kopia lustrzana https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/ODM
347 wiersze
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347 wiersze
17 KiB
import os
import shutil
import json
import yaml
from opendm import log
from opendm.osfm import OSFMContext, get_submodel_argv, get_submodel_paths, get_all_submodel_paths
from opendm import types
from opendm import io
from opendm import system
from opendm import orthophoto
from opendm.gcp import GCPFile
from opendm.dem import pdal, utils
from opendm.dem.merge import euclidean_merge_dems
from opensfm.large import metadataset
from opendm.cropper import Cropper
from opendm.concurrency import get_max_memory
from opendm.remote import LocalRemoteExecutor
from opendm.shots import merge_geojson_shots
from opendm import point_cloud
from opendm.utils import double_quote
from opendm.tiles.tiler import generate_dem_tiles
from opendm.cogeo import convert_to_cogeo
from opendm import multispectral
class ODMSplitStage(types.ODM_Stage):
def process(self, args, outputs):
tree = outputs['tree']
reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction']
photos = reconstruction.photos
outputs['large'] = False
should_split = len(photos) > args.split
if should_split:
# check for availability of either image_groups.txt (split-merge) or geotagged photos
image_groups_file = os.path.join(args.project_path, "image_groups.txt")
if 'split_image_groups_is_set' in args:
image_groups_file = os.path.abspath(args.split_image_groups)
if io.file_exists(image_groups_file) or reconstruction.has_geotagged_photos():
outputs['large'] = True
log.ODM_WARNING('Could not perform split-merge as GPS information in photos or image_groups.txt is missing.')
if outputs['large']:
# If we have a cluster address, we'll use a distributed workflow
local_workflow = not bool(args.sm_cluster)
octx = OSFMContext(tree.opensfm)
split_done_file = octx.path("split_done.txt")
if not io.file_exists(split_done_file) or self.rerun():
orig_max_concurrency = args.max_concurrency
if not local_workflow:
args.max_concurrency = max(1, args.max_concurrency - 1)
log.ODM_INFO("Setting max-concurrency to %s to better handle remote splits" % args.max_concurrency)
log.ODM_INFO("Large dataset detected (%s photos) and split set at %s. Preparing split merge." % (len(photos), args.split))
multiplier = (1.0 / len(reconstruction.multi_camera)) if reconstruction.multi_camera else 1.0
config = [
"submodels_relpath: " + os.path.join("..", "submodels", "opensfm"),
"submodel_relpath_template: " + os.path.join("..", "submodels", "submodel_%04d", "opensfm"),
"submodel_images_relpath_template: " + os.path.join("..", "submodels", "submodel_%04d", "images"),
"submodel_size: %s" % max(2, int(float(args.split) * multiplier)),
"submodel_overlap: %s" % args.split_overlap,
octx.setup(args, tree.dataset_raw, reconstruction=reconstruction, append_config=config, rerun=self.rerun())
octx.photos_to_metadata(photos, args.rolling_shutter, args.rolling_shutter_readout, self.rerun())
if local_workflow:
# Create submodels
if not io.dir_exists(tree.submodels_path) or self.rerun():
if io.dir_exists(tree.submodels_path):
log.ODM_WARNING("Removing existing submodels directory: %s" % tree.submodels_path)
log.ODM_WARNING("Submodels directory already exist at: %s" % tree.submodels_path)
# Find paths of all submodels
mds = metadataset.MetaDataSet(tree.opensfm)
submodel_paths = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in mds.get_submodel_paths()]
for sp in submodel_paths:
sp_octx = OSFMContext(sp)
submodel_images_dir = os.path.abspath(sp_octx.path("..", "images"))
# Copy filtered GCP file if needed
# One in OpenSfM's directory, one in the submodel project directory
if reconstruction.gcp and reconstruction.gcp.exists():
submodel_gcp_file = os.path.abspath(sp_octx.path("..", "gcp_list.txt"))
if reconstruction.gcp.make_filtered_copy(submodel_gcp_file, submodel_images_dir):
log.ODM_INFO("Copied filtered GCP file to %s" % submodel_gcp_file)
io.copy(submodel_gcp_file, os.path.abspath(sp_octx.path("gcp_list.txt")))
log.ODM_INFO("No GCP will be copied for %s, not enough images in the submodel are referenced by the GCP" % sp_octx.name())
# Copy GEO file if needed (one for each submodel project directory)
if tree.odm_geo_file is not None and os.path.isfile(tree.odm_geo_file):
geo_dst_path = os.path.abspath(sp_octx.path("..", "geo.txt"))
io.copy(tree.odm_geo_file, geo_dst_path)
log.ODM_INFO("Copied GEO file to %s" % geo_dst_path)
# If this is a multispectral dataset,
# we need to link the multispectral images
if reconstruction.multi_camera:
submodel_images = os.listdir(submodel_images_dir)
primary_band_name = multispectral.get_primary_band_name(reconstruction.multi_camera, args.primary_band)
_, p2s = multispectral.compute_band_maps(reconstruction.multi_camera, primary_band_name)
for filename in p2s:
if filename in submodel_images:
secondary_band_photos = p2s[filename]
for p in secondary_band_photos:
system.link_file(os.path.join(tree.dataset_raw, p.filename), submodel_images_dir)
# Reconstruct each submodel
log.ODM_INFO("Dataset has been split into %s submodels. Reconstructing each submodel..." % len(submodel_paths))
if local_workflow:
for sp in submodel_paths:
log.ODM_INFO("Reconstructing %s" % sp)
local_sp_octx = OSFMContext(sp)
local_sp_octx.reconstruct(args.rolling_shutter, not args.sfm_no_partial, self.rerun())
lre = LocalRemoteExecutor(args.sm_cluster, args.rolling_shutter, self.rerun())
lre.set_projects([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, "..")) for p in submodel_paths])
remove_paths = []
# Align
if not args.sm_no_align:
# Aligned reconstruction is in reconstruction.aligned.json
# We need to rename it to reconstruction.json
for sp in submodel_paths:
sp_octx = OSFMContext(sp)
aligned_recon = sp_octx.path('reconstruction.aligned.json')
unaligned_recon = sp_octx.path('reconstruction.unaligned.json')
main_recon = sp_octx.path('reconstruction.json')
if io.file_exists(main_recon) and io.file_exists(unaligned_recon) and not self.rerun():
log.ODM_INFO("Submodel %s has already been aligned." % sp_octx.name())
if not io.file_exists(aligned_recon):
log.ODM_WARNING("Submodel %s does not have an aligned reconstruction (%s). "
"This could mean that the submodel could not be reconstructed "
" (are there enough features to reconstruct it?). Skipping." % (sp_octx.name(), aligned_recon))
if io.file_exists(main_recon):
shutil.move(main_recon, unaligned_recon)
shutil.move(aligned_recon, main_recon)
log.ODM_INFO("%s is now %s" % (aligned_recon, main_recon))
# Remove invalid submodels
submodel_paths = [p for p in submodel_paths if not p in remove_paths]
# Run ODM toolchain for each submodel
if local_workflow:
for sp in submodel_paths:
sp_octx = OSFMContext(sp)
log.ODM_INFO("Processing %s" % sp_octx.name())
argv = get_submodel_argv(args, tree.submodels_path, sp_octx.name())
# Re-run the ODM toolchain on the submodel
system.run(" ".join(map(double_quote, map(str, argv))), env_vars=os.environ.copy())
lre.set_projects([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, "..")) for p in submodel_paths])
# Restore max_concurrency value
args.max_concurrency = orig_max_concurrency
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a split done file in: %s' % split_done_file)
log.ODM_INFO("Normal dataset, will process all at once.")
self.progress = 0.0
class ODMMergeStage(types.ODM_Stage):
def process(self, args, outputs):
tree = outputs['tree']
reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction']
if outputs['large']:
if not os.path.exists(tree.submodels_path):
raise system.ExitException("We reached the merge stage, but %s folder does not exist. Something must have gone wrong at an earlier stage. Check the log and fix possible problem before restarting?" % tree.submodels_path)
# Merge point clouds
if args.merge in ['all', 'pointcloud']:
if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz) or self.rerun():
all_point_clouds = get_submodel_paths(tree.submodels_path, "odm_georeferencing", "odm_georeferenced_model.laz")
point_cloud.merge(all_point_clouds, tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz, rerun=self.rerun())
point_cloud.post_point_cloud_steps(args, tree, self.rerun())
except Exception as e:
log.ODM_WARNING("Could not merge point cloud: %s (skipping)" % str(e))
log.ODM_WARNING("Found merged point cloud in %s" % tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz)
# Merge crop bounds
merged_bounds_file = os.path.join(tree.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferenced_model.bounds.gpkg')
if not io.file_exists(merged_bounds_file) or self.rerun():
all_bounds = get_submodel_paths(tree.submodels_path, 'odm_georeferencing', 'odm_georeferenced_model.bounds.gpkg')
log.ODM_INFO("Merging all crop bounds: %s" % all_bounds)
if len(all_bounds) > 0:
# Calculate a new crop area
# based on the convex hull of all crop areas of all submodels
# (without a buffer, otherwise we are double-cropping)
Cropper.merge_bounds(all_bounds, merged_bounds_file, 0)
log.ODM_WARNING("No bounds found for any submodel.")
# Merge orthophotos
if args.merge in ['all', 'orthophoto']:
if not io.dir_exists(tree.odm_orthophoto):
if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_orthophoto_tif) or self.rerun():
all_orthos_and_ortho_cuts = get_all_submodel_paths(tree.submodels_path,
os.path.join("odm_orthophoto", "odm_orthophoto_feathered.tif"),
os.path.join("odm_orthophoto", "odm_orthophoto_cut.tif"),
if len(all_orthos_and_ortho_cuts) > 1:
log.ODM_INFO("Found %s submodels with valid orthophotos and cutlines" % len(all_orthos_and_ortho_cuts))
# TODO: histogram matching via rasterio
# currently parts have different color tones
if io.file_exists(tree.odm_orthophoto_tif):
orthophoto_vars = orthophoto.get_orthophoto_vars(args)
orthophoto.merge(all_orthos_and_ortho_cuts, tree.odm_orthophoto_tif, orthophoto_vars)
orthophoto.post_orthophoto_steps(args, merged_bounds_file, tree.odm_orthophoto_tif, tree.orthophoto_tiles, args.orthophoto_resolution)
elif len(all_orthos_and_ortho_cuts) == 1:
# Simply copy
log.ODM_WARNING("A single orthophoto/cutline pair was found between all submodels.")
shutil.copyfile(all_orthos_and_ortho_cuts[0][0], tree.odm_orthophoto_tif)
log.ODM_WARNING("No orthophoto/cutline pairs were found in any of the submodels. No orthophoto will be generated.")
log.ODM_WARNING("Found merged orthophoto in %s" % tree.odm_orthophoto_tif)
# Merge DEMs
def merge_dems(dem_filename, human_name):
if not io.dir_exists(tree.path('odm_dem')):
dem_file = tree.path("odm_dem", dem_filename)
if not io.file_exists(dem_file) or self.rerun():
all_dems = get_submodel_paths(tree.submodels_path, "odm_dem", dem_filename)
log.ODM_INFO("Merging %ss" % human_name)
# Merge
dem_vars = utils.get_dem_vars(args)
eu_map_source = None # Default
# Use DSM's euclidean map for DTMs
# (requires the DSM to be computed)
if human_name == "DTM":
eu_map_source = "dsm"
euclidean_merge_dems(all_dems, dem_file, dem_vars, euclidean_map_source=eu_map_source)
if io.file_exists(dem_file):
# Crop
if args.crop > 0 or args.boundary:
Cropper.crop(merged_bounds_file, dem_file, dem_vars, keep_original=not args.optimize_disk_space)
log.ODM_INFO("Created %s" % dem_file)
if args.tiles:
generate_dem_tiles(dem_file, tree.path("%s_tiles" % human_name.lower()), args.max_concurrency, args.dem_resolution)
if args.cog:
convert_to_cogeo(dem_file, max_workers=args.max_concurrency)
log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot merge %s, %s was not created" % (human_name, dem_file))
log.ODM_WARNING("Found merged %s in %s" % (human_name, dem_filename))
if args.merge in ['all', 'dem'] and args.dsm:
merge_dems("dsm.tif", "DSM")
if args.merge in ['all', 'dem'] and args.dtm:
merge_dems("dtm.tif", "DTM")
# Merge reports
if not io.dir_exists(tree.odm_report):
geojson_shots = tree.path(tree.odm_report, "shots.geojson")
if not io.file_exists(geojson_shots) or self.rerun():
geojson_shots_files = get_submodel_paths(tree.submodels_path, "odm_report", "shots.geojson")
log.ODM_INFO("Merging %s shots.geojson files" % len(geojson_shots_files))
merge_geojson_shots(geojson_shots_files, geojson_shots)
log.ODM_WARNING("Found merged shots.geojson in %s" % tree.odm_report)
# Stop the pipeline short by skipping to the postprocess stage.
# Afterwards, we're done.
self.next_stage = self.last_stage()
log.ODM_INFO("Normal dataset, nothing to merge.")
self.progress = 0.0