
131 wiersze
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import ecto
from opendm import log
from opendm import io
from opendm import system
from opendm import context
class ODMOpenSfMCell(ecto.Cell):
def declare_params(self, params):
params.declare("use_exif_size", "The application arguments.", False)
params.declare("feature_process_size", "The application arguments.", False)
params.declare("feature_min_frames", "The application arguments.", 0)
params.declare("processes", "The application arguments.", 0)
params.declare("matching_gps_neighbors", "The application arguments.", 0)
def declare_io(self, params, inputs, outputs):
inputs.declare("project_path", "The directory to the images to load.", "")
inputs.declare("photos", "Clusters output. list of ODMPhoto's", [])
inputs.declare("reconstructions", "Clusters output. list of reconstructions", [])
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD OpenSfm Cell')
# get inputs
photos =
project_path = io.absolute_path_file(self.inputs.project_path)
# create file list directory
list_path = io.join_paths(project_path, 'opensfm')
# check if reconstruction was done before
file_list_path = io.join_paths(list_path, 'image_list.txt')
if io.file_exists(file_list_path):
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid reconstruction file')
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD OpenSfm Cell - Finished')
# create file list
with open(file_list_path, 'w') as fout:
for photo in photos:
fout.write('%s\n' % photo.path_file)
# create config file for OpenSfM
config = [
"use_exif_size: no",
"feature_process_size: %s" % self.params.feature_process_size,
"feature_min_frames: %s" % self.params.feature_min_frames,
"processes: %s" % self.params.processes,
"matching_gps_neighbors: %s" % self.params.matching_gps_neighbors
# write config file
config_filename = io.join_paths(project_path, 'config.yaml')
with open(config_filename, 'w') as fout:
# Run OpenSfM reconstruction'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/run_all %s' %
(context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, list_path))
# append reconstructions to output
self.outputs.reconstructions = []
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD OpenSfm Cell - Finished')
# # Convert back to bundler's format
# run('PYTHONPATH={} "{}/bin/export_bundler" opensfm'.format(PYOPENCV_PATH, OPENSFM_PATH))
# bundler_to_pmvs("opensfm/bundle_r000.out")
class ODMLoadReconstructionCell(ecto.Cell):
def declare_io(self, params, inputs, outputs):
inputs.declare("project_path", "The directory to the images to load.", "")
inputs.declare("photos", "Clusters output. list of ODMPhoto's", [])
outputs.declare("reconstructions", "Clusters output. list of reconstructions", [])
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD Load Reconstruction Cell')
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD Load Reconstruction Cell - Finished')
class ODMConvertToBundleCell(ecto.Cell):
def declare_io(self, params, inputs, outputs):
inputs.declare("project_path", "The directory to the images to load.", "")
inputs.declare("reconstructions", "The directory to the images to load.", "")
outputs.declare("bundler_file_path", "The directory to the images to load.", "")
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD Convert to Bundle Cell')
# get inputs
reconstructions = self.inputs.reconstructions
project_path = io.absolute_path_file(self.inputs.project_path)
# create file list directory
list_path = io.join_paths(project_path, 'opensfm')
bundler_path_file = io.join_paths(list_path, 'bundle_r000.out')
# Run OpenSfM reconstruction
#'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/export_bundler %s' %
# (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, list_path))'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/export_pmvs %s' %
(context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, list_path))
# appends created file to output
self.outputs.bundler_file_path = bundler_path_file
if io.file_exists(bundler_path_file):
log.ODM_DEBUG('Bundler file created to: %s' % bundler_path_file)
log.ODM_ERROR('Something went wrong when exporting to Bundler')
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD Convert to Bundle Cell - Finished')