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#pragma once
// C++
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
// PCL
#include <pcl/common/eigen.h>
#include <pcl/common/common.h>
// Modified PCL
#include "modifiedPclFunctions.hpp"
// Logger
#include "Logger.hpp"
// Transformation
#include "FindTransform.hpp"
* \brief The GeorefSystem struct is used to store information about a georeference system.
struct GeorefSystem
std::string system_; /**< The name of the system. **/
double eastingOffset_; /**< The easting offset for the georeference system. **/
double northingOffset_; /**< The northing offset for the georeference system. **/
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GeorefSystem &geo);
* \brief The GeorefGCP struct used to store information about a GCP.
struct GeorefGCP
double x_; /**< The X coordinate of the GCP **/
double y_; /**< The Y coordinate of the GCP **/
double z_; /**< The Z coordinate of the GCP **/
bool use_; /**< Bool to check if the GCP is corresponding in the local model **/
double localX_; /**< The corresponding X coordinate in the model **/
double localY_; /**< The corresponding Y coordinate in the model **/
double localZ_; /**< The corresponding Z coordinate in the model **/
size_t cameraIndex_; /**< The index to the corresponding camera for the image. **/
int pixelX_; /**< The pixels x-position for the GCP in the corresponding image **/
int pixelY_; /**< The pixels y-position for the GCP in the corresponding image **/
std::string image_; /**< The corresponding image for the GCP **/
void extractGCP(std::istringstream &gcpStream);
* \brief getPos Get the local position of the GCP.
Vec3 getPos();
* \brief getReferencedPos Get the georeferenced position of the GCP.
Vec3 getReferencedPos();
* \brief The GeorefCamera struct is used to store information about a camera.
struct GeorefCamera
GeorefCamera(const GeorefCamera &other);
* \brief extractCamera Extracts a camera's intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from a stream.
void extractCamera(std::ifstream &bundleStream);
* \brief extractCameraGeoref Extracts a camera's world position from a stream.
void extractCameraGeoref(std::istringstream &coordStream);
* \brief getPos Get the local position of the camera.
Vec3 getPos();
* \brief getReferencedPos Get the georeferenced position of the camera.
Vec3 getReferencedPos();
double focalLength_; /**< The focal length of the camera. */
double k1_; /**< The k1 lens distortion parameter. **/
double k2_; /**< The k2 lens distortion parameter. **/
double easting_; /**< The easting of the camera. **/
double northing_; /**< The northing of the camera. **/
double altitude_; /**< The altitude of the camera. **/
Eigen::Affine3f* transform_; /**< The rotation of the camera. **/
Eigen::Vector3f* position_; /**< The position of the camera. **/
Eigen::Affine3f* pose_; /**< The pose of the camera. **/
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GeorefCamera &cam);
* \brief The Georef class is used to transform a mesh into a georeferenced system.
* The class reads camera positions from a bundle file.
* The class reads the georefenced camera positions from a coords file.
* The class reads a textured mesh from an OBJ-file.
* The class writes the georeferenced textured mesh to an OBJ-file.
* The class uses file read and write from pcl.
class Georef
int run(int argc, char* argv[]);
* \brief parseArguments Parses command line arguments.
* \param argc Application argument count.
* \param argv Argument values.
void parseArguments(int argc, char* argv[]);
* \brief printHelp Prints help, explaining usage. Can be shown by calling the program with argument: "-help".
void printHelp();
* \brief setDefaultOutput Setup the output file name given the input file name.
void setDefaultOutput();
* \brief setDefaultPointCloudOutput Setup the output file name given the input file name.
void setDefaultPointCloudOutput();
* \brief createGeoreferencedModel Makes the input file georeferenced and saves it to the output file.
void createGeoreferencedModel();
* \brief readCameras Reads the camera information from the bundle file.
void readCameras();
* \brief readGCP Reads the ground control points from the gcp file.
void readGCPs();
* \brief calculateGCPOffset Calculates an offset weighted from the ground control points read in the readGCP function.
void calculateGCPOffset();
* \brief barycentricCoordinates Returns the world position of a point inside a 2d triangle by using the triangle vertex positions.
pcl::PointXYZ barycentricCoordinates(pcl::PointXY point, pcl::PointXYZ vert0, pcl::PointXYZ vert1, pcl::PointXYZ vert2, pcl::PointXY p0, pcl::PointXY p1, pcl::PointXY p2);
* \brief performGeoreferencingWithGCP Performs the georeferencing of the model with the ground control points.
void performGeoreferencingWithGCP();
* \brief createGeoreferencedModelFromGCPData Makes the input file georeferenced and saves it to the output file.
void createGeoreferencedModelFromGCPData();
* \brief createGeoreferencedModelFromExifData Makes the input file georeferenced and saves it to the output file.
void createGeoreferencedModelFromExifData();
* \brief chooseBestGCPTriplet Chooses the best triplet of GCPs to use when making the model georeferenced.
void chooseBestGCPTriplet(size_t &gcp0, size_t &gcp1, size_t &gcp2);
* \brief chooseBestCameraTriplet Chooses the best triplet of cameras to use when making the model georeferenced.
void chooseBestCameraTriplet(size_t &cam0, size_t &cam1, size_t &cam2);
* \brief printGeorefSystem Prints a file containing information about the georeference system, next to the ouptut file.
void printGeorefSystem();
* \brief Loads a model from an .obj file (replacement for the pcl obj loader).
* \param inputFile Path to the .obj file.
* \param mesh The model.
* \return True if model was loaded successfully.
bool loadObjFile(std::string inputFile, pcl::TextureMesh &mesh);
* \brief Function is compied straight from the function in the pcl::io module.
bool readHeader (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PCLPointCloud2 &cloud,
Eigen::Vector4f &origin, Eigen::Quaternionf &orientation,
int &file_version, int &data_type, unsigned int &data_idx,
const int offset);
Logger log_; /**< Logging object. */
std::string logFile_; /**< The path to the output log file. */
std::string bundleFilename_; /**< The path to the cameras bundle file. **/
std::string inputCoordFilename_; /**< The path to the cameras exif gps positions file. **/
std::string outputCoordFilename_; /**< The path to the cameras georeferenced gps positions file. **/
std::string gcpFilename_; /**< The path to the GCP file **/
std::string imagesListPath_; /**< Path to the image list. **/
std::string imagesLocation_; /**< The folder containing the images in the image list. **/
std::string inputObjFilename_; /**< The path to the input mesh obj file. **/
std::string outputObjFilename_; /**< The path to the output mesh obj file. **/
std::string inputPointCloudFilename_; /**< The path to the input point cloud file. **/
std::string outputPointCloudFilename_; /**< The path to the output point cloud file. **/
std::string georefFilename_; /**< The path to the output offset file. **/
bool georeferencePointCloud_;
bool exportCoordinateFile_;
bool exportGeorefSystem_;
bool useGCP_; /**< Check if GCP-file is present and use this to georeference the model. **/
double bundleResizedTo_; /**< The size used in the previous steps to calculate the camera focal_length. */
std::vector<GeorefCamera> cameras_; /**< A vector of all cameras. **/
std::vector<GeorefGCP> gcps_; /**< A vector of all GCPs. **/
std::vector<std::string> imageList_; /**< A vector containing the names of the corresponding cameras. **/
GeorefSystem georefSystem_; /**< Contains the georeference system. **/
bool multiMaterial_; /**< True if the mesh has multiple materials. **/
std::vector<pcl::MTLReader> companions_; /**< Materials (used by loadOBJFile). **/
* \brief The Georef class
class GeorefException : public std::exception
GeorefException() : message("Error in Georef") {}
GeorefException(std::string msgInit) : message("Error in Georef:\n" + msgInit) {}
~GeorefException() throw() {}
virtual const char* what() const throw() {return message.c_str(); }
std::string message; /**< The error message **/