:63 msgid "Min node size" @@ -1796,7 +1797,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:66 msgid "Sky" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Himmel" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:67 msgid "Keep above ground" @@ -1808,16 +1809,16 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:69 msgid "Length unit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lengdeenhet" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:70 msgid "Lock view" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lås visning" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:71 #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:88 msgid "Language" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Språk" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:72 msgid "Backface Culling" @@ -1833,31 +1834,33 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:75 msgid "show in 3D" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vis i 3D" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:76 msgid "show on map" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vis på kart" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:77 msgid "Number of Points" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Antall piunkter" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:79 +#, fuzzy msgid "Save LAS(3D)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lagren LAS(3D)" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:80 +#, fuzzy msgid "Save CSV(2D)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lagre CSV(2D)" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:81 msgid "Camera Position" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kameraposisjon" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:82 msgid "Camera Target" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kameramål" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:83 msgid "Return Number" @@ -1873,11 +1876,11 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:86 msgid "max" -msgstr "" +msgstr "maks" #: app/static/app/js/translations/potree_autogenerated.js:87 msgid "GPS Time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GPS-tid" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:57 msgid "" @@ -1912,19 +1915,19 @@ msgstr "" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:242 msgid "Interval:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Intervall:" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:245 #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:254 #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:272 #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:281 msgid "meter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "meter" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:252 #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:279 msgid "Value:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verdi:" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:260 #, fuzzy @@ -1934,7 +1937,7 @@ msgstr "Lag" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:269 msgid "Simplify:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forenkle:" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:287 #, fuzzy @@ -1943,8 +1946,9 @@ msgid "Projection:" msgstr "Legg til prosjekt" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:314 +#, fuzzy msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forhåndsvis" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:319 #, fuzzy @@ -1953,7 +1957,7 @@ msgstr "Importer" #: plugins/contours/public/ContoursPanel.jsx:352 msgid "Contours" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Konturer" #: plugins/lightning/public/CostEstimateItem.jsx:103 msgid "Cannot retrieve estimate. Try again later." @@ -1989,12 +1993,12 @@ msgstr "" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:83 msgid "Logging out…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Logger ut …" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:89 #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:94 msgid "Cannot logout:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan ikke logge ut:" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:115 msgid "credits" @@ -2018,7 +2022,7 @@ msgstr "" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:135 msgid "Hello," -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hei," #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:138 msgid "Synced Nodes" @@ -2033,12 +2037,14 @@ msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:159 +#, fuzzy msgid "Logout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Logg ut" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:56 +#, fuzzy msgid "Cannot login. Invalid response:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan ikke logge inn. Ugyldig respons:" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:60 msgid "" @@ -2048,23 +2054,24 @@ msgstr "" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:90 msgid "E-mail Address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "E-postadresse" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:97 msgid "Password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Passord" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:104 msgid "Don't have an account?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du ikke en konto?" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:105 msgid "Forgot password?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Glemt passordet?" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:110 +#, fuzzy msgid "Login and Sync" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Logg inn og synkroniser" #: plugins/lightning/public/app.jsx:39 msgid "Lightning Network" @@ -2096,7 +2103,7 @@ msgstr "Ugyldig JSON-svar: %(error)s" #: plugins/measure/public/MeasurePopup.jsx:142 msgid "Area:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Område:" #: plugins/measure/public/MeasurePopup.jsx:143 msgid "Perimeter:" @@ -2200,7 +2207,7 @@ msgstr "" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:36 msgid "Feet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fot" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:37 #, fuzzy @@ -2210,7 +2217,7 @@ msgstr "Filter" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:38 msgid "Hectares" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hektar" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:39 #, fuzzy diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index fda004ac..628588cd 100644 --- a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-27 11:57+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: COMDC \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-11 02:50+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Carlos Grohmann \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) \n" "Language: pt_BR\n" @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ msgstr "Versão" #: app/admin.py:112 msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor(a)" +msgstr "Autor" #: app/admin.py:233 msgid "Actions" @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ msgstr "Não é possível criar tarefa, você precisa de ao menos 2 imagens" #: app/api/tasks.py:329 app/api/tasks.py:332 app/api/tasks.py:351 #: app/api/tasks.py:354 msgid "Asset does not exist" -msgstr "Ativo não existe" +msgstr "Recurso não existe" #: app/api/tasks.py:370 msgid "Imported Task" @@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ msgstr "Chave" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:8 msgid "The user this setting belongs to. If NULL, the setting is global." msgstr "" -"O(a) usuário(a) ao qual esta configuração pertence. Se NULL, a configuração " -"é global." +"O usuário ao qual esta configuração pertence. Se NULL, a configuração é " +"global." #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:8 app/templates/app/admin/object_history.html:23 msgid "User" -msgstr "Usuário(a)" +msgstr "Usuário" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:9 msgid "Integer value" @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr "A pessoa que é dona deste preset" #: app/models/preset.py:9 app/models/project.py:22 msgid "Owner" -msgstr "Dono(a)" +msgstr "Dono" #: app/models/preset.py:10 msgid "A label used to describe the preset" @@ -363,11 +363,11 @@ msgstr "Sistema" #: app/models/preset.py:20 msgid "Preset" -msgstr "Preset" +msgstr "Predefinição" #: app/models/preset.py:21 msgid "Presets" -msgstr "Pré-Ajustes" +msgstr "Predefinições" #: app/models/project.py:22 msgid "The person who created the project" @@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Opções que estão sendo usadas para processar esta tarefa" #: app/models/task.py:229 msgid "List of available assets to download" -msgstr "Lista de ativos disponíveis para download" +msgstr "Lista de recursos disponíveis para download" #: app/models/task.py:229 msgid "Available Assets" -msgstr "Ativos Disponíveis" +msgstr "Recursos Disponíveis" #: app/models/task.py:230 msgid "Console output of the processing node" @@ -554,11 +554,11 @@ msgstr "Extensão de ortofoto" #: app/models/task.py:233 msgid "DSM Extent" -msgstr "Extensão DSM" +msgstr "Extensão do MDS" #: app/models/task.py:234 msgid "DTM Extent" -msgstr "Extensão DTM" +msgstr "Extensão do MDT" #: app/models/task.py:238 msgid "" @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ msgstr "sem nome" #: app/models/task.py:373 msgid "Importing assets..." -msgstr "Importando ativos ..." +msgstr "Importando recursos ..." #: app/models/task.py:412 app/models/task.py:680 msgid "Invalid zip file" @@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ msgstr "Excluir %(model)s selecionado" #: app/templates/app/admin/search_form.html:7 msgid "Search" -msgstr "Buscar" +msgstr "Pesquisar" #: app/templates/app/admin/search_form.html:9 #, python-format @@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ msgstr "Calcule e desenhe um mapa de elevação com base nos MDEs de uma tarefa" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:14 msgid "Upload and tile ODM assets with Cesium ion." -msgstr "Faça upload e agrupe ativos ODM com Cesium ion." +msgstr "Faça upload e agrupe recursos ODM com Cesium ion." #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:15 msgid "Import images from external sources directly" @@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ msgstr "Nenhuma camada DSM está disponível." #: plugins/contours/api.py:18 msgid "No DTM layer is available." -msgstr "Nenhuma camada DTM está disponível." +msgstr "Nenhuma camada MDT está disponível." #: plugins/contours/api.py:60 msgid "Could not generate contour file. This might be a bug." @@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Nenhum modelo de superfície disponível. No Painel de controle, selecione " "esta tarefa, pressione Editar, nas opções certifique-se de marcar \"dsm\" e " -"pressione reiniciar --> do DEM." +"pressione reiniciar --> do MDE." #: plugins/posm-gcpi/plugin.py:8 msgid "GCP Interface" diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po index f0d470aa..4e0f5bab 100644 --- a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po +++ b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-27 11:57+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-11 02:50+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Carlos Grohmann \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) \n" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ msgid "Your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave?" msgstr "Suas alterações serão perdidas. Você tem certeza de que quer sair?" #: app/static/app/js/MapView.jsx:65 -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:47 #: app/static/app/js/components/Map.jsx:82 msgid "Orthophoto" msgstr "Ortofoto" @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ msgstr "Relatório de Qualidade" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:55 msgid "All Assets" -msgstr "Todos os ativos" +msgstr "Todos os recursos" #: app/static/app/js/classes/Basemaps.js:9 msgid "Google Maps Hybrid" @@ -194,29 +194,35 @@ msgstr "Carregar dataset" #, fuzzy #| msgid "Structure From Motion / MVS" msgid "Structure From Motion" -msgstr "Structure From Motion / MVS" +msgstr "Structure from Motion / MVS" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:17 msgid "Multi View Stereo" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:22 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Point sizing" +msgid "Point Filtering" +msgstr "Tamanho do ponto" + +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:27 msgid "Meshing" msgstr "Malha" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:27 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:32 msgid "Texturing" msgstr "Texturizando" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:32 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:37 msgid "Georeferencing" msgstr "Georeferenciando" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:37 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 msgid "DEM" msgstr "MDE" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:47 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:52 msgid "Report" msgstr "Relatório" @@ -265,7 +271,7 @@ msgstr "Não é um arquivo JSON apropriado: %(file)s" #: app/static/app/js/components/AssetDownloadButtons.jsx:33 msgid "Download Assets" -msgstr "Baixar ativos" +msgstr "Baixar recursos" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditPresetDialog.jsx:107 #: app/static/app/js/components/EditTaskForm.jsx:523 @@ -280,7 +286,7 @@ msgstr "Nome" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditPresetDialog.jsx:121 msgid "Search" -msgstr "Buscar" +msgstr "Pesquisar" #: app/static/app/js/components/EditProjectDialog.jsx:10 msgid "New Project" @@ -519,7 +525,7 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/components/ImportTaskPanel.jsx:159 msgid "Import Existing Assets" -msgstr "Importar ativos existentes" +msgstr "Importar recursos existentes" #: app/static/app/js/components/ImportTaskPanel.jsx:160 #, python-format @@ -528,7 +534,7 @@ msgid "" "Download Assets %(arrow)s All Assets." msgstr "" "Você pode importar arquivos .zip que foram exportados de tarefas existentes " -"por meio de Download de ativos%(arrow)s Todos os ativos." +"por meio de Download de recursos %(arrow)s Todos os recursos." #: app/static/app/js/components/ImportTaskPanel.jsx:167 msgid "Upload a File" @@ -858,6 +864,11 @@ msgstr "" "tarefa. Isso pode indicar uma instalação corrompida. Se você compilou o " "OpenDroneMap, verifique se todos os programas foram compilados sem erros." +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:283 +#, python-format +msgid "From %(stage)s" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:295 msgid "Resume Processing" msgstr "Retomar o processamento" @@ -909,15 +920,15 @@ msgstr "Não é possível excluir tarefa." #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:493 msgid "Task Output:" -msgstr "Resultado da tarefa:" +msgstr "Resultados da tarefa:" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:496 msgid "On" -msgstr "Liga" +msgstr "Exibir" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:497 msgid "Off" -msgstr "Desliga" +msgstr "Ocultar" #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:505 msgid "Created on:" @@ -927,6 +938,14 @@ msgstr "Criado em:" msgid "Processing Node:" msgstr "Nó de processamento:" +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "auto" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "manual" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:512 msgid "Options:" msgstr "Opções:" @@ -961,8 +980,8 @@ msgstr "" "Parece que seu nó de processamento ficou sem memória. Se você estiver usando " "o docker, verifique se o ambiente do docker tem %(memlink)s. Como " "alternativa, certifique-se de ter RAM física suficiente, reduza o número de " -"imagens, torne suas imagens menores ou reduza o parâmetromax-concurrency das " -"opções da tarefa. Você também pode tentar usar um %(cloudlink)s." +"imagens, torne suas imagens menores ou reduza o parâmetro max-concurrency " +"das opções da tarefa. Você também pode tentar usar um %(cloudlink)s." #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:542 msgid "open a topic" @@ -1011,16 +1030,8 @@ msgstr "%(count)s arquivos enviados com sucesso" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:3 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " -"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " -"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Use os parâmetros da câmera calculados a partir de outro conjunto de dados " -"em vez de calculá-los. Pode ser especificado como caminho para um arquivo " -"cameras.json ou como uma string JSON representando o conteúdo de um arquivo " -"cameras.json. Padrão: %(default)s" +msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "A contagem máxima de vértices da malha de saída. Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:4 #, python-format @@ -1033,310 +1044,12 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:5 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " -"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Caminho para o arquivo que contém os pontos de controle (GCPs) usados para " -"georreferenciamento. O arquivo precisa usar o seguinte formato: EPSG: " -"ou <+definição proj>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " -"[extra1] [extra2] Padrão: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "Exibe mensagens de debug. Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parâmetro de raio da janela do Filtro Morfológico Simples (metros). Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Ao processar conjuntos de dados multiespectrais, o ODM alinhará " -"automaticamente as imagens para cada banda. Se as imagens foram processadas " -"e já estão alinhadas, use esta opção. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Número de imagens mais próximas a serem pré-combinadas com base nos dados " -"GPS exif. Defina como 0 para pular a pré-correspondência. O parâmetro " -"Vizinhos trabalha em conjunto com o parâmetro Distância, defina ambos como 0 " -"para não usar pré-correspondência. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Recorte automaticamente as saídas de imagem criando um buffer suave em torno " -"dos limites do conjunto de dados, reduzido em N metros. Use 0 para desativar " -"o corte. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Exporta a nuvem de pontos georreferenciados no formato Entwine Point Tile " -"(EPT). Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Use esta tag se você tiver um arquivo GCP, mas deseja usar as informações " -"EXIF para georreferenciamento. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Resolução do MDS/MDT em cm / pixel. Observe que este valor é limitado por " -"uma estimativa da distância de amostragem no solo (GSD). Para remover o " -"limite, marque --ignore-gsd também. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Ao texturizar a malha 3D, para cada triângulo, escolha priorizar imagens com " -"características nítidas (gmi) ou aquelas que cobrem a maior área (área). " -"Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " -"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Escolha o algoritmo para extrair pontos chave (keypoints) e descritores de " -"cálculo. Pode ser um de: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Filtra a nuvem de pontos mantendo apenas um único ponto em torno de um raio " -"N (em metros). Isso pode ser útil para limitar a resolução de saída da nuvem " -"de pontos. Defina como 0 para desativar a amostragem. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 -#, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Gera um arquivo de benchmark com informações de tempo de execução. Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Opção antiga (use --feature-quality ao invés). Redimensiona imagens pelo " -"lado maior apenas para fins de extração de feições. Defina como -1 para " -"desativar. Isso não afeta a qualidade da resolução final da ortofoto e não " -"redimensiona as imagens originais. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Exporta a nuvem de pontos georreferenciados no formato LAS. Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Usa os dados exif de GPS das imagens para reconstrução, mesmo se houver GCPs " -"presentes. Esta flag é útil se você tiver medições de GPS de alta precisão. " -"Se não houver GCPs, esta flag não fará nada. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 -#, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "Omite a mistura de cores perto das costuras. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Define a compactação a ser usada para ortofotos. Pode ser um de: " -"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Cria “overviews” da ortofoto para exibição mais rápida em programas como o " -"QGIS. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 -msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." -msgstr "" -"Caminho para a pasta do projeto. A pasta do projeto deve conter subpastas " -"para cada conjunto de dados. Cada conjunto de dados deve ter uma pasta " -"\"images\"." - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 -#, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "A contagem máxima de vértices da malha de saída. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Caminho para o arquivo de geolocalização da imagem contendo as coordenadas " -"do centro da câmera usadas para georreferenciamento. Observe que omega/phi/" -"kappa atualmente não são suportados (você pode defini-los como 0). O arquivo " -"deve usar o seguinte formato: EPSG: ou <+ definição proj> " -"nome_da_imagem geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega (graus)] [phi (graus)] [kappa " -"(graus)] [precisão horz (metros)] [ precisão vertical (metros)] Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " -"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Classifica as saídas da nuvem de pontos usando um Filtro Morfológico " -"Simples. Você pode controlar o comportamento desta opção ajustando os " -"parâmetros --dem-*. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Omite a normalização de cores em todas as imagens. Útil ao processar dados " -"radiométricos. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " -"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " -"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Gera um polígono ao redor da área de recorte que corta a ortofoto ao redor " -"das bordas das feições. Este polígono pode ser útil para costurar mosaicos " -"contínuos com múltiplas ortofotos sobrepostas. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"O número máximo de processos a serem usados em vários processos. O requisito " -"de memória máxima é de aproximadamente 1 GB por thread e resolução de imagem " -"de 2 megapixels. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, fuzzy, python-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need " -#| "2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Omite a geração de um modelo 3D completo. Isso pode economizar tempo se você " -"precisar apenas de resultados 2D, como ortofotos e MDEs. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " -"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Limite de distância em metros para encontrar imagens pré-correspondentes com " -"base em dados GPS exif. Defina matcher-neighbors e esta opção como 0 para " -"pular a pré-correspondência. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Use esta tag para construir um MDT (Modelo Digital de Terreno, somente solo) " -"usando um filtro morfológico simples. Verifique os parâmetros --dem* e --" -"smrf* para um ajuste mais preciso. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 -#, fuzzy, python-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " -#| "georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: " -#| "or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " -#| "[extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Caminho para o arquivo que contém os pontos de controle (GCPs) usados para " -"georreferenciamento. O arquivo precisa usar o seguinte formato: EPSG: " -"ou <+definição proj>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " -"[extra1] [extra2] Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " "multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " "(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " @@ -1356,6 +1069,299 @@ msgstr "" "incidente (DLS) levando em consideração o ângulo do sol. Pode ser um de: " "%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Algoritmo de correspondência, biblioteca rápida para vizinhos mais próximos " +"aproximados (FLANN) ou pacote de palavras (BOW). FLANN é mais lento, mas " +"mais estável. BOW é mais rápido, mas às vezes pode perder correspondências " +"válidas. Pode ser um dos seguintes: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Execute a retificação do solo na nuvem de pontos. Isso significa que os " +"pontos classificados incorretamente como solo serão reclassificados e os " +"vazios serão preenchidos. Útil para gerar MDTs. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Executa um ajuste de conjunto (bundle adjustment) local para cada imagem " +"adicionada à reconstrução e um ajuste global a cada 100 imagens. Acelera a " +"reconstrução para conjuntos de dados muito grandes. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ao processar conjuntos de dados multiespectrais, você pode especificar o " +"nome da banda primária que será usada para reconstrução. Recomenda-se " +"escolher uma banda que tenha detalhes nítidos e esteja em foco. Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Exporta a nuvem de pontos georreferenciados no formato LAS. Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Exporta a nuvem de pontos georreferenciados no formato Entwine Point Tile " +"(EPT). Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Tipo de método de remoção de outlier fotométrico. Pode ser um dos seguintes: " +"%(choices)s. Padão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:14 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can " +"be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Escolha o algoritmo para extrair pontos chave (keypoints) e descritores de " +"cálculo. Pode ser um de: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 +#, python-format +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "Exibe mensagens adicionais no console. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"URL para uma instância ClusterODM para distribuir um fluxo de trabalho de " +"split-merge em vários nós em paralelo. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Caminho para o arquivo que contém os pontos de controle (GCPs) usados para " +"georreferenciamento. O arquivo precisa usar o seguinte formato: EPSG: " +"ou <+definição proj>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " +"[extra1] [extra2] Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 +#, python-format +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Gera um arquivo de benchmark com informações de tempo de execução. Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Decima os pontos antes de gerar o MDE. 1 é sem decimação (qualidade total). " +"100 decima ~99%% dos pontos. Útil para acelerar a geração de MDEs em " +"conjuntos de dados muito grandes. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Número de imagens mais próximas a serem pré-combinadas com base nos dados " +"GPS exif. Defina como 0 para pular a pré-correspondência. O parâmetro " +"Vizinhos trabalha em conjunto com o parâmetro Distância, defina ambos como 0 " +"para não usar pré-correspondência. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ignora a Distância de Amostragem no Solo (Ground Sampling Distance - GSD). O " +"GSD limita a resolução máxima das saídas de imagem e redimensiona as imagens " +"quando necessário, resultando em um processamento mais rápido e menor uso de " +"memória. Como o GSD é uma estimativa, às vezes ignorá-lo pode resultar em " +"uma qualidade de saída de imagem ligeiramente melhor. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " +msgstr "Exibe o número da versão e sai. " + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Define a qualidade da extração das feições. Qualidade superior gera feições " +"melhores, mas requer mais memória e leva mais tempo. Pode ser um de: " +"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Número médio de imagens por submodelo. Ao dividir um grande conjunto de " +"dados em submodelos menores, as imagens são agrupadas em clusters. Este " +"valor regula o número de imagens que cada cluster deve ter em média. Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 +#, fuzzy, python-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need " +#| "2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Omite a geração de um modelo 3D completo. Isso pode economizar tempo se você " +"precisar apenas de resultados 2D, como ortofotos e MDEs. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Execute novamente este estágio e pare. Pode ser um de: %(choices)s. Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Define um tipo de projeção da câmera. Definir um valor manualmente pode " +"ajudar a melhorar a distorção geométrica. Por padrão, o aplicativo tenta " +"determinar um tipo de lente a partir dos metadados das imagens. Pode ser um " +"de: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ao texturizar a malha 3D, para cada triângulo, escolha priorizar imagens com " +"características nítidas (gmi) ou aquelas que cobrem a maior área (área). " +"Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "Omite a mistura de cores perto das costuras. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " +"can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Classifica as saídas da nuvem de pontos usando um Filtro Morfológico " +"Simples. Você pode controlar o comportamento desta opção ajustando os " +"parâmetros --dem-*. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " +"the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless " +"mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Gera um polígono ao redor da área de recorte que corta a ortofoto ao redor " +"das bordas das feições. Este polígono pode ser útil para costurar mosaicos " +"contínuos com múltiplas ortofotos sobrepostas. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " +"data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Limite de distância em metros para encontrar imagens pré-correspondentes com " +"base em dados GPS exif. Defina matcher-neighbors e esta opção como 0 para " +"pular a pré-correspondência. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Use os parâmetros da câmera calculados a partir de outro conjunto de dados " +"em vez de calculá-los. Pode ser especificado como caminho para um arquivo " +"cameras.json ou como uma string JSON representando o conteúdo de um arquivo " +"cameras.json. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Número de passos usados para preencher áreas com vazios. Defina como 0 para " +"desativar o preenchimento de vazios. Começando com um raio igual à resolução " +"de saída, N diferentes MDEs são gerados com raio progressivamente maior " +"usando o algoritmo do inverso da potência da distância (IDW) e mesclados. Os " +"vazios restantes são então mesclados usando a interpolação dpor vizinho mais " +"próximo. Padrão: %(default)s" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 #, python-format msgid "" @@ -1372,132 +1378,6 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Resolução da ortofoto em cm / pixel. Observe que este valor é limitado por " -"uma estimativa da distância de amostragem no solo (GSD). Para remover o " -"limite, marque --ignore-gsd também. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 -msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." -msgstr "" -"Exclua permanentemente todos os resultados anteriores e execute novamente o " -"pipeline de processamento." - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"A profundidade da octree usada na reconstrução da malha, aumente para obter " -"mais vértices, os valores recomendados são 8-12. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parâmetro escalar de elevação do Filtro Morfológico Simples. Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"URL para uma instância ClusterODM para distribuir um fluxo de trabalho de " -"split-merge em vários nós em paralelo. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Execute novamente este estágio e pare. Pode ser um de: %(choices)s. Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Exporta a nuvem de pontos georreferenciados em formato CSV. Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Tipo de método de remoção de outlier fotométrico. Pode ser um dos seguintes: " -"%(choices)s. Padão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Número médio de imagens por submodelo. Ao dividir um grande conjunto de " -"dados em submodelos menores, as imagens são agrupadas em clusters. Este " -"valor regula o número de imagens que cada cluster deve ter em média. Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Exclui arquivos intermediários pesados para otimizar o uso do espaço em " -"disco. Isso afeta a capacidade de reiniciar o pipeline a partir de um " -"estágio intermediário, mas permite que os conjuntos de dados sejam " -"processados em máquinas que não têm espaço em disco suficiente disponível. " -"Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Filtra a nuvem de pontos removendo pontos que se desviam mais do que N " -"desvios padrão da média local. Defina como 0 para desativar a filtragem. " -"Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "Exibe mensagens adicionais no console. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " -"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " -"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " -"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Definir a qualidade da nuvem de pontos. Uma qualidade superior gera nuvens " -"de pontos melhores e mais densas, mas requer mais memória e leva mais tempo. " -"Cada aumento na qualidade aumenta o tempo de processamento aproximadamente " -"por um fator de 4x. Pode ser um de: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" "Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " "option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " "Default: %(default)s" @@ -1506,79 +1386,7 @@ msgstr "" "Esta opção é um pouco mais rápida e fornece resultados semelhantes em áreas " "planas. Padrão: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Ao processar conjuntos de dados multiespectrais, você pode especificar o " -"nome da banda primária que será usada para reconstrução. Recomenda-se " -"escolher uma banda que tenha detalhes nítidos e esteja em foco. Padrão: " -"%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parâmetro de limite de elevação do Filtro Morfológico Simples (metros). " -"Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Define um tipo de projeção da câmera. Definir um valor manualmente pode " -"ajudar a melhorar a distorção geométrica. Por padrão, o aplicativo tenta " -"determinar um tipo de lente a partir dos metadados das imagens. Pode ser um " -"de: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Nome do conjunto de dados (ou seja, nome da subpasta dentro da pasta do " -"projeto). Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 -#, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "Exibe mensagens de debug. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Omite a geração de um modelo 3D completo. Isso pode economizar tempo se você " -"precisar apenas de resultados 2D, como ortofotos e MDEs. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " -"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " -"tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Use esta tag para construir um MDS (Modelo Digital de Superfície, solo" -"+objetos) usando um filtro morfológico progressivo. Verifique os parâmetros " -"--dem* para um ajuste mais preciso. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" -msgstr "mostra esta mensagem de ajuda e sai" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 #, python-format msgid "" "Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " @@ -1587,77 +1395,41 @@ msgstr "" "Defina este parâmetro se quiser gerar uma renderização PNG da ortofoto. " "Padrão: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " -"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " -"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Desliga a otimização dos parâmetros da câmera durante o ajuste de conjunto " -"(bundle adjustment). Isso às vezes pode ser útil para melhorar os resultados " -"que exibem domeamento/embaciamento ou quando as imagens são tiradas com uma " -"câmera tipo rolling shutter. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Ao processar conjuntos de dados multiespectrais, o ODM alinhará " +"automaticamente as imagens para cada banda. Se as imagens foram processadas " +"e já estão alinhadas, use esta opção. Padrão: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 +msgid "show this help message and exit" +msgstr "mostra esta mensagem de ajuda e sai" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Execute a retificação do solo na nuvem de pontos. Isso significa que os " -"pontos classificados incorretamente como solo serão reclassificados e os " -"vazios serão preenchidos. Útil para gerar MDTs. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Define a qualidade da extração das feições. Qualidade superior gera feições " -"melhores, mas requer mais memória e leva mais tempo. Pode ser um de: " -"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"Parâmetro escalar de elevação do Filtro Morfológico Simples. Padrão: " "%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Ignora a reconstrução densa e a geração do modelo 3D. Gera uma ortofoto " -"diretamente da reconstrução esparsa. Se você precisa apenas de uma ortofoto " -"e não precisa de um modelo 3D completo, ative esta opção. Padrão: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Execute novamente o processamento a partir deste estágio. Pode ser um de: " -"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Usa os dados exif de GPS das imagens para reconstrução, mesmo se houver GCPs " +"presentes. Este sinal (flag) é útil se você tiver medições de GPS de alta " +"precisão. Se não houver GCPs, este sinal não fará nada. Padrão: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Parâmetro de inclinação do filtro morfológico simples (aumento sobre " -"distância - rise over run). Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 -#, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Defina este parâmetro se desejar um GeoTIFF listrado. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" "End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " @@ -1666,18 +1438,29 @@ msgstr "" "Finalize o processamento nesta fase. Pode ser um de: %(choices)s. Padrão: " "%(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Decima os pontos antes de gerar o MDE. 1 é sem decimação (qualidade total). " -"100 decima ~99%% dos pontos. Útil para acelerar a geração de MDEs em " -"conjuntos de dados muito grandes. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Filtra a nuvem de pontos mantendo apenas um único ponto em torno de um raio " +"N (em metros). Isso pode ser útil para limitar a resolução de saída da nuvem " +"de pontos. Defina como 0 para desativar a amostragem. Padrão: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Use esta tag para construir um MDT (Modelo Digital de Terreno, somente solo) " +"usando um filtro morfológico simples. Verifique os parâmetros --dem* e --" +"smrf* para um ajuste mais preciso. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" "Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " @@ -1691,34 +1474,306 @@ msgstr "" "insuficientes. Mais feições também tornam o processamento lento. Padrão: " "%(default)s" +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 +#, fuzzy, python-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +#| "georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: " +#| "or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " +#| "[extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Caminho para o arquivo que contém os pontos de controle (GCPs) usados para " +"georreferenciamento. O arquivo precisa usar o seguinte formato: EPSG: " +"ou <+definição proj>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] " +"[extra1] [extra2] Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +msgstr "" +"Exclua permanentemente todos os resultados anteriores e execute novamente o " +"pipeline de processamento." + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Ignora a reconstrução densa e a geração do modelo 3D. Gera uma ortofoto " +"diretamente da reconstrução esparsa. Se você precisa apenas de uma ortofoto " +"e não precisa de um modelo 3D completo, ative esta opção. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " +"clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " +"increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " +"%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Definir a qualidade da nuvem de pontos. Uma qualidade superior gera nuvens " +"de pontos melhores e mais densas, mas requer mais memória e leva mais tempo. " +"Cada aumento na qualidade aumenta o tempo de processamento aproximadamente " +"por um fator de 4x. Pode ser um de: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 +msgid "" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +msgstr "" +"Caminho para a pasta do projeto. A pasta do projeto deve conter subpastas " +"para cada conjunto de dados. Cada conjunto de dados deve ter uma pasta " +"\"images\"." + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Parâmetro de inclinação do filtro morfológico simples (aumento sobre " +"distância - rise over run). Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"O número máximo de processos a serem usados em vários processos. O requisito " +"de memória máxima é de aproximadamente 1 GB por thread e resolução de imagem " +"de 2 megapixels. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Omite a normalização de cores em todas as imagens. Útil ao processar dados " +"radiométricos. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Filtra a nuvem de pontos removendo pontos que se desviam mais do que N " +"desvios padrão da média local. Defina como 0 para desativar a filtragem. " +"Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Gere mosaicos (tiles) estáticos para ortofotos e MDEs adequados para " +"visualizadores como Leaflet ou OpenLayers. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using " +"a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer " +"tuning. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Use esta tag para construir um MDS (Modelo Digital de Superfície, solo" +"+objetos) usando um filtro morfológico progressivo. Verifique os parâmetros " +"--dem* para um ajuste mais preciso. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Defina este parâmetro se desejar um GeoTIFF listrado. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Execute novamente o processamento a partir deste estágio. Pode ser um de: " +"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Resolução da ortofoto em cm / pixel. Observe que este valor é limitado por " +"uma estimativa da distância de amostragem no solo (GSD). Para remover o " +"limite, marque --ignore-gsd também. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Raio da sobreposição entre submodelos. Depois de agrupar as imagens em " +"clusters, as imagens que estão mais próximas do que este raio de um cluster " +"são adicionadas ao cluster. Isso é feito para garantir que os submodelos " +"vizinhos se sobreponham. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Define a compactação a ser usada para ortofotos. Pode ser um de: " +"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Caminho para o arquivo de geolocalização da imagem contendo as coordenadas " +"do centro da câmera usadas para georreferenciamento. Observe que omega/phi/" +"kappa atualmente não são suportados (você pode defini-los como 0). O arquivo " +"deve usar o seguinte formato: EPSG: ou <+ definição proj> " +"nome_da_imagem geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega (graus)] [phi (graus)] [kappa " +"(graus)] [precisão horz (metros)] [ precisão vertical (metros)] Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Exclui arquivos intermediários pesados para otimizar o uso do espaço em " +"disco. Isso afeta a capacidade de reiniciar o pipeline a partir de um " +"estágio intermediário, mas permite que os conjuntos de dados sejam " +"processados em máquinas que não têm espaço em disco suficiente disponível. " +"Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " +"sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " +"images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Desliga a otimização dos parâmetros da câmera durante o ajuste de conjunto " +"(bundle adjustment). Isso às vezes pode ser útil para melhorar os resultados " +"que exibem domeamento/embaciamento ou quando as imagens são tiradas com uma " +"câmera tipo rolling shutter. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Recorte automaticamente as saídas de imagem criando um buffer suave em torno " +"dos limites do conjunto de dados, reduzido em N metros. Use 0 para desativar " +"o corte. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Exporta a nuvem de pontos georreferenciados em formato CSV. Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Resolução do MDS/MDT em cm / pixel. Observe que este valor é limitado por " +"uma estimativa da distância de amostragem no solo (GSD). Para remover o " +"limite, marque --ignore-gsd também. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Parâmetro de raio da janela do Filtro Morfológico Simples (metros). Padrão: " +"%(default)s" + #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Escolha o que mesclar na etapa de mesclagem em um conjunto de dados " -"dividido. Por padrão, todas as saídas disponíveis são mescladas. Opções: " -"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Cria “overviews” da ortofoto para exibição mais rápida em programas como o " +"QGIS. Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Ignora a Distância de Amostragem no Solo (Ground Sampling Distance - GSD). O " -"GSD limita a resolução máxima das saídas de imagem e redimensiona as imagens " -"quando necessário, resultando em um processamento mais rápido e menor uso de " -"memória. Como o GSD é uma estimativa, às vezes ignorá-lo pode resultar em " -"uma qualidade de saída de imagem ligeiramente melhor. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Opção antiga (use --pc-quality ao invés). Controla a densidade da nuvem de " +"pontos definindo a resolução das imagens do mapa de profundidade (depth " +"maps). Valores mais altos demoram mais para serem computados, mas produzem " +"nuvens de pontos mais densas. Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Nome do conjunto de dados (ou seja, nome da subpasta dentro da pasta do " +"projeto). Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"Omite a geração de um modelo 3D completo. Isso pode economizar tempo se você " +"precisar apenas de resultados 2D, como ortofotos e MDEs. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" +"A profundidade da octree usada na reconstrução da malha, aumente para obter " +"mais vértices, os valores recomendados são 8-12. Padrão: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1734,82 +1789,46 @@ msgstr "" "opção pode às vezes ajudar a controlar os efeitos do domeamento em grandes " "áreas. Padrão: %(default)s" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Opção antiga (use --pc-quality ao invés). Controla a densidade da nuvem de " -"pontos definindo a resolução das imagens do mapa de profundidade (depth " -"maps). Valores mais altos demoram mais para serem computados, mas produzem " -"nuvens de pontos mais densas. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"Gere mosaicos (tiles) estáticos para ortofotos e MDEs adequados para " -"visualizadores como Leaflet ou OpenLayers. Padrão: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "Exibe o número da versão e sai. " - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Executa um ajuste de conjunto (bundle adjustment) local para cada imagem " -"adicionada à reconstrução e um ajuste global a cada 100 imagens. Acelera a " -"reconstrução para conjuntos de dados muito grandes. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Opção antiga (use --feature-quality ao invés). Redimensiona imagens pelo " +"lado maior apenas para fins de extração de feições. Defina como -1 para " +"desativar. Isso não afeta a qualidade da resolução final da ortofoto e não " +"redimensiona as imagens originais. Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Raio da sobreposição entre submodelos. Depois de agrupar as imagens em " -"clusters, as imagens que estão mais próximas do que este raio de um cluster " -"são adicionadas ao cluster. Isso é feito para garantir que os submodelos " -"vizinhos se sobreponham. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Escolha o que mesclar na etapa de mesclagem em um conjunto de dados " +"dividido. Por padrão, todas as saídas disponíveis são mescladas. Opções: " +"%(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" -"Número de passos usados para preencher áreas com vazios. Defina como 0 para " -"desativar o preenchimento de vazios. Começando com um raio igual à resolução " -"de saída, N diferentes MDEs são gerados com raio progressivamente maior " -"usando o algoritmo do inverso da potência da distância (IDW) e mesclados. Os " -"vazios restantes são então mesclados usando a interpolação dpor vizinho mais " -"próximo. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Parâmetro de limite de elevação do Filtro Morfológico Simples (metros). " +"Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"Algoritmo de correspondência, biblioteca rápida para vizinhos mais próximos " -"aproximados (FLANN) ou pacote de palavras (BOW). FLANN é mais lento, mas " -"mais estável. BOW é mais rápido, mas às vezes pode perder correspondências " -"válidas. Pode ser um dos seguintes: %(choices)s. Padrão: %(default)s" +"Use esta tag se você tiver um arquivo GCP, mas deseja usar as informações " +"EXIF para georreferenciamento. Padrão: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 msgid "Compute volume, area and length measurements on Leaflet" @@ -1855,7 +1874,7 @@ msgstr "Calcule e desenhe um mapa de elevação com base nos MDEs de uma tarefa" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:13 msgid "Upload and tile ODM assets with Cesium ion." -msgstr "Faça upload e agrupe ativos ODM com Cesium ion." +msgstr "Faça upload e agrupe recursos ODM com Cesium ion." #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:14 msgid "Import images from external sources directly" @@ -2289,7 +2308,7 @@ msgid "" "Cannot load lightning dashboard. Are you running the latest version of " "WebODM?" msgstr "" -"Não é possível carregar o painel do relâmpago. Você está executando a versão " +"Não é possível carregar o painel lightning. Você está executando a versão " "mais recente do WebODM?" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:52 @@ -2297,8 +2316,8 @@ msgid "" "Cannot load lightning dashboard. Please make sure you are connected to the " "internet, or try again in an hour." msgstr "" -"Não é possível carregar o painel do relâmpago. Verifique se você está " -"conectado à Internet ou tente novamente em uma hora." +"Não é possível carregar o painel lightning. Verifique se você está conectado " +"à Internet ou tente novamente em uma hora." #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:75 msgid "Cannot sync nodes. Are you connected to the internet?" @@ -2306,7 +2325,7 @@ msgstr "Não é possível sincronizar nós. Você está conectado à internet?" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:83 msgid "Logging out…" -msgstr "Sair…" +msgstr "Saindo…" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:89 #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:94 @@ -2339,7 +2358,7 @@ msgstr "Olá," #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:138 msgid "Synced Nodes" -msgstr "Nódulos sincronizados" +msgstr "Nós sincronizados" #: plugins/lightning/public/Dashboard.jsx:146 msgid "Resync" @@ -2355,14 +2374,14 @@ msgstr "Desconectar" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:56 msgid "Cannot login. Invalid response:" -msgstr "Não consigo acessar. Resposta inválida:" +msgstr "Não é possível acessar. Resposta inválida:" #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:60 msgid "" "Cannot login. Please make sure you are connected to the internet, or try " "again in an hour." msgstr "" -"Não consigo acessar. Verifique se você está conectado à Internet ou tente " +"Não é possível acessar. Verifique se você está conectado à Internet ou tente " "novamente em uma hora." #: plugins/lightning/public/Login.jsx:90 @@ -2408,14 +2427,14 @@ msgid "" "automatically setup a new processing node. If you don't have an account, you " "can %(register)s for free." msgstr "" -"Abaixo, você pode inserir suas credenciais de %(link)s para sincronizar sua " +"Abaixo você pode inserir suas credenciais de %(link)s para sincronizar sua " "conta e configurar automaticamente um novo nó de processamento. Se você não " "tem uma conta, você pode %(register)s gratuitamente." #: plugins/measure/public/MeasurePopup.jsx:105 #, python-format msgid "Invalid response: %(error)s" -msgstr "Resposta inválida:%(error)s" +msgstr "Resposta inválida: %(error)s" #: plugins/measure/public/MeasurePopup.jsx:142 msgid "Area:" @@ -2497,15 +2516,15 @@ msgstr "Distância do caminho" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:30 msgid "Center on this area" -msgstr "Centrar nesta área" +msgstr "Centralizar nesta área" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:31 msgid "Center on this line" -msgstr "Centrar nesta linha" +msgstr "Centralizar nesta linha" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:32 msgid "Center on this location" -msgstr "Centralize neste local" +msgstr "Centralizar neste local" #: plugins/measure/public/app.jsx:35 msgid "Acres" diff --git a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 7c8e77aa..9f9436bd 100644 --- a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-12 14:33+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jurijs Jeskins \n" "Language-Team: Russian \n" "Language-Team: Russian or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " +"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " +"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " +"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " +"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " +"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " +"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " +"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 #, python-format msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" @@ -1040,97 +1053,122 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 #, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 #, python-format msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " "can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 #, python-format msgid "" "Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " @@ -1138,22 +1176,7 @@ msgid "" "mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 #, python-format msgid "" "Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " @@ -1161,33 +1184,23 @@ msgid "" "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " -"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " -"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " -"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " -"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " -"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " -"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " -"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 @@ -1202,145 +1215,148 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "show this help message and exit" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 #, python-format msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 #, python-format msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 #, python-format msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " "clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " "increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " "%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 @@ -1352,112 +1368,137 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 #, python-format msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " "sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " "images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1466,58 +1507,34 @@ msgid "" "areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 diff --git a/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index b96dc2a5..5da61366 100644 --- a/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-01 10:39+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Gunduzhan Gunduz \n" "Language-Team: Turkish \n" "Language-Team: Turkish or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " +"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " +"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " +"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " +"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " +"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " +"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " +"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 #, python-format msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" @@ -1051,97 +1064,122 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 #, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 #, python-format msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " "can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 #, python-format msgid "" "Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " @@ -1149,22 +1187,7 @@ msgid "" "mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 #, python-format msgid "" "Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " @@ -1172,33 +1195,23 @@ msgid "" "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " -"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " -"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " -"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " -"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " -"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " -"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " -"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 @@ -1213,145 +1226,148 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "show this help message and exit" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 #, python-format msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 #, python-format msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 #, python-format msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " "clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " "increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " "%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 @@ -1363,112 +1379,137 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 #, python-format msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " "sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " "images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1477,58 +1518,34 @@ msgid "" "areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3 diff --git a/locale/zh_Hant/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/zh_Hant/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 67bdc515..7274c350 100644 --- a/locale/zh_Hant/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/zh_Hant/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 14:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-02 05:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Yu-Huang Wang \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-25 17:42+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-11 02:50+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Yu-Huang Wang \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) \n" "Language: zh_Hant\n" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ msgid "Your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave?" msgstr "修改將遺失。 確定要離開嗎?" #: app/static/app/js/MapView.jsx:65 -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:47 #: app/static/app/js/components/Map.jsx:82 msgid "Orthophoto" msgstr "正射影像" @@ -146,10 +146,8 @@ msgid "Camera Shots (GeoJSON)" msgstr "拍攝影像" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Report" msgid "Quality Report" -msgstr "報告" +msgstr "品質報告" #: app/static/app/js/classes/AssetDownloads.js:55 msgid "All Assets" @@ -203,22 +201,26 @@ msgid "Multi View Stereo" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:22 +msgid "Point Filtering" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:27 msgid "Meshing" msgstr "網格化" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:27 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:32 msgid "Texturing" msgstr "紋理化" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:32 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:37 msgid "Georeferencing" msgstr "地理座標定位" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:37 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:42 msgid "DEM" msgstr "DEM" -#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:47 +#: app/static/app/js/classes/PipelineSteps.js:52 msgid "Report" msgstr "報告" @@ -826,6 +828,11 @@ msgstr "" "處理節點缺少完成任務所需的程式。 這可能是安裝已損壞。 如果你自行編譯" "OpenDroneMap,請檢查所有編譯的程式都沒有錯誤。" +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:283 +#, python-format +msgid "From %(stage)s" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:295 msgid "Resume Processing" msgstr "恢復處理" @@ -893,6 +900,14 @@ msgstr "建立時間:" msgid "Processing Node:" msgstr "處理節點:" +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "auto" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:508 +msgid "manual" +msgstr "" + #: app/static/app/js/components/TaskListItem.jsx:512 msgid "Options:" msgstr "選項:" @@ -971,12 +986,8 @@ msgstr "已成功上傳%(count)s檔案" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:3 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " -"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " -"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" +msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "輸出網孔的最多頂點算。預設值: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:4 #, python-format @@ -987,71 +998,71 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:5 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " -"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" -"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " -"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" +msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "印出調試的信息。預設值:%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:6 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "簡單形態過濾器窗口半徑參數(公尺)。 預設值:%(default)s" +"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " +"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " +"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " +"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " +"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " +"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " +"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " +"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:7 #, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " -"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " -"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" +"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " +"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " +"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:8 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " -"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " -"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" +"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " +"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " +"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:9 #, python-format msgid "" -"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " -"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " +"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " +"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:10 #, python-format msgid "" +"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " +"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " +"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:11 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " -"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:12 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " -"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " -"also. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:13 #, python-format msgid "" -"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " -"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" @@ -1064,97 +1075,125 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:15 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " -"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " -"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:16 #, python-format -msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " +"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:17 #, python-format msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " -"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " -"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " -"original images. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the file containing the ground control points used for " +"georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <" +"+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] " +"[extra2]Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:18 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:19 #, python-format msgid "" -"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." -"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " -"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " +"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " +"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:20 #, python-format -msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to " +"skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set " +"both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:21 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " +"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " +"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " +"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" +"忽略地面取樣距離(GSD)。 GSD限制輸出影像的最大解析度,並在必要時調整影像大小," +"從而加快處理速度並降低記憶體用量。 由於GSD是估計值,有時忽略它可以產生稍好的" +"影像輸出品質。預設值:%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:22 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " -"Default: %(default)s" +msgid "Displays version number and exits. " msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:23 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " -"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." +"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " +"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:24 #, python-format -msgid "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "輸出網孔的最多頂點算。預設值: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " +"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " +"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:25 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " -"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " -"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " -"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " -"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " -"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " +"report. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:26 #, python-format msgid "" +"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "重運行這階段後停止. 選擇是:%(choices)s. 預設值:%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " +"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " +"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images " +"with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "略過縫合線附近的混色。 預設: %(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You " "can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. " "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:27 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " -"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:28 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 #, python-format msgid "" "Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around " @@ -1162,22 +1201,7 @@ msgid "" "mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:29 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " -"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:30 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a " -"report. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:31 +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 #, python-format msgid "" "Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif " @@ -1185,33 +1209,23 @@ msgid "" "Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:32 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " -"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " -"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:33 #, python-format msgid "" -"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " -"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " -"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" +"Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of " +"calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or " +"as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:34 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing " -"multispectral images you should set this option to obtain reflectance values " -"(otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black " -"level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate " -"EXIF tags are found). [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the " -"corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered " -"via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of " -"the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " +"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " +"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " +"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " +"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:35 @@ -1226,145 +1240,148 @@ msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:36 #, python-format msgid "" -"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " -"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" -"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " +"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:37 +#, python-format msgid "" -"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." +"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " +"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " -"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +"When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the " +"images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already " +"aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:39 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "show this help message and exit" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:40 #, python-format msgid "" -"URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on " -"multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:41 #, python-format msgid "" -"Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "重運行這階段後停止. 選擇是:%(choices)s. 預設值:%(default)s" +"Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present." +"This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there " +"are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:42 #, python-format msgid "" -"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" +"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:43 #, python-format msgid "" -"Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in " +"meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point " +"cloud. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:44 #, python-format msgid "" -"Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into " -"smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates " -"the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a " +"simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for " +"finer tuning. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:45 #, python-format msgid "" -"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " -"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " -"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " -"available. Default: %(default)s" +"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " +"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " +"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " +"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:46 #, python-format msgid "" -"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " -"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into " +"groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name " +"group_nameDefault: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:47 -#, python-format -msgid "Print additional messages to the console. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:48 #, python-format msgid "" +"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " +"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " +"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point " "clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality " "increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: " "%(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:49 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This " -"option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:50 -#, python-format msgid "" -"When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the " -"primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to " -"choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s" +"Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders " +"for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder." msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:51 #, python-format msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve " -"geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens " -"type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory " +"requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: " "%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:53 #, python-format msgid "" -"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "數據集的名字 (比如,項目文件夾的子文件夾)預設值:%(default)s" +"Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing " +"radiometric data. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:54 #, python-format -msgid "Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "印出調試的信息。預設值:%(default)s" +msgid "" +"Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard " +"deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:55 #, python-format msgid "" -"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " -"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " +"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:56 @@ -1376,115 +1393,139 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:57 -msgid "show this help message and exit" +#, python-format +msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:58 #, python-format msgid "" -"Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the " -"orthophoto. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" +"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "從這階段重運行. 選擇是:%(choices)s. 預設值: %(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:59 #, python-format msgid "" +"Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a " +"ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-" +"gsd also. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " +"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " +"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " +"Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates " +"used for georeferencing. Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not " +"supported (you can set them to 0). The file needs to use the following " +"format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega " +"(degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert " +"accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects " +"the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows " +"datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space " +"available. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be " "sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when " "images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:60 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly " -"classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. " -"Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:61 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, " -"but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. " -"Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:62 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an " -"orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an " -"orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:63 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "從這階段重運行. 選擇是:%(choices)s. 預設值: %(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:64 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: " -"%(default)s" -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:65 #, python-format -msgid "Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s" +msgid "" +"Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the " +"dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:67 #, python-format msgid "" -"Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full " -"quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up " -"generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground " +"sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd " +"also. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:68 #, python-format msgid "" -"Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful " -"for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the " -"reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More " -"features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" +"Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "簡單形態過濾器窗口半徑參數(公尺)。 預設值:%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:69 #, python-format msgid "" -"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " -"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. " +"Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:70 #, python-format msgid "" -"Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of " -"image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster " -"processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes " -"ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: " -"%(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " +"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " +"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -"忽略地面取樣距離(GSD)。 GSD限制輸出影像的最大解析度,並在必要時調整影像大小," -"從而加快處理速度並降低記憶體用量。 由於GSD是估計值,有時忽略它可以產生稍好的" -"影像輸出品質。預設值:%(default)s" +"舊的選項(改用 use--pc-quality)。 可經由設定景深圖影像的解析度來控制點雲的密" +"度。 數值高所需的計算時間會更長,但會產生更密集的點雲。預設值:%(default)s" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:71 #, python-format msgid "" +"Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: " +"%(default)s" +msgstr "數據集的名字 (比如,項目文件夾的子文件夾)預設值:%(default)s" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D " +"results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, " +"recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s" +msgstr "" + +#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "" "Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information " "for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS " "information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can " @@ -1493,60 +1534,34 @@ msgid "" "areas. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:72 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point " -"cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take " -"longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" -"舊的選項(改用 use--pc-quality)。 可經由設定景深圖影像的解析度來控制點雲的密" -"度。 數值高所需的計算時間會更長,但會產生更密集的點雲。預設值:%(default)s" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:73 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers " -"like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s" -msgstr "" - -#: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:74 -msgid "Displays version number and exits. " -msgstr "" - #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:75 #, python-format msgid "" -"Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and " -"a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very " -"large datasets. Default: %(default)s" +"Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest " +"side for feature extraction purposes only. Set to -1 to disable. This does " +"not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality and will not resize the " +"original images. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:76 #, python-format msgid "" -"Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into " -"clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to " -"the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. " -"Default: %(default)s" +"Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all " +"available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:77 #, python-format msgid "" -"Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap " -"filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different " -"DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse " -"distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are " -"then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s" +"Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: " +"%(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js:78 #, python-format msgid "" -"Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of " -"Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes " -"miss valid matches. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s" +"Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for " +"georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s" msgstr "" #: app/static/app/js/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.js:3