
1610 wiersze
55 KiB

// PCL
#include <pcl/io/obj_io.h>
#include <pcl/common/transforms.h>
// OpenCV
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
// This
#include "Georef.hpp"
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GeorefSystem &geo)
return os << geo.system_ << "\n" << static_cast<int>(geo.eastingOffset_) << " " << static_cast<int>(geo.northingOffset_);
:x_(0.0), y_(0.0), z_(0.0), use_(false), localX_(0.0), localY_(0.0), localZ_(0.0),cameraIndex_(0), pixelX_(0), pixelY_(0.0), image_("")
void GeorefGCP::extractGCP(std::istringstream &gcpStream)
gcpStream >> x_ >> y_ >> z_ >> pixelX_ >> pixelY_ >> image_;
Vec3 GeorefGCP::getPos()
return Vec3(localX_,localY_,localZ_);
Vec3 GeorefGCP::getReferencedPos()
return Vec3(x_,y_,z_);
:focalLength_(0.0), k1_(0.0), k2_(0.0), transform_(NULL), position_(NULL), pose_(NULL)
GeorefCamera::GeorefCamera(const GeorefCamera &other)
: focalLength_(other.focalLength_), k1_(other.k1_), k2_(other.k2_),
easting_(other.easting_), northing_(other.northing_), altitude_(other.altitude_),
transform_(NULL), position_(NULL), pose_(NULL)
if(NULL != other.transform_)
transform_ = new Eigen::Affine3f(*other.transform_);
if(NULL != other.position_)
position_ = new Eigen::Vector3f(*other.position_);
if(pose_ != other.pose_)
pose_ = new Eigen::Affine3f(*other.pose_);
if(NULL != transform_)
delete transform_;
transform_ = NULL;
if(NULL != position_)
delete position_;
position_ = NULL;
if(pose_ != NULL)
delete pose_;
pose_ = NULL;
void GeorefCamera::extractCamera(std::ifstream &bundleStream)
// Extract intrinsic parameters.
bundleStream >> focalLength_ >> k1_ >> k2_;
Eigen::Vector3f t;
Eigen::Matrix3f rot;
Eigen::Affine3f transform;
Eigen::Affine3f pose;
bundleStream >> transform(0,0); // Read rotation (0,0) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(0,1); // Read rotation (0,1) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(0,2); // Read rotation (0,2) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(1,0); // Read rotation (1,0) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(1,1); // Read rotation (1,1) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(1,2); // Read rotation (1,2) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(2,0); // Read rotation (2,0) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(2,1); // Read rotation (2,1) from bundle file
bundleStream >> transform(2,2); // Read rotation (2,2) from bundle file
bundleStream >> t(0); // Read translation (0,3) from bundle file
bundleStream >> t(1); // Read translation (1,3) from bundle file
bundleStream >> t(2); // Read translation (2,3) from bundle file
pose(0,0) = transform(0,0);
pose(0,1) = transform(0,1);
pose(0,2) = transform(0,2);
pose(1,0) = transform(1,0);
pose(1,1) = transform(1,1);
pose(1,2) = transform(1,2);
pose(2,0) = transform(2,0);
pose(2,1) = transform(2,1);
pose(2,2) = transform(2,2);
pose(0,3) = t(0);
pose(1,3) = t(1);
pose(2,3) = t(2);
pose(3,0) = 0.0;
pose(3,1) = 0.0;
pose(3,2) = 0.0;
pose(3,3) = 1.0;
pose = pose.inverse();
// Column negation
pose(0,2) = -1.0*pose(0,2);
pose(1,2) = -1.0*pose(1,2);
pose(2,2) = -1.0*pose(2,2);
pose(0,1) = -1.0*pose(0,1);
pose(1,1) = -1.0*pose(1,1);
pose(2,1) = -1.0*pose(2,1);
if (pose_ != NULL)
delete pose_;
pose_ = NULL;
pose_ = new Eigen::Affine3f(pose);
rot = transform.matrix().topLeftCorner<3,3>();
// Calculate translation according to -R't and store in vector.
t = -rot.transpose()*t;
transform(0,3) = t(0);
transform(1,3) = t(1);
transform(2,3) = t(2);
// Set transform and position.
if(NULL != transform_)
delete transform_;
transform_ = NULL;
transform_ = new Eigen::Affine3f(transform);
if(NULL != position_)
delete position_;
position_ = NULL;
position_ = new Eigen::Vector3f(t);
void GeorefCamera::extractCameraGeoref(std::istringstream &coordStream)
coordStream >> easting_ >> northing_ >> altitude_;
Vec3 GeorefCamera::getPos()
return Vec3((*position_)(0),(*position_)(1),(*position_)(2));
Vec3 GeorefCamera::getReferencedPos()
return Vec3(easting_,northing_,altitude_);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GeorefCamera &cam)
os << "Focal, k1, k2 : " << cam.focalLength_ << ", " << cam.k1_ << ", " << cam.k2_ << "\n";
if(NULL != cam.transform_)
os << "Transform :\n" << cam.transform_->matrix() << "\n";
os << "Transform :\nNULL\n";
if(NULL != cam.position_)
os << "Position :\n" << cam.position_->matrix() << "\n";
os << "Position :\nNULL\n";
os << "east, north, alt : " << cam.easting_ << ", " << cam.northing_ << ", " << cam.altitude_ << '\n';
return os;
Georef::Georef() : log_(false)
georeferencePointCloud_ = false;
useGCP_ = false;
bundleFilename_ = "";
inputCoordFilename_ = "";
outputCoordFilename_ = "";
inputObjFilename_ = "";
outputObjFilename_ = "";
exportCoordinateFile_ = false;
exportGeorefSystem_ = false;
int Georef::run(int argc, char *argv[])
parseArguments(argc, argv);
catch (const GeorefException& e)
log_ << e.what() << "\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
log_ << "Error in Georef:\n";
log_ << e.what() << "\n";
catch (...)
log_ << "Unknown error, terminating:\n";
void Georef::parseArguments(int argc, char *argv[])
bool outputSpecified = false;
bool outputPointCloudSpecified = false;
bool imageListSpecified = false;
bool gcpFileSpecified = false;
bool imageLocation = false;
bool bundleResized = false;
bool outputCoordSpecified = false;
bool inputCoordSpecified = false;
logFile_ = std::string(argv[0]) + "_log.txt";
log_ << logFile_ << "\n";
// If no arguments were passed, print help.
if (argc == 1)
log_ << "Arguments given\n";
for(int argIndex = 1; argIndex < argc; ++argIndex)
log_ << argv[argIndex] << '\n';
log_ << '\n';
for(int argIndex = 1; argIndex < argc; ++argIndex)
// The argument to be parsed.
std::string argument = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
if(argument == "-help")
else if(argument == "-verbose")
else if (argument == "-logFile")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
logFile_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
std::ofstream testFile(logFile_.c_str());
if (!testFile.is_open())
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value.");
log_ << "Log file path was set to: " << logFile_ << "\n";
else if(argument == "-bundleFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
bundleFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Reading cameras from: " << bundleFilename_ << "\n";
else if(argument == "-inputCoordFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
inputCoordFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Reading cameras gps exif positions from: " << inputCoordFilename_ << "\n";
inputCoordSpecified = true;
else if(argument == "-outputCoordFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
outputCoordFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Exporting cameras georeferenced gps positions to: " << outputCoordFilename_ << "\n";
exportCoordinateFile_ = true;
outputCoordSpecified = true;
else if(argument == "-inputFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
inputObjFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Reading textured mesh from: " << inputObjFilename_ << "\n";
else if(argument == "-inputPointCloudFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
inputPointCloudFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Reading point cloud from: " << inputPointCloudFilename_ << "\n";
georeferencePointCloud_ = true;
else if(argument == "-gcpFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
gcpFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Reading GCPs from: " << gcpFilename_ << "\n";
gcpFileSpecified = true;
else if(argument == "-imagesListPath" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
imagesListPath_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Reading image list from: " << imagesListPath_ << "\n";
imageListSpecified = true;
else if(argument == "-imagesPath" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
imagesLocation_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Images location is set to: " << imagesLocation_ << "\n";
imageLocation = true;
else if(argument == "-georefFileOutputPath" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
georefFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Georef file output path is set to: " << georefFilename_ << "\n";
exportGeorefSystem_ = true;
else if(argument == "-bundleResizedTo" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
std::stringstream ss(argv[argIndex]);
ss >> bundleResizedTo_;
if (ss.bad())
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value. (wrong type)");
log_ << "Bundle resize value is set to: " << bundleResizedTo_ << "\n";
bundleResized = true;
else if(argument == "-outputFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
outputObjFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Writing output to: " << outputObjFilename_ << "\n";
outputSpecified = true;
else if(argument == "-outputPointCloudFile" && argIndex < argc)
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw GeorefException("Argument '" + argument + "' expects 1 more input following it, but no more inputs were provided.");
outputPointCloudFilename_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
log_ << "Writing output to: " << outputPointCloudFilename_ << "\n";
outputPointCloudSpecified = true;
throw GeorefException("Unrecognised argument '" + argument + "'");
if (inputCoordSpecified && outputCoordSpecified)
throw GeorefException("Both output and input coordfile specified, only one of those are accepted.");
if (imageListSpecified && gcpFileSpecified && imageLocation && bundleResized)
useGCP_ = true;
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Missing input in order to use GCP for georeferencing. Using EXIF data instead.\n";
if(georeferencePointCloud_ && !outputPointCloudSpecified)
void Georef::printHelp()
bool printInCoutPop = log_.isPrintingInCout();
log_ << "Georef.exe\n\n";
log_ << "Purpose:" << "\n";
log_ << "Georeference a textured mesh with the use of ground control points or exif data from the images." << "\n";
log_ << "Usage:" << "\n";
log_ << "The program requires a path to a camera bundle file, a camera georeference coords file, and an input OBJ mesh file. All other input parameters are optional." << "\n\n";
log_ << "The following flags are available\n";
log_ << "Call the program with flag \"-help\", or without parameters to print this message, or check any generated log file.\n";
log_ << "Call the program with flag \"-verbose\", to print log messages in the standard output stream as well as in the log file.\n\n";
log_ << "Parameters are specified as: \"-<argument name> <argument>\", (without <>), and the following parameters are configureable: " << "\n";
log_ << "\"-bundleFile <path>\" (mandatory)" << "\n";
log_ << "\"Input cameras bundle file.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-gcpFile <path>\" (mandatory if using ground control points)\n";
log_ << "Path to the file containing the ground control points used for georeferencing.\n";
log_ << "The file needs to be on the following line format:\n";
log_ << "easting northing height pixelrow pixelcol imagename\n\n";
log_ << "\"-inputCoordFile <path>\" (mandatory if using exif data)" << "\n";
log_ << "\"Input cameras geroreferenced coords file.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-outputCoordFile <path>\" (optional)" << "\n";
log_ << "\"Output cameras geroreferenced coords file.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-inputFile <path>\" (mandatory)" << "\n";
log_ << "\"Input obj file that must contain a textured mesh.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-inputPointCloudFile <path>\" (optional)" << "\n";
log_ << "\"Input ply file that must contain a point cloud.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-imagesListPath <path>\" (mandatory if using ground control points)\n";
log_ << "Path to the list containing the image names used in the bundle.out file.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-imagesPath <path>\" (mandatory if using ground control points)\n";
log_ << "Path to the folder containing full resolution images.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-bundleResizedTo <integer>\" (mandatory if using ground control points)\n";
log_ << "The resized resolution used in bundler.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-outputFile <path>\" (optional, default <inputFile>_geo)" << "\n";
log_ << "\"Output obj file that will contain the georeferenced texture mesh.\n\n";
log_ << "\"-outputPointCloudFile <path>\" (mandatory if georeferencing a point cloud)" << "\n";
log_ << "\"Output ply file that will contain the georeferenced point cloud.\n\n";
void Georef::setDefaultOutput()
throw GeorefException("Tried to generate default output file without having an input file.");
std::string tmp = inputObjFilename_;
size_t findPos = tmp.find_last_of(".");
if(std::string::npos == findPos)
throw GeorefException("Tried to generate default ouptut file, could not find .obj in the input file:\n\'"+inputObjFilename_+"\'");
tmp = tmp.substr(0, findPos);
outputObjFilename_ = tmp + "_geo.obj";
log_ << "Writing output to: " << outputObjFilename_ << "\n";
void Georef::setDefaultPointCloudOutput()
throw GeorefException("Tried to generate default point cloud ouptut file without having an input file.");
std::string tmp = inputPointCloudFilename_;
size_t findPos = tmp.find_last_of(".");
if(std::string::npos == findPos)
throw GeorefException("Tried to generate default ouptut file, could not find .ply in the input file:\n\'"+inputPointCloudFilename_+"\'");
tmp = tmp.substr(0, findPos);
outputPointCloudFilename_ = tmp + "_geo.ply";
log_ << "Writing output to: " << outputPointCloudFilename_ << "\n";
void Georef::createGeoreferencedModel()
if (useGCP_)
void Georef::readCameras()
// Read translations from bundle file
std::ifstream bundleStream(bundleFilename_.c_str());
if (!bundleStream.good())
throw GeorefException("Failed opening bundle file " + bundleFilename_ + " for reading." + '\n');
// Read Cameras.
std::string bundleLine;
std::getline(bundleStream, bundleLine); // Read past bundle version comment
int numCameras, numPoints;
bundleStream >> numCameras >> numPoints;
for (int i=0; i<numCameras; ++i)
void Georef::readGCPs()
std::ifstream imageListStream(imagesListPath_.c_str());
if (!imageListStream.good())
throw GeorefException("Failed opening image path " + imagesListPath_ + " for reading.\n");
for (size_t i=0; i<cameras_.size(); ++i)
std::string imageName;
imageListStream >> imageName;
// Number of GCPs read
size_t nrGCPs = 0;
std::ifstream gcpStream(gcpFilename_.c_str());
if (!gcpStream.good())
throw GeorefException("Failed opening gcp file " + gcpFilename_ + " for reading.\n");
std::string gcpString;
// Read the first line in the file as the format of the projected coordinates
std::getline(gcpStream, georefSystem_.system_);
log_ << '\n';
log_<< "Reading following GCPs from file:\n";
// Read all GCPs
while(std::getline(gcpStream, gcpString))
std::istringstream istr(gcpString);
GeorefGCP gcp;
log_<<"x_: "<<gcp.x_<<" y_: "<<gcp.y_<<" z_: "<<gcp.z_<<" pixelX_: "<<gcp.pixelX_<<" pixelY_: "<<gcp.pixelY_<<" image: "<<gcp.image_<<"\n";
// Check if the GCPs have corresponding images in the bundle files and if they don't, remove them from the GCP-list
for (size_t gcpIndex = 0; gcpIndex<gcps_.size(); ++gcpIndex)
bool imageExists = false;
for (size_t cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameras_.size(); ++cameraIndex)
size_t found = imageList_[cameraIndex].find(gcps_[gcpIndex].image_);
if (found != std::string::npos)
gcps_[gcpIndex].cameraIndex_ = cameraIndex;
imageExists = true;
if (!imageExists)
log_ <<"Can't find image "<<gcps_[gcpIndex].image_<<". The corresponding GCP will not be used for georeferencing.\n";
gcps_.erase(gcps_.begin() + gcpIndex);
void Georef::calculateGCPOffset()
// Offsets
double eastingOffset = 0;
double northingOffset = 0;
// Add all GCPs to weight an offset
for (size_t gcpIndex = 0; gcpIndex<gcps_.size(); ++gcpIndex)
eastingOffset += (gcps_[gcpIndex].x_)/static_cast<double>(gcps_.size());
northingOffset += (gcps_[gcpIndex].y_)/static_cast<double>(gcps_.size());
georefSystem_.eastingOffset_ = static_cast<int>(std::floor(eastingOffset));
georefSystem_.northingOffset_ = static_cast<int>(std::floor(northingOffset));
log_ << '\n';
log_<<"The calculated easting offset for the georeferenced system: "<<georefSystem_.eastingOffset_<<"\n";
log_<<"The calculated northing offset for the georeferenced system: "<<georefSystem_.northingOffset_<<"\n";
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Recalculated GCPs with offset:\n";
// Subtract the offset from all GCPs
for (size_t gcpIndex = 0; gcpIndex<gcps_.size(); ++gcpIndex)
gcps_[gcpIndex].x_ -= static_cast<double>(georefSystem_.eastingOffset_);
gcps_[gcpIndex].y_ -= static_cast<double>(georefSystem_.northingOffset_);
log_<<"x_: "<<gcps_[gcpIndex].x_<<" y_: "<<gcps_[gcpIndex].y_<<" z_: "<<gcps_[gcpIndex].z_<<"\n";
pcl::PointXYZ Georef::barycentricCoordinates(pcl::PointXY point, pcl::PointXYZ vert0, pcl::PointXYZ vert1, pcl::PointXYZ vert2, pcl::PointXY p0, pcl::PointXY p1, pcl::PointXY p2)
// Shorthands
double x0 = p0.x; double y0 = p0.y;
double x1 = p1.x; double y1 = p1.y;
double x2 = p2.x; double y2 = p2.y;
double x = point.x; double y = point.y;
double q1x = x1 - x0;
double q1y = y1 - y0;
double q2x = x2 - x0;
double q2y = y2 - y0;
double norm = q1x * q2y - q1y * q2x;
double l1 = q2y*(x - x0) - q2x*(y - y0);
l1 /= norm;
double l2 = -q1y*(x - x0) + q1x*(y - y0);
l2 /= norm;
pcl::PointXYZ res;
res.x = (1.0 - l1 - l2)*vert0.x + l1*vert1.x + l2*vert2.x;
res.y = (1.0 - l1 - l2)*vert0.y + l1*vert1.y + l2*vert2.y;
res.z = (1.0 - l1 - l2)*vert0.z + l1*vert1.z + l2*vert2.z;
return res;
void Georef::performGeoreferencingWithGCP()
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Reading mesh file " << inputObjFilename_ <<"\n";
log_ << '\n';
pcl::TextureMesh mesh;
if (loadObjFile(inputObjFilename_, mesh) == -1)
throw GeorefException("Error when reading model from:\n" + inputObjFilename_ + "\n");
log_ << "Successfully loaded " << inputObjFilename_ << ".\n";
// Convert vertices to pcl::PointXYZ cloud
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr meshCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (, *meshCloud);
// The number of GCP that is usable
int nrGCPUsable = 0;
for (size_t gcpIndex = 0; gcpIndex < gcps_.size(); ++gcpIndex)
// Bool to check if the GCP is intersecting any triangle
bool exists = false;
// Translate the GeoreferenceCamera to pcl-format in order to use pcl-functions
pcl::TextureMapping<pcl::PointXYZ>::Camera cam;
cam.focal_length = cameras_[gcps_[gcpIndex].cameraIndex_].focalLength_;
cam.pose = *(cameras_[gcps_[gcpIndex].cameraIndex_].pose_);
cam.texture_file = imagesLocation_ + '/' + gcps_[gcpIndex].image_;
cv::Mat image = cv::imread(cam.texture_file);
cam.height = static_cast<double>(image.rows);
cam.width = static_cast<double>(image.cols);
cam.focal_length *= static_cast<double>(cam.width)/bundleResizedTo_;
// The pixel position for the GCP in pcl-format in order to use pcl-functions
pcl::PointXY gcpPos;
gcpPos.x = static_cast<float>(gcps_[gcpIndex].pixelX_);
gcpPos.y = static_cast<float>(gcps_[gcpIndex].pixelY_);
// Move vertices in mesh into the camera coordinate system
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cameraCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::transformPointCloud (*meshCloud, *cameraCloud, cam.pose.inverse());
// The vertex indicies to be used in order to calculate the GCP in the models coordinates
size_t vert0Index = 0; size_t vert1Index = 0; size_t vert2Index = 0;
pcl::PointXY bestPixelPos0; pcl::PointXY bestPixelPos1; pcl::PointXY bestPixelPos2;
// The closest distance of a triangle to the camera
double bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// Loop through all submeshes in model
for (size_t meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < mesh.tex_polygons.size(); ++meshIndex)
// Loop through all faces in submesh and check if inside polygon
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < mesh.tex_polygons[meshIndex].size(); ++faceIndex)
// Variables for the vertices in face as projections in the camera plane
pcl::PointXY pixelPos0; pcl::PointXY pixelPos1; pcl::PointXY pixelPos2;
if (isFaceProjected(cam,
pixelPos0, pixelPos1, pixelPos2))
// If the pixel position of the GCP is inside the current triangle
if (checkPointInsideTriangle(pixelPos0, pixelPos1, pixelPos2, gcpPos))
// Extract distances for all vertices for face to camera
double d0 = cameraCloud->points[mesh.tex_polygons[meshIndex][faceIndex].vertices[0]].z;
double d1 = cameraCloud->points[mesh.tex_polygons[meshIndex][faceIndex].vertices[1]].z;
double d2 = cameraCloud->points[mesh.tex_polygons[meshIndex][faceIndex].vertices[2]].z;
// Calculate largest distance and store in distance variable
double distance = std::max(d0, std::max(d1,d2));
// If the triangle is closer to the camera use this triangle
if (distance < bestDistance)
// Update variables for the closest polygon
bestDistance = distance;
vert0Index = mesh.tex_polygons[meshIndex][faceIndex].vertices[0];
vert1Index = mesh.tex_polygons[meshIndex][faceIndex].vertices[1];
vert2Index = mesh.tex_polygons[meshIndex][faceIndex].vertices[2];
bestPixelPos0 = pixelPos0;
bestPixelPos1 = pixelPos1;
bestPixelPos2 = pixelPos2;
exists = true;
// Shorthands for the vertices
pcl::PointXYZ v0 = meshCloud->points[vert0Index];
pcl::PointXYZ v1 = meshCloud->points[vert1Index];
pcl::PointXYZ v2 = meshCloud->points[vert2Index];
// Use barycentric coordinates to calculate position for the polygon intersection
pcl::PointXYZ gcpLocal = barycentricCoordinates(gcpPos, v0, v1, v2, bestPixelPos0, bestPixelPos1, bestPixelPos2);
log_ << "Position in model for gcp " << gcpIndex + 1<< ": x=" <<gcpLocal.x<<" y="<<gcpLocal.y<<" z="<<gcpLocal.z<<"\n";
gcps_[gcpIndex].localX_ = gcpLocal.x;
gcps_[gcpIndex].localY_ = gcpLocal.y;
gcps_[gcpIndex].localZ_ = gcpLocal.z;
gcps_[gcpIndex].use_ = true;
if (nrGCPUsable < 3)
throw GeorefException("Less than 3 GCPs have correspondences in the generated model.");
size_t gcp0; size_t gcp1; size_t gcp2;
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Choosing optimal gcp triplet...\n";
chooseBestGCPTriplet(gcp0, gcp1, gcp2);
log_ << "Optimal gcp triplet chosen: ";
log_ << gcp0 << ", " << gcp1 << ", " << gcp2 << '\n';
log_ << '\n';
FindTransform transFinal;
transFinal.findTransform(gcps_[gcp0].getPos(), gcps_[gcp1].getPos(), gcps_[gcp2].getPos(),
gcps_[gcp0].getReferencedPos(), gcps_[gcp1].getReferencedPos(), gcps_[gcp2].getReferencedPos());
log_ << "Final transform:\n";
log_ << transFinal.transform_ << '\n';
// The tranform used to transform model into the georeferenced system.
Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> transform;
transform(0, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c1_);
transform(1, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c1_);
transform(2, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c1_);
transform(3, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c1_);
transform(0, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c2_);
transform(1, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c2_);
transform(2, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c2_);
transform(3, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c2_);
transform(0, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c3_);
transform(1, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c3_);
transform(2, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c3_);
transform(3, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c3_);
transform(0, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c4_);
transform(1, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c4_);
transform(2, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c4_);
transform(3, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c4_);
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Applying transform to mesh...\n";
// Move the mesh into position.
pcl::transformPointCloud(*meshCloud, *meshCloud, transform);
log_ << ".. mesh transformed.\n";
// Update the mesh.
pcl::toPCLPointCloud2 (*meshCloud,;
// Iterate over each part of the mesh (one per material), to make texture file paths relative the .mtl file.
for(size_t t = 0; t < mesh.tex_materials.size(); ++t)
// The material of the current submesh.
pcl::TexMaterial& material = mesh.tex_materials[t];
size_t find = material.tex_file.find_last_of("/\\");
if(std::string::npos != find)
material.tex_file = material.tex_file.substr(find + 1);
log_ << '\n';
if (saveOBJFile(outputObjFilename_, mesh, 8) == -1)
throw GeorefException("Error when saving model:\n" + outputObjFilename_ + "\n");
log_ << "Successfully saved model.\n";
//pcl::PointCloud2<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr pointCloud;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal>::Ptr pointCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal>());
if(pcl::io::loadPLYFile<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal> (inputPointCloudFilename_.c_str(), *pointCloud.get()) == -1) {
throw GeorefException("Error when reading point cloud:\n" + inputPointCloudFilename_ + "\n");
log_ << "Successfully loaded " << pointCloud->size() << " points with corresponding normals from file.\n";
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Applying transform to point cloud...\n";
pcl::transformPointCloud(*pointCloud, *pointCloud, transform);
log_ << ".. point cloud transformed.\n";
pcl::PLYWriter plyWriter;
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Saving point cloud file to \'" << outputPointCloudFilename_ << "\'...\n";
//pcl::io::savePLYFileASCII(outputPointCloudFilename_.c_str(), *pointCloud.get());
plyWriter.write(outputPointCloudFilename_.c_str(), *pointCloud.get(), false, false);
log_ << ".. point cloud file saved.\n";
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Saving georeferenced camera positions to ";
log_ << outputCoordFilename_;
log_<< "\n";
std::ofstream coordStream(outputCoordFilename_.c_str());
coordStream << georefSystem_.system_ <<std::endl;
coordStream << static_cast<int>(georefSystem_.eastingOffset_) << " " << static_cast<int>(georefSystem_.northingOffset_) << std::endl;
for(size_t cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameras_.size(); ++cameraIndex)
Vec3 globalCameraPosition = (transFinal.transform_)*(cameras_[cameraIndex].getPos());
coordStream << globalCameraPosition.x_ << " " << globalCameraPosition.y_ << " " << globalCameraPosition.z_ << std::endl;
log_ << "...coordinate file saved.\n";
void Georef::createGeoreferencedModelFromGCPData()
void Georef::createGeoreferencedModelFromExifData()
// Read coords from coord file generated by extract_utm tool
std::ifstream coordStream(inputCoordFilename_.c_str());
if (!coordStream.good())
throw GeorefException("Failed opening coordinate file " + inputCoordFilename_ + " for reading." + '\n');
std::string coordString;
std::getline(coordStream, georefSystem_.system_); // System
std::getline(coordStream, coordString);
std::stringstream ss(coordString);
ss >> georefSystem_.eastingOffset_ >> georefSystem_.northingOffset_;
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Geographical reference system\n";
log_ << georefSystem_ << '\n';
// The number of cameras in the coords file.
size_t nGeorefCameras = 0;
// Read the georefernced position for all cameras.
while (std::getline(coordStream, coordString))
if(nGeorefCameras >= cameras_.size())
throw GeorefException("Error, to many cameras in \'" + inputCoordFilename_ + "\' coord file.\n");
std::istringstream istr(coordString);
if(nGeorefCameras < cameras_.size())
throw GeorefException("Not enough cameras in \'" + inputCoordFilename_ + "\' coord file.\n");
// The optimal camera triplet.
size_t cam0, cam1, cam2;
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Choosing optimal camera triplet...\n";
chooseBestCameraTriplet(cam0, cam1, cam2);
log_ << "... optimal camera triplet chosen:\n";
log_ << cam0 << ", " << cam1 << ", " << cam2 << '\n';
log_ << '\n';
FindTransform transFinal;
transFinal.findTransform(cameras_[cam0].getPos(), cameras_[cam1].getPos(), cameras_[cam2].getPos(),
cameras_[cam0].getReferencedPos(), cameras_[cam1].getReferencedPos(), cameras_[cam2].getReferencedPos());
log_ << "Final transform:\n";
log_ << transFinal.transform_ << '\n';
// The tranform used to move the chosen area into the ortho photo.
Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> transform;
transform(0, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c1_); transform(1, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c1_);
transform(2, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c1_); transform(3, 0) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c1_);
transform(0, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c2_); transform(1, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c2_);
transform(2, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c2_); transform(3, 1) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c2_);
transform(0, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c3_); transform(1, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c3_);
transform(2, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c3_); transform(3, 2) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c3_);
transform(0, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r1c4_); transform(1, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r2c4_);
transform(2, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r3c4_); transform(3, 3) = static_cast<float>(transFinal.transform_.r4c4_);
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Reading mesh file...\n";
pcl::TextureMesh mesh;
loadObjFile(inputObjFilename_, mesh);
log_ << ".. mesh file read.\n";
// Contains the vertices of the mesh.
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr meshCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (, *meshCloud);
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Applying transform to mesh...\n";
// Move the mesh into position.
pcl::transformPointCloud(*meshCloud, *meshCloud, transform);
log_ << ".. mesh transformed.\n";
// Update the mesh.
pcl::toPCLPointCloud2 (*meshCloud,;
// Iterate over each part of the mesh (one per material), to make texture file paths relative the .mtl file.
for(size_t t = 0; t < mesh.tex_materials.size(); ++t)
// The material of the current submesh.
pcl::TexMaterial& material = mesh.tex_materials[t];
size_t find = material.tex_file.find_last_of("/\\");
if(std::string::npos != find)
material.tex_file = material.tex_file.substr(find + 1);
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Saving mesh file to \'" << outputObjFilename_ << "\'...\n";
saveOBJFile(outputObjFilename_, mesh, 8);
log_ << ".. mesh file saved.\n";
//pcl::PointCloud2<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr pointCloud;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal>::Ptr pointCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal>());
if(pcl::io::loadPLYFile<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal> (inputPointCloudFilename_.c_str(), *pointCloud.get()) == -1) {
throw GeorefException("Error when reading point cloud:\n" + inputPointCloudFilename_ + "\n");
log_ << "Successfully loaded " << pointCloud->size() << " points with corresponding normals from file.\n";
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Applying transform to point cloud...\n";
pcl::transformPointCloud(*pointCloud, *pointCloud, transform);
log_ << ".. point cloud transformed.\n";
pcl::PLYWriter plyWriter;
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Saving point cloud file to \'" << outputPointCloudFilename_ << "\'...\n";
//pcl::io::savePLYFileASCII(outputPointCloudFilename_.c_str(), *pointCloud.get());
plyWriter.write(outputPointCloudFilename_.c_str(), *pointCloud.get(), false, false);
log_ << ".. point cloud file saved.\n";
void Georef::chooseBestGCPTriplet(size_t &gcp0, size_t &gcp1, size_t &gcp2)
double minTotError = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for(size_t t = 0; t < gcps_.size(); ++t)
if (gcps_[t].use_)
for(size_t s = t; s < gcps_.size(); ++s)
if (gcps_[s].use_)
for(size_t p = s; p < gcps_.size(); ++p)
if (gcps_[p].use_)
FindTransform trans;
trans.findTransform(gcps_[t].getPos(), gcps_[s].getPos(), gcps_[p].getPos(),
gcps_[t].getReferencedPos(), gcps_[s].getReferencedPos(), gcps_[p].getReferencedPos());
// The total error for the curren camera triplet.
double totError = 0.0;
for(size_t r = 0; r < gcps_.size(); ++r)
totError += trans.error(gcps_[r].getPos(), gcps_[r].getReferencedPos());
if(minTotError > totError)
minTotError = totError;
gcp0 = t;
gcp1 = s;
gcp2 = p;
log_ << "Mean georeference error " << minTotError / static_cast<double>(cameras_.size()) << '\n';
void Georef::chooseBestCameraTriplet(size_t &cam0, size_t &cam1, size_t &cam2)
double minTotError = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for(size_t t = 0; t < cameras_.size(); ++t)
for(size_t s = t; s < cameras_.size(); ++s)
for(size_t p = s; p < cameras_.size(); ++p)
FindTransform trans;
trans.findTransform(cameras_[t].getPos(), cameras_[s].getPos(), cameras_[p].getPos(),
cameras_[t].getReferencedPos(), cameras_[s].getReferencedPos(), cameras_[p].getReferencedPos());
// The total error for the curren camera triplet.
double totError = 0.0;
for(size_t r = 0; r < cameras_.size(); ++r)
totError += trans.error(cameras_[r].getPos(), cameras_[r].getReferencedPos());
if(minTotError > totError)
minTotError = totError;
cam0 = t;
cam1 = s;
cam2 = p;
log_ << "Mean georeference error " << minTotError / static_cast<double>(cameras_.size()) << '\n';
void Georef::printGeorefSystem()
throw GeorefException("Output file path empty!.");
std::string tmp = outputObjFilename_;
size_t findPos = tmp.find_last_of(".");
if(std::string::npos == findPos)
throw GeorefException("Tried to generate default ouptut file, could not find .obj in the output file:\n\'"+outputObjFilename_+"\'");
//tmp = tmp.substr(0, findPos);
//tmp = tmp + "_georef_system.txt";
log_ << '\n';
log_ << "Saving georeference system file to \'" << georefFilename_ << "\'...\n";
std::ofstream geoStream(georefFilename_.c_str());
geoStream << georefSystem_ << std::endl;
log_ << "... georeference system saved.\n";
bool Georef::loadObjFile(std::string inputFile, pcl::TextureMesh &mesh)
int data_type;
unsigned int data_idx;
int file_version;
int offset = 0;
Eigen::Vector4f origin;
Eigen::Quaternionf orientation;
if (!readHeader(inputFile,, origin, orientation, file_version, data_type, data_idx, offset))
throw GeorefException("Problem reading header in modelfile!\n");
std::ifstream fs; (inputFile.c_str (), std::ios::binary);
if (!fs.is_open () || ())
//PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::readHeader] Could not open file '%s'! Error : %s\n", file_name.c_str (), strerror(errno));
fs.close ();
log_<<"Could not read mesh from file ";
log_ << inputFile.c_str();
log_ <<"\n";
throw GeorefException("Problem reading mesh from file!\n");
// Seek at the given offset
fs.seekg (data_idx, std::ios::beg);
// Get normal_x field indices
int normal_x_field = -1;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < (); ++i)
if ([i].name == "normal_x")
normal_x_field = i;
std::size_t v_idx = 0;
std::size_t vn_idx = 0;
std::size_t vt_idx = 0;
std::size_t f_idx = 0;
std::string line;
std::vector<std::string> st;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> coordinates;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> allTexCoords;
std::map<int, int> f2vt;
while (!fs.eof ())
getline (fs, line);
// Ignore empty lines
if (line == "")
// Tokenize the line
std::stringstream sstream (line);
sstream.imbue (std::locale::classic ());
line = sstream.str ();
boost::trim (line);
boost::split (st, line, boost::is_any_of ("\t\r "), boost::token_compress_on);
// Ignore comments
if (st[0] == "#")
// Vertex
if (st[0] == "v")
for (int i = 1, f = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
memcpy (&[v_idx * +[f].offset], &value, sizeof (float));
catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
log_<<"Unable to convert %s to vertex coordinates!\n";
throw GeorefException("Unable to convert %s to vertex coordinates!");
// Vertex normal
if (st[0] == "vn")
for (int i = 1, f = normal_x_field; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
memcpy (&[vn_idx * +[f].offset],
sizeof (float));
catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
log_<<"Unable to convert %s to vertex normal!\n";
throw GeorefException("Unable to convert %s to vertex normal!");
// Texture coordinates
if (st[0] == "vt")
Eigen::Vector3f c (0, 0, 0);
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < st.size (); ++i)
c[i-1] = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
if (c[2] == 0)
coordinates.push_back (Eigen::Vector2f (c[0], c[1]));
coordinates.push_back (Eigen::Vector2f (c[0]/c[2], c[1]/c[2]));
catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
log_<<"Unable to convert %s to vertex texture coordinates!\n";
throw GeorefException("Unable to convert %s to vertex texture coordinates!");
// Material
if (st[0] == "usemtl")
mesh.tex_polygons.push_back (std::vector<pcl::Vertices> ());
mesh.tex_materials.push_back (pcl::TexMaterial ());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < companions_.size (); ++i)
std::vector<pcl::TexMaterial>::const_iterator mat_it = companions_[i].getMaterial (st[1]);
if (mat_it != companions_[i].materials_.end ())
mesh.tex_materials.back () = *mat_it;
// We didn't find the appropriate material so we create it here with name only.
if (mesh.tex_materials.back ().tex_name == "")
mesh.tex_materials.back ().tex_name = st[1];
mesh.tex_coordinates.push_back (coordinates);
coordinates.clear ();
// Face
if (st[0] == "f")
//We only care for vertices indices
pcl::Vertices face_v; face_v.vertices.resize (st.size () - 1);
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < st.size (); ++i)
int v;
sscanf (st[i].c_str (), "%d", &v);
v = (v < 0) ? v_idx + v : v - 1;
face_v.vertices[i-1] = v;
int v2, vt, vn;
sscanf (st[i].c_str (), "%d/%d/%d", &v2, &vt, &vn);
f2vt[3*(f_idx) + i-1] = vt-1;
mesh.tex_polygons.back ().push_back (face_v);
catch (const char *exception)
fs.close ();
log_<<"Unable to read file!\n";
throw GeorefException("Unable to read file!");
if (vt_idx != v_idx)
std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> texcoordinates = std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f>(0);
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < f_idx; ++faceIndex)
for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
Eigen::Vector2f vt = mesh.tex_coordinates[0][f2vt[3*faceIndex+i]];
return (0);
bool Georef::readHeader (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PCLPointCloud2 &cloud,
Eigen::Vector4f &origin, Eigen::Quaternionf &orientation,
int &file_version, int &data_type, unsigned int &data_idx,
const int offset)
origin = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ();
orientation = Eigen::Quaternionf::Identity ();
file_version = 0;
cloud.width = cloud.height = cloud.point_step = cloud.row_step = 0; ();
data_type = 0;
data_idx = offset;
std::ifstream fs;
std::string line;
if (file_name == "" || !boost::filesystem::exists (file_name))
return false;
// Open file in binary mode to avoid problem of
// std::getline() corrupting the result of ifstream::tellg() (file_name.c_str (), std::ios::binary);
if (!fs.is_open () || ())
fs.close ();
return false;
// Seek at the given offset
fs.seekg (offset, std::ios::beg);
// Read the header and fill it in with wonderful values
bool vertex_normal_found = false;
bool vertex_texture_found = false;
// Material library, skip for now!
// bool material_found = false;
std::vector<std::string> material_files;
std::size_t nr_point = 0;
std::vector<std::string> st;
while (!fs.eof ())
getline (fs, line);
// Ignore empty lines
if (line == "")
// Tokenize the line
std::stringstream sstream (line);
sstream.imbue (std::locale::classic ());
line = sstream.str ();
boost::trim (line);
boost::split (st, line, boost::is_any_of ("\t\r "), boost::token_compress_on);
// Ignore comments
if ( (0) == "#")
// Vertex
if ( (0) == "v")
// Vertex texture
if (( (0) == "vt") && !vertex_texture_found)
vertex_texture_found = true;
// Vertex normal
if (( (0) == "vn") && !vertex_normal_found)
vertex_normal_found = true;
// Material library, skip for now!
if ( (0) == "mtllib")
material_files.push_back ( (1));
catch (const char *exception)
fs.close ();
return false;
if (!nr_point)
fs.close ();
return false;
int field_offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i, field_offset += 4)
cloud.fields.push_back (pcl::PCLPointField ());
cloud.fields[i].offset = field_offset;
cloud.fields[i].datatype = pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32;
cloud.fields[i].count = 1;
cloud.fields[0].name = "x";
cloud.fields[1].name = "y";
cloud.fields[2].name = "z";
if (vertex_normal_found)
std::string normals_names[3] = { "normal_x", "normal_y", "normal_z" };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i, field_offset += 4)
cloud.fields.push_back (pcl::PCLPointField ());
pcl::PCLPointField& last = cloud.fields.back (); = normals_names[i];
last.offset = field_offset;
last.datatype = pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32;
last.count = 1;
if (material_files.size () > 0)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < material_files.size (); ++i)
pcl::MTLReader companion;
if ( (file_name, material_files[i]))
log_<<"Problem reading material file.";
companions_.push_back (companion);
cloud.point_step = field_offset;
cloud.width = nr_point;
cloud.height = 1;
cloud.row_step = cloud.point_step * cloud.width;
cloud.is_dense = true; (cloud.point_step * nr_point);
fs.close ();
return true;