
799 B

Steps to get OpenDroneMap running:

Run to build.


From a directory full of your images, run


From Meshlab 1.3.3:

* Open Project file, navigate to:
	* <project_location>/reconstruction-with-image-size-1200/bundle/bundle.out
* It will prompt for the image list file
	* <project_location>/reconstruction-with-image-size-1200/list.txt
* Control-L and delete "0 model"
* Import dense point cloud:
	* e.g. <project_location>/reconstruction-with-image-size-1200-results/option-0000.ply
	* (there may be multiple ply files)
* Make a mesh:
	* Filters:Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction:Surface Reconstruction Poisson
* Texture the mesh
	* Parameterization + texturing from registered rasters