
228 wiersze
7.8 KiB

import os
import rasterio
import warnings
import numpy as np
from .imagepacker.utils import AABB
from .imagepacker import pack
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=rasterio.errors.NotGeoreferencedWarning)
def load_obj(obj_path, _info=print):
if not os.path.isfile(obj_path):
raise IOError("Cannot open %s" % obj_path)
obj_base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(obj_path))
obj = {
'filename': os.path.basename(obj_path),
'root_dir': os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(obj_path)),
'mtl_filenames': [],
'materials': {},
uvs = []
faces = {}
current_material = "_"
with open(obj_path) as f:
_info("Loading %s" % obj_path)
for line in f:
if line.startswith("mtllib "):
# Materials
mtl_file = "".join(line.split()[1:]).strip()
obj['materials'].update(load_mtl(mtl_file, obj_base_path, _info=_info))
# elif line.startswith("v "):
# # Vertices
# vertices.append(list(map(float, line.split()[1:4])))
elif line.startswith("vt "):
# UVs
uvs.append(list(map(float, line.split()[1:3])))
# elif line.startswith("vn "):
# normals.append(list(map(float, line.split()[1:4])))
elif line.startswith("usemtl "):
mtl_name = "".join(line.split()[1:]).strip()
if not mtl_name in obj['materials']:
raise Exception("%s material is missing" % mtl_name)
current_material = mtl_name
elif line.startswith("f "):
if current_material not in faces:
faces[current_material] = []
a,b,c = line.split()[1:]
at = int(a.split("/")[1])
bt = int(b.split("/")[1])
ct = int(c.split("/")[1])
faces[current_material].append((at - 1, bt - 1, ct - 1))
obj['uvs'] = np.array(uvs, dtype=np.float32)
obj['faces'] = faces
return obj
def load_mtl(mtl_file, obj_base_path, _info=print):
mtl_file = os.path.join(obj_base_path, mtl_file)
if not os.path.isfile(mtl_file):
raise IOError("Cannot open %s" % mtl_file)
mats = {}
current_mtl = ""
with open(mtl_file) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("newmtl "):
current_mtl = "".join(line.split()[1:]).strip()
elif line.startswith("map_Kd ") and current_mtl:
map_kd_filename = "".join(line.split()[1:]).strip()
map_kd = os.path.join(obj_base_path, map_kd_filename)
if not os.path.isfile(map_kd):
raise IOError("Cannot open %s" % map_kd)
mats[current_mtl] = map_kd
return mats
def write_obj_changes(obj_file, mtl_file, uv_changes, single_mat, output_dir, _info=print):
with open(obj_file) as f:
obj_lines = f.readlines()
out_lines = []
uv_lines = []
current_material = None
printed_mtllib = False
printed_usemtl = False
_info("Transforming UV coordinates")
for line_idx, line in enumerate(obj_lines):
if line.startswith("mtllib"):
if not printed_mtllib:
out_lines.append("mtllib %s\n" % mtl_file)
printed_mtllib = True
out_lines.append("# \n")
elif line.startswith("usemtl"):
if not printed_usemtl:
out_lines.append("usemtl %s\n" % single_mat)
printed_usemtl = True
out_lines.append("# \n")
current_material = line[7:].strip()
elif line.startswith("vt"):
elif line.startswith("f"):
for v in line[2:].split():
parts = v.split("/")
if len(parts) >= 2 and parts[1]:
uv_idx = int(parts[1]) - 1 # uv indexes start from 1
uv_line_idx = uv_lines[uv_idx]
uv_line = obj_lines[uv_line_idx][3:]
uv = [float(uv.strip()) for uv in uv_line.split()]
if current_material and current_material in uv_changes:
changes = uv_changes[current_material]
uv[0] = uv[0] * changes["aspect"][0] + changes["offset"][0]
uv[1] = uv[1] * changes["aspect"][1] + changes["offset"][1]
out_lines[uv_line_idx] = "vt %s %s\n" % (uv[0], uv[1])
out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(obj_file))
_info("Writing %s" % out_file)
with open(out_file, 'w') as f:
def write_output_tex(img, profile, path, _info=print):
_, h, w = img.shape
profile['width'] = w
profile['height'] = h
_info("Writing %s (%sx%s pixels)" % (path, w, h))
with, 'w', **profile) as dst:
for b in range(1, img.shape[0] + 1):
dst.write(img[b - 1], b)
sidecar = path + '.aux.xml'
if os.path.isfile(sidecar):
def write_output_mtl(src_mtl, mat_file, dst_mtl):
with open(src_mtl, 'r') as src:
lines = src.readlines()
out = []
found_map = False
single_mat = None
for l in lines:
if l.startswith("newmtl"):
single_mat = "".join(l.split()[1:]).strip()
elif l.startswith("map_Kd"):
out.append("map_Kd %s\n" % mat_file)
with open(dst_mtl, 'w') as dst:
if single_mat is None:
raise Exception("Could not find material name in file")
return single_mat
def obj_pack(obj_file, output_dir=None, _info=print):
if not output_dir:
output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(obj_file)), "packed")
obj = load_obj(obj_file, _info=_info)
if not obj['mtl_filenames']:
raise Exception("No MTL files found, nothing to do")
if os.path.abspath(obj_file) == os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(obj_file))):
raise Exception("This will overwrite %s. Choose a different output directory" % obj_file)
if len(obj['mtl_filenames']) <= 1 and len(obj['materials']) <= 1:
raise Exception("File already has a single material, nothing to do")
# Compute AABB for UVs
_info("Computing texture bounds")
extents = {}
for material in obj['materials']:
bounds = AABB()
faces = obj['faces'][material]
for f in faces:
for uv_idx in f:
uv = obj['uvs'][uv_idx]
bounds.add(uv[0], uv[1])
extents[material] = bounds
_info("Binary packing...")
output_image, uv_changes, profile = pack(obj, extents=extents)
mtl_file = obj['mtl_filenames'][0]
mat_file = os.path.basename(obj['materials'][next(iter(obj['materials']))])
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
write_output_tex(output_image, profile, os.path.join(output_dir, mat_file), _info=_info)
single_mat = write_output_mtl(os.path.join(obj['root_dir'], mtl_file), mat_file, os.path.join(output_dir, mtl_file))
write_obj_changes(obj_file, mtl_file, uv_changes, single_mat, output_dir, _info=_info)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Packs textured .OBJ Wavefront files into a single materials")
parser.add_argument("obj", help="Path to the .OBJ file")
parser.add_argument("-o","--output-dir", help="Output directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
obj_pack(args.obj, args.output_dir)